What are the major components of strategic management, and why is each component needed for success?

What are the major components of strategic management, and why is each component needed for success?

HCS 589 WEEK 1 Strategic Planning Report

The leader of a local health care organization, Kendra Klein, has noticed other health care organizations successfully incorporating strategic management practices. Kendra is considering using strategic management for her health care organization. She has hired you to research what the strategic planning development and implementation process is and to address why it helps organizations be successful.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word report that answers the following questions:

•What are the major components of strategic management, and why is each component needed for success?

•Why are an organization’s mission and values important to strategy formulation?

•What benefits does a strategic management process bring to a health care organization?

•How does strategic management affect organizational decision making and financial performance?

◦How does strategic management affect the way an organization responds to its environment?

Cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar resources to support your information.

Format your report according to APA guidelines.

What was the result of this change in the environment? How were the moth populations affected? How did the moth populations change?

What was the result of this change in the environment? How were the moth populations affected? How did the moth populations change?


· Investigate the process of Natural Selection using the Peppered Moth as the example

· Analyze population trends

· Understand the effect of human impacts on the living world.

NGSS: 3-LS4-2. Use evidence to construct an explanation for how the variations in characteristics among individuals of the same species may provide advantages in surviving, finding mates, and reproducing

· LS4.B: Natural Selection Sometimes the differences in characteristics between individuals of the same species provide advantages in surviving, finding mates, and reproducing. (3-LS4-2)


Between 1831 and 1836 Charles Darwin, a naturalist, sailed around the world as a member of a British scientific expedition. During the trip he made observations about the natural world and collected numerous species of plants and animals. These observations led to a book called The Origin of the Species, where he proposed The Theory of Natural Section. Darwin suggests that “those individuals who possess superior physical, behavioral, or other attributes are more likely to survive than those which are not so well endowed” (a.k.a. survival of the fittest).

One example of an advantage that leads to survival of the fittest is camouflage. The term camouflage means to conceal by disguise. There are many examples in nature of animals that hide from predators. Chameleons are known for their ability to alter their skin color to blend in with the leaves and plants they are hiding in. This enables them to “sneak attack” their prey. Insects often use camouflage to hide from birds or other predators.

The case of the peppered moth in Manchester, England is a well documented scientific study of the value of camouflage in Natural Selection. This case involves two forms of a moth, an insect which relies on camouflage to survive. One form of the moth was white colored and the other form a black color. During the end of the 19th century, with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, smoke particles from the factories gradually blackened the trees on which the moths rested. What was the result of this change in the environment? How were the moth populations affected? How did the moth populations change?

Go to: http://peppermoths.weebly.com
Click on: A bird’s eye view of natural selection (far right circle with bird)
Read: The Instructions
Play: 5 minutes in the Lichen Forest; hit pause and write down your
percentages in the table below. Stop and goto the Sooty Forest.
Play: 5 minutes in the Sooty Forest; hit pause and write down your
percentages in the table below. Stop and answer the questions.
Alternatives: http://www.techapps.net/interactives/pepperMoths.swf
Name: _____________________
Peppered Moth Analysis

Percent Dark Moths
Percent Light Moths

Lichen Forest

Sooty Forest
1. Explain how the color of moths increases or decreases their chances of survival depending on the environment.
2. Application: 500 light colored moths and 500 dark colored moths are released into a polluted forest. After 2 days the moths were recaptured, make a prediction about the number of each type of moth that would be captured.
3. How has the striking change in coloration come about? (Include an explanation of how the dark moth appeared and how the proportion of dark moths changed from 0.0005% to more than 90% in polluted forests.)
4. Using the four words we discussed in Lecture, explain how the Peppered Moth population is an example of Natural Selection.
5. Is Evolution a directed or purposeful event? Is it random? Or is a population evolving “toward something”? Explain your answer.

A description of how the assigned material relates to the current event; In the description of how the assigned material relates to the current event you should include specific theories, definitions, and concepts.

A description of how the assigned material relates to the current event; In the description of how the assigned material relates to the current event you should include specific theories, definitions, and concepts.

For each Current Event Assignment, you should find a current event that relates to the course material. This current event can be a news article (such as from the New York Times, Tampa Bay Times, or Huffington Post), popular media article (such as from Buzzfeed or Jezebel), advertisement, or a publically available video, and must be CURRENT (i.e. published in 2019). Current events are NOT informational articles on government health websites (e.g. going to the World Health Organization website and finding an article on how to prevent Zika is NOT a current event; instead, that would be a reference you could use from a reputable government/agency website. You would still need to find a current event from which to base your assignment on).

The written product will consist of:

A brief summary of your current event (not more than approximately ½ page)
A description of how the assigned material relates to the current event; In the description of how the assigned material relates to the current event you should include specific theories, definitions, and concepts.
A brief conclusion. Each Current Event Assignment should be at least 2 pages, but no more than3 pages long, excluding the cover sheet and references page. Please do not exceed the page limit. Use one-inch margins, 12-point font, and double space your text. For this assignment, do not use direct quotes from the current event. Upload your assignment through Canvas as a Word attachment. Assignments submitted in other formats will receive a 0.
Current Event Assignment #2

Current Event Assignment #2 should be based on a specific theory, definition or concept from any of the following lectures: The Social, Cultural & Environmental Context of Health Behavior, The Broader Social Context of Health & Behavior, Multilevel Theories & Ecological Levels, or The Ecological Perspective.

For current event 2, such theories, definitions, or concepts could include (but are not limited to) relating a current event to the Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, Flay’s Theory of Triadic Influence, UNICEF Adolescent Well-Being Framework, communication theory, community mobilization, phases of the Precede-Proceed Model, and the Risks and Protective Factors Model. Even though the lectures include child development, youth violence, sexual violence, and other topics, you should not write your assignment on these topics (unless your current even also relates to one of academic concepts described in the lectures); these health concerns were merely used as examples within the lectures and do not represent a specific theory, definition, or concept from the lectures.

As you approach the victim, the sheriff orders you to treat the deputy first. How would you handle this situation? Explain and be able to support your response.

You have been dispatched to assist the Sheriff’s Department with a reporting shooting. You are told to stage two blocks west of the incident. After the scene has been secured, you are escorted into the building. The sheriff informs you that a suspect was shot by a deputy. The deputy received a superficial gunshot wound to her left arm. She is alert and ambulatory. From across the room you see a man lying on the ground with several wounds in his chest. You observe minimal respirations. As you approach the victim, the sheriff orders you to treat the deputy first. How would you handle this situation? Explain and be able to support your response.

Using only websites ending in .gov, report the current GDP, the current Federal deficit, the current Federal debt, and the bottom line of the current (last) budget approved by Congress (surplus or shortage). Note that the fiscal year for the federal government is October 1 – September 31. What inference can you draw from the numbers collected?

Using only websites ending in .gov, report the current GDP, the current Federal deficit, the current Federal debt, and the bottom line of the current (last) budget approved by Congress (surplus or shortage). Note that the fiscal year for the federal government is October 1 – September 31.

What inference can you draw from the numbers collected?

How does the DNA in the synthetic organisms differ from DNA in naturally-occurring microorganisms? (b) What do you think we’ve learned from these experiments?

How does the DNA in the synthetic organisms differ from DNA in naturally-occurring microorganisms?
(b) What do you think we’ve learned from these experiments?

“Synthetic chromosomes, Transcriptomes, and Patents on BRCA genes”

This week is all about our DNA and genes. For your primary post, respond to one of the following three topics. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.
Topic 1 [videos]: Its parent was a computer file. Watch the short video about organism with the synthetic chromosome that was created at the Craig Venter Institute (1)* and the video about the “streamlined” version that organism(2)*. Subsequently, answer the following:

(a) How does the DNA in the synthetic organisms differ from DNA in naturally-occurring microorganisms?
(b) What do you think we’ve learned from these experiments?
(c) In your opinion, what are the inherent risks of this research to human health or to the environment, if any?
Topic 2 [article]: Transcriptomes. The complete set of all DNA in a cell is called the genome. The complete set of all the mRNA in a cell is called the transcriptome. Read the following article about the transcriptome (1)*, then address the following:

(a) What does the transcriptome tell us that we can’t get from the genome?
(b) Explain how this concept relates to our lesson on gene expression from Chapter 7.
References (in Strayer Writing Standards format).