What are the signs and symptoms of gonorrhea in a male and in a female?

What are the signs and symptoms of gonorrhea in a male and in a female?

Reproductive Disorders
Jane, aged 23 years, tested positive for gonorrhea a year ago. Her partner was also diagnosed with penicillinase producing N. gonorrhoeae, and was given antibiotics. However, on the same day, Jane was taken to the ER with severe abdominal pain and vomiting. Her cervical smear test revealed N. gonorrhoeaeas well as other bacteria.

What are the signs and symptoms of gonorrhea in a male and in a female?
How does gonorrhea lead to PID?
Is there any peritonitis involved?
Will Jane develop infertility?
What are drug-resistant bacteria?
Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original and free from plagiarism. Use correct medical terminology, spelling, and grammar.

This assignment is due tomorrow night at 11:59pm. If you can not follow instructions please do not accept bid.

In the video, the narrator says that we might think that since cells are so small, that they must be simple, but “nothing could be further from the truth.” What did he mean by that?

In the video, the narrator says that we might think that since cells are so small, that they must be simple, but “nothing could be further from the truth.” What did he mean by that?

posted 8 years ago (last edited 2 months ago)Anonymous Week 2 DiscussionCOLLAPSEOverall Rating:

“The Cell, Lokiarcharum, and the Chemicals of Life”

This week is all about the some of the smallest parts of life: atoms, molecules, and cells. For your primary post, please respond to one of the following two topics and address all questions. Also, reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1 : Introduction to the Cell. Watch the Khan Academy video “Introduction to the cell” (1)* and then address the following issues.

(a) In the video, the narrator says that we might think that since cells are so small, that they must be simple, but “nothing could be further from the truth.” What did he mean by that?
(b) Describe features that are only found in eukaryotic (but not prokaryotic) cells.
(c) Did anything in this video surprise you, or was it mainly a recap of material you already knew?
Topic 2 [article]: Lokiarchaeum. Read about Lokiarcheum in the article by Yong (2)* and/or the article by Zimmer (3)*. Both articles describe recently discovered evidence about a previously unknown organism. Then, address the following questions:

(a) Lokiarchaeum may be a “transitional form” between archaea and eukarya. What evidence suggests this?
(b) Describe one way that this relates to this week’s lesson.
Topic 3 : Chemicals of Life Video. (added on 1/8/2018) Watch Dr. Cox’s video on the “Chemicals of Life” (4)* in the “Instructor Insights” area of Week 2. Then, describe three things you learned from this video.

Note: To get credit for this topic, your post must be based on the video. Answers based on other materials will receive a grade of zero.

References (in Strayer Writing Standards format).

Khan Academy, November 29, 2017. Introduction to the cell, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KfHxF6Vhps
Ed Yong, May 6, 2015. New Loki microbe is closest relative to all complex life, http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2015/05/06/new-loki-microbe-is-closest-relative-to-all-complex-life/
Carl Zimmer, May 6, 2015, Under the sea, a missing link in the evolution of complex cells,http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/07/science/under-the-sea-a-missing-link-in-the-evolution-of-complex-cells.html?_r=0
James Cox, July 12, 2016, The Chemicals of Life (revised). Kaltura video found in Week 2 – Instructor Insights section.

What similarities and differences can be drawn between nonhuman and human primate social structures?

What similarities and differences can be drawn between nonhuman and human primate social structures?

Please answer the following questions and submit your responses to this link before the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted. Be sure you have thoroughly read the full instructions posted in the General Information section before you submit your homework.

Using the HbS allele to illustrate, describe why fitness levels are a function of the environment.
Define and contrast the two schools of taxonomy: evolutionary systematics and cladistics.
Discuss the factors that influence primate social structure. What similarities and differences can be drawn between nonhuman and human primate social structures?

4.What might happen if each shell contained more than the normal number of seeds and why?

4.What might happen if each shell contained more than the normal number of seeds and why?

In a lab titled “Natural Selection Within a Species,” we measured hte lengths of peanut shells and counted how many peanuts were in each shell and graphed them. 3. what might happen if each shell contained fewer than normal seeds and why? 4.What might happen if each shell contained more than the normal number of seeds and why?

What is its geographical range? In what type of ecosystem(s) does it live? In whic

What is its geographical range? In what type of ecosystem(s) does it live? In whic

Topic 7: Creature Ecology and Global Climate Change


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You must complete Part I and Part II

Part I Creature Ecology

In your main response answer at least two of the following questions about your chosen species

My species is the coconut crab

Choose any two

1) What is its geographical range? In what type of ecosystem(s) does it live? In which biome?

2) What does it eat and what eats it? Is this species a predator or prey, or both? Producer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, scavenger or something else?

3) Is this species important to humans? Economically? Ecologically? Emotionally? Explain.

4) Are there any concerns related to the population size of this species? Has the population increased or decreased over the past 100 years? Which factors impacts the size of its population?

5) How do you think this species may be affected by global climate change? Explain your answer.

Part II Global Climate Change

One of your friends make one of the following statements (#1-5). Use what you have learned in the OLI modules in addition to as at least one other information source to respond to one of them. Pick any one

1. “The last couple of winters have been so cold here in the US north east, global warming yeah right!”

2. “Meteorologists can’t even accurately predict the weather tomorrow, how can they predict that climate on earth will get warmer in the next few decades”

3. “There is no scientific consensus regarding human-caused global climate change. If scientists can’t even agree, why should we worry?”

4. “Climate on earth has been warming and cooling long before humans. The climate change we are seeing now is just a natural change and has nothing to do with human activities”

5. “Global climate change is caused by air pollutants that is damaging the ozone layer”

Explain in your own words how to determine the Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI) from a collection of bones.

Explain in your own words how to determine the Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI) from a collection of bones.
Explain how a sample of assorted skeletal remains from a large number of people from an ancient population, as was found at Sima de los Huesos, can provide more information about that ancient population than the remains of just one person, even if the remains of the one person are more complete.