In order for me to accept your request you must include the first sentence of chapter 4 and of chapter 5 in your offer to prove you have already obtained the book. I will not accept any offer without these 2 sentences taken directly from the book

In order for me to accept your request you must include the first sentence of chapter 4 and of chapter 5 in your offer to prove you have already obtained the book. I will not accept any offer without these 2 sentences taken directly from the book

I need help with a project. They are a series of tests needing complete sentence answers. See attachment.

First off: DO NOT request to do this project if you cannot buy or obtain a digital copy of this book “The Missing Peace i Your Life! by Robert Williams”. You can buy the digital version directly from for $4.49.

PLUS: In order for me to accept your request you must include the first sentence of chapter 4 and of chapter 5 in your offer to prove you have already obtained the book. I will not accept any offer without these 2 sentences taken directly from the book.

All answers to these tests MUST be obtained from the book. Not from random websites.

Thank you for your kind assistance!

Did you find that the items grouped together as you worked down the flow chart had similar characteristics in terms of their appearance? What about function?

:Did you find that the items grouped together as you worked down the flow chart had similar characteristics in terms of their appearance? What about function?

On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 6 Answer Form electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed on your Course Schedule (under Syllabus).

To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual that is available in the WebTycho classroom (Reserved Reading or provided by your instructor) or at the eScience Labs Student Portal. Laboratory exercises on your CD may not be updated.

Save your Lab6AnswerForm in the following format: LastName_Lab6 (e.g., Smith_Lab6).

You should submit your document in a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) for best compatibility.

Experiment 1: Classification of Common Objects


Did you find that the items grouped together as you worked down the flow chart had similar characteristics in terms of their appearance? What about function?

Many of the grouped items had similar characteristics as well as function until you went further down the list of questions. For example, a pen and a pencil are both used for writing but when asked if the items contained permanent ink, you were then able to separate the two.

Do you feel that the questions asked were appropriate? What questions would you have asked? What objects would be grouped together with your system?

Some of the questions were fine but the first question was a bit difficult. I would not consider a hex nut cylindrical or round. I also was confused because a marble is not cylindrical or round but is spherical. In addition, some styles of pencils have many sides like a hex nut and a pen comes in many shapes and sizes as well. A hex nut does have a hole in the center but that question was asked later on. The first questions could have been written as: Are any of the objects spherical, cylindrical or round. A little less confusing and you can easily place most of these items quickly.

Pick 10 household items (e.g. spoon, book, paper clip, etc.) and design a taxonomic classification system to categorize them, similar to the one in Figure 2.

Can you devise a different classification system for the objects used in this experiment that would distinguish each in as many, or fewer steps?

Experiment 2: Classification of Organisms

Table 2: Key Characteristics of Some Organisms

OrganismKingdomDefined NucleusMobileCell WallPhotosynthesisUnicellular

E. coliBacteria✔✔






Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism? Why or why not?

What additional questions would you ask to further categorize the items within the kingdoms (hint: think about other organisms in the kingdom and what makes them different than the examples used here)?

Do you feel that the questions asked were appropriate? What questions would you have asked?

In corn, green leaf is dominant (L) and albino leaf is recessive (l). Cross 2 heterozygous corn plants. What would be the genotypic ratio of the first generation offspring?

2. In corn, green leaf is dominant (L) and albino leaf is recessive (l). Cross 2 heterozygous corn plants. What would be the genotypic ratio of the first generation offspring?

Legend: Parents:

Punnett Square:Answers:

How does Machiavelli view human nature? Does he believe people are essentially good and honest or bad and deceitful?

How does Machiavelli view human nature? Does he believe people are essentially good and honest or bad and deceitful? How does his view influence his advice? Give specific examples to support your answer.
What is Machiavelli’s position on whether it is better for a leader to be feared or loved? Why?
How does Machiavelli feel about the need to maintain armed forces and the use of war as an instrument of foreign policy?
Does Machiavelli still offer valuable advice or insight that present-day leaders can use or are his views no longer relevant in today’s world? Give examples.

Read then answer the questions above
The work of Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) is frequently cited as the inspiration for realist thinking in International Relations. Learn about Machiavelli’s life and times. Then read excerpts from his famous primer on ruling, The Prince. Read the condensed version of chapters 12-24 especially carefully. If you are interested, you can also read the longer version of the Prince.

One key criticism of global civil society is that it is not representative. What do critics mean when they suggest this? Do you agree or disagree with this claim? Why?

One key criticism of global civil society is that it is not representative. What do critics mean when they suggest this? Do you agree or disagree with this claim? Why?

1. Define Marxism and Capitalism 2. What are the similarities and differences between Marxism and Capitalism?

1. Define Marxism and Capitalism

2. What are the similarities and differences between Marxism and Capitalism? Be sure to explain Adam Smith and Karl Mark in their approaches to political theories. Please be specific!

*Include any sources you use

Your initial post should be at least 150 words. Respond to at least one other student with 20+ words.