Your patient has just been diagnosed with SIADH. His mother is asking you what this condition is and what she should expect next. What will you tell her?

Your patient has just been diagnosed with SIADH. His mother is asking you what this condition is and what she should expect next. What will you tell her?

Module 09 Discussion: Alterations in Hormone Regulation

A patient having renal surgery suddenly develops massive hypertension and dies during surgery. An autopsy shows the presence of a pheochromocytoma. In your own words, explain how this incident might have happened.
Your favorite cousin, who is 20 years old, has just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He is overweight and spends most of his time playing computer games or watching television. As a health professional, what advice will you give him?
Your patient has just been diagnosed with SIADH. His mother is asking you what this condition is and what she should expect next. What will you tell her?
Your patient has been admitted to the hospital in preparation for a total removal of her thyroid gland to reverse her hyperthyroidism. She suddenly develops thyroid storm. What manifestations will you find, and what is the

1. One of Philip Mahn’s investments is going to mature, and he wants to determine how to invest the proceeds of $30,000. Philip is considering two new investments: a stock mutual fund and a one-year certificate of deposit (CD). The CD is guaranteed to pay an 8% return. Philip estimates the return on the stock mutual fund as 16%, 9%, or -2%, depending on whether market conditions are good, average, or poor, respectively. Philip estimates the probability of a good, average, and poor market to be 0.1, 0.85, and 0.05, respectively. Construct a payoff matrix. What decision should be made according to the maximax decision rule?

1. One of Philip Mahn’s investments is going to mature, and he wants to determine how to invest the proceeds of $30,000. Philip is considering two new investments: a stock mutual fund and a one-year certificate of deposit (CD). The CD is guaranteed to pay an 8% return. Philip estimates the return on the stock mutual fund as 16%, 9%, or -2%, depending on whether market conditions are good, average, or poor, respectively. Philip estimates the probability of a good, average, and poor market to be 0.1, 0.85, and 0.05, respectively. Construct a payoff matrix. What decision should be made according to the maximax decision rule? What decision should be made according to the maximin decision rule? What decision should be made according to the minimax regret decision rule? What decision should be made according to the EMV decision rule? What decision should be made according to the EOL decision rule? How much should Philip be willing to pay to obtain a market forecast that is 100% accurate?

2. Morley Properties is planning to build a condominium development on St Simons Island, Georgia. The company is trying to decide between building a small, medium, or large development. The payoffs received for each size of development will depend on the market demad for condominiums in the area, which could be low, medium, or high. The payoff matrix for this decision problem is: Market Demand Size of Development Low Med High Small 400 400 400 Medium 200 500 500 Large -400 300 800 (Payoffs in 1,000s) The owner of the company estimates a 21.75% chance that market demand will be low, a 35.5% chance that it will be medium, and a 42.75% chance that it will be high. What decision should be made according to the EMV decision rule? Solve using a decision tree.

3. Bulloch County never has allowed liquor to be sold in restaurants. However, in three months, county residents are scheduled to vote on a referendum to allow liquor to be sold by the drink. Currently, polls indicate a 60% chance that the referendum will be passed by voters. Phil Jackson is a local real estate speculator who is eyeing a closed restaurant building that is scheduled to be sold at a sealed bid auction. Phil estimates that if he bids $ 1.25 million, there is a 25% chance he will obtain the property; if he bids $ 1.45 million, there is a 45% chance he will obtain the property; and if he bids $ 1.85 million, there is an 85% chance he will obtain the property. If he acquires the property and the referendum passes, Phil believes he could then sell the restaurant for $ 2.2 million. However, if the referendum fails, he believes he could sell the property for only $ 1.15 million.

a. Develop a decision tree for this problem.

b. What is the optimal decision according to the EMV criterion

Water “beads up” on synthetic fabric like polyester but binds to cotton. What is the most likely explanation for this?

Water “beads up” on synthetic fabric like polyester but binds to cotton. What is the most likely explanation for this?

Explain the doctrines of Similimum and Opposition in terms of each of the patients’ identified constitutional (temperamental) patterns.

Explain the doctrines of Similimum and Opposition in terms of each of the patients’ identified constitutional (temperamental) patterns.

Pattern Recognition

Assume the role of an apprentice herbalist who is working with an experienced herbalist in an integrative clinic that caters to an underserved immigrant section of the population.

It is winter, and people’s bodies are adapting to the changes in season, temperature, and other shifts in environment. A large portion of the patients seen at the clinic have come down with specific symptoms associated with flu and/or cold. These patients have requested herbs be used to treat their symptom patterns as opposed to standard pharmaceutical treatments.

You have been tasked by your mentor herbalist to select an herb that coincides and opposes the patterns presented by each of the patients requesting herbal interventions. Review the HCS339 final paper patient information document that includes specific information critical to creating the profiles for each of the three patients.

Using the Information attached and supporting your statements utilizing a minimum of eight scholarly resources, six of which must be from the Ashford University Library, create a profile, prescribe an herb from the sedatives or astringents categories, and create an evaluation for each of the patients. In your Final Paper, include the following elements.


Differentiate between potential constitutions (temperaments) and identify, based on the information, which primary constitution (temperament) best fits the patient.

Differentiate between qualities of tissue states and describe what would typically be seen in the diseased tissue for the patient’s identified constitution (temperament).

Herbal Formula Evaluation

Explain the doctrines of Similimum and Opposition in terms of each of the patients’ identified constitutional (temperamental) patterns.

Apply energetic classifications and explain the effects of the prescribed herbs on the patient’s constitution and tissue states using primal therapeutic laws.

Provide a rationale for why your mentor prescribed that specific herb for the patient.

Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must use a minimum of eight scholarly sources, including six from the Ashford University Library and the course texts –

Micozzi, M. S. (2015). Fundamentals of complementary and alternative medicine (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Rolfe, R. (2002). The four temperaments: A rediscovery of the ancient way of understanding health and character. New York, NY: Marlowe & Company.

Wood, M. (2004). The practice of traditional western herbalism: Basic doctrine, energetics, and classification. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.

Must document all sources in APA style

Must include a separate references page formatted according to APA style

Question 1. : Rank in ascending order (lowest to highest) the relative risk associated with holding the preferred stock, common stock and bonds of a firm:

Question 1. : Rank in ascending order (lowest to highest) the relative risk associated with holding the preferred stock, common stock and bonds of a firm:

Student Answer: preferred stock, bonds, common stock

bonds, common stock, preferred stock

common stock, preferred stock, bonds

bonds, preferred stock, common stock

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 2. Question : The quality of a debenture depends on the

Student Answer: general credit-worthiness of the issuing company

value of the assets used as collateral

the coupon rate of the debenture

length of time to maturity

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 3. Question : An AT&T 5½05 bond with a current yield of 6.2% must be selling ____ its face value.

Student Answer: above



any of the above could be correct

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 4. Question : Up in Smoke Tobacco Shops’ bond carries a 9 percent coupon, pays interest semiannually, and has 10 years to maturity. What is the bond’s yield to maturity if the bond is selling for $937.75 (rounded to the nearest whole percent)?

Student Answer: 8.0%




Question 5. Question : Determine the yield to maturity to the nearest tenth of 1 percent of a zero coupon bond with 8 years to maturity that is currently selling for $404.

Student Answer: 11.3%




Question 6. Question : What is the value of a Northern Pacific bond with an 11 percent coupon, maturing in 15 years? Assume the market rate for this bond is 14 percent and that the interest is paid semiannually.

Student Answer: $1,000




3 of 3


Question 7. Question : What is the required rate of return to the investor who is willing to purchase a Duke Power preferred stock with a $8.70 dividend, a par value of $100, and a current market price of $87?

Student Answer: 10.7%




Question 8. Question : ICX Company has an issue of perpetual bonds (par value to $1,000) that pays 5% annual interest. Determine the yield (to the nearest tenth of 1 percent) if the bonds are currently selling for $625.

Student Answer: 5.0%




Question 9. Question : Equipment trust certificates are used mainly by

Student Answer: equipment manufacturers

oil drilling companies

state governments

trucking companies

Question 10. Question : All of the following types of bonds are secured except

Student Answer: collateral trust



equipment trust certificates

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 11. Question : The call feature is an advantage to the issuing firm

Student Answer: if the bond has a floating rate

if interest rates decline

if the bond has a low par value

if interest rates increase

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 12. Question : Which of the following is not a characteristic of common stock:

Student Answer: has no maturity date

considered a permanent form of long-term financing

has claims on assets prior to those of preferred stock

is a residual form of ownership

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 13. Question : Common stockholders have a number of general rights, including all of the following except:

Student Answer: voting rights

management rights

asset rights

dividend rights

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 14. Question : In a reverse stock split

Student Answer: the number of shares are decreased

the market value is decreased

retained earnings decrease

par value decreases

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 15. Question : When a stock is split 2 for 1, then the ____ figure on the firm’s balance sheet is cut in half.

Student Answer: value of the common stock

par value

capital surplus

retained earnings

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 16. Question : Keeping Pace Enterprises, makers of track and field equipment, has common stock that sells for $29, and its dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 9 percent annually. If investors in Pace require a return of 14%, what is the expected dividend next year?

Student Answer: $1.33




Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 17. Question : Chill Pill Pharmaceuticals is expecting a growth rate of 14% for the next two years due to its new drug. Thereafter it should level to an 8% growth rate. The last dividend paid was $.65 per share. What price should the stock sell for if investors require 12% return.

Student Answer: $18.14




Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 18. Question : Haulin’ It Towing Company is selling a stock for $16. The stock just paid a dividend of $.60 and this dividend is expected to grow by 15% per year for three years. After that it will grow at a constant rate of 4%. The stock’s beta is 1.7, the risk-free rate of interest is 1.75% and the market risk premium is 5.25%. Should you buy the stock? (Round to dollars and cents or two decimal points)

Hint: You need to use the CAPM to get cost of equity before you can solve for the price based on abnormal growth.

Student Answer: No, the stock is not a good value since it is only worth about $8.

No, the stock is not a good value since it is only worth about $12.

Yes, the stock is a good value since it should sell for about $25.

Yes, the stock is a good value since it should sell for about $18.

Question 19. Question : Beta is defined as:

Student Answer: a measure of volatility of a security’s returns relative to the returns of a broad-based market portfolio of securities.

the ratio of the variance of market returns to the covariance of returns on a security with the market

the inverse of the slope of the security regression line

all of the above

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 20. Question : Kermit Industries current common stock dividend is $1.35 per share and the dividend is expected to grow at 6% per year into the foreseeable future. Currently the risk-free rate is 4.5% and the estimated market risk premium is 8.5%. Merrill Lynch has estimated KI’s beta to be 1.10. Compute the expected price for KI’s common stock.

Student Answer: $17.20




Question 21. Question : Phoenix Company common stock is currently selling for $20 per share. Security analysts at Smith Blarney have assigned the following probability distribution to the rate of return on Phoenix stock one year from now:

Rate of Return Probability

-20% 0.25

0% 0.30

+20% 0.25

+40% 0.20

Assuming that Phoenix is not expected to pay any dividends during the coming year, determine the expected rate of return on Phoenix Stock.

Student Answer: 8%





Question 22. Question : Phoenix Company common stock is currently selling for $20 per share. Security analysts at Smith Blarney have assigned the following probability distribution to the rate of return on Phoenix stock one year from now:

Rate of Return Probability

-20% 0.25

0% 0.30

+20% 0.25

+40% 0.20

Assuming that Phoenix is not expected to pay any dividends during the coming year, determine the coefficient of variation for the rate of return on Phoenix stock.

Student Answer: 0.0





Question 23. Question : Quick Start, Inc. is expected to pay a dividend of $1.05 next year and dividends are expected to continue their 7 percent annual growth rate. The SML has been estimated as follows:

kj = 0.08 + 0.064?j

If Quick Start has a beta of 1.1, what would happen to its stock price if inflation expectations went from the current 5 percent to 8 percent?

Hint: You need to compute two different values for Ke and that leads to two different values in the stock. Remember changes in inflationary expectations in chapter 8 and combine that with the equity valuation from chapter 7.

Student Answer: decrease $8.14

decrease $3.55

decrease $3.18

stock price will not change

Points Received: 3 of 3


Question 24. Question : An investor, who believes the economy is slowing down, wishes to reduce the risk of her portfolio. She currently owns 12 securities, each with a market value of $3,000. The current beta of the portfolio is 1.21 and the beta of the riskiest security is 1.62. What will the portfolio beta be if the riskiest security is replaced with a security of equal market value but a beta of 0.80?

Student Answer: 1.14




Question 25. Question : Determine the (after-tax) percentage cost of a $50 million debt issue that the Mattingly Corporation is planning to place privately with a large insurance company. Assume that the company has a 40% marginal tax rate. This long-term debt issue will yield 12% to the insurance company.

Student Answer: 4.8%




Question 26. Question : Calculate the after-tax cost of preferred stock for Ohio Valley Power Company, which is planning to sell $100 million of $3.25 cumulative preferred stock to the public at a price of $25 per share. Flotation costs are $1.00 per share. Ohio Valley has a marginal income tax rate of 40%.

Student Answer: 13.0%




Question 27. Question : The Allegheny Valley Power Company common stock has a beta of 0.80. If the current risk-free rate is 6.5% and the expected return on the stock market as a whole is 16%, determine the cost of equity capital for the firm (using the CAPM).

Student Answer: 14.1%




Question 28. Question : The following financial information is available on Rawls Manufacturing Company:

Current per share market price $48.00

Current (t = 0) per share dividend $3.50

Expected long-term growth rate 5.0%

Rawls can issue new common stock to net the company $44 per share. Determine the cost of internal equity capital using the dividend capitalization model approach. (Compute answer to the nearest 0.1%).

Student Answer: 12.3%




Question 29. Question : Rank in ascending order (lowest to highest) investors’ required rates of return on the various types of corporate securities.

Student Answer: preferred stock, corporate debt, common stock

common stock, preferred stock, corporate debt

preferred stock, common stock, corporate debt

corporate debt, preferred stock, common stock

Question 30. Question : A firm with a 40 percent marginal tax rate has a capital structure of $60,000,000 in debt and $140,000,000 in equity. What is the firm’s weighted cost of capital if the marginal pretax cost of debt is 12 percent, the firm’s average pretax cost of debt outstanding is 8%, and the cost of equity is 14.5 percent?

Student Answer: 13.75%




Question 31. Question : Easy Slider Inc. sold a 15 year $1,000 face value bond with a 10 percent coupon rate. Interest is paid annually. After flotation costs, Easy Slider received $928 per bond. Compute the after-tax cost of debt for these bonds if the firm’s marginal tax rate is 40 percent.

Student Answer: 6.0%




Question 32. Question : Wright Express(WE) has a capital structure of 30% debt and 70% equity. WE is considering a project that requires an investment of $2.6 million. To finance this project, WE plans to issue 10-year bonds with a coupon interest rate of 12%. Each of these bonds has a $1,000 face value and will be sold to net WE $980. If the current risk-free rate is 7% and the expected market return is 14.5%, what is the weighted cost of capital for WE? Assume WE has a beta of 1.20 and a marginal tax rate of 40%.

Student Answer: 14.9%




Question 33. Question : Due to Flotation costs,

Student Answer: debt is the costliest source for a firm among all the components of cost of capital.

Cost of external common equity exceeds cost of retained earnings.

companies do not normally float any issues

dividends are paid on a monthly basis

1-16 Ray Bond sells handcrafted yard decorations at county fairs. The variable cost to make these is $20 each, and he sells them for $50. The cost to rent a booth at the fair is $150. How many of these must Ray sell to break even?

1-16 Ray Bond sells handcrafted yard decorations at county fairs. The variable cost to make these is $20 each, and he sells them for $50. The cost to rent a booth at the fair is $150. How many of these must Ray sell to break even?

1-17 Ray Bond, from Problem 1-16, is trying to find a new supplier that will reduce his variable cost of production to $15 per unit. If he was able to succeed in reducing this cost, what would the break-even point be?

1-20 Farris Billiard Supply sells all types of billiard equipment and is considering manufacturing its own brand of pool cues. Mysti Farris, the production manager, is currently investigating the production of a standard house pool cue that should be very popular. Upon analyzing the costs, Mysti determines that the materials and labor cost for each cue is $25 and the fixed cost that must be covered is $2,400 per week. With a selling price of $40 each, how many pool cues must be sold to break even? What would the total revenue be at this break-even point?

1-21 Mysti Farris (see Problem 1-20) is considering raising the selling price of each cue to $50 instead of $40. If this is done while the costs remain the same, what would the new break-even point be? What would the total revenue be at this break-even point?

1-22 Mysti Farris (see Problem 1-20) believes that there is a high probability that 120 pool cues can be sold if the selling price is appropriately set. What selling price would cause the break-even point to be 120?