Aristotle begins his analysis of politics from the empirical moment of now, a particular historical contingency of a people. This leads him to an appreciation of the best regime possible. Given his account of man as a political animal, how does he argue that the mixed polity is the best regime possible?

Aristotle begins his analysis of politics from the empirical moment of now, a particular historical contingency of a people. This leads him to an appreciation of the best regime possible. Given his account of man as a political animal, how does he argue that the mixed polity is the best regime possible? Moreover, how does Aristotle’s account of speech as essential to realizing a political partnership allow him to appreciate the many, the plurality of people?

In his March 2019 essay, “A Swamp Divided,” Ryan Lizza explains how the Washington D.C. social life has really changed in the wake of the 2016 Election. What is different today and why?

In his March 2019 essay, “A Swamp Divided,” Ryan Lizza explains how the Washington D.C. social life has really changed in the wake of the 2016 Election. What is different today and why? Where have officials in the current administration found political refuge? What have these new social conditions produced? Lastly, in your opinion, do you think targeting officials outside of their offices is socially acceptable? Why or why not?

Pick one developing country. Examine this country’s political history and current barriers in developing their democracy. Create a concise argument on the type of democracy they should institute and why.

Pick one developing country. Examine this country’s political history and current barriers in developing their democracy. Create a concise argument on the type of democracy they should institute and why.

Use the following list to select your developing country: (Links to an external site.)

What are Germany and Japan doing differently in their energy and climate policies, compared with the US, and how has this affected their mix of energy sources used?

What are Germany and Japan doing differently in their energy and climate policies, compared with the US, and how has this affected their mix of energy sources used?
Do you believe Germany and Japan should be working toward a common objective of energy transition away from fossil fuels? Why or why not?

Discuss whether or not the Constitution gives the president enough or not enough authority to effective lead the nation.

Discuss whether or not the Constitution gives the president enough or not enough authority to effective lead the nation.

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In retrospect it seems obvious, but exactly how and why did Eastern European countries come to depend on Russian oil and natural gas after World War II?

In retrospect it seems obvious, but exactly how and why did Eastern European countries come to depend on Russian oil and natural gas after World War II?
Why did the Western Europeans reach energy accords with the Russians in the 1970s and early 1980s, building large-scale natural gas import infrastructures and increasing their dependence on Russian gas?