Dr. Ally, a 49-year-old professor, was diagnosed with essential hypertension 12 years ago and was on antihypertensive drugs. However, he did not take his medications last year because he was feeling just fine. In addition, he was very busy with work. Nevertheless, he felt tired after work and developed dyspnea while climbing the stairs. Recently, he had a bout of epistaxis (severe nose bleed) with dizziness and blurred vision. He went to the doctor for a checkup. His blood pressure was 180/110, and the doctor found rales or crackles on his chest upon auscultation. The doctor ordered rest and asked him to start his medication again.

Dr. Ally, a 49-year-old professor, was diagnosed with essential hypertension 12 years ago and was on antihypertensive drugs. However, he did not take his medications last year because he was feeling just fine. In addition, he was very busy with work. Nevertheless, he felt tired after work and developed dyspnea while climbing the stairs. Recently, he had a bout of epistaxis (severe nose bleed) with dizziness and blurred vision. He went to the doctor for a checkup. His blood pressure was 180/110, and the doctor found rales or crackles on his chest upon auscultation. The doctor ordered rest and asked him to start his medication again.

Assignment 1: Hypertension (plz put this in question essay form with answers plz)

Dr. Ally, a 49-year-old professor, was diagnosed with essential hypertension 12 years ago and was on antihypertensive drugs. However, he did not take his medications last year because he was feeling just fine. In addition, he was very busy with work. Nevertheless, he felt tired after work and developed dyspnea while climbing the stairs. Recently, he had a bout of epistaxis (severe nose bleed) with dizziness and blurred vision. He went to the doctor for a checkup. His blood pressure was 180/110, and the doctor found rales or crackles on his chest upon auscultation. The doctor ordered rest and asked him to start his medication again.

What are the patient’s problems?
What pathophysiological changes are happening in his eyes and heart?
According to the doctor, the patient might have developed congestive heart failure. Is it right-sided or left-sided?
What medications are likely to have been used? Describe the mechanisms of actions of at least two antihypertensive drugs.
By Saturday, January 25, 2014, submit your responses to the above questions to the Discussion Area. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original and free from plagiarism. Use correct medical terminology, spelling, and grammar.

Which of the following is a function of modern-day psychologists? (Points : 2)

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) Which of the following is a function of modern-day psychologists? (Points : 2)
Read your thoughts
Study conformity
Study the future
Study how the positions of planets influence a person’s personality

Question 2.2. (TCO 1) Which of the following is the BEST example of psychology’s goal of describing behavior? (Points : 2)
Giving an interest-inventory (test) at a college counseling center to determine what career or college choices would best suit a student
Conducting an experiment to determine if watching violent cartoons increases aggressive behavior in preschoolers
Videotaping an intersection with four-way stop signs and measuring the ratio of complete to incomplete stops made by drivers
Sending first-time drug offenders to an inpatient treatment program rather than to jail

Question 3.3. (TCO 1) Most practicing psychologists earn degrees in the area of _____. (Points : 2)
educational psychology
school psychology
clinical psychology
cognitive psychology

Question 4.4. (TCO 1) _____ investigates how mental processes help people adapt to their environment. (Points : 2)
Cognitive processing

Question 5.5. (TCO 1) Dr. Watson, from the _____ school of psychology, focused on objective, observable behavior rather than on the unconscious. (Points : 2)

Question 6.6. (TCO 1) Behaviorists were different conceptually from earlier psychologists and (Points : 2)
rejected the practice of introspection.
rejected the influence of unconscious forces.
believed classical conditioning only applied to animals such as Pavlov’s dogs.
A and B

Question 7.7. (TCO 1) A state of self-fulfillment all individuals naturally strive to develop and move toward, according to Abraham Maslow, is called _____. (Points : 2)
self satisfaction
self actualization

Question 8.8. (TCO 1) The model that likens the mind to a computer that sequentially takes in information, processes it, and then produces a response is called the _____. (Points : 2)
stepwise model
information processing model
cognitive processing model
reasoning approach

Question 9.9. (TCO 2) Basic research is BEST defined as research that _____. (Points : 2)
is basic to one field only
advances scientific knowledge
is done to get a grade or a tenured teaching position
solves basic problems encountered by humans and animals in a complex world

Question 10.10. (TCO 2) Someone interested in studying the effects of text messaging rather than talking on the phone on the quality of friendships would perform _____ as the first step in order to follow the scientific method. (Points : 2)
forming a testable hypothesis
developing a theory
reviewing the literature of existing theories
designing a study

Question 11.11. (TCO 2) If a psychology teacher lets students earn extra credit by volunteering for research, he or she is ethically required to _____. (Points : 2)
volunteer for a study himself or herself
provide an alternative extra credit activity of equal value
help conduct the study himself or herself
All of the above

Question 12.12. (TCO 2) _____ research observes and records behaviors without manipulating variables or producing causal explanations. (Points : 2)

Question 13.13. (TCO 2) Which scientific method of research would be used if a college student running for student body president was trying to determine whether to emphasize campus security, improve parking facilities, or increase health services in his or her campaign? (Points : 2)
A case study
Naturalistic observation
An experiment
A survey

Question 14.14. (TCO 2) In experiments, _____ variables are selected and manipulated by the experimenter. (Points : 2)

Question 15.15. (TCO 2) One of the BEST ways to deal with ethnocentrism in scientific research is to _____. (Points : 2)
create culturally diverse research review committees
provide cultural sensitivity training to all researchers
use cross-cultural sampling
ignore it because cultural universals are more prevalent than cultural specifics

Question 16.16. (TCO 2) Which of the following is an example of a zero correlation? (Points : 2)
The relationship between your grades and how much time you spend studying
The relationship between your alcohol consumption and physical reaction time
The relationship between intensity of rain and umbrella use
The relationship between your adult height and intelligence

Question 17.17. (TCO 3) Evidence for _____ can be found when adopted children’s behavior resembles their adopted family’s behavior. (Points : 2)
predominance of nurture
predominance of nature
interacting contributions of nature and nurture
equal contributions of nature and nurture

Question 18.18. (TCO 3) The basic units of the brain and the rest of your nervous system are the _____. (Points : 2)

Question 19.19. (TCO 3) One important difference between a mylinated and bare axon is _____. (Points : 2)
the neural impulse is faster in the mylinated axon
the neural impulse is faster in the bare axon
only the bare axons have nodes
the bare axons are heavier

Question 20.20. (TCO 3) What part(s) of the cell receive incoming messages? (Points : 2)
Axons and cell body
Dendrites alone
Dendrites and cell body

Question 21.21. (TCO 3) Chemical messengers that are released by axons and stimulate dendrites on another neuron are called _____. (Points : 2)
chemical messengers
synaptic transmitters

Question 22.22. (TCO 3) If you run a marathon, your body will release _____ to elevate your mood and reduce your pain. (Points : 2)
lactic acid

Question 23.23. (TCO 3) One of the hormones released by the adrenal glands in response to stress is _____. (Points : 2)

Question 24.24. (TCO 3) The difference between neurons in the PNS and neurons in the CNS is _____. (Points : 2)
damage to the PNS neurons is more often fatal
neurons in the PNS can regenerate
damage to PNS neurons is usually irreversible
Both A and C

Question 25.25. (TCO 3) The spinal cord is found inside the spinal column and is involved in _____. (Points : 2)
initiating voluntary behavior
the release of hormones body
higher order cognitive functioning
coordinating reflexes

Question 26.26. (TCO 3) The autonomic nervous system is responsible for _____. (Points : 2)
connecting the CNS with the skeletal muscles
the somatic and parasomatic nervous system
regulation of the heart muscle and other involuntary functions
linking the body with the sense organs

Question 27.27. (TCO 3) After arguing with her husband over dinner, Sue developed a stomach ache. This was probably because _____. (Points : 2)
her sympathetic nervous system activated and shut down digestion during the argument
her parasympathetic nervous system activated and shut down digestion during the argument
her endocrine system sent out too many hormones to her stomach
her central nervous system signaled for too much acid to be produced in her stomach

Question 28.28. (TCO 3) Many symptoms of schizophrenia, like hearing voices, misunderstanding social cues, and misinterpreting sensory information could be due to abnormalities in the _____. (Points : 2)
reticular formation
All of the above

Question 29.29. (TCO 3) Which of the following is a characteristic of the cerebral cortex? (Points : 2)
It involves emotions and memory.
It controls both autonomic and voluntary behavior.
It regulates reflexive behavior.
It is responsible for higher mental processes.

Question 30.30. (TCO 3) This part of the cerebrum interprets bodily sensations. (Points : 2)
Posterior lobe
Anterior lobe
Parietal lobe
Temporal lobe

Which structure connects two sister chromatids?

Cell Division Unit Quiz 6
Question 1
Points: 10 out of 10
Which structure connects two sister chromatids?
• centriole
• centromere
• homologue
Question 2
Points: 10 out of 10
If a somatic cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will you find in the daughter cells, after mitosis?
• 46
• 92
• 69
• 23
Question 3
Points: 10 out of 10
Which of the following best describes cancer cells?
• Cancer cells respond to appropriate regulatory signals and divide in an uncontrolled manner.
• Cancer cells do not respond to appropriate regulatory signals and divide in a controlled manner.
• Cancer cells respond to appropriate regulatory signals and divide in a controlled manner.
• Cancer cells do not respond to appropriate regulatory signals and divide in an uncontrolled manner.
Question 4
Points: 10 out of 10
What stage of cell division is shown in the image below?

• Telophase
• Anaphase
• Prophase
• Metaphase
Question 5
Points: 10 out of 10
Which stage of the cell cycle is NOT part of interphase?
• G2 (Gap 2)
• M (Mitosis or Meiosis)
• G1 (Gap 1)
• S (Synthesis)
Question 6
Points: 10 out of 10
Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A DIPLOID cell from this organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a HAPLOID GAMETE of this organism?
• 80
• 40
• 20
• 46
Question 7
Points: 10 out of 10
If a somatic cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will you find in the daughter cells, after mitosis?
• 23
• 46
• 69
• 92
Question 8
Points: 10 out of 10
Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A GAMETE from this organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a SOMATIC CELL of this organism?
• 40
• 46
• 80
• 20
Question 9
Points: 10 out of 10
Chromosomes align on the equator of the cell.
• interphase
• metaphase
• telophase
• anaphase
• prophase
Question 10
Points: 10 out of 10
Gametes are supposed to be haploid. Complete the sentence: If nondisjunction occurs,
• the gamete will be normal.
• Two answers are correct: the gamete could be diploid, or it could be missing a chromosome entirely.
• the gamete could be diploid.
• the gamete could be missing a chromosome altogether.
Question 11
Points: 10 out of 10
DNA that is loosely wound is the easiest to replicate. Is this statement true or false?
• False
• True
Question 12
Points: 10 out of 10
A sperm has 16 chromosomes. How many chromosomes were in the germ cell that gave rise to the sperm?
• 32
• 16
• 64
• 8
Yes. The germ cell had twice as many chromosomes as the sperm.
Question 13
Points: 10 out of 10
True or false: DNA that is loosely wound is the easiest to divide.
• False
• True
Question 14
Points: 10 out of 10
An organism produces gametes through what process?
• Meiosis
• Cellular respiration
• Mitosis
• Protein synthesis
Question 15
Points: 10 out of 10
Identify the structure marked #1:

• Centromere
• Chromatid
• Homology
• Chromosome
Question 4
Points: 10 out of 10
Gametes are supposed to be haploid. Complete the sentence: If nondisjunction occurs,
• the gamete will be normal.
• Two answers are correct: the gamete could be diploid, or it could be missing a chromosome entirely.
• the gamete could be diploid.
• the gamete could be missing a chromosome altogether.
Question 5
Points: 10 out of 10
A muscle cell would divide to make more muscle cells using the process of:
• mitosis
• fertilization
• meiosis
Question 6
Points: 10 out of 10
If a somatic cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will you find in the daughter cells, after mitosis?
• 69
• 46
• 92
• 23
Question 7
Points: 10 out of 10
Chromosomes align on the equator of the cell.
• telophase
• metaphase
• prophase
• interphase
• anaphase
Question 8
Points: 10 out of 10
During which stage of the cell cycle are cell organelles (like mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes) DIVIDED into two new cells?
• Mitosis
• Cytokinesis
• S
• G2
Question 9
Points: 10 out of 10
Which stage of the cell cycle is NOT part of interphase?
• G1 (Gap 1)
• S (Synthesis)
• M (Mitosis or Meiosis)
• G2 (Gap 2)
Question 10
Points: 10 out of 10
Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A GAMETE from this organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a SOMATIC CELL of this organism?
• 40
• 46
• 20
• 80
Question 11
Points: 10 out of 10
An organism produces gametes through what process?
• Protein synthesis
• Mitosis
• Cellular respiration
• Meiosis
Question 12
Points: 10 out of 10
True or false: DNA that is loosely wound is the easiest to divide.
• True
• False
Question 13
Points: 10 out of 10
Imagine a hypothetical organism (critter). A DIPLOID cell from this organism has 40 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in a HAPLOID GAMETE of this organism?
• 46
• 80
• 20
• 40
Question 14
Points: 10 out of 10
An organism produces gametes through what process?
• Cellular respiration
• Mitosis
• Protein synthesis
• Meiosis
Question 15
Points: 10 out of 10
A sperm has 16 chromosomes. How many chromosomes were in the germ cell that gave rise to the sperm?
• 16
• 8
• 32
• 64

Of the primary producers you selected, which one do you think has the biggest impact on the ecosystem you researched? Explain.

In this assignment, you will be creating a trophic pyramid, also known as an “ecological pyramid,” for a specific ecosystem. Your completed trophic pyramid will be used to identify the trophic levels within the food web, as well as their effects on the ecosystem. To complete this assignment go to http://lc.gcumedia.com/bio220/biome-explorer/v2.1/index.html to retrieve the trophic pyramid worksheet. When completing the worksheet follow the guidelines below:

Select an ecosystem from an area of interest to you. When choosing an ecosystem, be specific. For help differentiating between biomes and ecosystems, review “Biomes and Ecosystems.”
Utilize credible sources to select and research your chosen ecosystem, including the textbook and the Internet (specifically, you may find the World Biomes page located at http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm helpful).
When researching your selected ecosystem, give special attention to the plant and animals species that inhabit that ecosystem. This information will be used to design the ecological pyramid.
Refer to the “Trophic Pyramid.” You will complete this template by entering the names of the species that belong to the various trophic levels (Apex predator, tertiary consumers, secondary consumers, primary consumers, and primary producers).
Refer to the text for further information and an explanation of trophic levels.
Using your completed trophic pyramid, answer the following questions in a separate Word document of at least 250-500 words:

Of the primary producers you selected, which one do you think has the biggest impact on the ecosystem you researched? Explain.
What species did you select for the apex predator? Explain the importance the apex predator’s impact on the other species in your tropic pyramid.
How did the amount of energy gained compare to the amount of energy lost as heat at the 2nd–4th trophic levels?
Referring to your completed trophic pyramid template, select one species. If this species was removed from your trophic pyramid, what would be the impact on the other species of the ecosystem?
Can efforts to save a species from extinction be successful if the focus of preservation is only on that species? Explain your answer
Considering the amount of energy required in producing animal-based foods and goods, should humans change their habits so they consume products closer to the bottom of the trophic pyramid? Provide rationale for your response.
This assignment requires a minimum of two peer reviewed references to be included.

What risk factors pertaining to health can you infer might be present from the scenario? What can the couple do to minimize these risks?

What risk factors pertaining to health can you infer might be present from the scenario? What can the couple do to minimize these risks?

Issues in Premarital Counseling

Steve has asked his girlfriend Nadia to marry him. They dated for a year after meeting in college at a fraternity party. Nadia has been sexually intimate with one other boyfriend, while Steve has had multiple partners. Both are American, but Nadia’s grandparents are originally from Egypt. Despite different religious backgrounds (Steve is Methodist; Nadia was raised as a Muslim) and cultures, they have a lot in common and both sets of parents are very happy about their engagement. As part of their preparation, they have begun premarital counseling. As Steve and Nadia’s counselor, you know that a discussion of sexuality will be important to their marital success.

Describe the important aspects of sexuality (such as arousal and response, intimacy, contraception, etc.) that Nadia and Steve need to discuss. Remember to consider psychological/emotional as well as physical factors.
Include a discussion of at least 1 theoretical perspective that you have learned about in this course (e.g., Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love, Masters and Johnson’s work, etc.).
What risk factors pertaining to health can you infer might be present from the scenario? What can the couple do to minimize these risks?
How will you show cultural competence during your sessions (i.e., what cultural issues should you consider)?
By Monday, April 30, 2012, write an essay that is 3-5 pages in length. Also include a cover page and reference list. Remember to support your arguments with information drawn from the online content, the textbook, and at least one other credible, scholarly source to substantiate the points you are making. You can use relevant Web sites or journal articles as sources for your presentation, but make sure that they are from reputable web and print sources such as the AU online library, or information from .org, .net, or .edu sites as opposed to .com. Please avoid Wikipedia.

Apply APA standards to for writing and citations to your work.

The paper should be double-spaced 12-point typescript, Times Roman font, with 1-inch margins all around, and free from grammatical errors.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Describe the important aspects of sexuality that Nadia and Steve need to discuss. Remember to consider psychological/emotional as well as physical factors. (CO3)


Include a discussion of at least 1 theoretical perspective that you have learned about in this course (e.g., Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love, Masters and Johnson’s work, etc.). (CO2)


What risk factors pertaining to health can you infer might be present from the scenario? What can the couple do to minimize these risks? (CO3)


How will you show cultural competence during your sessions (i.e., what cultural issues should you consider)?(CO1)


Organization (12 points):
Introduction, Thesis, Transitions, and Conclusion
Usage and Mechanics (4 points):
Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence structure
APA Elements (12 points):
Attribution, Paraphrasing, and Quotations
Style (16 points):
Audience, and Word Choice




Over the long period of time that life has existed on Earth, there have been a number of important or significant innovations including (but not limited to) endosymbiosis to create mitochondria and chloroplasts; multicellularity; adaptation to land by plants and animals; development of exoskeletons in arthropods, shells in molluscs, and notochords followed by vertebral columns in chordates and vertebrates; and bipedalism in the ancestry of humans. All of these had to come about by natural selection in response to changing environmental forces.

Over the long period of time that life has existed on Earth, there have been a number of important or significant innovations including (but not limited to) endosymbiosis to create mitochondria and chloroplasts; multicellularity; adaptation to land by plants and animals; development of exoskeletons in arthropods, shells in molluscs, and notochords followed by vertebral columns in chordates and vertebrates; and bipedalism in the ancestry of humans. All of these had to come about by natural selection in response to changing environmental forces.

Pick one of these significant innovations and describe:

How the innovation appears to have happened
What environmental challenges were met and overcome by this innovation, and
What opportunities were opened for the organism that made this innovation.