Begin your post with a statement of the problem so that we can understand what you are doing. The answers are at the end of the file, so don’t just give an answer—we can already see what the answers are. Don’t post an explanation unless your answer matches the correct one!

Begin your post with a statement of the problem so that we can understand what you are doing.
The answers are at the end of the file, so don’t just give an answer—we can already see what the answers are. Don’t post an explanation unless your answer matches the correct one!

If Only I Had a System …This will be your opportunity to be the teacher. Click on “View Full Description and attachments” below for the directions and questions. Be sure to open the file that says “MATH110 Read This First” before you jump in!View Full Description and Attachment(s)Start with the attached files. First read the one entitled “READ THIS FIRST” and then open the file called “Systems of Equations Problems with Answers”. It is difficult to learn how to do story problems because there are so many different types. If you want to do well on this week’s test, FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS! 1) Go through ALL the story problems provided and try to solve them. Pretend it’s a Practice Test. Check your answers with the key provided. 2) Pick ONE of the problems that you got right (that has not already been solved by a classmate), and demonstrate its solution for the rest of us. 3) Study how your classmates solved the problems that you missed. Remember that these may be on the test!

To demonstrate your problem, select Start a New Conversation and make BOTH the problem number and topic (#10 Jarod and the Bunnies) the subject of your post.

Begin your post with a statement of the problem so that we can understand what you are doing.
The answers are at the end of the file, so don’t just give an answer—we can already see what the answers are. Don’t post an explanation unless your answer matches the correct one!

Your goal should be to explain this problem so well that a classmate who “just doesn’t get it” will be able to understand it completely!
This is a moderated forum. Your posting will say PENDING and will not be visible to the rest of the class until I approve it. Occasionally, more than one person will tackle a problem before they can see the work of others. In that case, credit will be given to all posters. Once the solution to a problem has become visible, that problem is off limits and you will need to choose a different problem in order to get credit.
I will indicate in the grading comments if corrections need to be made. If you haven’t received credit, first double-check for my comments in the gradebook. If everything looks OK, then message me asking me to check on it.
You must make the necessary corrections and have your work posted in order to receive credit.
For this particular Forum, no responses are required – your initial post is worth the full 10 points. Should you choose to respond to a classmate, a request for clarification on the procedure used, a suggestion for an alternate method of solving the problem or a general comment about the technique would all be appropriate. I’m sure that a “thank you” for an exceptionally clear explanation would also be welcome!

Please sign ALL your Forum posts with the name that you like to be called – it makes it so much easier for the rest of us to address you by your preferred name when we respond.

Initial Post Due: Tuesday, by 11:55 p.m., ET

Systems+of+Equations+with+Answers.pdfMATH110 Read This First.pdf

Why do plants use them?

Why do plants use them?

Discussion 4: Photosynthesis in Florida

Post a picture of your favorite plant in Florida and say why you like it.

Describe the methods of photosynthesis in C3, C4, and CAM plants.

Why do plants use them?

Provide one (1) example that is a Florida native or endemic plant that does C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis.

Cite your websites in APA format as before.

What is the purpose of this investigation? What types of serum are available?

What is the purpose of this investigation?
What types of serum are available?

Click on the “Blood Typing” Lab at the bottom of the list

What is the purpose of this investigation?
What types of serum are available?

1. Summarize the problem you are trying to solve.

2. What is the purpose of this investigation?

Explore Lab

3.a. What types of serum are available?

3.b. What do the antibodies in the serums bind to?

4. What are the disposable micropipettes used for?


5. Prediction Chart (indicate YES or NO if you think the blood will clump when exposed to the antibodies)

Blood Type

Anti-A Antibody

Anti-B Antibody

Anti-Rh Antibody







6. Observation Chart

Blood Sample

Clumps in Response to


Clumps in Response to


Clumps in Response to







Analyze and Conclude

7. Which, if any, of the blood samples tested are the patient with type B+ blood receive? Explain why.

8. Explain how you were able to use your knowledge of how different types of blood react with Anti-A, Anti-B, and Anti Rh antibodies to determine the blood types of the four samples.

9. If a person has Type A blood, he or she would have antibodies for what blood type?

10. Why is type O Negative blood known as the universal donor? Why is O Positive not a universal donor?

11. If a person has Type O blood, what type(s) of blood would she not be able to receive?

12. Is knowing the ABO blood type of a potential blood donor enough to determine a suitable match? Explain your answer.

13. What might happen if someone with Type A received a transfusion of Type B blood?

Do you need to refresh your knowledge concerning PowerPoint?

In the mid-1950s, the first study linking cigarette smoking to lung cancer was published. In the decades that followed, many other studies supported this finding and a host of other health-related effects attributed to smoking were uncovered.

Over the last few decades, cities and states have created local regulations prohibiting smoking in certain public places. In 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was given regulatory authority of all tobacco products.

Chapter 20 of your textbook begins with a comparison of two sources of inhalable nicotine: traditional tobacco cigarettes and E-cigarettes. Because E-cigarettes are a relatively new technology, less is known about the long-term effects of the firsthand and secondhand inhalation of vaping products. However, in recent years they have been treated and regulated similarly to traditional cigarettes.
Your assignment for this unit is to create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following elements:
the anatomy and physiology of respiration (e.g., explain how breathing works);
the effects of the inhalation of smoke and E-cigarette vapor on gas exchange in the lungs;
specific diseases associated with smoking, both pulmonary and cardiovascular; and
lastly, based on what you know about E-cigarettes from the reading and your own research, defend or oppose the regulation of vaping products as traditional cigarettes.
You will need to cite and reference at least one article from the CSU Library databases as one of your sources of information.

CSU Library Database Instructions

Open the CSU Online Library link in your student portal.
Under “discovery search,” click the tab for “articles.””
In the keyword search field, type keyword “vaping” and/or “E-cigarette” to find articles that cover this topic. You may get different results doing separate searches for each keyword. The keywords “electronic cigarette” may also be used.
From the list of available articles that comes up, select one that interests you.
Click on the article link, then click on “PDF full text or HTML full text,” and read the article. (Note: Not all articles will provide the full text; if your choice does not, you will have to select a different article.)
Discuss what you learned from your chosen articles in 1-2 slides in your presentation. Cite the article according to APA guidelines, and list it on your references slide.
PowerPoint slides should not contain a lot of text; use speaker notes to provide the details of your presentation. The general practice is to use no more than 5-6 bullet points per slide. The quality and depth of your speaker’s notes will be significantly factored into your grade.
Title and reference slides should be included. These do not count toward the 10- to 12-slide requirement. In addition to providing references on a reference slide, you need to cite your material in the slides as appropriate; use APA format for your references and citations.

Suggestions for Searching for Illustrations

Use at least 3 images in the presentation. When looking for illustrations to use, it is suggested that you type the subject into a search engine and click “images.” For your presentation, you are allowed to copy and paste images (being sure to cite and reference them). However, you are NOT allowed to copy and paste content, such as text, tables, and the like. As much as possible, your presentation needs to be in your own words.

PowerPoint Guidance

Do you need to refresh your knowledge concerning PowerPoint? Review this tutorial on PowerPoint Basics.

Click on the Notes tab on the right side of the tutorial screen to see a transcript of the PowerPoint webinar.
You can also search online for information concerning best practices about what should and should not be done when creating a PowerPoint presentation.

As directed in the tutorial above, pay attention to the background and font colors in your presentation—try to avoid using plain black text on a white background, but also avoid using colors that are visually difficult to see (such as yellow text on a light background) or that are unpleasant (such as red text on a yellow background). Strive for a pleasing, visually appealing appearance.
Reminder: The speaker notes should provide the detail and discussion of your presentation, and everything in the presentation should be in your own words, not copied and pasted from a source.

What substance is called the “spreading factor?” How does the “spreading factor” aid an organism in its quest to penetrate the host cell?

What substance is called the “spreading factor?” How does the “spreading factor” aid an organism in its quest to penetrate the host cell?

What are the three major species of Staphylococcus? Why one of them is more pathogenic compared to the other two species? Which factor determines the pathogenesis of the organisms?
What substance is called the “spreading factor?” How does the “spreading factor” aid an organism in its quest to penetrate the host cell?
APA citiation required

How many nucleotides would it take to construct the mRNA coding strand of the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule? B. How many nucleotides would it take to model the entire β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?

How many nucleotides would it take to construct the mRNA coding strand of the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?
B. How many nucleotides would it take to model the entire β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?

Exercise 2: The Globin Gene

1. Complete the DNA molecule by writing a complementary strand.

Coding Strand: CGT CTC TTC GGA CAC Complementary Strand:
2. Write the mRNA sequence that will be created in the process of transcription. The DNA coding strand has the information for the gene, so the strand must be transcribed. The relationships are slightly different for RNA, because RNA does not have T; therefore, U should be substituted for T. To transcribe DNA to RNA, the pairing relationship is A – U, T – A, C – G, and G – C, respectively.

Coding Strand: CGT CTC TTC GGA CAC

mRNA Strand:

3. Translate the mRNA into amino acids. Use Table 1 as a reference. Remember, when a “stop”
codon is recognized, the protein creation is terminated.

mRNA Strand:
Amino Acids Formed:


A. How many nucleotides would it take to construct the mRNA coding strand of the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?
B. How many nucleotides would it take to model the entire β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?
C. Is the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule a complete DNA molecule (chromosome) or part of one? Explain.
D. What would happen if one of the DNA nucleotides was deleted? What if the first T was substituted for an A? Would a substitution always result in a change? Explain why or why not.
E. Using your newly formed model of DNA from Exercise 1, write the coding strand below. Use the coding strand to determine the mRNA strand and the amino acids formed. Do this separately for Row 1 and Row 2 of your DNA model.

Data Table: Newly Formed Model of DNA from Exercise 1
Coding Strand
mRNA Strand
Amino Acids Formed
F. Did the new DNA model form any two of the same amino acids?
G. Optional: Compare the amino acids that were formed in this experiment with those of classmates who also performed this experiment. Were there many similarities?