Which of the following is a basic component of all of the others?

Which of the following is a basic component of all of the others?


1. Which of the following is a basic component of all of the others?

2. An ecosystem such as a forest in the Pacific Northwest of the United States is made up of

3. Energy flow through an ecosystem is one-way because

4. Which of the following organisms is a multi-celled producer?

5. Plants perform photosynthesis by using the energy of ____ to power production of sugars from ____ and ____ molecules.

6. In the scientific name, Pan paniscus, Pan represents the name of the ____ while paniscus represents the name of the ____.

7. Modern taxonomists today tend to group organisms into the same category based on

8. A control group

9. A result is statistically significant if

10. Scientists attempt to avoid bias by which of the following?


SCI 115 Quiz 1

SCI 115 Quiz 2

SCI 115 Quiz 3

SCI 115 Quiz 4

SCI 115 Quiz 5

SCI 115 Quiz 6

SCI 115 Quiz 7

SCI 115 Quiz 8

SCI 115 Quiz 9

SCI 115 Quiz 10

June 15 Paid factory utilities, $2,100 and repairs for factory equipment, $8,000. June 25 Incurred $108,000 of factory labor.

June 15 Paid factory utilities, $2,100 and repairs for factory equipment, $8,000.

June 25 Incurred $108,000 of factory labor.

Finn Manufacturing Company uses a job order cost accounting system and keeps perpetual inventory records. Prepare journal entries to record the following transactions during the month of June.

June 1. Purchased raw materials for $20,000 on account.

June 8 Raw materials requisitioned by peoduction:

Direct materials $8,000

Indirect materials $1,000

June 15 Paid factory utilities, $2,100 and repairs for factory equipment, $8,000.

June 25 Incurred $108,000 of factory labor.

June 25 Time tickets indicated the following:

Direct labor (7,000 hrs x $12 per hour) = $84,000

Indirect Labor (3,000 hrs x $8 per hour) = 24,000

June 25 Applied manufacturing overhead to production based on a predetermined overhead rate of $7 per direct labor hour worked.

June 28 Goods costing $18,000 were completed in the factory and were transferred to finished goods.

June 30 Goods costing $15,000 were sold for $20,000 on account.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Questions are an integral part of science and science education. Questioning in science classrooms should drive science investigations. Using the “5E Lesson Plan Template” you wrote in Topic 3, the “5E Questions Table,” and Webb’s DOK Levels, draft two different questions for each of the 5Es (total of 10 questions). Incorporate the following into your questions: Ensure each question is aligned to the learning target of the lesson plan. Represent all four DOK levels in the table, and at least half the questions need to be at a level 3 or 4. Questions should encourage exploration, problem solving, and activating prior knowledge. Compose a 250-500 word rationale of why the questions align with the “E” and meet the DOK levels for each question. Submit the “5E Questions Table” and rationale as one submission. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Is there any one intersted to handle it until the end of this semester?

Is there any one intersted to handle it until the end of this semester?

I have a Biology online class and I’m willing to pay 500 Bucks ( not more)

the syllabus is attached.

Is there any one intersted to handle it until the end of this semester?

A testable explanation of a broad range of related phenomena that is relied upon by scientists with a high degree of confidence is referred to as ________

1. A testable explanation of a broad range of related phenomena that is relied upon by scientists with a high degree of confidence is referred to as ________. (Points : 5)
an act
a law
a theory
a dogma

2. The smaller unit molecules (monomers) which combine to form proteins and polypeptides are called ____________. (Points : 5)
fatty acids
amino acids

3. Enzymes, some hormones, and structural molecules like keratin and collagen are examples of ______________. (Points : 5)
nucleic acids

4. An atom that has gained or lost electrons is referred to as _______________. (Points : 5)
an ion
a molecule
an isotope
an element

5. Cell membranes consist of _____________. (Points : 5)
a complex carbohydrate webbing
a flexible sheet of protein
a network of microfilaments and microtubules
a double layer of phospholipids

6. Which of the following transport mechanisms requires ATP to move materials across a plasma membrane? (Points : 5)
simple diffusion
facilitated diffusion
active transport

7. A cell is placed in a solution. If the cell is observed to shrink, the solution must be _________________ relative to the interior of the cell. (Points : 5)

8. Consider the following two statements:
(1) ” Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed in form.”
(2) “If energy changes form, the change is never 100% efficient.”
(Points : 5)
These statements are expressions of the 1st and 2nd energy laws.
These statements don’t apply to any cells.
These statements are both false.
These statements apply only to eukaryotic (higher) cells.

9. The part of an enzyme that “fits” its substrate is called its __________ site. (Points : 5)

10. In higher cells, cellular (aerobic) respiration with production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is carried out in the _______________. (Points : 5)
plasma membrane
endoplasmic reticulum

11. Meiosis differs from mitosis because _______________. (Points : 5)
meiosis results in diploid daughter cells
meiosis involves two cell divisions
DNA replicates before the start of meiosis
meiosis occurs all over the human body

12. Leaves are green because ____________. (Points : 5)
carotenoids absorb green light
carotenoids reflect green light
chlorophylls a and b absorb green light
chlorophylls a and b reflect green light

13. Many human traits such as eye color and height are controlled by _______________. (Points : 5)
sex-linked inheritance
Mendel’s laws
polygenic inheritance
incomplete dominance

14. ______________ is a nucleic acid base found in ribonucleic acid (RNA) but not in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). (Points : 5)
Thymine (T)
Guanine (G)
Cytosine (C)
Uracil (U)

15. Which of the following is not a possible outcome of recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) technology? (Points : 5)
mass production of human hormones by bacteria
estimating the age of a rock sample
increasing the production of hardier crops
correcting a human disease

16. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method of ________________. (Points : 5)
mass-producing proteins
speeding up the production of mRNA proteins
making multiple identical copies of small amounts of DNA
decoding the nucleotide sequence of a gene

17. Which of the following is most likely to cause a cell to become cancerous? (Points : 5)
mutation of a tumor supressor gene
premature apoptosis
contact inhibition

18. The normal complement of sex chromosomes for a human male is ___________. (Points : 5)

19. An allele is ____________. (Points : 5)
an alternate form of a gene
a gene found on different chromosomes (e.g., on chromosome numbers 1 and 5)
a gene located at two different positions on the same chromosome
a sex cell

20. A visual display of metaphase chromosomes arranged by size, shape, and banding pattern is ______. (Points : 5)
a genetic disorder
a centrosome
a karyotype

the prefix gen means begin how does it apply to key term generation?

the prefix gen means begin how does it apply to key term generation?