Ultimately, a manager or supervisor within an organization should be responsible for team development. Inevitably, however, differences among team members will arise. Based on the team-building checklist attached, design a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates your understanding of how team-building activities can be utilized to diagnose and solve problems within a team. In addition, provide examples of how these problems can serve as detriments to team success. Also, outline the phases of the team-building cycle and how it can be used to develop activities to improve team performance. At least two additional resources should be used in addition to your textbook, and each should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting. The presentation should consist of a title slide, a minimum of nine slides of content, and a reference slide. 




Dyer, W. G., Jr., Dyer, J. H., & Dyer, W. G. (2013). Team building: Proven strategies for improving team performance (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


Case Study

X Bar and R Chat 

English Composition – Daisy Arabella

Writing Draft

To complete this assignment, first actively re-read your selected article using the analysis techniques mentioned in Module Two. Write new notes (and revise old ones) to help you uncover the deeper meaning of your selected article (do not assume that your initial reading was the correct reading until you compare your notes from Module One with your notes in this Module). After you have finished re-reading the article and writing down new (or revised) notes, you will then build onto your Writing Notes assignment from Module One and determine your strategy for writing your critical analysis essay.

This process will allow you to develop a potential structure for effectively communicating and supporting your claim in the critical analysis essay. Your claim will have three components—1) it will clearly state the author’s goal in his/her article, 2) it will identify your reaction to this goal (e.g., do you agree or disagree); and 3) it will explain why you had that reaction to the article (does the author meet his/her goal with the evidence that is presented, does the author ignore counterarguments to try to make his/her article stronger, etc.). The Writing Plan will also be helpful in keeping your thought process on track when you begin writing and revising your essay.

Keep in mind that you do not need to answer the questions in any specific order. Each response should be one fully developed paragraph in length (5-8 sentences).

“Me Talk Pretty One Day” By David Sedaris The link to the essay is below



I attached the writing notes that I submitted but I haven’t been graded on them yet.  I’m behind in the course and I’m trying to catch up.

Brilliant Answers

Brilliant answers

Kerion has a beaded necklace business. She can make 12 necklaces in 2 hours. How long will it take her…

Kerion has a beaded necklace business. She can make 12 necklaces in 2 hours. How long will it take her to make 9 necklaces?

it’s a Economic project

Attendance and Ticket Prices

Problem Statement

Demand, the relationship between prices and quantities purchased, is fundamental to all understanding of team revenues.  Here’s your chance to explore demand, in part.  The data you need are at the Sports Business Data Directory.


A. Using MLB ticket price and attendance data, produce an MSExcel spreadsheet for the year 2012 with the following columns:  team name, attendance, and ticket price.  Scale attendance in 100,000 for charting purposes (Round to Hundredths).  Sort the data by attendance in ascending order.  Produce a scatter chart with attendance on the x-axis and ticket prices on the y-axis.

B. Using MLB ticket price and attendance data, produce an MSExcel spreadsheet for the San Diego Padres, 2003-2012, with the following columns:  year, attendance, ticket price, and real ticket price.  You produce the “real ticket price” column using the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis “inflation calculator” to put prices in real terms ($2014).  Scale attendance in 100,000 for charting purposes.  Sort the data by attendance in ascending order.  Produce a scatter chart with attendance on the x-axis and the two ticket prices on the y-axis.

Hand In

Hard copy of all MSExcel files, tables, and charts created, plus a paragraph for each of the following questions:

1. In part A, do your results support or reject the theory of demand?  Explain.

2. In part B, do your results support or reject the theory of sports demand using ticket prices unadjusted for inflation?  Explain.

3. Do your results in Question 2 change if you use real ticket prices instead?  How?  Why?

4. For any of the questions, 1-3, what additional data would you need in order to pin down demand more precisely?

and I will send you the data information 

and My term name is Alanta