Imagine that you have just been hired by a new company as the director of the HR department. You have been tasked to hire a new secretary for the department and to develop an employee compensation and benefits package that will be used for that position upon hire. Develop a PowerPoint presentation to present this information to your Vice President. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Website, located at, for information regarding organizations and pay in your geographical area. Section 1: Narrative Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Choose the type of organization for which you are designing the package.

Imagine that you have just been hired by a new company as the director of the HR department. You have been tasked to hire a new secretary for the department and to develop an employee compensation and benefits package that will be used for that position upon hire. Develop a PowerPoint presentation to present this information to your Vice President. Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Website, located at, for information regarding organizations and pay in your geographical area.

Section 1: Narrative

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Choose the type of organization for which you are designing the package.
Develop an employee compensation and benefits package for this new position. Support your ideas for the compensation/benefits package.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Section 2: Presentation

Create a twenty (20) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

4. Provide an overview of the employee compensation and benefits package that you developed in the narrative portion of this assignment.
5. Determine if the employee will be exempt or nonexempt and discuss how overtime will be handled.
6. Suggest other benefits that might be considered within the next few months to enhance employee performance and provide job motivation.
7. Provide information on how government regulations will influence the compensation.
8. Examine data from two (2) organizations listed in the BLS Website with packages similar to yours, focusing on salary, compensation, and benefits in order to convince upper management that your package should be accepted and implemented.
9. Describe how the competitive compensation and benefits package will align with the HRM strategy.

Read the case study and provide a recommendation to assist Albert Johnson, director of compensation at Elite Financial Services, in effectively addressing the rapidly increasing health care expenses and reduce the overuse of health benefits.

Read the case study and provide a recommendation to assist Albert Johnson, director of compensation at Elite Financial Services, in effectively addressing the rapidly increasing health care expenses and reduce the overuse of health benefits. Be sure to follow APA guidelines and write your paper in the proper format (not as question and answer).

Supplemental Case

Chapter 11: Cutting Costs at Elite Financial Services

As Albert Johnson, Director of Compensation at Elite Financial Services, examines the

annual budget, he is concerned about the rising cost of the healthcare insurance the company

provides to its’ employees. In response to some recent challenges in the marketplace, Elite’s

CEO has sent out the directive to cut costs wherever possible. The company’s healthcare

insurance benefit accounts for more than one third of the overall benefits budget and Albert

thinks that there may be some opportunity for savings.

Elite Financial Services provides financial planning support to a variety of clients.

Unlike many of their competitors, Elite provides healthcare insurance to all of their Financial

Planners and also to the entire administrative staff. The company provides a basic fee-for-

service indemnity plan for its’ 275 employees. The company also provides vision and dental

insurance. About 60 of the employees have single coverage, 75 cover themselves and their

spouse and the remaining employees have full family coverage.

Over the past ten years, Elite has had to compete with other leaders in their industry for

talented Financial Planners. As a result, the company’s priority in the past has been to make the

company benefit program as attractive as possible to current and future employees. Pay for

Financial Planners is based primarily upon incentives and therefore, offering a generous benefit

program allowed Elite to attract and retain top Financial Planners. However, Albert is aware that

several competitors are seeking to reduce healthcare insurance program costs as well, and

therefore making changes should not hurt their position in the market.

In an attempt to keep the costs low for the employees, the plan deductibles and

coinsurance are relatively low. These factors have led to fairly high premiums and Elite

currently pays 90% of the premiums for all of their insurance offerings, leaving just 10% for the

employees to contribute to the premium. Finally, Elite has done very little in the past to manage

the cost of their healthcare insurance benefit. For example, their experience ratings have

impacted the company’s premiums as employees have high usage rates of their benefits. Albert

is certain there are many opportunities to cut costs, he just has to decide where to begin.

Kaufman Enterprises has bonds outstanding with a $1,000 face value and 10 years left until maturity. They have an 11% annual coupon payment, and their current price is $1,175. The bonds may be called in 5 years at 109% of face value (Call price = $1,090). a. What is the yield to maturity?

Kaufman Enterprises has bonds outstanding with a $1,000 face value and 10 years left until maturity. They have an 11% annual coupon payment, and their current price is $1,175. The bonds may be called in 5 years at 109% of face value (Call price = $1,090).

a. What is the yield to maturity?

b. What is the yield to call if they are called in 5 years?

c. The bonds indenture indicates that the call provision gives the firm the right to call the bonds at the end of each year beginning in Year 5. In Year 5, the bonds may be called at 109% of face value; but in each of the next 4 years, the call percentage will decline by 1%. Thus, in Year 6, they may be called at 108% of face value; in Year 7, they may be called at 107% of face value; and so forth. If the yield curve is horizontal and interest rates remain at their current level, when is the latest that investors might expect the firm to call the bonds?

Prepare a spreadsheet using Excel or a similar program in which you compute the items listed in parts a, b, and d.

Be sure to compute the Yield-to-Maturity (YTM) and Yield-to-Call (YTC) for each of years 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Utilizing Word, prepare a written report to your finance director:Include a detailed explanation of the conclusion you reached concerning whether or not to call the bond before maturity.

If your recommendation is to call the bond early, explain when to call the bond and your rationale.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a long-term loan instead of a bond.

One of the stated objectives of the National Labor Relations Act is to provide a framework where workers can, if they so choose, organize to collectively bargain with their employer over wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employment. Wal-Mart, as the largest retailer in the United States, has been criticized for its approach to unions. A reading in this module highlights Wal-Mart. After reading the article, do you see any ethical issues raised by Wal-Mart’s approach? Please explain.

One of the stated objectives of the National Labor Relations Act is to provide a framework where workers can, if they so choose, organize to collectively bargain with their employer over wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employment.
Wal-Mart, as the largest retailer in the United States, has been criticized for its approach to unions. A reading in this module highlights Wal-Mart.

After reading the article, do you see any ethical issues raised by Wal-Mart’s approach? Please explain. Does Wal-Mart (or does any employer, for that matter) have any ethical obligation to its employees and/or society when confronted with a union-organizing effort? Why or why not?


Watch the video: Answer following questions. (three to four sentences each) 1. Why does Goldberg say that we can’t rely solely on social media to network?

Watch the video:

Answer following questions. (three to four sentences each)

1. Why does Goldberg say that we can’t rely solely on social media to network?

2. How is boxing like networking?

3. According to Goldberg, what is networking?

4. What is networking in your own words?

5. In a networking situation, what fraction of the people does Michael like? Why is that fraction significant?

6. What are the two different types of networking? What does each type mean?

7. What are the five reasons people network?

8. What does PEEC stand for? What does each of the four words mean?

9. How do you “think like a networker”?

10. What advice does Goldberg repeat throughout the talk (hint: it involves three questions)?

Imagine that you are a member of the HR department of a small retail company and upper management has asked you to create a new employee customer service training class for all new employees. Write a six to seven (6-7) pages paper in which you: 1. Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies.

Imagine that you are a member of the HR department of a small retail company and upper management has asked you to create a new employee customer service training class for all new employees.

Write a six to seven (6-7) pages paper in which you:

1. Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies.

2. Develop a customer service training implementation plan and determine the method of training (i.e., presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, simulation, modeling, or on-the-job training).

3. Justify why you selected the training method that you did.

4. Propose two (2) ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class. Develop a survey to collect feedback from the employees who attend the training.

5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Design job and task analyses that align with the overall HRM strategy. Design training and development systems to improve employee performance. Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic human resource development. Write clearly and concisely about strategic human resource development using proper writing mechanics.