1. Analyze the SIX formal powers of the institution of the Presidency and show how he should use them in his role of President in every day circumstances.

1. Analyze the SIX formal powers of the institution of the Presidency and show how he should use them in his role of President in every day circumstances.

1. What are the SIX formal powers of the President?

2. List all six powers (1-6) in that order.

3. For each of the SIX formal powers, identify and write ONE example of how that power is exercised by the current President.

Word Count: 250 words MAX. Show Word Count.

Why is organizational behavior important in health care today? Provide an example.

Why is organizational behavior important in health care today? Provide an example.
What has been your experience with organizational behavior?

Write a 175- to 265-word response

What are the challenges and barriers for adults completing their degree?

What are the challenges and barriers for adults completing their degree? Outline and Reference list attached You may use those 3 sources and ad 2 more of you may use 5 new sources

Write a short (3-5 pages) research paper written in APA 6thor 7th edition.

Why would a state comply with the law of armed conflict?

Why would a state comply with the law of armed conflict?

Write an argumentative essay of no less than 1500 words (approximately 6-8 typewritten double-spaced pages)

In what way is the social contract an attempt to solve problems that Rousseau identifies in the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality?

In what way is the social contract an attempt to solve problems that Rousseau identifies in the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality? To what extent do you think this attempt is successful?

1. What are some of the biggest benefits of a globalized economy? What are some of the biggest problems?

1. What are some of the biggest benefits of a globalized economy? What are some of the biggest problems?

2. Choose two of the international political economy (IPE) theories discussed in the lesson and compare/contrast how each views the relationship between economic interdependence and peace.