1) Johnson, Inc. has just ended the calendar year making a sale in the amount of $10,000 of merchandise purchased during the year at a total cost of $7,000. Although the firm paid in full for the merchandise during the year, it has yet to collect at year end from the customer. The net profit and cash flow from this sale for the year are?

1) Johnson, Inc. has just ended the calendar year making a sale in the amount of $10,000 of

merchandise purchased during the year at a total cost of $7,000. Although the firm paid in full for

the merchandise during the year, it has yet to collect at year end from the customer. The net profit

and cash flow from this sale for the year are

A) $3,000 and $7,000, respectively. B) $3,000 and -$7,000, respectively.

C) $3,000 and $10,000, respectively. D) $7,000 and -$3,000, respectively.

2) A firm has just ended its calendar year making a sale in the amount of $150,000 of merchandise

purchased during the year at a total cost of $112,500. Although the firm paid in full for the

merchandise during the year, it has yet to collect at year end from the customer. The net profit and

cash flow from this sale for the year are

A) $37,500 and -$112,500, respectively. B) $37,500 and -$150,000, respectively.

C) $0 and $150,000, respectively. D) $150,000 and $112,500, respectively.

TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.

3) Dividend payments change directly with changes in earnings per share. F

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

4) The primary goal of the financial manager is

A) minimizing risk. B) maximizing profit.

C) minimizing return. D) maximizing wealth.

5) A financial manager must choose between three alternative investments. Each asset is expected to

provide earnings over a three-year period as described below. Based on the wealth maximization

goal, the financial manager would

Year Asset 1 Asset 2 Asset 3

1 $21,000 $ 9,000 $15,000

2 15,000 15,000 15,000

3 9,000 21,000 15,000

$ 45,000 $45,000 $45,000

A) choose Asset 1.

B) choose Asset 2.

C) choose Asset 3.

D) be indifferent between Asset 1 and Asset 2.

6) The ________ provides a financial summary of the firm’s operating results during a specified


A) statement of cash flows B) balance sheet

C) income statement D) statement of retained earnings

7) Earnings available to common shareholders are defined as net profits

A) before taxes. B) after taxes minus common dividends.

C) after taxes. D) after taxes minus preferred dividends.

8) A firm had the following accounts and financial data for 2005.

Sales Revenue $3,060 Cost of goods sold $1,800

Accounts Receivable 500 Preferred stock dividends 18

Interest expense 126 Tax rate 40%

Total oper. expenses 600 Number of shares of common 1,000

Accounts payable 240 stocks outstanding

The firm’s earnings available to common shareholders for 2005 were ________.

A) $302.40 B) $516.60 C) $195.40 D) -$224.25

ESSAY. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

9) At the end of 2005, the Long Life Light Bulb Company announced it had produced a gross profit of $1 million.

The company has also established that over the course of this year it has incurred $345,000 in operating

expenses and $125,000 in interest expenses. The company is subject to a 30% tax rate and has declared $57,000

total preferred stock dividends.

(a) How much is the earnings available for common stockholders?

(b) Compute the increased retained earnings for 2005 if the company were to declare a $4.25 common stock

dividend. The company has 15,000 shares of common stock outstanding.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

10) The two basic measures of liquidity are

A) inventory turnover and current ratio. B) current ratio and total asset turnover.

C) gross profit margin and ROE. D) current ratio and quick ratio.

11) As a firm’s cash flows become more predictable,

A) the return on equity should increase. B) the current ratio should expand.

C) current liabilities should decrease. D) current assets should decrease.

12) If Nico Corporation has annual purchases of $300,000 and accounts payable of $30,000, then

average purchases per day are ________ and the average payment period is ________.

A) 821.9; 36.5 B) 833.3; 36.0 C) 36.0; 833.3 D) 36.5; 821.9

13) The ________ is a popular approach for evaluating profitability in relation to sales by expressing

each item on the income statement as a percent of sales.

A) source and use statement B) retained earnings statement

C) profit and loss statement D) common-size income statement

14) A firm with a gross profit margin which meets industry standard and a net profit margin which is

below industry standard must have excessive

A) principal payments. B) cost of goods sold.

C) general and administrative expenses. D) dividend payments.

15) Examples of sophisticated capital budgeting techniques include all of the following EXCEPT

A) annualized net present value. B) payback period.

C) net present value. D) internal rate of return.

16) A firm is evaluating a proposal which has an initial investment of $50,000 and has cash flows of

$15,000 per year for five years. The payback period of the project is

A) 1.5 years. B) 4 years. C) 3.3 years. D) 2 years.


TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.

17) If the NPV is greater than the cost of capital, a project should be accepted.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

18) A firm is evaluating three capital projects. The net present values for the projects are as follows:

Project NPV

1 $100

2 $0

3 $100

The firm should

A) accept Projects 1 and 2 and reject Project 3.

B) accept Projects 1 and 3 and reject Project 2.

C) reject all projects.

D) accept Project 1 and reject Projects 2 and 3.

19) What is the NPV for the following project if its cost of capital is 15 percent and its initial after tax

cost is $5,000,000 and it is expected to provide after-tax operating cash inflows of $1,800,000 in year

1, $1,900,000 in year 2, $1,700,000 in year 3 and $1,300,000 in year 4?

A) $1,700,000. B) ($137,053).

C) $371,764. D) None of the above.

TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false.

20) If its IRR is greater than the cost of capital, a project should be accepted.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

21) What is the IRR for the following project if its initial after tax cost is $5,000,000 and it is expected to

provide after-tax operating cash inflows of $1,800,000 in year 1, $1,900,000 in year 2, $1,700,000 in

year 3 and $1,300,000 in year 4?

A) 13.57%. B) 15.57%.

C) 0.00%. D) None of the above.

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.

22) Tangshan Mining Company is considering investing in a new mining project. The firm’s cost of capital is 12 percent and the project is expected to have an initial after tax cost of $5,000,000. Furthermore, the project is expected to provide after-tax operating cash flows of $2,500,000 in year 1, $2,300,000 in year 2, $2,200,000 in year 3 and ($1,300,000) in year 4?

(a) Calculate the project’s NPV.

(b) Calculate the project’s IRR.

(c) Should the firm make the investment?

Edelman Engineering is considering including two pieces of equipment, a truck and an overhead pulley system, in this year’s capital budget. The projects are independent. The cash outlay for the truck is $17,100, and that for the pulley system is $22,430. The firm’s cost of capital is 14 percent. After-tax cash flows, including depreciation, are $5,100 per year for five years for the truck and $7,500 per year for five years for the pulley. Calculate the IRR and the NPV for each project and indicate the correct accept/reject decision for each. Draw the time line for each case.

Edelman Engineering is considering including two pieces of equipment, a truck and an overhead pulley system, in this year’s capital budget. The projects are independent. The cash outlay for the truck is $17,100, and that for the pulley system is $22,430. The firm’s cost of capital is 14 percent. After-tax cash flows, including depreciation, are $5,100 per year for five years for the truck and $7,500 per year for five years for the pulley. Calculate the IRR and the NPV for each project and indicate the correct accept/reject decision for each. Draw the time line for each case.

A drug may be either extracted from a plant or produced synthetically in the laboratory. Which method is likely to result in a compound that may be toxic to the body?

A drug may be either extracted from a plant or produced synthetically in the laboratory. Which method is likely to result in a compound that may be toxic to the body?

1- List the intended use, mechanism of action (how does the drug work), type of controlled release and/or targeting used, and the company that produces each of the following formulations:






2- A “health guru” has stated that “the makeup you put on your skin goes into your bloodstream”. Using what you know about the relationship between molecular weight and lipophilicity and skin permeation, discuss the conditions under which this statement may be correct.

3- A drug may be either extracted from a plant or produced synthetically in the laboratory. Which method is likely to result in a compound that may be toxic to the body?

Caswell Enterprises had the following end-of-year stock prices over the last five years and paid no dividends. Time Caswell 1 $9 2 $14 3 $10 4 $7 5 $9 a. Calculate the average rate of return for each year from the above information.

Caswell Enterprises had the following end-of-year stock prices over the last five years and paid no dividends.

Time Caswell

1 $9

2 $14

3 $10

4 $7

5 $9

a. Calculate the average rate of return for each year from the above information.

b. What is the arithmetic average rate of return earned by investing in Caswell’s stock over this period?

c. What is the geometric average rate of return earned by investing in Caswell’s stock over this period?

d. Considering the beginning and ending stock prices for the five-year period are the same, which type of average rate of return best describes the annual rate of return earned over the period (arithmetic or geometric)?

e. The annual rate of return at the end of year 2 is what percent?

What techniques and equipment are used when the bacteria are observed as being purple and red? How are these findings reported? What are the stages of processing a blood sample Using the 5 I’s of culturing?

What techniques and equipment are used when the bacteria are observed as being purple and red? How are these findings reported?
What are the stages of processing a blood sample Using the 5 I’s of culturing?

Please read the following case study and answer the questions.

Staining Helps Identify an Infectious Agent Case Study

A 94-year-old woman went to her local hospital emergency department in mid-November 2001 complaining of a 5-day history of weakness, fever, nonproductive cough, and generalized myalgia (muscle aches). Otherwise, for a person her age she was fairly healthy, although she did suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, and chronic kidney failure.

On physical examination, her heart rate was above normal and she had a fever of 102.3°F

(39.1°C). The rest of her physical examination was normal. Initial laboratory studies of blood cell count, blood chemistries, and chest X ray were also normal except for the chemical urine testing. This finding along with the fever suggested an infection, so the patient was admitted to the hospital. Samples of blood and urine were sent to the microbiology laboratory and set up appropriately.

The next day, microscopic evaluation of the urine culture revealed rod-shaped bacteria that stained red, and the blood culture revealed rods that stained purple. The liquid blood culture was then transferred to appropriate solid media. This finding in the blood was unusual, so a sample culture was sent to the state health department laboratory. Antibiotic therapy was adjusted, yet the patient’s condition deteriorated. Her most serious symptoms localized to her chest, and she was transferred to the intensive care unit. Four days after admission, the health

department announced that the bacteria found in the patient’s blood were Bacillus anthracis.

She was suffering from inhalation anthrax. Further testing showed these bacteria to be of the same strain that had been involved in the recent bioterrorist attack. Despite treatment, the patient died on the fifth day after admission.

What techniques and equipment are used when the bacteria are observed as being purple and red? How are these findings reported?
What are the stages of processing a blood sample Using the 5 I’s of culturing?
3-4 sentence for each quistion answer , no source limited , mla formate

1 Good management of current liabilities can do which of the following?


Good management of current liabilities can do which of the following?

Helps deplete the cash fund

Helps increase a company’s debt

Helps improve cash flow

Helps maintain good supplier relations


Which current liability is generally listed first on the balance sheet?

Notes payable

Accounts payable

Current portions of long-term debt

Accrued payables


Which of the following statements is true about liabilities?

They must involve an outflow of cash

They must be certain

They may have to be estimated

They must be for a specific amount


Which of the following is associated with cash received in advance for services to be performed in the future?

Estimated warranty payable

Unearned revenue

Accounts payable

Accrued expense


Which of the following statements is false about liabilities?

They can be classified as either current or long-term

They are recorded when paid

They are generally valued at the amount of money needed to pay the debt or reported at the fair market value of the goods or services to be delivered

Disclosures in the notes to the financial statements are required for most liabilities


Unearned revenue is initially recognized with a:

Credit to revenue

Credit to unearned revenue

Debit to unearned revenue

Debit to revenue payable


Which of the following would be included in the journal entry to record the payment of accrued sales tax?

A debit to Sales tax expense

A debit to Sales tax payable

A credit to Sales tax payable

A credit to Sales tax expense


Payroll liabilities include taxes paid to the federal, state, or local government what else might qualify for a current liability related to payroll?

FICA (Federal Insurance Contribution Act) contributions or Social Security

Health insurance

Retirement benefits

Unemployment insurance


Sales revenue for a sporting goods store amounted to $215,000 for the current period. All sales are on account and are subject to a sales tax of 7%. Which of the following would be included in the journal entry to record these sales?

A debit to Sales tax payable for $15,050

A credit to Accounts receivable for $215,000

A debit to Accounts receivable for $230,050

A debit to Sales revenue for $215,000

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Notes payable is:

A business expense

A current liability

An estimated liability

A contingent liability

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Press this button to see the solution for this question.


Amounts received in advance from customers for future products or services are called






Which of the following is true regarding the treatment of accounts payable, sales tax payable, and unearned revenues?

Both GAAP and IFRS treat these accounts as known liabilities

IFRS treats them as known liabilities, while GAAP treats these accounts as contingent liabilities

Both GAAP and IFRS treat these accounts as estimated liabilities

GAAP treats them as estimated liabilities, while IFRS treats these accounts as contingent liabilities


Which of the following correctly describes Interest payable?

Interest payable is shown on the balance sheet as a current liability.

Interest payable is shown on the income statement as an operating expense.

Interest payable is shown on the balance sheet as a long-term liability.

Interest payable is shown on the balance sheet as a current asset.


Which of the following is true for a liability to exist?

An obligation to pay cash in the future must exist.

The identity of the party must be known.

The exact amount must be known.

A past transaction or event must have occurred.


Obligations due to be paid within one year or within the company’s operating cycle, whichever is longer, are:

Current liabilities

Operating cycle liabilities




Which of the following correctly describes the unearned revenue account?

The unearned revenue account represents revenue that has been earned and collected.

The unearned revenue account represents revenue that has been earned, but not yet collected.

The unearned revenue account represents revenue that has been collected, but not yet earned.

The unearned revenue account represents revenue that has neither been earned nor collected.


Which of the following is a liability created when a company receives cash for services to be provided in the future?

Service revenue

Unearned revenue

Accrued liability

Estimated warranty payable


Accounts payable is:

A contingent liability

An estimated liability

A current liability

A business expense


Which of the following is not an example of a certainly determinable liability?

Sales tax payable

Income taxes payable

Unearned revenues

Payroll taxes payable


Which of the following is a characteristic of a current liability?

A current liability is a liability that is due within 30 days

A current liability is a liability that is due in longer than a one-year period, or one operating cycle

A current liability is a liability that is due within one year or one operating cycle, whichever is longer

A current liability is a liability that is due within 10 days


Employers are required to ____________ in Medicare tax as the employee.

withhold 25%

withhold 50%

contribute double the amount

contribute the same percentage


Payroll liabilities are based on:

the amount earned before any deductions, the employee’s gross earnings

the same thing as estimated liabilities

set values used for the matching principle

t-accounts that are simplified


Medicare tax is:

a care tax

an employee withholding, an employer expense

a use tax

a voluntary deduction


An employees’ gross earnings minus all withholdings is called:

Complete pay

Take home amount, net pay


An Accrual account


__________ Accounts are set up to track liability or employee payroll. (choose 2)






Payroll is the process of:

Paying employees

Creating accounts

Organizing accounts payable

Forming a pension plan


_______ is referred to as FICA.

Life insurance

Social Security tax

Federal tax

Income tax


Employees are responsible for paying a social security tax of _____%, which is withheld from their wages.






Employers are required to withhold federal income tax from an employees’ gross paycheck based on: (choose 2)

IRS regulations

employees’ number of dependents

marital status



The federal government requires employers to pay an unemployment tax (of ): (choose 2)

With a maximum of 5.4% subtracted from the federal rate



6.0 %


Who pays Social Security and Medicare taxes? (choose 2)






When an employer chooses to match or contribute to retirement accounts, these moneys are: (choose 2)

Considered liabilities

Recorded as benefits

Reduced accordingly after being paid

Deducted from an accrual account


Employers are required to pay payroll taxes per the: (choose 2)

State Unemployment Tax Act

Securities and Exchange Commission

International Finance Standards Board

Federal Unemployment Tax Act


Employers with reserves in the unemployment fund will: (choose 2)

Pay less than those with small or no reserve

Contribute to an employees’ earnings

Pay lower tax rates

Be more likely to allow unemployment cases


Employer’s contribution of social security is based on ___________ of an employees’ wages. (choose 2)

The first $50,000

The first $113,700

The first $100,000


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Paid sick days and holidays are:




Taken out of retirement planning


Unemployment tax rates are determined:

By the state

By The federal Reserve

Based on Social Security earnings

By corporate offices


Which of the following is an amount for products or services purchased on account?

Unearned revenue

Estimated warranty payable

Accrued expense

Accounts payable


Employers are required to make provisions for: (choose 2)



Sick days

Holiday planning


The employer’s portion of SS and Medicare taxes are recorded as _________________ until the amounts are remitted.


accrued accounts


a current liability


A $20,000, 3-month, 8% note payable was issued on November 1, 2015. What is the amount of accrued interest on December 31, 2015?






Best in Town Fence had sales on account of $7,200 which were subject to state sales tax of 7%. The entry to record the sales would be to

Debit Accounts receivable, $7,704; credit Sales revenue, $7,200; credit Sales tax payable, $504

Debit Accounts receivable, $7,200; debit Sales tax payable, $504; credit Sales revenue, $7,704

Debit Accounts receivable, $7,200; credit Sales revenue, $7,200

Debit Accounts receivable, $7,704; credit Sale revenue, $7,704


ABC Company signed a 5-year note payable for $80,000 at 9% annual interest. What is the interest expense for December 31, 2012 if the note was signed on May 1, 2012?






Failure to record a liability can

Result in understated net income

Result in overstated net income

Have no effect on net income

Result in overstated total liabilities and owner’s equity


Sales taxes payable is

A current liability

A business expense

An estimated liability

A contingent liability