All labs are normal. You are asked to change the dressings daily and document the drainage. What precautions will you take to prevent this patient from obtaining a nosocomial infection?

All labs are normal. You are asked to change the dressings daily and document the drainage. What precautions will you take to prevent this patient from obtaining a nosocomial infection?

Use attached template

You are the nurse receiving report on your patient that was admitted as an emergency earlier in the day. A 64-year-old female underwent a right colectomy. The right side of her colon was removed due to cancer. She has a history of smoking & no other health problems. She is currently being transferred to you in PACU. She has a midline incision with a Penrose drain, a stab wound w/ a Jackson Pratt drain to incision. She also has a NG tube, attached to intermittent suction. She is alert, riented and can move all 4 extremities. BP is 110/68, Respiratory rate is 14, O2 stats are at 93% w/ additional oxygen given via nasal cannula.

All labs are normal. You are asked to change the dressings daily and document the drainage. What precautions will you take to prevent this patient from obtaining a nosocomial infection?

Please answer the questions and develop a care plan for a patient that will be having an elective surgery. Please use the provided format for building your care plan. You will need to use your nursing reference materials as you build this care plan.

Describe some respiratory or cardiovascular diseases that may decrease the efficiency of blood oxygenation and it’s distribution to the body tissues. What are some possible treatment options?

Describe some respiratory or cardiovascular diseases that may decrease the efficiency of blood oxygenation and it’s distribution to the body tissues. What are some possible treatment options?

How does blood get oxygenated? Describe the physical process of gas exchange. Also explain the flow of blood through the different structures (chambers, valves, vessels, etc). Start with blood entering the right side of heart and take us through the complete sequence of steps until the deoxygenated blood arrives back to the right side of the heart. Describe some respiratory or cardiovascular diseases that may decrease the efficiency of blood oxygenation and it’s distribution to the body tissues. What are some possible treatment options?
The minimum length for this assignment (written in your own words) should be between 400-500 words (1 page)

Describe some respiratory or cardiovascular diseases that may decrease the efficiency of blood oxygenation and it’s distribution to the body tissues. What are some possible treatment options?

How does blood get oxygenated? Describe the physical process of gas exchange. Also explain the flow of blood through the different structures (chambers, valves, vessels, etc). Start with blood entering the right side of heart and take us through the complete sequence of steps until the deoxygenated blood arrives back to the right side of the heart. Describe some respiratory or cardiovascular diseases that may decrease the efficiency of blood oxygenation and it’s distribution to the body tissues. What are some possible treatment options?
The minimum length for this assignment (written in your own words) should be between 400-500 words (1 page)

What microorganism do you believe is to blame for this illness (be specific)? Provide background information on this organism, history, morphology, virulence factors, toxins

What microorganism do you believe is to blame for this illness (be specific)? Provide background information on this organism, history, morphology, virulence factors, toxins

Case Study C: A 26 year old female named Kim went to her family doctor complaining of stiff knee joints. Kim is a healthy normal weight woman who exercises regularly. The doctor asked Kim how she had been feeling over the past few weeks. Kim told the doctor that about 4 weeks ago she started having flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, fatigue and body aches. This happened about a week after she had been hiking in the mountains of Virginia with some old college friends. Kim figured she must have caught the flu from one of her friends on the trip. She also noticed a red ring-like rash on her leg about 2 weeks ago. Since that trip Kim has been doing normal activities including going to work and exercising 3 days per week at the gym.

The Gram stain results on Kim’s blood sample were inconclusive.

Based on the information presented in the case study, answer the following questions in your paper (see guidelines for additional info):

1. What microorganism do you believe is to blame for this illness (be specific)? Provide background information on this organism, history, morphology, virulence factors, toxins, etc…

2. What information from the patient’s symptoms contributed to your decision? Did this information allow you to rule out any other possible culprits? What information from the patient’s history and/or lab samples that contributed to your decision? Support your answers with factual evidence and logical reasoning.

3. What is the epidemiology of this disease? Identify risk factors for this disease and describe the disease course/outcome in humans.

4. What steps can be taken to treat the illness? How and why are the treatments effective (or ineffective)? Are there any concerns or other complications of this disease?

Project: Case Study Scenario
Addresses Course Outcomes #1, #2, #3

recognize the use of the scientific method to weigh evidence, make decisions, and solve problems
apply knowledge of cellular and molecular processes to understand infectious disease mechanisms
synthesize knowledge of microbial pathogenesis and disease prevention methods and communicate this knowledge to the community
A scientific case study is a short summary of an event or personal experience that ends in a “mystery”—in this case, one that you will solve using your own research and the clues provided within the case study. For this project, you will evaluate a patient-centered case study that explores a mysterious bacterial or viral illness. The case study will include a set of questions to guide your analysis.

Your paper should include the following:

Paper format:
Once you have gathered all of your information, you will organize your case study analysis into an essay of 1,000 to 1,500 words (not including original case study OR references). The essay should include in-text citations and references formatted in APA style.

Format Guidelines: (please separate “pages” with a horizontal line in the text box)
– Page 1: Should include the following:
– Name
– Case study text you were given (do not include the questions)

– Page 2: Begin your paper here

Brief introduction to the disease and the bacterial or viral cause of the disease.
Use the evidence provided in the case study and the information you have gathered from references to support your conclusions.
The answers to the case study questions should be worked into your final document in a logical, well-organized manner. Think of the questions as a guide to help you with the content of your paper. You should NOT simply answer these questions one by one in your paper.
Paper should be 1,000 to 1,500 words (not including original case study or references).
Use in-text citations and include reference citations at the end of the paper
You must have a minimum of two outside sources to support your evaluation.
These can consist of any of the following: books, textbooks, scholarly journal articles, and websites run by reputable government organizations (such as the CDC or NIH).
You may have additional references as well. All of your references should be no more than six years old (published in 2005 or later).


Create a brochure about human society’s impact on ecosystems and the costs and benefits of human enterprise. Include the following: write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about the ecosystems you have chosen and the species that make up these ecosystems. In your paper, include the following items:

Create a brochure about human society’s impact on ecosystems and the costs and benefits of human enterprise. Include the following:
write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about the ecosystems you have chosen and the species that make up these ecosystems. In your paper, include the following items:

1.Create a brochure about human society’s impact on ecosystems and the costs and benefits of human enterprise. Include the following:

Explain how ecosystem degradation and loss results from human society.
Describe the effects of human activity on plants, animals, and ecosystem dynamics, and provide specific examples.
Describe the economic decisions underlying conservation and exploitation. Explain the costs and benefits of human enterprise in terms of ecosystems, and provide specific examples.
Use images as appropriate.

Cite at least two references consistent with APA guidelines.

Use fist two attachement for this

2. write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about the ecosystems you have chosen and the species that make up these ecosystems. In your paper, include the following items:

Describe your pair of ecosystems and the types of current or proposed exploitation in one or both ecosystems. Explain the past, present, and potential future consequences of overexploitation in these ecosystems. Describe the potential costs and benefits of at least two exploitation activities.
Explain current and potential management of your ecosystems. How can modification, cultivation, or restoration alter these ecosystems? Outline at least two potential management plans beyond cessation of exploitation, and describe the costs and benefits of each.
Prioritize conservation efforts in your pair of ecosystems based on values and the principles of conservation biology by including the following elements:
Prioritize species and ecosystems for protection based on the values identified in the Acting Locally Paper – Part One.
Describe a regional or global threat to your ecosystems, such as global climate change, and outline a plan to combat this threat.
Rank the priorities of continuing or ceasing exploitation activities, of alternative management plans, and of the plan to combat the regional or global threat to biodiversity.
Defend your prioritization based on specific values and on your plan’s overall effect on biodiversity, ecological integrity, and economic feasibility.
Identify at least two specific practical actions and at least two specific political actions you can take to support the top priorities you have identified for the pair of ecosystems. Interpret how these specific actions can support conservation and biodiversity.
Cite at least four references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

uSE the 3rd attachment for possible reference

3.Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about genetically vigorous populations. Include the following items:

Describe the importance of genetic diversity in populations. Explain how genetic diversity in plants and animals supports long-term viability, biodiversity, and biotic integrity. Describe specific examples of at least one plant population and at least one animal population facing challenges in genetic diversity, and explain the potential or demonstrated threats to viability posed by deficient genetic diversity.
Describe the values underlying population management. Relate genetic diversity to the success of population management. Explain the costs and benefits in successful population management. Provide at least two specific examples of current and past population management efforts.
Compare ex situ conservation to in situ conservation. Describe the role of zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens in conservation. Explain the efforts of these institutions to support genetically vigorous populations.
Explain why the Endangered Species Act was created to promote conservation of plants and animals.
Cite at least six references, including at least two scholarly sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

This figure shows the cell cycle. What does “D” represent? During which stage do homologous chromosomes move away from each other?

This figure shows the cell cycle. What does “D” represent?
During which stage do homologous chromosomes move away from each other?


Question 1 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

This figure shows the cell cycle. What does “D” represent?






Question 2 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

During which stage do homologous chromosomes move away from each other?

A.Metaphase I


C.Anaphase I

D.Metaphase II

E.Anaphase II

Question 3 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

In the cell cycle the “S” stands for:






Question 4 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

In plants, cytokinesis occurs with the formation of:

A.A cleavage furrow in the cell wall

B.A cleavage furrow in the nuclear membrane

C.Asters and centrioles

D. A cell plate

E.A cleavage furrow in the cytoplasm

Question 5 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

Molecules which stimulate or inhibit cell division are referred to as:

A.Checkpoint molecules

B.Contact molecules

C.Signaling molecules

D.Control molecules

E.Transduction molecules

Question 6 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

If you were a biologist studying how an RNA virus such as HIV can attack and infect a human cell which contains DNA, you would be studying which of the following enzymes?

A.RNA transcriptase

B.Reverse transcriptase

C.DNA transcriptase

D.DNA polymerase

E.RNA polymerase

Question 7 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

Based on the work of Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman, why is RNA thought to have been the first type of genetic material?

A.RNA is made of nucleotides.

B.RNA is single stranded and more simple than DNA.

C.RNA contains uracil which was abundant in the early atmosphere.

D.RNA can be both a substrate and an enzyme.

E.RNA can be converted into DNA.

Question 8 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

If you were studying different diseases which are caused by viruses, which of the following would you not be interested in studying?




D.Cervical cancer


Question 9 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

If you were studying archaea which are found in an anaerobic environment such as the mud found in swamps, you would be studying which of the following?






Question 10 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

When a bacteriophage carries portions of bacterial DNA from one cell to another, this is known as

A.endospore formation.

B.binary fission.




Question 11 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

Which of the following is characterized by chloroplasts containing pyrenoids?



C.Amoeb a



Question 12 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

A biologist is studying a multinucleated, cytoplasmic mass of cells which creeps along, phagocytiizing plant material as it moves. Based on this information you would conclude that he or she is studying which of the following?


B.Water molds

C.Plasmodial slime molds


E.Cellular slime molds

Question 13 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

Which of the following terms would not be associated with the trypanosomes?






Question 14 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

A biologist is studying protists that have a calcium carbonate shell with holes so pseudopods can extend outward. Based on this information you would conclude that he or she is studying which of the following?






Question 15 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

Which of the following is a sexually transmitted disease?






Question 16 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

This figure shows the alternation of generations. What does “a” represent?






Question 17 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

Why do some plants feed on insects and other small animals?

A.To obtain water

B.To obtain glucose

C.To obtain carbohydrates

D.To obtain oxygen

E.To obtain nitrogen

Question 18 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

Sphagnum is a type of ________ that has nonliving cells that can absorb moisture and can be used in gardening.






Question 19 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

Which part of the seed provides nourishment for the embryo?

A.The endosperm

B.The egg sac

C.The seed coat

D.The anther

E.The ovary

Question 20 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

In the moss life cycle, the ______ generation is dominant.

A.Diploid gametophyte

B.Haploid gametophyte

C.Diploid sporophyte

D.Triploid sporophyte

E.Haploid sporophyte

Question 21 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

Calculating the mitotic index gives a quantitative description of which of the following?

A.The percentage of cells undergoing cytokinesis

B.The percentage of cells in prophase

C.The percentage of cells in interphase (i.e., resting phase)

D.The percentage of dividing cells

Question 22 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

To calculate the mitotic index, you

A.add up the number of cells in prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase and divide that number by the total number of cells. Then multiply by 100.

B.add up the number of cells in interphase and divide by the number of cells in all the other phases of the cell cycle

C.subtract the number of cells in the phases of mitosis from the number in interphase and multiply by 100

D.calculate the ration of cell in metaphase to those in prophase and then multiply by 100

Question 23 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

Which of the following does not occur during interphase?

A.DNA replication

B.DNA synthesis

C.Cell division

D.None of the above

Question 24 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

Which of the following does not occur during interphase?

A.DNA is duplicated

B.Cell is growing

C.Chromosomes are visible

D.Organelles and cell parts are made

Question 25 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

In mitosis the nuclear membrane disappears in ________ and reappears in ___________.

A.Metaphase, prophase

B.Telophase, anaphase

C.Anaphase, metaphase

D.Prophase, telophase

Question 26 of 30 0.0/ 3.33 Points

For both normal and cancerous tissue the most prevalent phase of the cell cycle was:





Question 27 of 30 3.33/ 3.33 Points

Cancerous cells are said to have a cell cycle that is “deregulated,” or different than a normal cell cycle. What is the most evident sign of this deregulation?

A.Cancerous cells divide more slowly than normal cells

B.Cancerous cells spend more time in interphase

C.Cancerous cells divide at the same rate as normal cells

D.Cancerous cells divide more often