1).According to Deming (2000), what is a system?

1).According to Deming (2000), what is a system?

2).What is Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge?

3).How can applying Deming’s view of theory help leaders and managers improve organizational performance?

600 words

What do we mean by governing by network? What is network governance?

What do we mean by governing by network? What is network governance? How are the concepts of intergovernmental relations and governing networks related? What are horizontal networks? Provide concrete examples.

Explain intersectionality Explain at least one social philosophy from the textbook. For instance, you might discuss utilitarianism, Rawls, Marx, Nozick, Du Bois, King, or Beauvoir. If the theory has a clear correlate, please discuss it as well. Illustrate your understanding of both the intersectional and traditional social justice approaches with examples.

Explain intersectionality
Explain at least one social philosophy from the textbook. For instance, you might discuss utilitarianism, Rawls, Marx, Nozick, Du Bois, King, or Beauvoir. If the theory has a clear correlate, please discuss it as well.
Illustrate your understanding of both the intersectional and traditional social justice approaches with examples.

“It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.” —Chief Justice John Marshall, in Marbury v. Madison, 1803 What has been the lasting significance of Marbury v. Madison, and how has the establishment of judicial review shaped the power of the Supreme Court in U.S. history?

“It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.”
—Chief Justice John Marshall, in Marbury v. Madison, 1803
What has been the lasting significance of Marbury v. Madison, and how has the establishment of judicial review shaped the power of the Supreme Court in U.S. history?
650 words

According to the text, information and values are two issues that every decision-making approach must tackle. What does this mean? Are these issues in conflict? In your opinion, are there any other important issues that should receive equal weight?

According to the text, information and values are two issues that every decision-making approach must tackle. What does this mean? Are these issues in conflict? In your opinion, are there any other important issues that should receive equal weight?

Define public policy. Identify and explain the purpose of the three branches of government. Discuss how each branch of government may influence public policy.

Define public policy.
Identify and explain the purpose of the three branches of government.
Discuss how each branch of government may influence public policy. Research an example from recent news (such as civil rights, health care, education, or others) and explain how each branch of government could influence the direction of that specific public policy.

Write a 3–4 page paper