As the human resources manager, it is your responsibility to keep all human resources employees informed about current employment law. You want to empower employees with resources that they can use independently to research employment law issues and policies. Using Excel, create a table that will be placed on the company’s Intranet as an employment law reference. You and your employees will be able to add to this document, so you will focus on the following 4 areas of employment law to begin:

As the human resources manager, it is your responsibility to keep all human resources employees informed about current employment law. You want to empower employees with resources that they can use independently to research employment law issues and policies. Using Excel, create a table that will be placed on the company’s Intranet as an employment law reference. You and your employees will be able to add to this document, so you will focus on the following 4 areas of employment law to begin:

Wages and Hours of Work
Safety and Health Standards
Family and Medical Leave
Whistleblower Protection
For each area of employment law, complete the following:

List the federal agency (or agencies) that regulates this area.
Describe how the agency implements the relevant law and policy.
Provide a link to the agency’s Web site.
You should organize the information within your table so that it is logical and able to be edited in the future.

In terms of recruitment and selection, determine the best uses of social media for an employer to attract high-caliber employees. Take a position on the following and provide your rationale: HR departments should focus more of their resources in using social media in staffing activities.

In terms of recruitment and selection, determine the best uses of social media for an employer to attract high-caliber employees.
Take a position on the following and provide your rationale: HR departments should focus more of their resources in using social media in staffing activities.

As an HR executive charged with finding ways to expand an organization, conduct additional research on characteristics of ideal alliance candidates. . Describe a successful partnership that you found in your research. Would you characterize it as ideal relative to Kwicien’s seven characteristics?

As an HR executive charged with finding ways to expand an organization, conduct additional research on characteristics of ideal alliance candidates.

. Describe a successful partnership that you found in your research. Would you characterize it as ideal relative to Kwicien’s seven characteristics?

. Cite an example of a partnership that initially appeared to be ideal, but failed to come together as hoped.

. Describe how it has progressed thus far.

· If less-than-ideal partnerships can succeed, what is the lesson in that for HR professionals?

· Accepting Kwicien’s premise about “thinking outside the box,” suggest at least three ways for HR to facilitate original thinking in searching for alliance partners.

· Justify the use of a limited HR budget in pursuing “outside the box” alliance partners.

· What are possible negative consequences for HR in encouraging original thinking in the search for ideal alliance partners?

Question 1 Which of the following did NOT occur during the Tang dynasty?

Question 1
Which of the following did NOT occur during the Tang dynasty?
A. Revitalization of civil service
B. Conquering of Turkestan
C. Subduing of Tibet
D. Forced conversion to Buddhism
Question 2
African history is often interpreted through the eyes of foreigners because:
A. Africa has always been under the domination of foreigners.
B. Africa had no written records prior to the coming of Islam.
C. African natives have never shared their earliest history with outsiders.
D. early African writing systems have yet to be deciphered.
Question 3
Japan’s native nature-based religion is called:
A. Shinto.
B. Nara.
C. Bushido.
D. Uji.
Question 4
The Khanate of the Golden Horde was the Mongol realm of:
A. China.
B. Japan.
C. Manchuria
D. Russia.
Question 6
What is the name given to Muslim Iberia?
A. Leon
B. Iberia
C. Al-Andalus
D. España
Question 7
The Seljuk Turks were:
A. Shi’ite Muslims.
B. Zoroastrians.
C. Buddhists.
D. Sunni Muslims.
Question 8
The Liao Empire did all of the following EXCEPT:
A. create a Chinese-style dynasty.
B. conquer southern China.
C. adopt Chinese writing.
D. use the civil service system.
Question 9
The native warrior clans in Japan were called:
A. kamikaze.
B. shikibu.
C. uji.
D. kami.
Question 10
By the twelfth century, Japan was dominated by:
A. farmers.
B. Heian emperors.
C. samurai.
D. Shinto priests.
Question 12
Where did the Fatimids establish their new capital?
A. Constantinople
B. Cairo
C. Damascus
D. Baghdad
Question 13
Which of the following was a major factor in the success of Muslim invaders of North Africa?
A. The North Africans had already adopted Islam and begun to write in Arabic.
B. The North African tribes were not unified and distrusted each other.
C. The North African tribes were pacifist and would not fight back.
D. The North Africans were worn down by years of fighting with the Christians.
Question 14
Which of these Ghaznavid actions led to their overthrow?
A. Attempting to rebel against the Mongols
B. Moving the capital to China
C. Abandoning the nomadic lifestyle of the Mongols
D. Allowing the Seljuks to move into Persia
Question 15
Why did Song merchants favor sea trade to land-based trade?
A. The Silk Road had become too hazardous.
B. India could only be reached by sea.
C. There were fewer tariffs on shipped imports and exports.
D. The government helped supplement trading costs for sea trade.
Question 16
The major battle between the Christian Byzantine Empire and the Great Seljuk Empire took place at:
A. Dandanqan.
B. Manzikert.
C. Anatolia.
D. Khanbaliq.
Question 17
Gunpowder was first used:
A. in Song China for flame-throwers.
B. in Tang China for fireworks.
C. in Song China for fireworks.
D. for rudimentary cannons.
Question 18
What 1st or 2nd century CE central Asian innovation proved to be most significant to the Mongol warriors?
A. Kumiss
B. The bow
C. The stirrup
D. Plated armor
Question 19
Just as Europeans turned to Christianity after the collapse of Rome, in the Age of Disunity, East Asians turned to:
A. Confucianism.
B. Daoism.
C. Shinto.
D. Buddhism
Question 20
How did Khubilai Khan’s actions differ from those of most Mongols?
A. He was a pacifist; they were militaristic.
B. He embraced Chinese customs; they rejected them.
C. He rejected the idea of expansion; they endorsed it.
D. He remained nomadic; they wanted to settle in the lands they conquered.
Question 21
The Taj Mahal and Pearl Mosque were both:
A. tombs for Shah Jahan’s wives.
B. built along traditional Indian lines.
C. built in the traditional Mughal capital, Delhi.
D. a fusion of Persian form and Indian craftsmanship.
Question 23
Which of the following best depicts the ideology espoused by Machiavelli in The Prince?
A. A ruler should be honest, fair, and just.
B. A ruler should rule for the benefit of all members of society, not just
the rich.
C. A ruler should do what works to achieve their goals.
D. A ruler should be careful to avoid entangling alliances.
Question 24
Saladin did all of the following EXCEPT:
A. establish a new dynasty in Egypt.
B. take Jerusalem.
C. conquer Syria and Arabia.
D. expel the crusaders from the Holy Land.
Question 25
Which of these emerged from the Reconquista as a unified state?
A. Italy
B. Spain
C. France
D. Germany
Question 26
The Battle of Lepanto was significant because it marked the:
A. end of Ottoman power in the Mediterranean.
B. destruction of European Christian naval power.
C. end of Ottoman expansion to the west.
D. end of the Ottoman Empire.
Question 27
Who created the Mughal Empire?
A. Babur
B. Humayun
C. Sher Khan Sur
D. Akbar
Question 28
Ottoman law, compared to other Muslim states was more:
A. firmly based on the Shari`ah.
B. flexible.
C. rigid.
D. influenced by Roman law.
Question 29
Akbar was unpopular with some Muslims because he:
A. refused to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
B. condemned both Shi’ites and Sunnis.
C. was tolerant of other religions.
D. converted to Christianity.
Question 30
Who benefitted most from the Fourth Crusade?
A. The Byzantines
B. The Ottomans
C. Salah al-Din
D. Shi’ite Muslims
Question 31
Which of these cultural influences dominated under the Great Mughals?
A. Hindu
B. Persian
C. Mongol
D. Turkish
Question 32
The Reconquista and the Crusades had which of these in common?
A. Being fought in West Asia
B. Being fought against Muslims
C. Being successful wars
D. Being led by the king of Aragon
Question 33
Kara Mustafa’s most serious mistake was to attack:
A. Turkey.
B. Vienna.
C. Persia.
D. Rome.
Question 34
The purpose of the Maratha was to:
A. make peace between Sunnis and Shi’ites.
B. resist Mughal rule.
C. resist Ottoman rule.
D. destroy mosques in India.
Question 36
Which of the following accurately illustrates Suleiman’s connections with Europe after his abandonment of his central European campaigns?
A. He continued to trade with Europe, but his connections were limited.
B. He ended all connections with Europe in hopes of destroying their trade.
C. He played a major role in European affairs through alliances with the French and later the Protestants.
D. He supported Spanish Muslims in their revolt against Christian rule.
Question 37
The First Crusade established which of these?
A. A state stretching from Anatolia to Arabia
B. An enduring Christian presence in the Christian Holy Lands
C. Small states in the Christian Holy Lands
D. Long-lasting papal authority in Palestine
Question 39
Gothic architecture differed from earlier styles in being:
A. monumental.
B. filled with light.
C. more solid and earthly.
D. more like Roman architecture.
Question 40
All of the following developments contributed to the improvement of agriculture during the high Middle Ages EXCEPT:
A. the use of water mills.
B. a period of cooling climate.
C. the introduction of heavy plows.
D. the introduction of the horse collar.

It is 1940, and you are a selection specialist assigned to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Your assignment is to work as a team with three to four other classmates to develop a selection system to “identify operatives who could successfully undertake hazardous intelligence-gathering missions behind enemy lines.” In other words, you are to select spies who will work in Japan, Italy, or Germany.

It is 1940, and you are a selection specialist assigned to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Your assignment is to work as a team with three to four other classmates to develop a selection system to “identify operatives who could successfully undertake hazardous intelligence-gathering missions behind enemy lines.” In other words, you are to select spies who will work in Japan, Italy, or Germany.

According to the authors of the text, avoidance of accountability is one of the major team dysfunctions. Especially in larger organizations, there exist a number of interrelated variables in relationship to any essential outcome. Therefore, there always appears to be an excuse or another person or group to blame for failure in reaching a key organizational outcome. In this assignment, you will discuss an experience you’ve had with a working team or group and how this avoidance of accountability caused major team dysfunction.

According to the authors of the text, avoidance of accountability is one of the major team dysfunctions. Especially in larger organizations, there exist a number of interrelated variables in relationship to any essential outcome. Therefore, there always appears to be an excuse or another person or group to blame for failure in reaching a key organizational outcome. In this assignment, you will discuss an experience you’ve had with a working team or group and how this avoidance of accountability caused major team dysfunction.