Describe the methods of photosynthesis in C3, C4, and CAM plants. Why do plants use them?

Describe the methods of photosynthesis in C3, C4, and CAM plants.

Why do plants use them?

Discussion 4: Photosynthesis in Florida
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Post a picture of your favorite plant in Florida and say why you like it.

Describe the methods of photosynthesis in C3, C4, and CAM plants.

Why do plants use them?

Provide one (1) example that is a Florida native or endemic plant that does C3, C4, and CAM photosynthesis.

Cite your websites in APA format as before.

Develop your opinion and include the following in your post:

Develop your opinion and include the following in your post:

Create at least a 350-word blog post in Microsoft® Word in response to the following question:

Female copperhead snakes have the ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually. In your opinion, which method is best for the species in general and why?

Develop your opinion and include the following in your post:

Discuss asexual and sexual reproduction in terms of genetic diversity. How is meiosis related to genetic diversity?
Use one of Gregor Mendel’s ideas to support your opinion.
Cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Transfer the average resting pulse rate data to the chart below. 2. Do 100 jumping jacks in a row without stopping. After you stop, immediately take your pulse for 30 seconds. Multiple that number by 2 to get your pulse per minute.

Transfer the average resting pulse rate data to the chart below.

2. Do 100 jumping jacks in a row without stopping. After you stop, immediately take your pulse for 30 seconds. Multiple that number by 2 to get your pulse per minute.

Unlike most workers, the heart never gets time off. Each hour, an average heart pumps about 75 gallons of blood throughout your body. Even more difficult, during exercise the heart must work overtime. The heart is the pump that causes your blood to circulate throughout your body and to all of your cells. The heart makes sure that the oxygen you breathe, the nutrients from the food you eat, and the water you drink, is delivered to your body. Without the heart, each of your organs would not be able to function!

When you exercise, you increase the demands for energy and gas exchange. Therefore, your heart must increase the speed at which the blood delivers the vital nutrients. How hard is your heart willing to work? In this investigation, you will examine how much your heart rate will increase and the amount of time it takes for your heart to return to its normal rate.

Collect Resting Pulse Rate Data

A pulse is the vibrations created each time your heart pumps blood through your arteries. The rate of your pulse indicates the speed of your heart pumping. Find a large tendon on the underside of your wrist. Using your middle and ring finger from your other hand, locate your pulse just below the base of the thumb and on the outside of the large tendon.

1. Find your resting pulse rate before you exercise. Count the beats in your pulse for 30 seconds, then multiply that number by 2 to find the number of beats per minute. Repeat the step two more times, and average your results. Record your results in Table 1.

2. Post your results in the D2L course discussion board and collect data from the discussion board for two other students.

Table 1: Rate of pulse when resting

Student Name


Student 1

Student 2

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3


Collect Pulse Rate Data after Exercise

1. Transfer the average resting pulse rate data to the chart below.

2. Do 100 jumping jacks in a row without stopping. After you stop, immediately take your pulse for 30 seconds. Multiple that number by 2 to get your pulse per minute.

3. Without exercising again, continue to take you pulse for the next ten minutes. This will determine how quickly your heart returns to its resting rate. Record the results after each minute in Table 2

4. Post your results in the D2L course discussion board and collect data from the discussion board from four other students.

Table 2: Rate of pulse after exercise for ten minutes

Student Name


Student 1

Student 2

Resting Rate (Table 1)

Immediately after Exercise

1 minute after

2 minutes after

3 minutes after

4 minutes after

5 minutes after

6 minutes after

7 minutes after

8 minutes after

9 minutes after

10 minutes after

Data Analysis & Conclusions

Set up the information from Table 2 onto a graph. You can either:

· create a graph in Word/Excel

· graph using this site:

· draw one by hand (see next page for graph paper).

1. Write the time variable on the x-axis. This is the independent (manipulated) variable.

2. Write the dependent (what you are measuring) variable on the y-axis.

3. Write the title in the format of dependent variable vs. independent variable.

4. You will place the data for all 3 individuals from Table 2 on the same graph.

· Approximately, how many minutes did it take your heart to return to its normal rate?

· Approximately, how many minutes did it take the other students’ hearts to return to their normal rate?

· How did your data compare to other students in the course?

· What might contribute to the differences in resting heart rate and the time it takes to return to resting heat rate between individuals?

· What else, besides exercise, might speed up your heart rate? Give two examples.

· Why does your heart rate increase when you exercise? Be specific (hint: think about what needs to be transported to your muscle cells while they are being used).


This optional assignment, worth up to 100 points extra credit, is an analytical paper, not a book report. Your writing should clarify the reader’s understanding of what scientists do, how science is done, and how new scientific knowledge is generated.

This optional assignment, worth up to 100 points extra credit, is an analytical paper, not a book report. Your writing should clarify the reader’s understanding of what scientists do, how science is done, and how new scientific knowledge is generated.

Abstract ideas, such as some of the ones we discuss in this course, can often be clarified through examples. For this optional assignment, you will read a book-­‐length account of “science in action” – real people engaging in the practices of science to generate new scientific knowledge. There are many books that are intended for a public audience and provide a window into the thoughts, emotions, and motivations of scientists. This optional assignment offers an additional challenge to synthesize supplemental reading and course objectives, while delving further into some of the big ideas of biology.

This optional assignment, worth up to 100 points extra credit, is an analytical paper, not a book report. Your writing should clarify the reader’s understanding of what scientists do, how science is done, and how new scientific knowledge is generated.

Analyze two specific examples of science-­‐in-­‐action from the book you chose in response to the guiding questions below and make explicit connections to what you have learned and experienced in BSC1005L. Choose examples to demonstrate that you read the book completely; these should be the BEST examples of science-­‐in-­‐action from the book and your analysis should provide evidence that these are appropriate examples.

Prices of securities that are traded on the organized exchanges are determined by?

Prices of securities that are traded on the organized exchanges are determined by
Which of the following refers to all institutions and procedures that provide for transactions in

short-term debt instruments generally issued by borrowers with very high credit ratings?
Which of the following represents the correct ordering of returns over the period 1926 to 2008

(from lowest to highest return)?
Private placements are
Insurance companies invest in the “long-end” of the securities market by purchasing securities with longer maturities. In which of the following instruments would an insurance company be least likely to invest most of its assets?
Three ways that savings can be transferred through the financial markets include all of the following except
The investment banker does not underwrite the securities to be issued in which of the following?
What is the term for a graphical representation of the relationship between interest rates and the maturities of debt securities?
Which of the following statements is most correct concerning flotation costs?
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, in order to protect investors, requires a higher level of accountability for which of the following groups?
During the period 1984 to 2008, the average yield on 3-Month U.S. Treasury bills was 4.76%, the average inflation rate was 2.97%, the average yield on 30-year Treasury bonds was 6.89%, and the average return on 30-year Aaa-Rated Corporate Bonds was 7.73%. The real risk-free short-term interest rate is
You are considering an investment in a U.S. Treasury bond but you are not sure what rate of interest it should pay. Assume that the real risk-free rate of interest is 1.0%; inflation is expected to be 1.5%; the maturity risk premium is 2.5%; and, the default risk premium for AAA rated corporate bonds is 3.5%. What rate of interest should the U.S. Treasury bond pay?
You are considering an investment in a AAA-rated U.S. corporate bond but you are not sure what rate of interest it should pay. Assume that the real risk-free rate of interest is 1.0%; inflation is expected to be 1.5%; the maturity risk premium is 2.5%; and, the default risk premium for AAA rated corporate bonds is 3.5%. What rate of interest should the U.S. corporate bond pay?
An actively traded, AAA-rated, Intel Corporation bond, maturing in 2015, provides an expected yield of 8%. The AAA-rated bond of a local Chicago-based company, not actively traded on any exchange, maturing in 2015, provides an expected yield to investors of 10%. The difference in expected yields is primarily due to
Suppose the following rates are averages for banks in your area: interest checking accounts pay 1%, savings accounts pay 2%, and one-year certificates of deposit pay 3%. All accounts are federally insured by the FDIC. The difference in rates can be explained mainly by
General Electric (GE) has been a public company for many years with its common stock traded on the New York Stock Exchange. If GE decides to sell 500,000 shares of new common stock, the transaction will be describe as
When a company repurchases its own common stock, it is likely that
The investment banker performs what three basic functions?
The one-year interest rate is 4%. The interest rate for a two-year security is 6%. According to the unbiased expectations theory, the one-year interest rate one year from now must be equal to
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Activities of the investment banker include
A basis point is equal to
Which of the following represents the correct ordering of standard deviation of returns over the period 1926 to 2008 (from highest to lowest standard deviation of returns)?
The costs associated with issuing securities to the public can be high. Some types of securities have greater expenses associated with them than others. Which of the following is the most costly security to issue?
Investment banking firms offer to facilitate the sale of securities to the public in a variety of ways. Which of the following methods guarantees the corporation with a pre-determined price for the securities?
During the period 1984 to 2008, the average yield on 3-Month U.S. Treasury bills was 4.76%, the average inflation rate was 2.97%, the average yield on 30-year Treasury bonds was 6.89%, and the average return on 30-year Aaa-Rated Corporate Bonds was 7.73%. The real risk-free short-term interest rate is
The nominal interest rate is 7% and the expected inflation rate is 2%. Based on the Fisher effect, the real rate of interest is
You are considering an investment in a U.S. Treasury bond but you are not sure what rate of interest it should pay. Assume that the real risk-free rate of interest is 1.0%; inflation is expected to be 1.5%; the maturity risk premium is 2.5%; and, the default risk premium for AAA rated corporate bonds is 3.5%. What rate of interest should the U.S. Treasury bond pay?
An actively traded, AAA-rated, Intel Corporation bond, maturing in 2015, provides an expected yield of 8%. The AAA-rated bond of a local Chicago-based company, not actively traded on any exchange, maturing in 2015, provides an expected yield to investors of 10%. The difference in expected yields is primarily due to
Suppose the following rates are averages for banks in your area: interest checking accounts pay 1%, savings accounts pay 2%, and one-year certificates of deposit pay 3%. All accounts are federally insured by the FDIC. The difference in rates can be explained mainly by
A life insurance company purchases $1 billion of corporate bonds from premiums collected on its life insurance policies. Therefore,
The risk premium would be greater for an investment in an oil and gas exploration in unproven fields than an investment in preferred stock because
Advantages of private placements do not include which of the following?
A “normal” yield curve is
A commitment fee is
Which of the following is not a benefit provided by the existence of organized security exchanges?
The prime lending rate is the base rate on
Money market transactions include which of the following?
Capital market transactions include which of the following?
A “Dutch auction” was used by Google to raise money in 2004. A Dutch auction involves
Commercial banks that also provide investment banking services are called
Which of the following is an example of both a capital market and a primary market transaction?
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 holds all of the following groups strictly accountable in a legal sense for any instances of misconduct except:
All of the following are benefits of organized stock exchanges except:
Which of the following is not a valid theory that attempts to explain the shape of the term structure of interest rates?
Reynolds, Inc. needs to raise $5 million by selling common stock. Reynolds sells 1 million shares of stock at $5 each to Goldman Sachs, who then is responsible for selling the shares to investors. This is an example of a
A wealthy private investor providing a direct transfer of funds is called
Private placements usually have several advantages associated with them, but also tend to suffer from specific disadvantages. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a private placement when compared to other methods of selling new securities?
Capital market instruments include
Money market instruments include:
When an investment banking firm “underwrites” an issue of securities, the firm is performing which of the following?
Which of the following securities will likely have the highest maturity risk premium?
General Motors raises money by selling a new issue of common stock. This transaction occurs in
Which of the following statements is false?
An example of a primary market transaction is
Common examples of financial intermediaries include all of the following except
Which of the following would not normally be considered a “flotation cost”?
An example of a secondary market transaction involving a capital market security is
Which of the following statements is an example of a futures market transaction?
The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is
Financial intermediaries
Spandra Electronics wants to raise money by selling stock. After talking to several investment banking firms, Spandra decides to hire Goldman Sachs to sell 5 million shares of its common stock. Goldman sells 4.5 million shares and returns the rest to Spandra. This is an example of
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, or SOX,
All of the following securities are sold in money markets except:
ExxonMobil generates about $50 billion in cash annually from its operations and invests about half of that on new exploration. Therefore, ExxonMobil is an example of a(n)
The one-year interest rate is 4%. The interest rate for a two-year security is 6%. The one-year interest rate one year from now is 8.34%. According to the liquidity preference theory, the risk premium for the second one-year investment is
Which of the following statements concerning private placements is most correct?
A corporation sells securities to an investment banking firm on January 1st. The next day an international oil crisis causes stock prices to drop dramatically. The corporation is immune from the drop in price of its stock due to which function of the investment banking firm?
The real rate of return is the return earned above the
The stock market with the most stringent listing requirements is the
In August 2004, Google first sold its common stock to the public at $85 per share and raised $1.76 billion. This is an examples of
All of the following are typically advantages of private placements except:
The nominal interest rate is 7% and the expected inflation rate is 2%. Based on the Fisher effect, the real rate of interest is
Which of the following securities will likely have the highest liquidity premium?
Prices of securities that are traded in the Over-the-Counter Markets are determined by

Assume you have just been hired as a business manager of PizzaPalace, a regional pizza restaurant chain. The company’s EBIT was $50 million last year and is not expected to grow. The firm is currently financed with all equity, and it has 10 million shares outstanding. When you took your corporate finance course, your instructor stated that most firms’ owners would be financially better off if the firms used some debt. When you suggested this to your new boss, he encouraged you to pursue the idea. As a first step, assume that you obtained from the firm’s investment banker the following estimated costs of debt for the firm at different capital structures:

Assume you have just been hired as a business manager of PizzaPalace, a regional pizza restaurant chain. The company’s EBIT was $50 million last year and is not expected to grow. The firm is currently financed with all equity, and it has 10 million shares outstanding. When you took your corporate finance course, your instructor stated that most firms’ owners would be financially better off if the firms used some debt. When you suggested this to your new boss, he encouraged you to pursue the idea. As a first step, assume that you obtained from the firm’s investment banker the following estimated costs of debt for the firm at different capital structures:

Percent Financed with Debt,










If the company were to recapitalize, then debt would be issued and the funds received would be used to repurchase stock. PizzaPalace is in the 40% state-plus-federal corporate tax bracket, its beta is 1.0, the risk-free rate is 6%, and the market risk premium is 6%.

1. Using the free cash flow valuation model, show the only avenues by which capital structure can affect value.


1. What is business risk? What factors influence a firm’s business risk?

2. What is operating leverage, and how does it affect a firm’s business risk? Show the operating break-even point if a company has fixed costs of $200, a sales price of $15, and variable costs of $10.