1. Briefly describe four (4) of the barriers to effective communication, and provide one (1) original example of each.

1. Briefly describe four (4) of the barriers to effective communication, and provide one (1) original example of each.
2. Provide one (1) original workplace example for each of the following communication situations: oral communication in downward flowing direction; written communication in upward flowing direction; and non-verbal communication in lateral flowing direction.

1. Briefly describe the concept of status. 2. Describe the global implications that status has for an international manager in Western culture, with two (2) original examples.

1. Briefly describe the concept of status.
2. Describe the global implications that status has for an international manager in Western culture, with two (2) original examples.
3. Describe the global implications that status has for an international manager in Eastern culture, with two (2) original examples.

Review Porter’s Five-Forces model of industry competition. Using your own words (do not copy definitions from the text), explain the model’s importance in the concept of strategic grouping within industries. Then, find a company with a “mission statement”. Do not use the military please. Pick a commercial company that is not routinely discussed.

Review Porter’s Five-Forces model of industry competition. Using your own words (do not copy definitions from the text), explain the model’s importance in the concept of strategic grouping within industries. Then, find a company with a “mission statement”. Do not use the military please. Pick a commercial company that is not routinely discussed. Select a company with a mission statement and tell us whether or not you think the statement is constructive and provides employees with motivation and strategic direction. Include the mission statement in your post.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words, not including repeated questions, references and quotes. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. Use your own words. Direct quotes should be rare in these short forum posts. If you do have a quote, you should add on to your post so that in the end you have 250 words of your own.

For this assignment you will invent a new business. Do not use a business created in a previous class. You may not use papers (or any part of a paper) submitted in another class. Make up the business, the location, the client base, and the product or service. Do not use any real company. You may review a real company’s website for ideas, but the basis of this paper should be your own ideas. Your introduction should include a description of your company and any details that are important to the reader. The description of your company should be about one page long and a summary of the business. The other details can be discussed when you are reviewing each of the SWOT elements. The final goal of this paper is to prepare a SWOT analysis of your new venture company. Make sure you have at least two other sources (other than the text) to supplement your work.

For this assignment you will invent a new business. Do not use a business created in a previous class. You may not use papers (or any part of a paper) submitted in another class. Make up the business, the location, the client base, and the product or service. Do not use any real company. You may review a real company’s website for ideas, but the basis of this paper should be your own ideas. Your introduction should include a description of your company and any details that are important to the reader. The description of your company should be about one page long and a summary of the business. The other details can be discussed when you are reviewing each of the SWOT elements. The final goal of this paper is to prepare a SWOT analysis of your new venture company. Make sure you have at least two other sources (other than the text) to supplement your work.

You tube video http://youtu.be/qmgF0rqWpAw

After developing your new venture and describing it thoroughly in the beginning of your paper, provide a thorough SWOT analysis. Make sure you have included the actual SWOT analysis quad chart listing the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. You can use your own chart, but your paper should include a simple SWOT chart with the four segments. Use the simple quad chart on page 73 as an example. Then, you must discuss each segment thoroughly and explain what you have learned from performing your analysis.

So, your paper should include a title page and a reference page (no abstract is required):

1 – a description of your new venture (have a clear introduction)

2 – using the quad chart on page 73 as a sample include a simple quad chart with the four basic quadrants

3 – a thorough explanation of what you have learned from the analysis, further defining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

4 – an evaluation – based on what you have learned, will you continue your business venture?

What are the costs and benefits for management of allowing the union to decide how the economic package (compensation and benefits) should be divided?

What are the costs and benefits for management of allowing the union to decide how the economic package (compensation and benefits) should be divided? Please post your response and include reference material.

Must be at least 300 words.

You are preparing a brochure for American visitors to France. Your purpose is to increase knowledge of history in order to strengthen the bridges between the two long-term friends. Answer each of the following questions, citing historical events and details, referring as needed to this module’s readings.

You are preparing a brochure for American visitors to France. Your purpose is to increase knowledge of history in order to strengthen the bridges between the two long-term friends. Answer each of the following questions, citing historical events and details, referring as needed to this module’s readings.

Why did it take so long for a stable democratic regime to take hold in France?
How did de Gaulle’s changes to the country’s institution and social, political, and economic processes contribute to the creation of an effective industrial state?
What is the impact of the French influential elite whose roots lie in the bureaucracy?
Discuss what France’s recent foreign policy says about its character as a nation.
At Least 2 pages