Explain how the process you have chosen meets the definition of biotechnology. Describe how the process is performed. Explain the uses of the application.

Explain how the process you have chosen meets the definition of biotechnology.
Describe how the process is performed.
Explain the uses of the application.

Assignment Details

Choose 1 of the following biotechnology applications:

in vitro fertilization
DNA profiling
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Gene therapy
In an APA-formatted report, research the topic that you have chosen, and answer the following questions:

Explain how the process you have chosen meets the definition of biotechnology.
Describe how the process is performed.
Explain the uses of the application.
Discuss at least 1 benefit, 1 drawback, and 1 risk of each of the processes.
Elaborate on an ethical concern, such as leftover embryos, DNA privacy, or mandated vaccines.
Use the following guidelines for your report:

Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper and list the references in APA format on your Reference page.
Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, not counting the Title page, Abstract, and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, it should be double-spaced and include a running head and page numbers.

proposed process (approx. 200 words) – an outline of a proposed planning process including details of consultation, implementation and review 6. a bibliography, including at least 20 references that you have cited in the discussion paper. No more than

Tourism Planning Environments (MKT01760) 1 Assessment 3: Discussion Paper Due: 14 September @ 5:00 pm (NSW) (uploaded via Turnitin on MySCU site) Length: 3000 words Weight: 40% The Task Prepare a discussion paper proposing the preparation of a new tourism plan or policy to address an emerging tourism issue. For example, this issue might be an emerging crisis such as the global financial crisis or the Brexit; or an outbreak of a transmittable disease such as avian flu; or a long-term issue such as climate change, coral bleaching or even a planned deviation of a major highway to bypass a tourist town. You will have to make a number of decisions in order to narrow your focus. Remember the more focused the tourism issue you are addressing in your discussion paper, the more targeted your research will be and the easier it will be to write your assignment! We highly recommend that you identify a topic of your own interest, experience or knowledge and encourage you to discuss it with your tutor. Alternatively, you may choose one of the following:  National tourism planning – e.g. propose a plan/policy to address issues arising for Australia from Brexit; or to address the effects of one of the six megatrends identified by CSIRO on Australian tourism /Futures/Reports/Our-Future-World).  Regional/local destination tourism planning – e.g. propose plan to manage visitation to a cross-border region (e.g. Australia’s Green Cauldron National Landscape in Northern New South Wales and Southern Queensland – australiasgreencauldron.com.au); or propose a response plan to manage the effects of climate change on tourism in a local government area.  Protected marine environments – e.g. propose a policy to manage the effects of a major coral bleaching event in a marine protected area.  Protected lands – e.g. propose a plan to manage commercial tourism operator access to national parks.  New Technologies – e.g. propose the development of a plan/policy to facilitate readiness for and optimisation of applying new technologies in the tourism industry  Indigenous tourism – e.g. propose the development of a plan/policy to address identified gaps in supply and demand issues of Indigenous tourism in Australia (See Ruhanen, L, Whitford, M and McLennan, C 2013. Demand and Supply Issues in Indigenous Tourism: A Gap Analysis. Synopsis available at: /uploads/2013/03/20130304ResearchReport_Demand-and-Supply-Issues-inIndigenous-Tourism-A-Gap-Analysis-Synopsis.pdf Report Content The report will contain the following information: 1. position statement (approx. 300 words) – this statement clearly indicates all the assumptions you have made about who you work for, the agency’s goals and the particular goals and objectives of the policy issue or problem that your paper is addressing. This serves as the introduction 2. background context (approx. 1000 words) – a discussion of issues that have influenced the emergence of this particular issue, ensuring that you have research and properly referenced your discussion Tourism Planning Environments (MKT01760) 2 3. a statement of need (approx. 1000 words) – a background statement on why the tourism plan is needed (consider the role of government, business and other stakeholders, and its possible reasons for government intervention) 4. scope of the proposed plan (approx. 500 words) – identification of possible policy approaches and instruments that the plan or policy will consider (this helps scope or provide direction to those who might be preparing the plan/policy) 5. proposed process (approx. 200 words) – an outline of a proposed planning process including details of consultation, implementation and review 6. a bibliography, including at least 20 references that you have cited in the discussion paper. No more than 7 references are to be web sources and at least 10 references must be academic references. In preparing this discussion paper you are to demonstrate your understanding of the tourism planning environment. You are also required to demonstrate a high level of professional report writing and communication skills, and critical thinking and analytical skills. As a way of demonstrating this, in your paper you are to include the following:  clear headings and well-structured paragraphs  no spelling, grammatical or typographical errors  in-text referencing and a reference list in Harvard Style as per the library style guide:  all data, information and sources are to be clearly acknowledged  all quotes are to be properly referenced including author, date and page number. Remember the quality of your paper will help to determine whether the proposed tourism plan or policy will receive government support! Happy writing!

Identify gaps or deficiencies that may exist in the organization’s health promotion and disease prevention and management efforts, and provide evidence to support your claims. If you feel there are none, be sure to explain your reasoning.

Identify gaps or deficiencies that may exist in the organization’s health promotion and disease prevention and management efforts, and provide evidence to support your claims. If you feel there are none, be sure to explain your reasoning.

Health promotion and disease prevention and management strategies a) Assess the organization on its efforts to promote healthy living by examining programs (e.g., fitness classes, blood pressure clinics, first aid training, nutrition education, etc.) that it may offer to patients. Be sure to provide evidence to support your claims. b) How appropriate are the organization’s disease prevention and management programs and services (such as discharge planning, home health services, vaccination services, etc.) for addressing factors that determine population health status? Be sure to provide evidence to support your claims. c) Assess non-programmatic services (such as transportation, on-site child care, etc.) that may be offered by the organization for their impact on factors that determine population health status. d) Identify gaps or deficiencies that may exist in the organization’s health promotion and disease prevention and management efforts, and provide evidence to support your claims. If you feel there are none, be sure to explain your reasoning.

1)In your own words, briefly describe the health problem (refer back to page 22 in your text; be sure to include all the components of a health problem description). 2)Identify (name specifically) the determinants of health using the BIG GEMS acronym. 3) How do the behavioral determinants contribute to the health problem? 4) How do the environmental determinants contribute to the health problem? 5) How do the socio-economic determinants contribute to the health problem?

Copy and paste into browser.

Read the article in the link above and answer completely, correctly and concisely the following questions in two pages. Review quality of work requirements in your syllabus.

1)In your own words, briefly describe the health problem (refer back to page 22 in your text; be sure to include all the components of a health problem description).

2)Identify (name specifically) the determinants of health using the BIG GEMS acronym.

3) How do the behavioral determinants contribute to the health problem?

4) How do the environmental determinants contribute to the health problem?

5) How do the socio-economic determinants contribute to the health problem?

How would you summarize how you thought about science? (2 sentences)

Please respond to each prompt (1 and 2) as directed.


What was your initial impression of the Cheyenne Ornithology article? How might your initial impression now be different than it would have been seven weeks ago? What, or anything in the article, would you be most likely to share with someone not in this course, and how would you explain it? (Please see the article attached).


Consider your understanding of science at the start of the course and respond to the following:

How would you summarize how you thought about science? (2 sentences)
Has your view changed? If so, then describe in what way. If not, make a case for why not. (4 sentences)
What would you say to yourself about your viewpoints then, if you could? Is it easier to have a conversation about the paradigm of science with your past self or with another person, currently? Why? (4 sentences)
What is one positive from learning about science the way you have? What is one negative? What would you tell yourself back in week 1 of the course to help prepare you, if you could? (4 sentences)

What do you think is the most interesting aspect of Tarnita’s research?

What do you think is the most interesting aspect of Tarnita’s research?

Sometimes we are interested in the way that organisms are distributed across a particular habitat, as described in Chapter 16. Corina Tarnita’s research on the spacing of termite mounds in savanna ecosystems is one example. Watch the video about her research, found at: https://youtu.be/nJGpABrEatc, and then address the following:

What do you think is the most interesting aspect of Tarnita’s research?
Discuss how the termite mounds benefit other organisms on the savanna.