Describe the experimental design needed to test this hypothesis using citizen science. Be sure to include: (a) the role of the citizen science volunteers in the experiment (b) the type of data to be collected and (c) a direct connection back to how the experiment addresses the hypothesis (3 points)

Propose one hypothesis that researchers studying animal behavior could examine using the help of citizen science volunteers. (2 points)
Describe the experimental design needed to test this hypothesis using citizen science. Be sure to include: (a) the role of the citizen science volunteers in the experiment (b) the type of data to be collected and (c) a direct connection back to how the experiment addresses the hypothesis (3 points)
How does this experiment address a social, scientific, or technological issue facing society today? Please explain in full detail, including (a) identifying the issue and (b) elaborating on how this experiment addresses the issue. Examples of issues include: global climate change, species extinction/loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction, etc. (3 points)
Which of Tinbergen’s Levels of Analysis best applies to your hypothesis? Why? Could multiple levels be appropriate? Why or why not? (2 points)

You must include a brief physical description. You can use your personal observations. If you cannot safely observe your organism, you must research.

You must include a brief physical description. You can use your personal observations. If you cannot safely observe your organism, you must research.

Objective: Assess sources for your research for your final presentation (for credibility, reliability, and relevance) and list references in proper APA format. That means the sources you use for this assignment should be directly related to the species that you chose The (Colorado’s Lynx). Objective: Organize your thoughts and the main points of your research for your final presentation

submit an outline to organize your thoughts and main points. Your outline should be formatted a specific way and must contain the following elements as described below.

To prepare for this assignment.

ANIMALS:Colorado’s Lynx

I. The Introduction Section

A. Organism Introduction

1. The common and scientific name of your organism. Please see this link to help with scientific names if needed: How To Write Scientific Names

2. Where you observed your organism (country, state, park, zoo, etc.)

3. A brief discussion on why you chose your organism

4. If possible, a picture and/or video of you safely observing your species in the field. If not possible, search the Internet for an image (and remember to cite your source for the image) in a typical habitat.

II. The Body

A. Physical Description

1. You must include a brief physical description. You can use your personal observations. If you cannot safely observe your organism, you must research.

a. Size, Coloring, etc.

B. Life Cycle and Reproduction

1. Life Cycle: describe the life cycle of your organism. The life cycle refers to the series of changes that happens from the beginning of life as your organism develops and grows into a mature organism. Please see here for some hints on the Life Cycle. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!

2. Reproduction: You must discuss the reproductive strategies of your organism (e.g. release of gametes by a fish or hermaphroditic reproduction in earthworms), mate choice, mating displays, mate competition and mating systems.

C. Structure and Function

1. Please select one organ system of your organism that you find to be particularly interesting and describe both the anatomy and physiology of that system.

2. If your organism is an animal, here are a list of the general animal organ systems

D. Energy Ecology

1. If you can observe these, that is best. If not, research.

2. What are the food sources? Types? Amounts? Temporal pattern of feeding? Specific handling or processing of food items by the organism (e.g. the way a squirrel manipulates an acorn)

E. Habitat

1. Where your organism lives. This does not refer to a city or state, but rather the natural environment in which your organism lives.

2. You should consider abiotic factors, such as soil, water, etc., as well as biotic factors, such as predators, hosts, etc.

III. The Conclusion Section

A. This section should contain four to six points that sum up the main points from the body of the outline.

B. Start your conclusive section with one sentence summarizing some basic information about your chosen organism (name and geographical distribution).

C. Continue with a brief summary (1-2 sentences) about the life cycle and any particular body structures.

D. Include a brief summary (1-2 sentences) about the ecological role of your chosen organism in its ecosystem.

E. Wrap up the conclusive section with a closing note that provides brief information about a unique fact and/or behavior of your chosen organism.

IV. The Reference Section:

A. This is not just the reference page; rather, referencing should occur throughout the outline as it will in your presentation. Therefore, your outline should include both a separate reference page containing a minimum of five sources listed in proper APA reference list format AND internal citations throughout the outline where appropriate. Please be sure to see the resources below for assistance regarding in-text citations and reference list formatting, and/or ask me if you have any additional questions.

What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis?

What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis?

Week 5 DiscussionCOLLAPSEOverall Rating:

“Apoptosis, Crossover, and Tumor-suppressor genes”

This week’s discussion is focused mechanisms that cells use to keep cell division under control, to prevent cancer, and to function well. For your primary post, respond to one of the following three topics. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1 : Apoptosis. Watch the Khan Academy video about apoptosis (1)*, then answer the following questions in your own words:

(a) What is the difference between apoptosis and necrosis?
(b) What is the role of apoptosis in the normal, healthy development of animals?
a year ago

List the Name of the article, Authors, Date, and publisher. 2)Describe (in your own words) in 2-3 sentences what the research article is about. Be concise. 3)Where was the study conducted and who was the target population?

List the Name of the article, Authors, Date, and publisher.

2)Describe (in your own words) in 2-3 sentences what the research article is about. Be concise.

3)Where was the study conducted and who was the target population?

Answer the following questions in Question and Answer Format.

Use the article attached to answer the questions attached.

1)List the Name of the article, Authors, Date, and publisher.

2)Describe (in your own words) in 2-3 sentences what the research article is about. Be concise.

3)Where was the study conducted and who was the target population?

4)What was the main purpose of this research study? What question was the research study trying to answer?

5)How was the model/theory used? Be specific: What concepts/constructs from the model were used and how were they used?

6)What methods were used?

7)What were the pros/strengths and cons/weaknesses/limitations of the study?

8)What were the results of the study? Were they important?

9)What conclusions were made? How could the results of this study be helpful to health educators?

10)Does the article make sense? Do you have confidence in the findings? Why or why not?

**Quality of work requirements: Minimally, the content of assignments must be factual, scientifically based, and appropriately referenced. Some assignments may ask you to also include thoughtful, well-developed opinion or reflection. Assignments must adequately answer the question. Answers cannot be copied directly from the text or other sources. Answers must be in the student’s own words. If direct content is used it must be referenced and put in quotations. Assignments submitted for credit must be the original work of students currently enrolled in this course and collaboration with classmates is not permitted. All work must be written in formal academic language that is free of spelling and grammar errors.

Analyze the different types of cancer, and suggest at least three (3) cost-saving strategies to deal with long-term cancer care. Evaluate the pragmatic value of early cancer detection.


“Cancer as a Growing Health Threat” Please respond to the following:

• After reviewing this week’s material on cancer, suggest at least two (2) ways to address and communicate this threat to the public. Recommend five (5) steps to cancer prevention. Provide rationale for your response.

• Analyze the different types of cancer, and suggest at least three (3) cost-saving strategies to deal with long-term cancer care. Evaluate the pragmatic value of early cancer detection.


“Disease Screening Methodology” Please respond to the following:

• From the case study and e-Activity, analyze and evaluate the various measures of screening tests validation, and comment on the efficacy of screening programs in your community.

• From the case study and applying the concepts of sensitivity and specificity to prostate cancer screening, evaluate the cost effectiveness of having screenings for men over 50 years of age.


Analyze the concepts of psychosocial, behavioral, and social epidemiology, and integrate these concepts into a positive predictor formula for a healthy community. Recommend at least two (2) steps in a promulgated plan to disseminate this information to your community.

Analyze the concepts of psychosocial, behavioral, and social epidemiology, and integrate these concepts into a positive predictor formula for a healthy community. Recommend at least two (2) steps in a promulgated plan to disseminate this information to your community.


“Epidemiology in a Global Setting” Please respond to the following:

• After reviewing this week’s readings, analyze the practice of epidemiology in the U.S. as compared to Third World countries in general. Suggest at least two (2) steps to improve the practice of epidemiology in Third World countries. Provide rationale for your suggestions.

• Evaluate the cost effectiveness of using epidemiologic principles as a prophylactic measure, as opposed to a lack of health oversight in disadvantaged communities.


“Epidemiology as a Social Science” Please respond to the following:

• Analyze the concepts of psychosocial, behavioral, and social epidemiology, and integrate these concepts into a positive predictor formula for a healthy community. Recommend at least two (2) steps in a promulgated plan to disseminate this information to your community.

• Based on your analysis from the previous discussion, suggest which of the two (2) concepts from psychosocial, behavioral, and social epidemiology has the most impact on the future of health care in the U.S. Provide support for your suggestion.