study guide other helpful ducuents is on the attachment. note no answers you going to find it online.

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study guide other helpful ducuents is on the attachment. note no answers you going to find it online.

its allmultiple choice and fill in the blanks .

Explain how organisms that require a neutral environment survive and function despite metabolic activities that tend to shift pH toward either acidic or basic ends of the pH scale? Be specific

Explain how organisms that require a neutral environment survive and function despite metabolic activities that tend to shift pH toward either acidic or basic ends of the pH scale? Be specific



pH and the Scientific Method


Your book defines pH as the “measure of the relative acidity of a solution, ranging in value from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic). pH stands for potential hydrogen and refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions.” (G-12) Living organisms (e.g., plants, animals, bacteria) require careful control of their internal pH, since they are sensitive to even small changes in pH. Homeostasis is the maintenance, by living organisms, of stable surroundings; this includes pH, as well as temperature, osmolarity, and a number of other environmental variables.

1. Explain how organisms that require a neutral environment survive and function despite metabolic activities that tend to shift pH toward either acidic or basic ends of the pH scale? Be specific!

Scientific Method

You’ve read about the Scientific Method in our Unit 1 overview page and this unit’s lecture. The scientific method is used unconsciously by many people on a daily basis, for tasks such as cooking and budgeting. Understanding how to apply the scientific method to these seemingly non-scientific problems can be valuable in furthering one’s career and in making decisions. We talk about a hypothesis being used and tested, but a hypothesis is often confused with a prediction.

2. Explain what a hypothesis and a prediction are and how they are different.

3. Imagine that you notice that your neighbor’s lawn is lusher and greener than yours. You observe your neighbor for several units and it appears that he treats his lawn no different than you, except for the fact that he applies a fertilizer. Based on this observation, identify a testable hypothesis that explains your observation and provide at least one prediction based on your hypothesis.

The overall goal of these experiments is to investigate the expression of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in bacterial cell. In other words, indicating the insertion of GFP into the target lepA/EF-4 to create a functional fusion protein.

The overall goal of these experiments is to investigate the expression of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in bacterial cell. In other words, indicating the insertion of GFP into the target lepA/EF-4 to create a functional fusion protein.


-Intro/background: What GFP is? he jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) can be inserted into the middle of another protein to produce a functional, fluorescent fusion protein… Why GFP? GFP was the first intrinsically fluorescent protein discovered and the first shown to be useful as a fluorescent marker for analysis of cell structure and function… What lepA/EF-4 ? All living systems employ mRNA to convert genetic information (stored in nucleic acid polymers) into the functional forms of genes (expressed usually as polymers of amino acids). The process of converting mRNA into protein is known as protein synthesis, or translation; and it is one of the most highly conserved processes that living cells carry out. Protein synthesis requires ribosomes, many protein factors, and occurs in three stages; initiation, elongation, and termination… Initially the target plasmid (pPEM109) containing the lepA gene will be isolated and donor transposon DNA will be synthesized. After characterizing these pieces of DNA, they will be combined with Tn5 transposes. Also, include the a brief overview about what we did in lab taking this info from the material/method file below.

Use the references in the attachment can use additional reference if you want to…

Draw and describe the structure of a plant cell and animal cell. ii: Differentiate Mitosis and Meiosis, give one example for each type of cell division.

Draw and describe the structure of a plant cell and animal cell.

ii: Differentiate Mitosis and Meiosis, give one example for each type of cell division.

All sections carry equal marks. Answer all questions. Total marks: 10

A: i: Draw and describe the structure of a plant cell and animal cell.

ii: Differentiate Mitosis and Meiosis, give one example for each type of cell division.

B: i: Define and differentiate aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

ii: What is phage: draw and describe.

C: Choose the best answer:

1) An antibiotic kills 99.9% of a bacterial population. You would expect the next generation of bacteria to

A) be just as susceptible to that antibiotic as was the previous generation.

B) be more resistant to that antibiotic.

C) die out due to the drastic decrease in population size.

D) be more contagious than the prior generation.


2) Watching salt crystals form as ocean water evaporates, a student says, “Look—more and more crystals are appearing. The ocean water is alive!” Which statement is an accurate evaluation of the student’s remark?

A) The student is correct: Crystals are ordered structures and they are reproducing, so the ocean water is alive.

B) The student is correct because crystals are formed by processing energy from the sun to create new structures, so ocean water is alive.

C) The student is incorrect because the solution is processing energy from the sun rather than gaining energy from other organisms, so the ocean water is not alive.

D) The student is incorrect because all of the crystals reproduce the same kind of crystals with no variation to provide adaptation, so the ocean water is not alive.


3) The four most common elements in living organisms are

A) C, H, O, Fe.

B) C, H, O, Na.

C) C, H, O, N.

D) C, N, O, Na.


4) Typically, nitrogen atoms are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. An isotope of nitrogen could

A) be positively charged.

B) be negatively charged.

C) have more protons than the usual nitrogen atom.

D) have more neutrons than the usual nitrogen atom.


5) In plants, the process of photosynthesis produces glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. Which of the following options about photosynthesis is consistent with this statement?

A) All of the carbon atoms in glucose came from carbon dioxide.

B) More atoms are present at the beginning than at the end.

C) More carbon dioxide is released from the plant than is absorbed.

D) Water is synthesized by the plant from H2 and O2.


6) How will a lower ocean pH caused by ocean acidification affect coral reefs?

A) Coral reefs will grow faster because there are more carbonate ions available.

B) Coral reefs will grow slower because there are fewer carbonate ions available.

C) Coral reefs will grow faster because there are more bicarbonate ions available.

D) Coral reefs will grow slower because there are fewer bicarbonate ions available.


7) Glycolysis is the first step of cellular respiration, in which glucose is used to generate ATP to power the cell. The major chemical reaction that takes place in glycolysis (ignoring some other reactants and products) is the conversion of glucose (C6H12O6) to pyruvate (C3H4O3) and hydrogen ions (H+). Using this information, what is the correct equation for the glycolysis chemical reaction?

A) C6H12O6 → C3H4O3 + H+

B) C6H12O6 → 2 C3H4O3 + 2 H+

C) C6H12O6 → 2 C3H4O3 + H+

D) 2 C6H12O6 → C3H4O3 + 2 H+


8) Which of the following is a carboxyl group?

A) -C-O

B) -OH

C) -NH2



9) If you were to add olive oil to your food as part of a diet to lower your risk of heart disease, you would use olive oil that

A) is liquid at room temperature.

B) is hydrogenated.

C) is modified to be solid at room temperature.

D) has lard added to it.


10) How are these two amino acids attached?

A) amino group to amino group

B) amino group to carboxyl group

C) carboxylic acid group to carboxyl group

D) through a hydrolysis react

What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement? What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explained

What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement?
What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explained

Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions in a minimum of a 1000 words. Include two references other than the media talked about to support your work.

What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement?
What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explained

What did Frank mean by his statement above?

What did Frank mean by his statement above?

Topic 3 [article]: Earth will survive; we may not. Astrophysicist Adam Frank says that “pretending we can just extend the Holocene in perpetuity” is just a foolish excuse to put off making inevitable choices brought about by climate change.

(a) What did Frank mean by his statement above?
(b) Some biologists, particularly conservation biologists reacted negatively to this essay. What is your reaction to this essay?
(c) Share what you feel this teaches you about biology (the study of living organisms).
a year ago