What are the three major species of Staphylococcus? Why one of them is more pathogenic compared to the other two species? Which factor determines the pathogenesis of the organisms?

What are the three major species of Staphylococcus? Why one of them is more pathogenic compared to the other two species? Which factor determines the pathogenesis of the organisms?
What substance is called the “spreading factor?” How does the “spreading factor” aid an organism in its quest to penetrate the host cell?
APA citiation required

Compare the amino acids that were formed in this experiment with those of classmates who also performed this experiment. Were there many similarities?

Compare the amino acids that were formed in this experiment with those of classmates who also performed this experiment. Were there many similarities?

1. Complete the DNA molecule by writing a complementary strand.

Coding Strand: CGT CTC TTC GGA CAC Complementary Strand:
2. Write the mRNA sequence that will be created in the process of transcription. The DNA coding strand has the information for the gene, so the strand must be transcribed. The relationships are slightly different for RNA, because RNA does not have T; therefore, U should be substituted for T. To transcribe DNA to RNA, the pairing relationship is A – U, T – A, C – G, and G – C, respectively.

Coding Strand: CGT CTC TTC GGA CAC

mRNA Strand:

3. Translate the mRNA into amino acids. Use Table 1 as a reference. Remember, when a “stop”
codon is recognized, the protein creation is terminated.

mRNA Strand:
Amino Acids Formed:


A. How many nucleotides would it take to construct the mRNA coding strand of the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?
B. How many nucleotides would it take to model the entire β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?
C. Is the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule a complete DNA molecule (chromosome) or part of one? Explain.
D. What would happen if one of the DNA nucleotides was deleted? What if the first T was substituted for an A? Would a substitution always result in a change? Explain why or why not.
E. Using your newly formed model of DNA from Exercise 1, write the coding strand below. Use the coding strand to determine the mRNA strand and the amino acids formed. Do this separately for Row 1 and Row 2 of your DNA model.

Data Table: Newly Formed Model of DNA from Exercise 1
Coding Strand
mRNA Strand
Amino Acids Formed
F. Did the new DNA model form any two of the same amino acids?
G. Optional: Compare the amino acids that were formed in this experiment with those of classmates who also performed this experiment. Were there many similarities?

To complete the lab you will need to submit the worksheet, quiz summary and 3 tables. The lab is located at

To complete the lab you will need to submit the worksheet, quiz summary and 3 tables. The lab is located at

his word document has some helpful hints to complete the following lab. As you are completing the lab you will have three tables you will need to save/print to submit.

To complete the lab you will need to submit the worksheet, quiz summary and 3 tables. The lab is located at http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/transgenic-fly-virtual-lab.
You need have 5 things to submit: 1) Pre-lab worksheet, 2,3,4) 3 tables 5) lab status and quiz summary.

What physiological factors would typically increase Joseph’s risk of falling while walking outdoors?

What physiological factors would typically increase Joseph’s risk of falling while walking outdoors?

Unit 5 Assignment
At least 5 pages or more

MN551: Develop cooperative relationships with clients when teaching concepts concerning pathological states to individuals and families

Select one of the case studies below, and include discussion of your strategy for winning the patients cooperation while teaching concepts concerning pathological states to them and their families.


Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.
Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks or evidenced-based websites to support the content.
All sources must be within five years.
Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.

Case Study 1

Concepts of Altered Health in Older Adults

Joseph P. is an 82-year-old male living at home. He is in overall good health and enjoys taking long walks as often as possible. During his walks, he likes to stop for a cold glass of fruit juice at the local cafeteria. On cold or rainy days, he rides a stationary bicycle at home for 30 minutes to “stay in good shape.”

What physiological factors would typically increase Joseph’s risk of falling while walking outdoors?
What are the common changes in blood pressure regulation that occurs with aging?
Joseph enjoys fruit juice when he walks. Considering the renal system in the older adult, why would dehydration be a particular concern?
Case Study 2

Structure and Function of the Kidney

Rivka is an active 21-year-old who decided to take a day off from her university classes. The weather was hot and the sun bright, so she decided to go down to the beach. When she arrived, she found a few people playing beach volleyball, and they asked if she wanted to join in. She put down her school bag and began to play. The others were well prepared for their day out and stopped throughout the game to have their power drinks and soda pop. Several hours after they began to play, however, Rivka was not feeling so good. She stopped sweating and was feeling dizzy. One player noted she had not taken a washroom break at all during the day. They found a shaded area for her, and one of the players shared his power drink with her. Rivka was thirstier than she realized and quickly finished the drink.

In pronounced dehydration, hypotension can occur. How would this affect the glomerular filtration rate of the kidney? What actions by the juxtaglomerular apparatus would occur to restore GFR?
What is the effect aldosterone has on the distal convoluted tubule? Why would the actions of aldosterone be useful to Rivka in her situation?
What does a specific gravity test measure? If someone tested the specific gravity of Rivka’s urine, what might it indicate?
Case Study 3

Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

Amanda is an 18-year-old with anorexia nervosa. She was recently admitted to an eating disorders clinic with a BMI of 13.9, and although she was a voluntary patient, she was reluctant about the treatment. She was convinced she was overweight because her clothes felt tight on her. She complained that even her hands and feet “were fat.” One of her nurses explained that a protein in her blood was low. The nurse further explained that, as difficult as it may be to believe, eating a normal healthy diet would make the “fat hands and feet” go away.

What protein do you suspect the nurse was referring to? How would a deficiency in this protein contribute to edema?
What is the difference between the physiology of pitting and nonpitting edema?
Because of her weakened condition, Amanda was moved around the ward in a wheelchair when she was not on bed rest. How does this affect her edematous tissues?
Case Study 4

Disorders of Acid–Base Balance

Shauna is a healthy, fit 28-year-old who decided to go on a 2-week tour of Mexico for young singles. One hot afternoon in a small market community, she grabbed some fruit juice from a street vendor. Several hours later, she developed abdominal cramping and diarrhea. The diarrhea became so severe that she missed 3 days of the tour and stayed in her hotel room. By the end of her illness, she felt weak and tired. Her head ached, but the mild fever had disappeared, and she was able to join her new friends for the rest of the tour.

What is the acid–base imbalance Shauna might have experienced and its etiology?
What are the functions and importance of the bicarbonate buffer system in the body?
Case Study 5

Disorders of Renal Function

Fred, a fit and healthy 44-year-old, was working outside one warm summer afternoon. When he returned home by the end of the day, his lower back felt sore and he felt nauseated. His wife made him dinner, but he was not hungry and chose to go to bed instead. Fred’s symptoms progressed, and soon he was rolling on the bed with excruciating pain. He said his back hurt as well as his stomach and groin area. The pain would ease off only to return a short while later, and when it did, Fred would begin to sweat and run to the bathroom to vomit. His wife became concerned and started the car. When his symptoms abated, she helped him into the car and rushed him to the hospital.

At the hospital, an abdominal radiograph showed the presence of renal calculi in Fred’s right ureter (urolithiasis). What is the mechanism of stone formation in the kidney? What is the role of citrate in the kidneys?
Why would the administration of calcium supplements be useful for a patient with calcium oxalate stones?
Hydronephrosis can be a complication of renal calculi. What is hydronephrosis? How does back pressure occur in a kidney, and what physiological mechanism is responsible for nephron damage when back pressure is present?
Case Study 6

Acute Renal Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease

Will is a 68-year-old male with a history of hypertension. Eight months ago, he started regular dialysis therapy for ESRD. Before that, his physician was closely monitoring his condition because he had polyuria and nocturia. Soon it became difficult to manage his hypertension. He also lost his appetite, became weak, easily fatigued, and had edema around his ankles. Will debated with his physician about starting dialysis, but she insisted, before the signs and symptoms of uremia increased, the treatment was absolutely necessary.

What is the difference between azotemia and uremia?
Two years ago, Will’s physician told him to decrease his protein intake. In spite of what the physician ordered, Will could not stop having chicken, beef, pork, or eggs at least once a day. Why did his physician warn him about his diet?
Will’s feelings of weakness and fatigue are symptoms of anemia. Why is he anemic?
Knowing what you do about Will’s history, why is left ventricular dysfunction a concern for his physician?
Case Study 7

Disorders of the Bladder and Lower Urinary Tract

Alvita is a frail 89-year-old woman residing in a nursing home. She is able to move slowly around the residence with the use of a walker, but appreciates when her daughter is there to hold her arm and walk alongside her. When one of the health care staff changes Alvita, her daughter helps. Alvita’s incontinence has progressed, particularly over the last six years since she has resided in the nursing home. Alvita can smile at her lack of bladder control, however, and says that her incontinence really began when she was a young woman, just after the birth of her second daughter.

Alvita’s mobility is limited. How does this affect continence in the elderly?
Shortly after the birth of her second daughter, Alvita experienced mild incontinence, particularly after laughing or coughing. What was she experiencing? What is the pathophysiology behind this type of incontinence?
Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

· be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);

· consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and

· utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

· Your writing Assignment should:

· follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

· be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

· display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

· use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.

Unit 5 Assignment Instructions

To see your assignment instructions and grading rubric, go to Course Home / Grading Rubrics.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
Your writing Assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.

Jane helped him reach medical aid, and he survived. Which of the following mechanisms was (were) activated to help keep Dick alive?

Jane helped him reach medical aid, and he survived. Which of the following mechanisms was (were) activated to help keep Dick alive?
question 2

200-250 words, reference, original work

2. While Dick and Jane were backpacking on a trail in Yellowstone Park, they encountered a grizzly bear cub that seemed amazingly tame. However, while Dick tried to feed the cub, its mother appeared and attacked him. Jane escaped by climbing a tree, but Dick received several deep lacerations (cuts) and lost a lot of blood over the next several
hours. Jane helped him reach medical aid, and he survived. Which of the following mechanisms was (were) activated to help keep Dick alive? Explain your choice.
(1) baroreceptor mechanism
(2) CNS ischemic response
(3) renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism
(4) fluid shift mechanism
(5) antidiuretic hormone mechanism
(6) adrenal medullary response
a. 1,2,3,4,5,6
b. 1,3,4,5,6
c. 1,6
d. 1,4,6
e. 1

Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the scientific method?

Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the scientific method?

The written take home final examination represents the final assessment for this class. You will have 48 hours from the time that this exam is made available to complete and submit your time final exam. Failure to submit the timed final exam document within the time period will result in your exam not being accepted. Use of your, notes, or other resources is strongly discouraged.

1) List and briefly explain the four steps in the scientific method.

2) Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the scientific method?



experiment, observation, hypothesis, conclusion



observation, experiment, hypothesis, conclusion



hypothesis, experiment, observation, conclusion



observation, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion


3) The two most important organelles in forensic DNA analysis are the _________________ and __________________________.

4) The DNA laboratory genotypes three suspects DNA extracted from blood, and DNA extracted from hair roots found at the scene. When the technician draws a conclusion based on the genotyping results, the forensic term for this test or process is called _____________.

5) An experiment is designed to test an hypothesis.








6) Due to television shows jurors are expecting to see perfect fingerprints and analyzable DNA on guns and other evidence. The absence of which has led jurors to exonerate otherwise guilty suspects. This is known as the ____ effect.

7) ___________________ is only inherited through the maternal lineage.

8) ______________________ is only inherited through the paternal lineage.

9) ________________________ is inherited through paternal and maternal lineages.

10) A mother is claiming that the only brother of her best friend is the father of her child. The brother is serving at a remote location in the easternmost reaches of Turkey. At the behest of his sister, the brother voluntarily provides DNA for a paternity test. Which of the following are the possible results and conclusions of the tests?



Since one-half of the alleles from the brother and child matched, then it is highly likely that the father is the brother.



Since none of the alleles from the brother matched, then it is highly unlikely that the father is the brother.



Since one-half the alleles did not match, it cannot be ruled out that the father is the brother.



Since only a few alleles match those of the child, it can be ruled out that the best friend is not the father.



11) How many permanent teeth are typically found in a human mouth?














12) Measurements made on this bone, provide an accurate method of estimating the stature from skeletal remains














13) Given that the offspring of human parents has the dominant phenotype freckles and cleft chin, the parents gametes could be…



homozygous dominant for both genes in father; heterozygous dominant for both genes in mother.



heterozygous dominant for both genes in father and mother



homozygous dominant for both genes in father, homozygous recessive genes in mother



homozyogous recessive in Freckle gene and homozygous dominant in cleft gene in mother and father.



14) In a Punnett square, the letters that line the outside of the box represent…



offspring genotypes



parental genotypes






offspring phenotypes


15) If all thousand offspring of a cross have the genotype Aa, the parents of the cross are most likely…



AA x aa



Aa x Aa



Aa x aa



AA x Aa


16) If the first child of a couple was without dimples, an recessive trait, what is the chance that the second child will be born without dimples?

A) 100%

B) 25%

C) 50%

D) Cannot be determined from the phenotype of the child


17) If a gamete with genotype Aa fertilized another gamete with genotype aa, the offspring genotype could be…














18) What is the phenotype ratio for a cross between Aa and Aa














19) What is the genotype ratio of a Aa x Aa cross?














20) Which of the following parts of a human cell contain information useful to a forensic investigator?






Golgi body






Cell membrane



Nuclear membrane


21) In a population of 100 individuals, the genotype frequency of allele 17.1 is .25, then ____ individuals have this allele.

22) DNA is a(n)














23) Which of the following base pairs is incorrect?














24) PCR is a technique that…



molecularly xeroxes DNA.



requires primers and enzymes to amplify DNA.



can amplify many different DNA sequences all at the same time.



is described by all of the above answers.


25) Given the following DNA sequence: 5′-CAGTCA-3′, the complementary strand is_________

26) Which of the following is a use of forensic entomology?



Obtaining human DNA from the victim’s flesh digested by the insect.



Determining the cause of death.



Calculating the PMI.



Determining the quantity of ingested toxins and drugs from the analysis of insect body parts.


27: Which of the following insects are most likely found during the first stages of decomposition?



Blow Flies



Dermestid beetles



Coffin Fly





28) The technical term for an insect laying eggs is _______ and the technical term for an insect laying larva is _______.

29) A reddish fluid is found on a floor of a suspect’s house. As a CSI, you desire to make a preliminary determination of the substance. You will likely perform a ____________ test for __________.

30) The element _____ is found in hemoglobin and it is what is detected in several ___________ blood tests

31) Briefly describe the three steps used in PCR?

32) Which of the following is not a characteristic of rigor mortis?



Upon death, the loss of calcium transport in muscle cells, muscle cells continually contract.



Rigor Mortis first starts with small muscles in the face and these muscles are the last to relax after several days.



The rate of rigor mortis is independent upon the victim’s activity and the victim’s age.



Rigor mortis in and of itself cannot always be a reliable predictor of time since death.


33) Which of the following bones are not used for sex estimation in adults:














34) Which of the following is incorrectly matched?



oviposits: egg layer



instars: growth stage



larvaposit: pupae layer



nymph: wingless version of an adult insect


35) Hemoglobin contains a _____________ group that binds oxygen.

36) True/False: DNA is single stranded and RNA is double stranded.

37) ________________ cells contain a nucleus.

38) Humans have ________ pairs of chromosomes.

39) The expression of a gene is called the gene’s ____________________.

40) A validation procedure must be ___________________, ___________________, and ____________________.

41) The peroxidase activity of heme groups catalyzes the oxidation of ­­­­­___________________ to ____________________ in the Kastle-Myer presumptive test for blood.

42) A person who has no sperm cells would be classified as being ____________________.

43) The odor in feces is caused by the decomposition products ____________ and _________________.

44) Most animals have three major pairs of salivary glands that differ in the type of secretion they produce called the __________________, _______________________, and ____________________ glands.

45) True/False: Amy2 is the “Salivary Locus” responsible for amylase detected in saliva, sweat, nasal secretions, breast milk and Amy1 is the “Pancreatic Locus” – responsible for amylase detected in semen, blood, urine, feces, and vaginal fluid

46) True/False: Beta Amylase is the type of amylase that is found in plants.

47) True/False: Fingerprints are developed during the early stages of fetal development

48) _______________ fingerprints are composed of the sweat and oils of the body that are transferred from the ridge pattern to some substrate where they persist for some time until found by one of numerous visualizing techniques.

49) The types of manners of death are __________________, ___________________, ___________________, and _____________________.

51) _________________ is the stiffening of the body after death due to the membranes of muscle cells becoming more permeable to calcium ions.

52) Save file with your name in the file extension.