The use of a SWOT analysis is a common method of comparing internal and external factors that affect an organization. What is the benefit of this type of analysis for a health care organization?

The use of a SWOT analysis is a common method of comparing internal and external factors that affect an organization. What is the benefit of this type of analysis for a health care organization?

 How do some organizations promote quality and safety? Provide a real-world example (you may wish to review the information at the National Quality Forum, the Baldridge Performance Excellence Program, the National Patient Safety Foundation, and so on).

In this assignment you will analyze the organizational behavior of your current or former employer. Describe how the following areas influence the organizational behavior in a negative or positive manner:

In this assignment you will analyze the organizational behavior of your current or former employer. Describe how the following areas influence the organizational behavior in a negative or positive manner:

Type of culture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl)
Modes of communication in the organization (i.e., written or verbal)
Nature of authority (i.e., recognized social rank)
Motivational techniques (e.g. intrinsic or extrinsic used to influence productivity and performance)
Areas of EQ (emotional quotient) embraced by the organization
Virtual elements (i.e., teleworking and virtual offices)

Provide examples for each item listed above and discuss how each example applies to the organization identified. Your paper must be eight to ten pages in length and use a minimum of four scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

Must be eight-to-ten double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

1. What is the relationship between compliance with legislative acts and valuing diversity? Explain.

1. What is the relationship between compliance with legislative acts and valuing diversity? Explain.

2. What approach should organizations take in their pursuit of diversity and inclusion in countries that do not have equal opportunity laws?

3. Do you personally know anyone who has engaged in an employment discrimination lawsuit against an employer and prevailed? Without divulging who the parties are, explain what happened.

4. Many of the EEOC cases presented in this chapter involve acts that are egregious and offensive. Choose three cases and for each speculate on the organizational factors that would allow such practices to occur and, in some cases, to persist for extended periods. Why do you think no one in the management chain intervened? What would you recommend, specifically, to deal with the perpetrators and prevent future occurrences?

5. This chapter discusses multiple lawsuits brought by the EEOC against Supercuts. What factors may be contributing to the persistence of problems within the organization? Make specific recommendations for preventing such problems in the future.

Question 1 According to “Serving Unfair Customers,” the following are all types of unfair customers, except:

Question 1

According to “Serving Unfair Customers,” the following are all types of unfair customers, except:









Question 2

As stated in “Serving Unfair Customers,” what are the three concepts when considering when a customer’s bad judgement crosses the line to “unfairness”? Briefly explain each.

Question 3

As defined in “Serving Unfair Customers,” the type of justice that relates to the outcomes of decisions or allocations is:


procedural justice.


distributive justice.


associative justice


interactional justice.

Question 4

As stated in “Serving Unfair Customers,” blamers are those who bring misery primarily to customer-contact employees, but with verbal abusers, “the company is always wrong.”



Question 5

As noted in “First, Make Money. Also, Do Good,” under shared value, companies will still look after their own self-interest in the form of:


promoting sustainability.


lobbying for less regulation.


impact investing.


championing the triple bottom line.

Question 6

Explain the idea of making money first while doing good along the way, as described in “First, Make Money. Also, Do Good.”

Question 7

As mentioned in “First, Make Money. Also, Do Good,” in order to be considered part of GE’s “ecomagination” program, a product must:


sell significantly more units than previous designs.


follow the philosophy of the triple bottom line.


be marketed as a “green” product.


deliver significant energy savings or environmental benefit over previous designs.

Question 8

In “First, Make Money. Also, Do Good” what is Friedman’s “shared value” concept?

Question 9

As mentioned in “First, Make Money. Also, Do Good,” Milton Friedman once compared social-responsibility programs to “hypocritical window-dressing.”



Question 10

As given in “Doing Good to Do Well,” increasingly, large companies send small teams of employees to developing countries to:


provide free consulting services to nonprofits and other organizations.


identify the strong points of local industries.


learn foreign languages.


enjoy low-cost vacations.

Question 11

As discussed in “Doing Good to Do Well,” the benefits to U.S. corporations of sending volunteer teams to developing countries include all of the following except:


creating good public relations.


adding substantially to the companies’ bottom lines.


gaining local name recognition.


helping to recruit in-demand talent and retain valued employees.

Question 12

As mentioned in “Doing Good to Do Well,” most corporate volunteers in developing countries serve without pay.



Question 13

As described in “Outside-the-Box Ethics,” the animated ethics training that featured action-packed visuals and witty songs to illustrate its points was a parody of the popular television show:




American Idol.




South Park.

Question 14

List and describe the five key characteristics of companies with and ethical culture, as noted in “Outside-the-Box Ethics.”

Question 15

As pointed out in “Outside-the-Box Ethics,” the problem with using the phrase ethics program is that the word program suggests a:


substance-abuse twelve-step program.


written guide that need only be glanced at, like a theater program.


starting and stopping point.


boring but required class in school.

Question 16

As shown in “Outside-the-Box Ethics,” one way to tell employees that ethical behavior is mandatory is a certification program.



Question 17

The most misrepresented area on a resume, as maintained in “Hiring Character,” relates to:




job experience.


community service.


the position of references.

Question 18

Describe Warren Buffett’s hiring practices that assure he is hiring integrity, as explained in “Hiring Character.”

Question 19

The person who most readily came to mind as a business person who consistently places integrity even over ability in making hiring decisions, as explained in “Hiring Character,” was:


Warren Buffett.


Bill Gates.


Jack Welch.


Sam Walton.

Question 20

Warren Buffett, as noted in “Hiring Character,” did not display any aptitude for business or money until well into middle age.



Read The Article “Managing Multicultural Teams” In The Link Below. Briefly Describe One Of The Four Interventions Mentioned And Discuss A Time When You Experienced That Intervention In The Workplace. Was The Intervention Beneficial?

Read The Article “Managing Multicultural Teams” In The Link Below. Briefly Describe One Of The Four Interventions Mentioned And Discuss A Time When You Experienced That Intervention In The Workplace. Was The Intervention Beneficial?

Create 3 fictional scenarios in which an employer would have to deal with any of the following situations of employee poor behavior on the job, Substance Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Fighting, Work Family Conflicts, or Email (or Internet) abuse. For each case, provide details of the type of employer, the history or the worker at that company, the incident which arose, why it was a clear violation of employer policy, what would be the likely result of arbitration of this issue if the employee acknowledged his wrong doing but asked to keep his job.

Create 3 fictional scenarios in which an employer would have to deal with any of the following situations of employee poor behavior on the job, Substance Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Fighting, Work Family Conflicts, or Email (or Internet) abuse.

For each case, provide details of the type of employer, the history or the worker at that company, the incident which arose, why it was a clear violation of employer policy, what would be the likely result of arbitration of this issue if the employee acknowledged his wrong doing but asked to keep his job.

Explain the reasoning for your considered outcome. 

Remember, this is fictional. Create a believable situation, but know that you can have whatever outcome you choose! You may not work in conjunction with any other student to complete this paper.