Presidents play many roles. Using a news article from the last eight weeks, demonstrate which is most important and why.

Presidents play many roles. Using a news article from the last eight weeks, demonstrate which is most important and why.

How do the powers assigned to Congress in Article 1 of the Constitution help and/or hinder its efforts in responding to a national emergency, such as COVID-19?

How do the powers assigned to Congress in Article 1 of the Constitution help and/or hinder its efforts in responding to a national emergency, such as COVID-19?

Please be sure to use the book, the Constitution, and the recent news in your answer/response.

As a junior congress person you have been asked to help promote a bill to allow casino gambling in your state. There is much opposition to this bill. Using distributive bargaining, discuss the pros and cons which might arise toward the passing or defeating of this bill.

As a junior congress person you have been asked to help promote a bill to allow casino gambling in your state. There is much opposition to this bill. Using distributive bargaining, discuss the pros and cons which might arise toward the passing or defeating of this bill. (Use peer reviewed arrticles)

A 350 word response must be posted to the discussion forum.

Discuss 2 historical Supreme Court cases. This historical case-law can be related to: search and seizure, stop and frisk, searches for evidence, or police interrogation and confessions.

Discuss 2 historical Supreme Court cases. This historical case-law can be related to: search and seizure, stop and frisk, searches for evidence, or police interrogation and confessions. Provide an in-depth discussion of the findings of each article. With respect to the specific case law you have analyzed, defend constitutional democracy and the issues raised in case-law from a Christian worldview. 4- 7 page in APA format with attached pdf’s

Would you agree that your parents have socialized you in terms of your political beliefs? And, if so, are you still influenced by your parents’ political socialization or has something else been more influential in politically socializing you?

Would you agree that your parents have socialized you in terms of your political beliefs? And, if so, are you still influenced by your parents’ political socialization or has something else been more influential in politically socializing you?

Analyze and critique the theory and practice of the politics and governments of the United States and California.

Analyze and critique the theory and practice of the politics and governments of the United States and California. Use two tools of analysis for a better understanding of the Constitution. Choose a Clause or Amendment and analyze it in a full essay.

Background, history, /important events regarding the clause or amendment. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the amendment with an example or two. Then describe how the amendment is relevant (or irrelevant) today. Include an opening sentence that grabs attention.