Explain deontology and the role of the categorical imperative in determining one’s ethical duty.

Explain deontology and the role of the categorical imperative in determining one’s ethical duty.
Illustrate your understanding of this ethical theory with a concrete example of an ethical dilemma.
Discuss an ethical theory that would take a different approach

Describe the feedback mechanism involved in erythropoiesis. 2. Question: Describe the cardiac cycle (include conduction, contraction, heart sounds and EKG information).

1. Question: Describe the feedback mechanism involved in erythropoiesis.

2. Question: Describe the cardiac cycle (include conduction, contraction, heart sounds and EKG information).

3. Question: Describe the factors that increase blood pressure (negative feedback involved in blood pressure regulation).

4. Question: Describe the responses involved in non-specific immunity.

5. Question: Describe cell-mediated immunity (antigen presentation, antigen recognition, activation and cellular response). Include both CD8 and CD4 T cells.

6. Question: Describe antibody-mediated immunity (antigen presentation, antigen recognition, activation and cellular response).

7. Question: Describe the events, pressures and muscles involved in inhalation and exhalation.

8. Question: Describe how breathing is regulated through the negative feedback control of PCO2, PO2 and pH.


1. Question: Explain the difference between nonspecific and specific defense and the role of lymphocytes in each of the immune response.

2. Question: Identify the major components of the lymphatic system and explain their functions.

3. Question: List the body’s nonspecific defenses, and explain the function of two of them, also describe the components and mechanisms.

4. Question: Discuss the types of T cells and the role played by each in the immune response, and explain the mechanisms of their activation.

5. Question: Describe the mechanisms of B cell activation and the differentiation of plasma cells and memory B cells.

6. Question: Describe the structure of an antibody, and discuss the types and functions of antibodies in body fluids and secretions.

7. Question: Identify the organs forming the respiratory passageway(s) in descending order until the alveoli are reached. Distinguish between conducting and respiratory zone structures.

8. Question: List several physical factors that influence pulmonary ventilation and list the various lung volumes and capacities.

9. Question: Describe how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in the blood.

10. Question: Compare the causes and consequences of such conditions as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, COPD, ‘black lung,’ and lung cancer.

1) What is procedural due process? 2) What are the Constitutional origins of procedural due process?

1) What is procedural due process?

2) What are the Constitutional origins of procedural due process?

3) Summarize the key points of Goldberg v. Kelly, 397 U.S. 254 (1970).

4) Due process is required for deprivations of property. What is meant by “new property”. (Page 207)

5) Explain the due process implications from Cleveland Bd. of Education v. Loudermille, 470 U.S. 532 (1985) (see https://www.oyez.org/cases/1984/83-1362 (Links to an external site.) , and page 211 in the course text).

6) What is a “Loudermille hearing”? (This is not in the course text. You may reference any appropriate source).

7) Explain the due process holding in Mathews v. Eldridge, 424 319 (1976).

8) Does due process include the right to legal counsel?

9) Explain the due process right to an impartial decisionmaker.

10) Why is it important for an agency to prepare Findings & Conclusions when rendering a decision?

1) Specify some of the ways in which human resource management differs significantly in the public sector from the private sector?

1) Specify some of the ways in which human resource management differs significantly in the public sector from the private sector?

2) Specify some of the ways in which all public managers are involved in the areas human resource management?

3) In recent times, organizations have been devoting an increasing amount of the organization’s resources toward human resources. This is particularly true in areas such as technical and social training, dispute resolution, and the like. Why do you think this is?

4) What are some of the ways that human resource managers operating in local government agencies (i.e. municipal, county, school districts, and so forth) are addressing the skills shortages caused by massive generational retirements in the public sector?



Can you think of some disadvantages of eating insects? Do a bit of research to verify your claim either way. Briefly present your evidence in support of your answer. Are spiders insects?

Can you think of some disadvantages of eating insects? Do a bit of research to verify your claim either way. Briefly present your evidence in support of your answer.
Are spiders insects?

Watch the BBC documentary, “Can Eating Insects Save the World?” (59 min).

Copy the questions below and answer them in the text box. You can also copy and paste from the file provided.
THIS IS A WRITING ASSIGNMENT so take care in preparing your responses. There should be at least 5 paragraphs and 350-500 words in total.
List and discuss the health benefits of eating insects.
List and discuss the benefit(s) to the environment.
List and discuss the impact(s) on the planet and the human population.
Can you think of some disadvantages of eating insects? Do a bit of research to verify your claim either way. Briefly present your evidence in support of your answer.
Are spiders insects? Explain.

1. Briefly describe the relative perspective on psychopathology and the universalist perspective on psychopathology. Which perspective most closely matches your own?

1. Briefly describe the relative perspective on psychopathology and the universalist perspective on psychopathology. Which perspective most closely matches your own? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your choice.

2. Briefly describe each of the following types of bias and provide one (1) original example of each.

a. Self-centered bias

b. Unassuming bias

c. Group-serving bias

3. Provide two (2) original examples of instances in which conformity would be an effective behavioral response. Explain why, providing two (2) supporting facts.