Select an example of a global biome and an example of an ecosystem found in that global biome (grassland, forest, desert). What kind of animals and plants would you expect to make up that ecosystem?

Select an example of a global biome and an example of an ecosystem found in that global biome (grassland, forest, desert). What kind of animals and plants would you expect to make up that ecosystem?

Select an example of a global biome and an example of an ecosystem found in that global biome (grassland, forest, desert). What kind of animals and plants would you expect to make up that ecosystem? Provide one symbiotic relationship example within your selected ecosystem (such as mutualism, commensalism, and predator prey).

There are different types of relationships:

Mutualism – Individuals of both species benefit (i.e., ox-pecker, a type of bird, eating parasites from rhinoceros)
Parasitism – Individuals of one species feed from individuals of the other species, causing them harm without necessarily killing them (e.g., tape worm, ticks, bot flies). This also is sometimes grouped with predation because both are consumption.
Predation – Individuals of one species kill and consume individuals of the other species.
Commensalism – Individuals of one species benefit, but the other is not hurt or harmed (e.g., a bird nest in a tree doesn’t hurt the tree, a scavenger that eats the left overs that have been abandoned by a predator).
Competition – Individuals of both species use either the same food, water, or shelter type, so they are competing with each other like a sports game.

Main Question 1.1.Lenny is 3¾ years old. He was 20 inches long when he was born. He is now 35 inches tall. Is Lenny growing at the proper rate?

Main Question 1.1.Lenny is 3¾ years old. He was 20 inches long when he was born. He is now 35 inches tall. Is Lenny growing at the proper rate?


Main Question 1.1.Lenny is 3¾ years old. He was 20 inches long when he was born. He is now 35 inches tall. Is Lenny growing at the proper rate? (Points : 1)



Question 2.2.Which of the following is not a good way to evaluate weight in children? (Points : 1)

Growth charts


Rate of growth

Iron level

Question 3.3.Regina is 8 years old and is obese. Which of the following recommendations is not appropriate to help Regina attain a healthy weight? (Points : 1) Increase her activity level

Reduce the fat content in her milk from whole milk to low-fat milk

Reduce her calorie intake by 300 calories per day

Encourage her to eat more fruits and vegetables

Question 4.4.Raymond suffers from iron-deficiency anemia. Which of the following reasons is not a possible explanation for the anemia? (Points : 1)

Raymond follows a vegetarian diet

Raymond has lead toxicity

Raymond is not consuming enough Vitamin B12

Raymond consumes most of his calories from juice

Question 5.5.Which of the following likely most influences the food choices of teenagers? (Points : 1)

Nutritional recommendations

Peer pressure

Parent suggestions

Calorie content

Question 6.6.A diet adequate in fiber can help prevent all of the following in older adults except: (Points : 1)





Question 7.7.As people age, their kidneys become less efficient. This can lead to ______. (Points : 1)

Decreased thirst




Question 8.8.Gertrude is 81 years old and has multiple medical conditions. She has been experiencing dizziness and diarrhea for a few months. This began after a doctor’s appointment and her doctor prescribed a new medication. What might be the cause of Gertrude’s symptoms? (Points : 1)





Question 9.9.As children grow, energy and protein needs per kilogram of body weight _______. (Points : 1)



Stay constant


Question 10.10.Which nutrients are of the greatest concern during childhood and adolescence in terms of dietary adequacy? (Points : 1)

Iron and calcium

Calcium and vitamin B12

Iron and vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 and vitamin D

Question 11.11.Physiological changes that occur in the elderly impacting nutrient intake include which of the following? (Points : 1)

Decline in muscle mass

Lack of physical activity

Decline in immunes system’s ability

All of the above

Question 12.12.Dental caries in children are related to the prolonged contact between sugar and bacteria on the surface of the teeth. (Points : 1)



Question 13.13.Taking multiple medications by the elderly can compromise nutrition status by which of the following? (Points : 1)

Interfering with taste

Causing gastrointestinal upset

Decreasing nutrient absorption

All of the above

Question 14.14.The recommended dietary allowances for calcium in adolescents is: (Points : 1)

1000 mg/day

1300 mg/day

800 mg/day

Question 15.15.Watching television can influence caloric balance for children as it impacts the calorie intake as well as activity level. (Points : 1)



A puff of air in the eye naturally causes an eye blink response. The puff of air is the _____ and the eye blink is the _____

A puff of air in the eye naturally causes an eye blink response. The puff of air is the _____ and the eye blink is the _____


Question 11 pts

A puff of air in the eye naturally causes an eye blink response. The puff of air is the _____ and the eye blink is the _____

conditioned response; unconditioned stimulus.

unconditioned stimulus; conditioned response.

unconditioned response; conditioned response.

unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response.

Question 21 pts

In the case of the dogs Pavlov observed, the _____ was the unconditioned response and the _____ was the conditioned response.

food; bell

food; salivation

salivation; salivation

bell; salivation

Question 31 pts

After a conditioned response has been extinguished and a period of time has passed, _____ may occur in response to the original conditioned stimulus; however, it will be in _____ form.

higher-order conditioning; stronger

generalization; weaker

spontaneous recovery; weaker

generalization; stronger

Question 41 pts

In the “Little Albert” study, the fear-producing stimulus used as an unconditioned stimulus was the _____.

white rat

loud noise

fear of the rat

fear of the noise

Question 51 pts

Rescorla’s modern concept of classical conditioning is based on the idea that _____

the CS substitutes for the US.

there is a biological readiness for conditioning to occur between the CS and US.

the CS has to provide information about the coming of the US.

reinforcement must occur by providing a pleasant event.

Question 61 pts

Bui wants to condition his lab rat to fear drinking orange-flavored water. He pairs a mild shock with the drinking of flavored water. He wants the rat to associate the unconditioned stimulus, the shock, with drinking the water. How could he be most successful?

Raise the shock to as strong as he can.

Choose a different neutral/conditioned stimulus.

Use a mouse instead of a rat.

Color the water a disgusting color, too.

Question 71 pts

The notion that behaviors with desirable outcomes will likely be repeated is part of _____

classical conditioning.


the law of effect.

insight learning.

Question 81 pts

Billy taught two rats how to play basketball for his experimental psychology class. What process did he likely use?

operant conditioning




Question 91 pts

Negative reinforcement will _____ a behavior.




not change

Question 101 pts

When the number of responses is important to the schedule of reinforcement, that schedule is called a(n) _____ schedule.





Question 111 pts

A framework for studying memory that uses the computer as a model of human cognitive processes defines the _____

levels-of-processing theory.

information-processing theory.

sociocultural theory of memory.

social-cognitive theory.

Question 121 pts

_____ holds information brought in through our senses but only for a very brief amount of time.

Long-term memory

Sensory memory

Short-term memory

Working memory

Question 131 pts

Short-term memory usually codes information according to _____

visual image.


tactile properties.


Question 141 pts

The event that occurs when short-term memory is filled to capacity, and each new, incoming item pushes out an existing item, which is then forgotten, is called _____



retrograde amnesia.


Question 151 pts

There is no known limit to our _____


working memory.

long-term memory.

short-term memory.

Question 161 pts

Yvette just took a history exam that consisted of three essay questions. By giving essay questions, Yvette’s professor measured her _____



relearning ability.


Question 171 pts

Adam studies his psychology material using note cards. He writes questions on the front of the card and the answers on the back of the card. After he has a stack of note cards completed, he studies them one by one, over and over again. Based on memory research, which of the following statements should NOT be made to Adam to help him maximize his studying?

“Adam, your memory for the last few cards will be better than for the middle group of cards.”

“Hey, Adam, don’t be surprised that you have a better memory for the first few cards.”

“Adam, this is not such a great study technique. You’ll be better off just reading over your notes.”

“Adam, make sure to shuffle your cards after a while.”

Question 181 pts

In memory, _____ is an account of an event that has been pieced together from a few highlights.

the serial position effect

a flashbulb memory

the context effect


Question 191 pts

Nicole feels she will not forget the emotions she felt upon hearing of the attacks on America on September 11th. She remembers very vividly what she was doing, who she was with, what was said, and what emotions she experienced. Nicole has a _____ for that tragic event.

hippocampal memory

flashbulb memory

repressed memory

reconstructed memory

Question 201 pts

Maggie memorized the speech she wrote for her business presentation. Because she was confident that she knew it, she went to bed knowing she would remember the speech just as well the next day when she was scheduled to give it. Based on memory research, what advice would you give Maggie?

Go over the speech again tomorrow anyway.

Stay up tonight so you don’t forget it in your sleep.

You will probably remember every word for a week.

Drink a pot of coffee now, and have a cup before class.

Provide evidence or reasoning to support your particular perspective. Which theoretical perspective, as described in Chapter 2, closely represents your view?

Provide evidence or reasoning to support your particular perspective. Which theoretical perspective, as described in Chapter 2, closely represents your view?

This is literally just a discussion. It has no word limit and is based off of opinion. Answers will vary between 50 words or more but it doesn’t have to be a lot just get the point across. Each powerpoint is to help answer or you can google.

Week 1 Forum

Discussion Question 1.1

Gender/Sexual Orientation/Biological Sex.
Discuss the differences among gender, sexual orientation, and biological sex. This is important because some people mistakenly believe that homosexuality is a form of gender confusion or that gay men or lesbians want to be the other sex. Some believe that gay men are “feminine” and lesbians “masculine,” mistakenly confusing gender and orientation issues.Provide evidence or reasoning to support your particular perspective.

Week 2 Forum

Discussion Question 2.1.

Theory : Havelock Ellis argued against nineteenth-century beliefs that masturbation had no ill health effects. Why has morally proscribed behavior—such as masturbation—often been seen to have dangerous health consequences? Today some continue to link morally proscribed behavior to negative health consequences, such as homosexuality and AIDS. From a public health point of view, what are the consequences of viewing health problems as moral problems? Provide evidence or reasoning to support your particular perspective. Which theoretical perspective, as described in Chapter 2, closely represents your view?

Discussion Question 2.2.

Gay/Lesbian Research. Discuss why current gay/lesbian research has moved away from the “origins” of homosexuality. What are the methodological and political limits on conducting research on homosexuality?

Week 3 Forum
Discussion 3.1

Uncovering the Breasts in Public.

Periodically women complain about laws requiring them to cover their breasts in public, whereas men are not so required. Occasionally women protest such laws, go in public with their breasts uncovered, and are arrested. What is the justification for such laws? Are they discriminatory against women? Explain.

Week 4 Forum

Discussion 4.1

Penis Size.
Discuss cross-cultural concern about or interest in penis size. What different meanings may large or gigantic penises signify? Slides of art from ancient Rome, Japan, and Mesoamerica, as well as contemporary erotic art (as illustrated in Chapter 4), may be used to illustrate the point. What are some myths about penis size? How does the stereotype of black and Latino men having large penises reinforce ethnic stereotypes?

Week 5 Forum
What have you learned about development of gender stereotypes and about sex differences in self-esteem that helps explain why women’s progress in entering male-dominated professions has been slow? (Use examples in Ch 5 to help answer question).

I need someone to help with a last minute Medical Terminology final assignment due ASAP! It is a very important assignment so please do not accept the bid if you are not willing to complete for me in a timely fashion. The attachments are listed below along with the rubic(instructions) There will be three patient charts that need to be analyze. This assignmen is due Monday 03/05/18 no later than 8am CT. Thank you.

I need someone to help with a last minute Medical Terminology final assignment due ASAP! It is a very important assignment so please do not accept the bid if you are not willing to complete for me in a timely fashion. The attachments are listed below along with the rubic(instructions) There will be three patient charts that need to be analyze. This assignmen is due Monday 03/05/18 no later than 8am CT. Thank you.

What EPO is, how it works in the body and how the body rids itself of this hormone. How does the use of EPO use enhance an athlete’s performance?

What EPO is, how it works in the body and how the body rids itself of this hormone.
How does the use of EPO use enhance an athlete’s performance?

In January 2013, Lance Armstrong confessed to using performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) while competing and winning the Tour de France cycling competition over seven years. He has been stripped of his titles and banned from the sport for life.

One of the drugs he has confessed to using is Erythropoietin (EPO), a natural occuring hormone used by the medical community to treat a number of health conditions.

Your task is to thoroughly research EPO and its use as a performance enhancing drug by athletes and write an opinion paper based on your findings.

Things to consider when researching and writing your paper:

What EPO is, how it works in the body and how the body rids itself of this hormone.
How does the use of EPO use enhance an athlete’s performance?

What are the possible risks (if any) associated with EPO use?

What is the United States Anti-Doping Agency’s (USADA) stance on the use of EPO?

In your opinion, what are some of the negative social and economic impacts associated with the use of PEDs by professional athletes?

Why would athletes risk the type of negative consequences experienced by Lance Armstrong? In your opinion is it worth it?
Note on Writing In Science

All information and relevant data are to be included in a logically sequenced manner. In your writing, it is important to use appropriate writing style, tone, and scientific terminology. Conduct your research using reliable, peer-reviewed and industry sources and ensure that sources listed in your reference list are directly related to information presented in your paper. Use the appropriate referencing style for science to cite your sources.