List the main materials used and write in your own words how the experiment is conducted; reader should understand what materials were used, how the materials were used, and what was actually done during the experiment.

List the main materials used and write in your own words how the experiment is conducted; reader should understand what materials were used, how the materials were used, and what was actually done during the experiment.

i have a biology experiment attached can write for me the introduction, Materials &

Methods and the conclusion

Introduction: Defines the subject, the purpose of doing the experiment; includes some background information (usually can be gathered from the experiment’s intro); reader should be able to understand why the experiment was done, what you already know about the experiment, and the specific purpose of the experiment (usually stated in the title). Do not plagiarize your introduction or you will lose points!!! Also, citing is more than copying the work and listing the source! You must cite within the text as well. Your entire introduction cannot be cited!!! You will lose points for intros that don’t have your original thoughts.

Materials & Methods: List the main materials used and write in your own words how the experiment is conducted; reader should understand what materials were used, how the materials were used, and what was actually done during the experiment. If the protocol was altered some way in class, you must make the changes in your lab report. Make sure you underline/italicize all microorganisms!!! Methods should be listed step by step vs. paragraph format.

Conclusion: answer questions at the end of the experiment, then discuss/conclude what your results mean in terms of the experiment and whether you were successful or not. The conclusion should not just state the experiment was successful, but definitive results should be explained here! Your conclusion should explain how the microbes used in the experiment were affected. For example, if the experiment is on gram staining, then your conclusion should state the gram reaction for each organism used. Ex: E.coli was determined to be gram negative, because it did not retain the purple of the primary stain, but retained the pink of the counter stain.

Give the base sequence on the complementary DNA strand (the other side). 2. Give the base sequence of the strand of mRNA which would be constructed from the original DNA strand.

Give the base sequence on the complementary DNA strand (the other side).

2. Give the base sequence of the strand of mRNA which would be constructed from the original DNA strand.


This is the base sequence on one strand of a certain DNA molecule:

3’ T A C A A T G C C A G T G G T T C G C A C A T T 5’

1. Give the base sequence on the complementary DNA strand (the other side).

2. Give the base sequence of the strand of mRNA which would be constructed from the original DNA strand.

3. What amino acid sequence would this mRNA code for?

4. If the seventh nucleotide of the original strand of DNA were changed from G to C, what would the resulting mRNA read? Include the entire strand.

5. What would the resulting amino acid sequence be? Include the entire sequence. What type of mutation is this?

6. If a G were added to the original DNA strand after the 6th nucleotide, what would the resulting mRNA read? Include the entire strand.

7. What would the resulting amino acid sequence be? Include the entire sequence. What type of mutation is this?

8. If the 11th nucleotide on the original DNA strand were changed from G to C, what would the resulting mRNA strand read? Include the entire strand.

9. What would be the resulting amino acid sequence? Include the entire sequence. What type of mutation is this?
Consider the following DNA base sequence:

3’ T A C C A C G T G G A C T G A G G A C T C C T C A C T 5’

10. What is the mRNA sequence that would result from this DNA sequence ?

11. What is the amino acid sequence that result from this mRNA sequence?

12. If the 8th nucleotide in the original DNA molecule were changed from T to A, what mRNA would the new DNA code for? Include the entire strand.

13. What is the amino acid sequence that would result from this mRNA sequence? What type of mutation is this?

SHORT ESSAY: This is the change that results in sickle cell anemia. Using your textbook as a reference, describe the occurrence of sickle cell anemia, the phenotype and genotype of the disease, and the relationship of sickle cell anemia and malaria.

Describe the feedback mechanism involved in erythropoiesis. 2. Question: Describe the cardiac cycle (include conduction, contraction, heart sounds and EKG information).

1. Question: Describe the feedback mechanism involved in erythropoiesis.

2. Question: Describe the cardiac cycle (include conduction, contraction, heart sounds and EKG information).

3. Question: Describe the factors that increase blood pressure (negative feedback involved in blood pressure regulation).

4. Question: Describe the responses involved in non-specific immunity.

5. Question: Describe cell-mediated immunity (antigen presentation, antigen recognition, activation and cellular response). Include both CD8 and CD4 T cells.

6. Question: Describe antibody-mediated immunity (antigen presentation, antigen recognition, activation and cellular response).

7. Question: Describe the events, pressures and muscles involved in inhalation and exhalation.

8. Question: Describe how breathing is regulated through the negative feedback control of PCO2, PO2 and pH.


1. Question: Explain the difference between nonspecific and specific defense and the role of lymphocytes in each of the immune response.

2. Question: Identify the major components of the lymphatic system and explain their functions.

3. Question: List the body’s nonspecific defenses, and explain the function of two of them, also describe the components and mechanisms.

4. Question: Discuss the types of T cells and the role played by each in the immune response, and explain the mechanisms of their activation.

5. Question: Describe the mechanisms of B cell activation and the differentiation of plasma cells and memory B cells.

6. Question: Describe the structure of an antibody, and discuss the types and functions of antibodies in body fluids and secretions.

7. Question: Identify the organs forming the respiratory passageway(s) in descending order until the alveoli are reached. Distinguish between conducting and respiratory zone structures.

8. Question: List several physical factors that influence pulmonary ventilation and list the various lung volumes and capacities.

9. Question: Describe how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in the blood.

10. Question: Compare the causes and consequences of such conditions as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, COPD, ‘black lung,’ and lung cancer.

Do you think the bias referred to in the article is legitimate? Why or why not?

Do you think the bias referred to in the article is legitimate? Why or why not?

Bias in science (and society):
Although many researchers are aware of measurement bias (e.g., measurement error), the bias to which I am referring is, in large part, an unconscious bias that stems from one’s own cultural systems. All people are influenced by their culture; it shapes their views and interpretations for every situation. Scientists, as people, are not immune to the effects of cultural influence when it comes to framing hypotheses or interpretation of data (i.e., what are legitimate questions, who should be the focus of the study, etc.).

For this exercise you will explore two examples of how unconscious bias influenced (and continues to influence) Anthropology.

Evaluate an example:
The class session for this forum will consist of partner/group discussion followed by full class discussion.

For the partner/group discussion, you need to choose one of the following articles to read, answer the questions listed below for that article before class, and be prepared to share with your partner/group. You also need to consider the two questions under the “Everyone” bullet point.
For the full class discussion, your group/partnership needs to be prepared to share the consensus answers to the questions with everyone.
Article choices (choose 1):
Primatology: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Piltdown man: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
In the mid-1980s there was a shift in how primate societies were understood. Summarize the information provided in the section “A Transformed Understanding” about the four areas of primate sex differences in behavior highlighted by the shift.
Do you think the bias referred to in the article is legitimate? Why or why not?
The Piltdown skull was ‘discovered’ in 1912, and for 40 years it dominated the story of human evolution. According to the article, why was the Piltdown discovery such a ‘success’?
What do you think was the unconscious bias that influenced the persistence of this discovery? (consider our discussions about the history of evolutionary theory AND perceptions about what it means to be human)
Can you find/think of an example of potential bias from your field of study? Consider how research questions are framed and how they are funded.
Do you think this type of bias has an impact on science? Why or why not?
Think of at least two ways that scientists can work toward decreasing this type of bias in their research.
Written submission: (On Canvas, total word count 250-500)
Briefly summarize the article you choose to read for the forum.
Provide a summary of the discussion your group had about the example(s):
What type of bias(es) did your group decide were influencing the research/reception of research?
Did everyone agree on which (if any) bias(es) played a role in the examples you read? If not, what were the disagreements about?
Provide a summary of:
Examples that either your group or others in the class presented of potential bias in a different area of science (not biological anthropology).
Ways in which scientists can work toward decreasing this type of bias. If you feel that this type of bias is not important in science, tell me why you feel that way.

Watch the BBC documentary, “Can Eating Insects Save the World?

Watch the BBC documentary, “Can Eating Insects Save the World?” (59 min).

Copy the questions below and answer them in the text box. You can also copy and paste from the file provided.
THIS IS A WRITING ASSIGNMENT so take care in preparing your responses. There should be at least 5 paragraphs and 350-500 words in total.
List and discuss the health benefits of eating insects.
List and discuss the benefit(s) to the environment.
List and discuss the impact(s) on the planet and the human population.
Can you think of some disadvantages of eating insects? Do a bit of research to verify your claim either way. Briefly present your evidence in support of your answer.
Are spiders insects? Explain.

Describe how the pollution source is impacting the environment and human health in your community, and provide two examples of each.

Describe how the pollution source is impacting the environment and human health in your community, and provide two examples of each.

Write a 750-1,000-word essay about water quality in your community that addresses the following points:

Obtain a water quality report from your local municipality within the last two years and discuss what you found in the report?
Identify a water quality issue happening in your community and where the pollution comes from? This includes point sources (for example, water discharge from a factory; contamination from a Superfund site), Non-point sources (for example, agricultural runoff), and Natural sources.
Describe how the pollution source is impacting the environment and human health in your community, and provide two examples of each.
Identify three management practices to minimize water pollution.
Remember to support your data and information with appropriate citations. A minimum of five peer-reviewed references must be included.