Based on what you know about phenotypes and Figure 2, for the P generation, what is the corn plant genotype on each cob containing the P corn kernels? One is completely dominant, so its genotype is One is completely recessive, so its genotype is

Based on what you know about phenotypes and Figure 2, for the P generation, what is the corn plant genotype on each cob containing the P corn kernels? One is completely dominant, so its genotype is
One is completely recessive, so its genotype is



Thisdocumentisnotmeanttobeasubstitute foraformallaboratoryreport.TheLabReport Assistantissimplyasummaryoftheexperiment’squestions,diagramsifneeded,anddatatables thatshouldbeaddressedinaformallabreport.Theintentistofacilitatestudents’writingoflab reports by providing this informationin an editable filewhich can be sent to an instructor.

Data Table 1: PunnettSquare for F1 Cross – Expected GeneticOutcomes

F1Parent, genes: (student to fillin the blanks)

alleles >

alleles v

F1 Parent, genes:__________(student fillin blank)

Data Table 2: Results of F1 Cross

Observed Phenotypes of F2Progeny

# green plants =

# white plants =

Total # plants

Petri Dish 1 >

Petri Dish 2 >


Data Table 3: Dihybrid Cross in Corn – Results of P Cross

P = purple, p = yellow

S = smooth, s = wrinkled

(student to fillin all blanks )


Expected Alleles

Expected Alleles

P >

dominant x recessive


F1 Progeny >

Frequency >

Data Table 3A: PunnettSquare for F1 Dihybrid Cross

Expected Genotypic Outcomes

(student to fillin)

Parent 1 F1– can produce these gametes: (student to fillin)

Parent2F1 –canproduce these gametes:



genotype and phenotype.Student to fillin.

Data Table 4: Dihybrid Cross in Corn – Results of F1 Cross in F2 Progeny

Phenotype of


(What they look like – word description)

Genetic Designations possible for this Phenotype

e.g., PPSS

Predicted Allelic


(Expected Ratio)

Number of this Phenotype Total Counted:

100 (Observed Number)

Actual Allelic




e.g., Yellow, wrinkled


* Actual Allelic Frequency (Observed Ratio)

= Number of this PhenotypeTotal Counted ¸ 100 kernels total counted

Data Table 5: Χ2Goodness of Fit Test for F Phenotypic Results from F Corn Cross

2 1



of F2Progeny from Table 4

Observed Number from Table 4

Observed Ratio from Table 4

Expected Ratio from Table 4

* Expected Number, calculated

** [Observed No. – Exp. No.]2

÷ Expected No.

e.g., Yellow, wrinkled

Σ Sum of column =

c2,Chi-square value ***


* Expected Number, calculated

= Σ Sum of Observed Number x Expected Ratiofor that phenotype

** = (Observed number – Expected number, calculated) square

÷ Expected Number, calculated

*** c2,Chi-squarevalue=ΣSumof(Observednumber–Expectednumber,calculated)

squared ÷ Expected Number, calculated

Data Table 6: Summarizationof c2 Good Fit Results for F Corn Cross


c2 value from Table 5 =

Value at 3 Degrees of Freedom that is closest to c2

value =

What is the Fit Probability at the top of the column in which the value was found?

What is the % of probability that the observed results match the expected results?

(MultiplyFit Probability by 100)

Reading at the top of the Table, this Fit Probability indicates that the expected results hypothesis is a

Good Fit Poor Fit

Circle the correct choice above

Exercise 1: F1 Hybrid Cross

A. Expectedphenotypicratioofgreentowhiteprogeny: CalculationofExpectedRatio

(Frequency) = = Total Number of (Color) Seedlings ÷ Total of All Seedlings.

B. If 320 F2offspringresulted from this F1cross, how many would be green?



A. Did the results support or refute the hypothesis? Explain.

B. How similar are the observed to the expected results from the PunnettSquare?

C. If the results are not similar, how might the differencebe explained?

D. WillamonohybridF1crossincornyieldthesameratioofexpectedphenotypeinprogenyas for the tobacco seedlings? Why or why not?

E. Ifavailable,compareyourF2seedlingdatatothoseofyourclassmates.Aretheoutcomeratios the same? Why might using a larger number of seedlings to determine this outcome be wise?

Exercise 2: Dihybrid GeneticCrosses


1. Basedonwhatyoucanconcludeaboutitsgeneticmakeupwhentoldthatthecornplant parentcross(P)picturedinFigure2isbetweenacompletelydominantplantandacompletely recessive plant,

a. Constructandrecordahypothesisaboutwhatthegeneticmakeupandthefrequencies oftheallelesfortheF1 progenyplantsinthedihybridcrossofcornwillbe.Recordyour hypothesis here:

b. IftheseF1 progenyaremated,whatwillbetheresultingallelicfrequencyfortheF2

progeny? Record this hypothesis here:


A. Whatarethetwohypothesesthatyoumadeabouttheallelicfrequenciesofprogenyproduced by the crosses:

P x P?

F1x F1?

B. Based on what you know about phenotypes and Figure 2, for the P generation, what is the corn plant genotype on each cob containing the P corn kernels? One is completely dominant, so its genotype is
One is completely recessive, so its genotype is .

C. WoulditmakeadifferenceintheoutcomeofthiscrossifthegenotypeofoneparentisPPss and the other is ppSS?

D. FromthephenotypeofthekernelsoneachPgeneration cobwhatwouldthepredicted genotype of any F1plant be?

E. Giventhe2nequationpredicthowmanydifferentgeneticoutcomeswillbepossiblefroman

F1cross resultingin the F2generationin a dihybrid corn cross.

F. IfaF2corncobresultingfromthisF1crosscontained563seeds,howmanyoftheseedswould you expect to look like the F1parent?


A. How well do the predicted results match the actual results in Table 4?

B. BasedonthePunnettSquarepredictions,canastatementbemadeastowhetheryour hypotheses are supported or rejected? Which and why?

C. DihybridF1 crossesresultinapredictableF2 progenyphenotypicfrequencythatholdstrue universally. Based on the Expected outcome, what is it?

D. If your results are not as expected why might there be differences?

E. Whatapplicationsmightthistypeofgeneticinvestigationhave?Howmighttheinformation be applied medically?

Exercise 3: Chi-square and Hypothesis Testing


A. WhatcanbeconcludedaboutyourpredictionofexpectedF2 progenyphenotypicoutcome from the F1cross? Was it close to the observed outcome?


B. Howmightthec2testforfitnessbeusedinotherways?TryitonthetobaccoseedlingF

cross, for instance.

C. Inatypicalcrosswhereaparentwithacompletelydominanttraitismatedwithaparent exhibiting acompletelyrecessivetrait,whatistheexpectedgenotypicoutcomeandallelic frequency for the F1progeny?

Give an example.

D. InatypicalcrosswherehybridF1parentsaremated,whatistheexpectedgenotypicoutcome and allelic frequency of the F2progeny?

Give an example.

E. FortheF2 progenyproducedfromatypicalF1 hybridmating,howmanytotallyrecessive individuals would be produced if the progeny total populationis six offspring?

What if the progeny populationwas 20?



F. Excludingfactorssuchassex-linkedgenes,incompletedominanceorepistasis,etc.,willthe above cross results vary if differentorganisms are used, such as dogs or tulips? Why or why not?

G. Howwillfactorssuchassex-linked genes,incompletedominance,orepistasis, etc.,affectthe expected outcomes that were investigatedabove?

DNA is found in our nucleus, yet our proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm. A gene must first be transcribed into a form that can leave the nucleus. Transcription is the process in which a sequence of DNA used to synthesize a complementary strand of messenger RNA (mRNA). This mRNA acts a template and is used to translate the original DNA sequence into a protein, based on the information in its codons and the Genetic Code.

DNA is found in our nucleus, yet our proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm. A gene must first be transcribed into a form that can leave the nucleus. Transcription is the process in which a sequence of DNA used to synthesize a complementary strand of messenger RNA (mRNA). This mRNA acts a template and is used to translate the original DNA sequence into a protein, based on the information in its codons and the Genetic Code.

Be sure that you have read over our online lecture this unit on DNA and read pp 177 to 181 in your book before starting. DNA can be a complex concept to grasp, and there is a lot of terminology to keep straight. These first two exercises will focus on transcription and translation, the two processes responsible for taking the information embedded in our DNA and using it to create a protein.

There are segments in our DNA called genes that code for the proteins needed to carry out cellular functions. These genes are a sequence of nucleotides; adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G) and the specific sequence of these nucleotides is what conveys the information needed to produce a given protein. In humans, the smallest gene is 252 nucleotides long, whereas the largest is more than 2 million nucleotides long! The genetic code is used to decipher the sequence of nucleotides into a sequence of amino acids. The code uses a series of three-nucleotide sequences called codons. Each different codon codes for an amino acid and it is this specific sequence of amino acids that determines what protein is formed.

DNA is found in our nucleus, yet our proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm. A gene must first be transcribed into a form that can leave the nucleus. Transcription is the process in which a sequence of DNA used to synthesize a complementary strand of messenger RNA (mRNA). This mRNA acts a template and is used to translate the original DNA sequence into a protein, based on the information in its codons and the Genetic Code.

For example, the DNA sequence ATG-CGT-TAG-CGT-ATTC would be transcribed into the mRNA sequence UAC-GCA-AUC-GCA-UAA. Then, using Fig 10.11 on p 180 in your book, you can determine that this mRNA would be translated into the amino acid sequence Tyrosine-Alanine-Isoleucine-Alanine-Stop.

In Exercise 1, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of transcription and translation. You will be using the following website; be sure that you are able to access and use the site:

Analysis and justification for why approaches, such as exercising regularly and following a diet low in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates and high in fruits and vegetables, are ineffective against long QT syndrome (LQTS).

Analysis and justification for why approaches, such as exercising regularly and following a diet low in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates and high in fruits and vegetables, are ineffective against long QT syndrome (LQTS).

From your course textbook Case Workbook to Accompany Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications, read the assigned case study in the following chapter:

“Beyond Mendel’s Laws”
“Long QT Syndrome”
In a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, create a work sheet by answering the Questions for Research and Discussion provided for each case study.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Submitted the document for the case study in “Long QT Syndrome” and it contained the following:

Description of how incomplete penetrance, variable expressivity, pleiotropy, and genetic heterogeneity can affect the severity of a disease in a family.
Analysis and justification for why approaches, such as exercising regularly and following a diet low in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates and high in fruits and vegetables, are ineffective against long QT syndrome (LQTS).
Explanation for how the molecular bases of the various forms of LQTS make genetic heterogeneity very likely.

Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format.




From the first paragraph, the inspections are conducted as part of which FDA program?

From the first paragraph, the inspections are conducted as part of which FDA program?

Summarize and comment on specific GLP violations by SNBL in the warning letter (specific actions/activities or lack thereof).

o From the first paragraph, the inspections are conducted as part of which FDA program?

o Which personnel has “primary responsibility to establish appropriate policies and procedures intended to ensure the quality and integrity of nonclinical safety data for FDA submission”?

o Within how many business days of the Warning Letter receipt is SNBL supposed to respond to the FDA issues?

Why can’t you hold your own breath forever? Yes, it is because you run out of oxygen, but what cellular chemistry changes occur as you hold your breath (blood pH, carbonate/CO2 levels, etc.)? What happens to blood pH and carbonate/CO2 levels when you hyperventilate? How would breathing into a paper bag when you were hyperventilating alter these?

Why can’t you hold your own breath forever? Yes, it is because you run out of oxygen, but what cellular chemistry changes occur as you hold your breath (blood pH, carbonate/CO2 levels, etc.)?
What happens to blood pH and carbonate/CO2 levels when you hyperventilate? How would breathing into a paper bag when you were hyperventilating alter these?

Write a response to the questions in the discussion forum:

Why can’t you hold your own breath forever? Yes, it is because you run out of oxygen, but what cellular chemistry changes occur as you hold your breath (blood pH, carbonate/CO2 levels, etc.)?
What happens to blood pH and carbonate/CO2 levels when you hyperventilate? How would breathing into a paper bag when you were hyperventilating alter these?
Note: Initial answers to the discussion question must be SUBSTANTIVE & PROFESSIONAL and in the range of 300-450 words. Any references used should be properly cited following APA formatting guidelines.

Question 2

Write a response to the following discussion question in the Discussion forum:

Growth hormone is administered to people who have pituitary dwarfism. Parents wanting their normal-height children to be taller have requested the treatment for them. Do you think this is a wise request? Why or why not? Include at least two scholarly references.
Note. Initial answers to the discussion question must be substantive and in the range of 300–400 words. Any references used should be properly cited following APA formatting guidelines.

Question 3

Write a response to the following discussion question in the Discussion forum:

What hormone supplements are required for an adult whose anterior pituitary has been removed? Include at least two scholarly references.
Note. Initial answers to the discussion question must be substantive and in the range of 300–400 words. Any references used should be properly cited following APA formatting guidelines.

We harbor a number of rhythms. Generally we have cellular cycles that augment the day-night rhythm to regulate our behavioral cycles. There are possibly very long cycles that govern our evolution. Men and women both run on cycles, though with differences. But do our cycles still make biological sense?

We harbor a number of rhythms. Generally we have cellular cycles that augment the day-night rhythm to regulate our behavioral cycles. There are possibly very long cycles that govern our evolution. Men and women both run on cycles, though with differences. But do our cycles still make biological sense?

Hide Description
The control of movement is often divided into mechanisms of reflexes and of voluntary movement.

What is a reflex? It is a stereotyped, automatic movement evoked by a specific stimulus. It is uniform across members of a species. Some examples in humans are the patellar or kneejerk reflex, the salivary reflex, the orienting reflex, and the pupillary reflex.

In reviewing the reflex arc, pay special attention to proprioception, the distinction between alpha and gamma motor neurons, muscle spindles, the stretch reflex, and primary motor cortex. (Prof. Suzuki also discusses the basal ganglia and the cerebellum, but in another lecture that I have not assigned. They are covered in the embedded book chapter by Kalat, entitled “Movement”.)

Further, let’s think about the cycles in our behavior. They are ancient and varied. We certainly inherited them from species that evolved earlier than we did.

We harbor a number of rhythms. Generally we have cellular cycles that augment the day-night rhythm to regulate our behavioral cycles. There are possibly very long cycles that govern our evolution. Men and women both run on cycles, though with differences. But do our cycles still make biological sense?

Questions (answer one)

Can you point to any movements that do not involve reflexes–or some reflexes that do not involve movement?
Sleep is tied to recovery of normal function and memory formation. Why does it make sense, then, to stop for sleep just because the sun sets? Why not sleep just whenever we have a backlog of memories to form or we’re under stress or sick? Does the wide variation in our daily experience require such an extreme regularity of sleep regulation? Since we don’t learn or exercise the same amount each day, why do we nevertheless sleep the same amount? A number of possible answers are given in the first 10 minutes of this fascinating podcast, but offer your own insights as well.

Furthermore, women show more pronounced cycles in sex hormones than men do, including menstrual cycles and a rather imprecise biological clock with a different origin. Is this an evolutionary leftover, no longer necessary or helpful for humans? Would you want the equivalent of a birth control pill for all of our cycles