Question 1 1. The SBI case at the beginning of Chapter 10 where the women were treated so differently than the men, took place in?

Question 1


The SBI case at the beginning of Chapter 10 where the women were treated so differently than the men, took place in









it did not take place; it was made up to make a point.

4 points

Question 2


________ are qualities of the manager as a person.



Technical knowledge and skills




Personal traits


Value creation skills


Interpersonal knowledge and skills

4 points

Question 3


Advantages of teamwork include



increased productivity.


improved job satisfaction.


lower absenteeism.


both A & B.


all of the above.

4 points

Question 4


To understand a manager’s development needs, you must first understand _____.



the strategic direction of the organization


the technology of the manager’s unit


the manager’s unit structure in relation to the rest of the organization


both B& C


all of the above

4 points

Question 5


Which of the following statements about literacy is true?



About five percent of the North American workforce is functionally illiterate.


The main reason that employers need to upgrade new employees in literacy skills is that most new employees do not finish high school.


In the training of literacy skills it is always best to use an outside consultant so employees will not feel embarrassed.


Graduates from high school often require remedial skills training

4 points

Question 6


There is a special chapter on management development because



the manager’s job is clear so we can get very specific about their needs.


managers are accountable for success so they are a very important group.


managers rely so much on their declarative knowledge.


all of the above.

4 points

Question 7


For the executive job rotation means



working in different departments of the organization


going to a subsidiary supplier for a while


being coached


it does not take place; job rotation is for managers and below

4 points

Question 8


An important decisional role for a manager is:










4 points

Question 9


In the example of Mary, the hearing impaired Accounting Clerk, which of the following statements is true when she applied for the accounting manager position?



You needed to be able to hear clearly in the job


You needed to have a university degree


She did not have the necessary KSA’s


She was not informed of the training where she could have gotten the KSA’s


Both C & D

4 points

Question 10


The “quid pro quo” type of sexual harassment involves



using profanity in front of the opposite sex.


unwanted touching by another employee.


an offer of some job perks by a supervisor in exchange for sexual favors


both A & B.


all of the above.

4 points

Question 11


What is the value of orientation training? How can you make sure it is effective?


30 points

Question 12


Explain employee‑oriented styles. Make sure to include an explanation of the two employee‑oriented styles explained in the text.


Problem #1: Using either a graph or table (Refer to pages 11-15 for help with graphs and tables) use two goods to construct a production possibilities curve. Clearly explain what a variety of different points on the curve mean. What would make the curve expand or contract? Why is efficiency lost at the extremes, as when substantially more of one good and very little of another is produced?

Problem #1: Using either a graph or table (Refer to pages 11-15 for help with graphs and tables) use two goods to construct a production possibilities curve. Clearly explain what a variety of different points on the curve mean. What would make the curve expand or contract? Why is efficiency lost at the extremes, as when substantially more of one good and very little of another is produced?

Problem #2 Part A: Go to the internet auction site eBay® at www.ebay.comand select the category Jewelry and Watches, followed by Loose Diamonds and Gemstones, and then Diamonds, Natural. How many natural diamonds are for sale at the moment? Note the wide array of sizes and prices of the diamonds. In what sense is there competition among the sellers in this market? How does that competition influence prices? In what sense is there competition among buyers? How does that competition influence prices?

Problem #2: Part B) Describe what would happen if an outside agency determined the prices eBay could charge.

Problem #3: Read the “LAST word” feature on markets for human organs on Pages 62–63 of your text. Next, select a social problem where free markets are not allowed to function and describe how free market features could be introduced to help alleviate the problem. As part of your answer also include a discussion of the risks of introducing market mechanisms in situations where ethical issues are present. Your answer should be approximately two pages long and in APA format.

(Note: You can write about social problems where the free markets are not allowed to function, which includes the market for a particular illegal good or service, a regulated market, etc.).

Create an example to demonstrate how an individual or firm acting out of self-interest to maximize profits by offering goods or services in economic markets benefit consumers – even if they do not care about them. In other words, how does self-interest help achieve society’s economic goals?

Create an example to demonstrate how an individual or firm acting out of self-interest to maximize profits by offering goods or services in economic markets benefit consumers – even if they do not care about them. In other words, how does self-interest help achieve society’s economic goals?

What is the relationship between self-interest and social interest in the economic decision (economic choice) process? Is there a conflict between the two in the economic world?

There are two major kinds of government interventions in markets: price controls and quantity controls. The government intervenes to regulate prices by imposing price controls, which are legal restrictions on how high or low a market price may go. Price ceiling is the maximum price sellers are allowed to charge for a good or service whereas price floor is the minimum price buyers are required to pay for a good or service. Price and quantity controls may have adverse impacts on productive and allocative (marketing) efficiency. However, price and quantity controls are used despite their well-known problems. Based on the reading in Chapter 3 on price ceiling and price floor, explain the impacts of the following price control measures. What would happen to the supply and demand of Super Bowl tickets if the government mandated that no more than $20 a ticket could be charged?

There are two major kinds of government interventions in markets: price controls and quantity controls. The government intervenes to regulate prices by imposing price controls, which are legal restrictions on how high or low a market price may go. Price ceiling is the maximum price sellers are allowed to charge for a good or service whereas price floor is the minimum price buyers are required to pay for a good or service.

Price and quantity controls may have adverse impacts on productive and allocative (marketing) efficiency. However, price and quantity controls are used despite their well-known problems.

Based on the reading in Chapter 3 on price ceiling and price floor, explain the impacts of the following price control measures.

What would happen to the supply and demand of Super Bowl tickets if the government mandated that no more than $20 a ticket could be charged?

What would happen if a law passed dictating that kindergarten teachers could make no less than $100,000 per year?

Your team attends a trade conference on the subject of globalization. They have attended several seminars both advocating and dismissing implementing a global strategy. You return to the office and share some of what you have learned with the team. “Globalization is a very interesting topic and can get very heated,” you explain. “There are some countries and companies who are fiercely loyal to their homes and would not consider going global. Others see it as a benefit to the company and their customers. Some people here in the states believe that American-made is best because we are contributing to our home country. But, is it? Is it always best to stay domestic? How does this impact pricing?

Your team attends a trade conference on the subject of globalization. They have attended several seminars both advocating and dismissing implementing a global strategy. You return to the office and share some of what you have learned with the team.

“Globalization is a very interesting topic and can get very heated,” you explain. “There are some countries and companies who are fiercely loyal to their homes and would not consider going global. Others see it as a benefit to the company and their customers. Some people here in the states believe that American-made is best because we are contributing to our home country. But, is it? Is it always best to stay domestic? How does this impact pricing? Are you truly helping?”

As your team ponders these questions, you start to think about your position on the topic. Complete the following:

Are you for or against globalization?
Is your recommendation for your company to go global? Why or why not?
How does globalization impact the marketplace as a whole?
Has your opinion changed from the beginning of the course to now?

Question #1 T&D electric manufactures high-voltage switches and other equipment for electric utilities. One line that is staffed by three workers assembles a particular type of switch. Currently the threes workers have fixed assignments; each worker fastens a specific set of components on the switch and passes it downstream on a rolling conveyor. The conveyor has capacity to allow a queue to build up in front of each worker. The bottleneck is the middle station with a rate of 11 switches per hour. The raw processing time is 15 minutes. To improve efficiency of the line, management is considering cross-training the workers and implementing some form of flexible labor system. a) What is the critical amount of WIP that is needed by this line?

Question #1

T&D electric manufactures high-voltage switches and other equipment for electric utilities. One line that is staffed by three workers assembles a particular type of switch. Currently the threes workers have fixed assignments; each worker fastens a specific set of components on the switch and passes it downstream on a rolling conveyor. The conveyor has capacity to allow a queue to build up in front of each worker. The bottleneck is the middle station with a rate of 11 switches per hour. The raw processing time is 15 minutes. To improve efficiency of the line, management is considering cross-training the workers and implementing some form of flexible labor system.

a) What is the critical amount of WIP that is needed by this line?

b) If the current throughput is 10.5 switches per hour with an average WIP level of 7 jobs what is the average cycle time?

c) What is the practical worst case throughput of the line?

d) Is there any room for improvement on this line?

Question #2

Floor-On, Ltd., operates a line that produces self-adhesive tiles. This line consists of single-machine stations and is almost balanced (i.e., station rates are nearly equal). A manufacturing engineer has estimated the bottleneck rate to be 2200 cases per 16-hour day and the raw process time to be 30 minutes. The line has averaged 1,500 cases per day, and cycle time has averaged 5 hours.

a) What is the estimated average WIP level?

b) How does the performance of the average throughput compare to the practical worst case throughput?

c) What would happen to the throughput of the line if we increased the capacity of bottleneck station and held the WIP at its current level?

d) If after process improvements the ten machines that required ten workers to run them are no longer needed. Instead five workers are now needed what would you do with the remainder of workers not working on that line anymore? (And please don’t fire them)