Create a 700 word HR report for Dream Massage in which you examine the employment issues presented in the scenario. Include the following: 1. Analyze whether Janice qualifies as an employee or should be classified as an independent contractor.

Create a 700 word HR report for Dream Massage in which you examine the employment issues presented in the scenario.

Include the following:

1. Analyze whether Janice qualifies as an employee or should be classified as an independent contractor.

2. Discuss whether Dream Massage has potentially violated any employment discrimination laws.

3. Analyze ethical considerations associated with the maintenance of a rigid company dress policy.

4. Use a minimum of 3 references in APA guidelines.


Janice was hired by Dream Massage to be a massage therapist. She is engaged as an independent contractor and therefore, receives no tax withholding or employment benefits. Dream Massage requires Janice to work a set schedule, provides her with clients and all her massage products, and exercises complete control over Janice does her work. In addition, when Janice shows up to work the first day, she is informed by Dream Massage that she cannot wear her hijab as it violates the company dress code policy.

The owner of Dream Massage comes to you, a human resource (HR) consultant, to find out if Janice is properly classified as an independent contractor and if there is potential liability concerning the hijab.

You are the business manager of a fifteen-physician group prac-tice in family medicine that at a recent strategic planning retreatagreed to open a satellite clinic on the periphery of its current marketarea in order to increase the number of families that it serves. Theclinic will be located in an area of somewhat older, rundown homesthat seems to be undergoing slow but steady gentrification. Theclinic initially will be staffed by three physicians and has a max-imum capacity of ten doctors. One of your responsibilities under thestrategic plan to create the clinic is to establish a modest programfor keeping track of the factors and variables that might affect thesuccess of the clinic. To get started, prepare a list of ten to fifteenfinancial and nonfinancial metrics that you propose to monitor,including the sources you will use to gather the necessary data. Foreach one of the metrics, indicate the directions in which they mightchange and the adjustments in the plan for the new clinic that wouldbe necessary. As the Learning Exercise states, you are the business manager who has been tasked with researching the financial viability of opening a satellite clinic. Identify which things you should measure to determine if you open the satellite clinic. Create a slide presentation (15 slides including title and reference slides) that addresses the following:

You are the business manager of a fifteen-physician group prac-tice in family medicine that at a recent strategic planning retreatagreed to open a satellite clinic on the periphery of its current marketarea in order to increase the number of families that it serves. Theclinic will be located in an area of somewhat older, rundown homesthat seems to be undergoing slow but steady gentrification. Theclinic initially will be staffed by three physicians and has a max-imum capacity of ten doctors. One of your responsibilities under thestrategic plan to create the clinic is to establish a modest programfor keeping track of the factors and variables that might affect thesuccess of the clinic. To get started, prepare a list of ten to fifteenfinancial and nonfinancial metrics that you propose to monitor,including the sources you will use to gather the necessary data. Foreach one of the metrics, indicate the directions in which they mightchange and the adjustments in the plan for the new clinic that wouldbe necessary.

As the Learning Exercise states, you are the business manager who has been tasked with researching the financial viability of opening a satellite clinic. Identify which things you should measure to determine if you open the satellite clinic.

Create a slide presentation (15 slides including title and reference slides) that addresses the following:

Identify 10-15 financial and nonfinancial metrics used to assess the viability of opening a satellite clinic. From this list, select three financial and three nonfinancial metrics that are the most important and explain their significance (net revenue, demographics, customer relations). Where will you find, and how will you gather, the identified metrics you need to develop your assessment? Be sure to identify each metric as external or internal.
Provide a description for each selected metric (total of six descriptions). Depending on the data provided, how can each metric affect the plans for the new clinic? Assuming the satellite clinic will open, how will you set up a monitoring and adjustment program? List the required steps. Why is a monitoring, evaluating, and adjusting strategy essential to overall organizational success for the new clinic? Provide two possible events that a successful monitoring program could identify and what adjustments could apply.
APA format and Turn it in required

Conflict occurs when two or more individuals perceive a situation differently and at least one person’s perception is that he or she has been negatively affected. In fact, conflict can occur at any time, in any situation, and often at the worst possible time. When a group or team is working toward a goal and conflict erupts the process can come to a halt until the conflict is resolved. For the following questions take into consideration a conflict that you have experienced in your workplace. This DB has two parts: What role does differing behavioral styles play in a conflict?

Conflict occurs when two or more individuals perceive a situation differently and at least one person’s perception is that he or she has been negatively affected. In fact, conflict can occur at any time, in any situation, and often at the worst possible time. When a group or team is working toward a goal and conflict erupts the process can come to a halt until the conflict is resolved. For the following questions take into consideration a conflict that you have experienced in your workplace.
This DB has two parts:

What role does differing behavioral styles play in a conflict?
Discuss the five methods of conflict resolution discussed by DuBrin (2001). What are the pros and cons of each of the following?
Confront the issue directly.
Receive criticism objectively and dispassionately while seeking clarification.
Recognize all parties’ points of view.
Mentally convert negative aspects to positive ones.
Negotiate and bargain.
DuBrin, A. J. (2001). Human relations: Interpersonal, job-oriented skills (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

Do you believe that a program of HR metrics and workforce analytics might be useful in Regional Hospital?

Do you believe that a program of HR metrics and workforce analytics might be useful in Regional Hospital?

What opportunities do you see regarding where and how metrics and analytics might be applied in this organization?

Identify three analyses and associated metrics you think might be useful for Regional Hospital to consider.

HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics

Please watch this video “The Power of HR Metrics: Growth, Performance, Sustainment” (3 min 35 s) on the importance of metrics.

Review the Case Study: Regional Hospital on page 420 of the textbook.

Based on the video, your readings this week, and the case study, please respond to the questions:

Using the scenario from Assignment 1, write a 4 page paper in which you: Identify three (3) job requirements (e.g., needed certifications, previous work experience, external influences, etc.) that could apply to your chosen scenario.

Using the scenario from Assignment 1, write a 4 page paper in which you:

Identify three (3) job requirements (e.g., needed certifications, previous work experience, external influences, etc.) that could apply to your chosen scenario. Determine two (2) ways these requirements could impact staffing at your organization. Next, suggest one (1) strategy that you could utilize to ensure that all applicants meet the identified job requirements for your organization. Justify your response.

Select an ad (print or video) that highlights a product or service with a positive environmental impact or one that contains greenwashing. Share the link and explain the positive factors and/or the greenwashing.

Select an ad (print or video) that highlights a product or service with a positive environmental impact or one that contains greenwashing. Share the link and explain the positive factors and/or the greenwashing. (Hint: sometimes even the good can be hyperbolic, resulting in some greenwashing.) In a minimum of 200 words, supported by textbook evidence and other research, explain if this ad is effective (even if somewhat misleading)? What could the company do to make the ad more accurate or credible?