The final case study should include four sections (Symptoms, Diagnosis, Cure, and Prevention). Each section should be about 1 page in length. Your entire paper must be 4-5 pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages, which must be included.

The final case study should include four sections (Symptoms, Diagnosis, Cure, and Prevention). Each section should be about 1 page in length. Your entire paper must be 4-5 pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages, which must be included.


APA formatting please. The paper and powerpoint is due by Noon EST this Saturday 9/9.

The community you will talk about will be Miami, Florida.

Your Portfolio Project for this class is a Community Action Plan designed to alleviate or correct a public health issue in your community. Your community can be your business, school, neighborhood, town or city of residence or birth, or county. For Option #1, your Community Action Plan will be a professional portfolio that includes a written report and a slide presentation. Below are some useful sites where you can find examples of the elements of an action plan.

Final Paper Instructions: 1.The final case study should include four sections (Symptoms, Diagnosis, Cure, and Prevention). Each section should be about 1 page in length. Your entire paper must be 4-5 pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages, which must be included. 2.You must cite and integrate at least 2 credible sources in each of the four sections of the paper. You may use readings other than the textbook to meet this requirement. The paper should be based on references to scholarly materials (rather than on introductory textbooks, popular website writings, or musings, for example) and should support your claims with evidence. 3.Incorporate into this final plan any classmates’ critiques that you found useful as well as your instructor’s feedback. 4.List the key community members or partners that you plan on contacting, with an explanation why these individuals or organizations make sense as potential partners. This could include your list of potential partners created in Week 4 Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1, or your interview of one key partner completed in Week 4 Critical Thinking Option #2. 5.Include a special emphasis on either the demographics of the affected population or the economic implications, depending on what Critical Thinking assignment you completed for Week 5. 6.Include a realistic timeline for your plan. Discuss the time needed for campaigning, education, funding, building, and implementation. Use ideas created during week 6 Critical Thinking Assignments, either the option for annotated bibliography or that for the brainstorming draft feedback. 7.Refer to the Portfolio Project rubric for grading criteria.

Final Instructions for Slide Presentation: 1.The slide presentation describes the problem in your community and your action plan. 2.Your presentation must be 8-10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. 3.Your presentation must be supported by at least two scholarly articles. 4.You may use a web-based slide presentation software such as Prezi, for example, or you may use PowerPoint. If you use a web-based tool, include the URL to your presentation in a Word document and upload it with your presentation. 5.The audience for this presentation will be community members or organizations you wish to educate about the public health issue and your proposed plan. 6.The purpose of this slide presentation is to educate the audience about the issue. Keep in mind that in real life you will have limited time to convince people of the gravity of the situation and to come on board with their support, so you want to be persuasive and get to the key points quickly and effectively. Note: Be sure to submit both your written report and your slide presentation for this assignment. Both files should be uploaded in a single submission to the assignment submission page. The paper and preliminary deliverables must be well written and formatted in conformity with APA Requirements.

1. Operating cash flow is generated by a company’s daily operations related to production and sales of goods and/or services. a. True b. False

1. Operating cash flow is generated by a company’s daily operations related to production and sales of goods and/or services.

a. True

b. False

2. In general, the reduction of an asset is a source of funds.

a. True

b. False


4. The cash conversion cycle is calculated as:

a. Days in Inventory + Collection Period

b. Days in Inventory – Payables Period

c. Days in Inventory + Collection Period – Payables Period

d. None of the above

5. A company can shorten its cash cycle by:

a. Reducing inventory turnover

b. Reducing account payables

c. Reducing days receivable

d. None of the above

6. A company has a retention rate of 50%, sales of $25,000, beginning equity of $50,000 and profit margins of 10%, an asset turnover ratio of .75 and debt of $10,000. What is its sustainable growth rate?

a. 2.5%

b. 1.7%

c. 3.75%

d. Not enough information given

7. Scenario analysis is a way of testing forecasts by changing one assumption at a time.

a. True

b. False


9. Which of the following is commonly used in preparing pro forma statements:

a. Historical financial statements

b. Projected sales

c. Efficiency ratios

d. All of the above

10. Pro forma statements are:

a. Summaries of historical financial statements

b. Government-mandated analyses of financial statements

c. Projected statements used in financial planning

d. Estimated tax liabilities

11. Which of the following liabilities form part of a company’s “real” activities?

i. I. Short-term debt

ii. II. Accounts payable

iii. III. Accrued operating expenses

iv. IV. Long-term debt

b. III only

c. II and III

d. I and IV

e. I only

12. The cost of debt is generally lower than the cost of equity.

a. True

b. False

13. M&M’s Proposition I states that a company’s value is independent of its capital structure.

a. True

b. False

14. A higher level of leverage generally reduces managerial discretion.

a. True

b. False

15. The Pecking Order Theory of capital structure implies a unique optimum capital structure.

a. True

b. False

16. As EBIT drops, the return on equity (ROE) of a levered firm drops ______ the ROE of an otherwise identical unlevered firm.

a. the same as

b. relatively more than

c. relatively less than

d. more or less than (it cannot be determined)

17. The owner of Grandma’s Applesauce is planning to retire after the coming year. She has to repay a loan $50,000 plus 8 percent interest and must rely on cash flow from operations to do so. Cash flow from operations is uncertain; there is a 70% probability it will equal $65,000, and a 30% probability it will equal $45,000. Assuming a tax rate of 0%, what is the owner’s expected cash flow after debt service?

a. $9,000

b. $5,000

c. $11,000

d. $7,700

18. Shareholders prefer high risk projects when facing a high probability of bankruptcy because

a. High risk projects usually bring high rewards.

b. Shareholders have the residual claim on a company.

c. Creditors have the residual claim on a company, and therefore bear the risk.

d. There is a good chance the government will rescue them in bankruptcy.

19. The _________ states that the value of the firm is determined solely by the value of its assets.

a. Static Tradeoff Model

b. M&M proposition I

c. The Pecking Order Model

d. Agency Theory

20. Which of the following expresses the value of a levered firm (VL) in the Static Tradeoff model of optimal capital structure? [Note: VU denotes the value of the unlevered firm; CFD denotes expected costs of financial distress; and PV denotes present value.]

a. VL = PV(Tax Shield) – PV(CFD)

b. VL = VU + PV(Tax Shield) / PV(CFD)

c. VL = VU + PV(Tax Shield) – PV(CFD)

d. VL = VU + PV(Tax Shield)

21. A example of indirect costs of bankruptcy is

a. Court costs

b. Attorney and advisor fees

c. Lost sales due to costumers and suppliers lost trust

d. All of the above

22. Which of the following are equivalent under M&M proposition I?

a. Maximizing firm value and maximizing firm profit

b. Maximizing firm value and minimizing the cost of capital

c. Minimizing firm’s cost of capital and minimizing firm’s debt burden

d. Maximizing profit and minimizing taxes

Pick a name for your biotech company. For your revised cGMP compliant SOP, combine the instructions from video 2 for SDS-PAGE, with the instructions for Western blotting given below in text. Video 3 is provided to help you see and understand the Western steps. You will have to stop at step 9 (or 8) of video 2 and continue on to the appropriate Western Blotting step in the provided Western Blot protocol. Note that the Western Blot protocol below is missing parts of what will be considered a cGMP-compliant SOP format – you will have to add those missing parts.

Pick a name for your biotech company. For your revised cGMP compliant SOP, combine the instructions from video 2 for SDS-PAGE, with the instructions for Western blotting given below in text. Video 3 is provided to help you see and understand the Western steps. You will have to stop at step 9 (or 8) of video 2 and continue on to the appropriate Western Blotting step in the provided Western Blot protocol. Note that the Western Blot protocol below is missing parts of what will be considered a cGMP-compliant SOP format – you will have to add those missing parts.

Change in SOPs is part of manufacturer’s attempts for continuous improvement of a process or product. PAGE gels can be cast by an analyst (video 1 – mostly FYI), but a faster, more reproducible way is to buy pre-cast gels (used in video 2). In this exercise, you, the QC analyst, are preparing a draft of a proposed revision of your current SOP for detecting a protein product, to an improved one that uses pre-cast gels.

Pick a name for your biotech company. For your revised cGMP compliant SOP, combine the instructions from video 2 for SDS-PAGE, with the instructions for Western blotting given below in text. Video 3 is provided to help you see and understand the Western steps. You will have to stop at step 9 (or 8) of video 2 and continue on to the appropriate Western Blotting step in the provided Western Blot protocol. Note that the Western Blot protocol below is missing parts of what will be considered a cGMP-compliant SOP format – you will have to add those missing parts. You can follow the content and format of an SOP in the “Label control SOP” and in the “SOP Stability Cougar”. Also look for the parts of a cGMP-compliant SOP from lecture ppt 05 on quality documentation. You will have to come up with your own reason/objective and your source of recombinant protein that you will be detecting for your Western. The protein that you are detecting can be from a bacteria, yeast, any plant, any animal, human, etc. You are all expected to work on different proteins. Also do a google search for a vendor/source of antibodies to detect your protein. 4 pages.

The second part of the Assignment is to reflect upon the goals and objectives you created in Unit 4. As they are written, could they be applied to a diverse or multicultural population?

The second part of the Assignment is to reflect upon the goals and objectives you created in Unit 4. As they are written, could they be applied to a diverse or multicultural population?

In Unit 4, you completed an Assignment where you identified goals and objectives for a proposed health intervention, project, or program for your chosen health issue. For this Assignment, you will build upon your previous work by reflecting on your goals and

objectives as they relate to diversity and multiculturalism within your profession.

This Assignment has two parts, both of which should be addressed within this paper. You will begin this Assignment by providing a 2-page analysis assessing the significance of diversity and multicultural perspectives within public health and health education fields.

Please identify why it is important to consider multiple perspectives before beginning an intervention.

The second part of the Assignment is to reflect upon the goals and objectives you created in Unit 4. As they are written, could they be applied to a diverse or multicultural population?

How would they need to change to be culturally sensitive or inclusive?

Conclude this Assignment with a short discussion on strategies to implement these changes.


Provide proper APA style citation and referencing for all sources used to develop goals and objectives.
Submit your assignment to the DropBox for grading by the due date.
3 years ago


Question 1 The Buck Store is considering a project that will require additional inventory of $216,000 and will increase accounts payable by $181,000. Accounts receivable are currently $525,000 and are expected to increase by 9 percent if this project is accepted. What is the project’s initial cash flow for net working capital?

Question 1
The Buck Store is considering a project that will require additional inventory of $216,000 and
will increase accounts payable by $181,000. Accounts receivable are currently $525,000 and are
expected to increase by 9 percent if this project is accepted. What is the project’s initial cash flow
for net working capital?
Question 2
Keyser Mining is considering a project that will require the purchase of $980,000 in new
equipment. The equipment will be depreciated straight-line to a zero book value over the 7-year
life of the project. The equipment can be scraped at the end of the project for 5 percent of its
original cost. Annual sales from this project are estimated at $420,000. Net working capital equal
to 20 percent of sales will be required to support the project. All of the net working capital will
be recouped. The required return is 16 percent and the tax rate is 35 percent. What is the amount
of the aftertax salvage value of the equipment?
Question 3
Jefferson & Sons is evaluating a project that will increase annual sales by $145,000 and annual
cash costs by $94,000. The project will initially require $110,000 in fixed assets that will be
depreciated straight-line to a zero book value over the 4-year life of the project. The applicable
tax rate is 32 percent. What is the operating cash flow for this project?


Question 4
Keyser Petroleum just purchased some equipment at a cost of $67,000. What is the proper
methodology for computing the depreciation expense for year 2 if the equipment is classified as
5-year property for MACRS?
$67,000 × (1 – 0.20) ×
$67,000/(1 – 0.20 0.32)
$67,000 × (1 + 0.32)
$67,000 × (1 – 0.32)
$67,000 × 0.32
Question 5
A company that utilizes the MACRS system of depreciation:
will have equal depreciation costs each year of an asset’s life.
will have a greater tax shield in year two of a project than it would have if the firm had
opted for straight-line depreciation, given the same depreciation life.
can depreciate the cost of land, if it so desires.
will expense less than the entire cost of an asset.
cannot expense any of the cost of a new asset during the first year of the asset’s life.
Question 6
Day Interiors is considering a project with the following cash flows. What is the IRR of this
Question 7
Which one of the following is an example of a sunk cost?
$1,500 of lost sales because an item was out of stock
$1,200 paid to repair a machine last year
$20,000 project that must be forfeited if another project is accepted
$4,500 reduction in current shoe sales if a store commences selling
$1,800 increase in comic book sales if a store commences selling


Question 8
Kelly’s Corner Bakery purchased a lot in Oil City 6 years ago at a cost of $302,000. Today, that
lot has a market value of $340,000. At the time of the purchase, the company spent $15,000 to
level the lot and another $20,000 to install storm drains. The company now wants to build a new
facility on that site. The building cost is estimated at $1.51 million. What amount should be used
as the initial cash flow for this project?
Question 9
The length of time a firm must wait to recoup the money it has invested in a project is called the:
internal return period.
payback period.
profitability period.
discounted cash
valuation period.
Question 10
Tedder Mining has analyzed a proposed expansion project and determined that the internal rate
of return is lower than the firm desires. Which one of the following changes to the project would
be most expected to increase the project’s internal rate of return?
decreasing the required discount rate
increasing the initial investment in fixed assets
condensing the firm’s cash inflows into fewer years without lowering the total amount of
those inflows
eliminating the salvage value
decreasing the amount of the final cash inflow

Question 11
What is the profitability index for an investment with the following cash flows given a 14.5
percent required return?
Question 12
If a firm accepts Project A it will not be feasible to also accept Project B because both projects
would require the simultaneous and exclusive use of the same piece of machinery. These projects
are considered to be:
mutually exclusive.
Question 13
Which one of the following best describes the concept of erosion?
expenses that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered
change in net working capital related to implementing a new project
the cash flows of a new project that come at the expense of a firm’s existing cash
the alternative that is forfeited when a fixed asset is utilized by a project
the differences in a firm’s cash flows with and without a particular project
Question 14
What is the net present value of a project that has an initial cash outflow of $34,900 and the
following cash inflows? The required return is 15.35 percent.


Question 15
You are considering the following two mutually exclusive projects. The required rate of return is
14.6 percent for project A and 13.8 percent for project B. Which project should you accept and
project A; because it has the higher required rate of return
project A; because its NPV is about $4,900 more than the NPV of
project B
project B; because it has the largest total cash inflow
project B; because it has the largest cash inflow in year one
project B; because it has the lower required return
Question 16
A project has an initial cost of $6,500. The cash inflows are $900, $2,200, $3,600, and $4,100
over the next four years, respectively. What is the payback period?
Question 17
The internal rate of return is defined as the:
maximum rate of return a firm expects to earn on a project.
rate of return a project will generate if the project in financed solely with internal
discount rate that equates the net cash inflows of a project to zero.
discount rate which causes the net present value of a project to equal zero.
discount rate that causes the profitability index for a project to equal zero.
Question 18
If a project has a net present value equal to zero, then:
the total of the cash inflows must equal the initial cost of the project.
the project earns a return exactly equal to the discount rate.
a decrease in the project’s initial cost will cause the project to have a negative NPV.
any delay in receiving the projected cash inflows will cause the project to have a
positive NPV.
the project’s PI must be also be equal to zero.

Question 19
Which one of the following is a project cash inflow? Ignore any tax effects.
decrease in accounts payable
increase in inventory
decrease in accounts receivable
depreciation expense based on
equipment acquisition
Question 20
Gateway Communications is considering a project with an initial fixed asset cost of $2.46
million which will be depreciated straight-line to a zero book value over the 10-year life of the
project. At the end of the project the equipment will be sold for an estimated $300,000. The
project will not directly produce any sales but will reduce operating costs by $725,000 a year.
The tax rate is 35 percent. The project will require $45,000 of inventory which will be recouped
when the project ends. Should this project be implemented if the firm requires a 14 percent rate
of return? Why or why not?
No; The NPV is $172,937.49.
No; The NPV is $87,820.48.
Yes; The NPV is
Yes; The NPV is
Yes; The NPV is

Discuss in detail how these different cell-types work together to provide the overall function of the organ.

Discuss in detail how these different cell-types work together to provide the overall function of the organ.

Your organs are composed of the four tissue types; epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous tissues. Organs are wondrous things, each one with a different function vital to the homeostasis of your body. While it is easy for us to view a particular organ as a single item, it is in fact comprised of many different types of cells and structures, each one unique and yet each one working together to perform the functions of the organ.In this Assignment, you will research an individual organ and its complexity. Your APA-formatted essay should include:A general description of your assigned organ in the introduction. In the general description, you will include the following: a brief description of the primary functions of this organ, its general shape, and the location of this organ in the human body.Describe in detail the importance of this organ to the function of the body as a whole. What are the functions of this organ and how is it critical for survival?Identify and describe which of the four tissue types (epithelial, connective, muscle, and/or nervous tissues) are present in the organ.Describe any organ-specific cell types that are present and if these cell types have any special structures (e.g., presence of microvilli and/or abundance of particular organelle such as mitochondria).Discuss in detail how these different cell-types work together to provide the overall function of the organ.Include a discussion of why each organ requires the different tissue types as well as unique cell types to function. Why can the organs not be comprised of just one cell type? What is the advantage of having so many different types of cells?The organ assigned to you for this essay is listed below and is based on the first letter of your last name:First Letter of Last NameOrganA-DHeartE-HLungI-MKidneyN-RSpleenS-VLiverW-ZStomach
 Basic Writing Requirements:Essay should be APA formatted.Should include a cover page, an introduction, and a conclusion.The body of the essay should address the different topics and questions described above.All statements of fact should be included in an APA reference list at the end of the essay.The essay should be a minimum of 750 words in length not counting the cover page and reference list.Submitting Your AssignmentSave your copy of the APA-formatted Assignment in a location and with a name that you will remember. Be sure to use the “Save As” option to include your first and last name in the title of the document. For example, your Assignment might be called Shawn_Edwards_Assignment4.docWhen you are ready, submit your work via the Dropbox.