Conduct your own research and write a concise but thorough research paper examining the Constitutional limits on the federal government and the rationale employed by proponents of a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. For this assignment you should: 1) fully explain what is meant by “constitutionally limited government

Conduct your own research and write a concise but thorough research paper examining the Constitutional limits on the federal government and the rationale employed by proponents of a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. For this assignment you should:

1) fully explain what is meant by “constitutionally limited government,”

2) provide an analysis of the general limits on government that should influence government spending/budgeting,

3) explain the relationship between constitutionally limited government and the rationale employed by proponents of a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution and

4) evaluate these issues in light of a Judeo-Christian worldview.

* The text of this research paper must be 6–7 pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices).

* This paper must be in current APA format with 1-inch margins and 12-pt Times New Roman font.

* You must also include a title page and reference page.

* You must include citations to a sufficient number of appropriate professional, scholarly, or other appropriate sources to fully support your assertions and conclusions (which will likely require more than the minimum number of citations);

* Paper must contain citations to the course texts book, assigned readings, and a minimum of 5 additional sources not including the course textbooks, assigned readings, and the Bible.

For this assignment, you will use Hofstede’s characteristics to differentiate international and domestic business operations. This exercise will help identify the key characteristics that drive business decisions on an international and domestic level. Part 1: Pick three individual countries, one in the Middle East, one in Asia, and one in Europe. Apply Hofstede’s characteristics to each one, and state if the characteristic is low, medium, or high in each country. Also, explain why each country deserves that description.

For this assignment, you will use Hofstede’s characteristics to differentiate international and domestic business operations. This exercise will help identify the key characteristics that drive business decisions on an international and domestic level.

Part 1: Pick three individual countries, one in the Middle East, one in Asia, and one in Europe. Apply Hofstede’s characteristics to each one, and state if the characteristic is low, medium, or high in each country. Also, explain why each country deserves that description.

Part 2: Given your descriptions, explain which country is most like the United States and which country is most unlike the U.S.

Your response must be a minimum of three pages in length.

1.Check all of the following tangible benefits of well-crafted visions that are primarily cognitive components: Underline all that apply

1.Check all of the following tangible benefits of well-crafted visions that are primarily cognitive components: Underline all that apply

A. Great profits and dividends

b. Provide road maps, direction

c. Enable sounds strategic planning

d. Recruit talent- provide feeling of engagement

e. Develop distinctive competencies

f. Aspiration

g. Inspiration

2. Which of the following statements explains why a vision is more critical to change than a mission statement?

A. a mission statement focuses on what an organization is and does. A vision focuses on the possible future scenario a change can bring.

B. a mission statement imagines a new future the change will bring. A vision is a dream that will never be real.

c. a mission statement explains who we are now. A vision focuses on where we are going.

3. which of the statements below are Pendlebury’s three components of vision that are key to change management. Check all that apply.

A. why the change is needed

b. the mission of the organization

c. the aim of the change

d. a stringent plan and budget

e. the change actions that will be taken

4. Match the approach for crafting a vision to when it is used.

Tell 2. Co-create 3. Consult 4. Test 5. Sell
Match each of the options above to the items below.

Involvement is not seen as important

Chief executive is attracted to the vision and wants others to adopt it

Chief executive wants to see which aspects of the vision find support

Chief executive needs to help develop the vision

Chief executive wants to identify shared visions throughout the organization

5. To what extent do stakeholders influence a plan and subsequent implementation of organization restructuring that accommodates change?

Stakeholders are incidental to the change process.
Stakeholders are not decision makers and cannot influence the potential outcome of organizational restructuring.
Stakeholders expertise in managing change is very limited, and should not be considered by change leaders in the planning of adaptable organizational structures.
None of these
6. Barbara, a change manager, has good political skills. She has built a range of relationship across and outside the organization. These characteristics of Barbara are an example of ______________ dimension of political skills.

Networking ability
Apparent sincerity
Interpersonal influence
Social astuteness
7. Sam, a change manager, has many competencies. One particular strength is his ability to gather meaningful data through interviews, surveys, and observations. These characteristics of Sam are an example of the _______________ skill of a change manager.

8. An important CMI change manager competency includes personal responsibility, prioritizations and time management, resilience, flexibility, and emotional intelligence. This competency is best described as:

Strategic thinking
Coaching for change
9. Which of the following are the undesirable characteristics of a change manager? Check all that apply.

Recognizes and deal with office politics
Accepts risks and challenges
Has high need for praise and recognition
Impatient and lacking persistence
10. When coaching for change, it is important to have a good grasp of (check all that apply)

Adult learning principles
Why the change is needed
Role models
Cost management
Complex research models
11. The ability to market your skills and persuade internal customers to use your services is an example of :

Initiation skills
Diagnostic skills
Implementing skills

1) Performance management systems are important because they: a. may be used to make compensation adjustments. b. help identify areas where an employee may need further training or education. c. create documentation related to disciplining or possibly terminating an employee. d. can help managers make decisions about who to promote within the organization. e. All of the above are correct.

1) Performance management systems are important because they:

a. may be used to make compensation adjustments.

b. help identify areas where an employee may need further training or education.

c. create documentation related to disciplining or possibly terminating an employee.

d. can help managers make decisions about who to promote within the organization.

e. All of the above are correct.

2) When designing the performance evaluation for a chef, items such as “prepares food in a timely fashion” and “follows appropriate safety and sanitation guidelines” would be examples of:

a. contaminated performance measures.

b. performance dimensions.

c. deficient performance measures.

d. global performance measures.

e. performance standard.

3) An organization has an evaluation scoring method which includes three levels: excellent,

satisfactory, and poor. A manager has 3 employees and when evaluating them he must put

each employee in each of the categories, although he would really consider one of them

excellent and the other two satisfactory. This method of evaluation is known as:

a. absolute.

b. paired comparisons.

c. forced distribution.

d. ranking.

e. forced choice.

4) When employees are evaluated against a list of performance dimensions which have specific

and scored performance standards related to the employee’s attributes attached to them, the

evaluation method of __________________ is most likely being used.

a. forced distribution

b. graphic rating scale

c. direct measures

d. ranking

e. critical incident

5) All of the following statements about management by objectives is accurate EXCEPT:

a. it evaluates an employee’s actual performance against specific goals.

b. is a results-based approach.

c. employees may strive only to meet those targets and neglect other aspects of their jobs.

d. it is the preferred method to use when you want to compare employee performance.

e. goals can and should be linked to the overall goals and strategy of the organization.

Unit 3 Examination 176 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

6) In order to avoid discussing his poor performance, Edgar’s supervisor scored him as a “meets”

instead of a “needs improvement” on the performance standard related to the quality of his

work. This type of rating error is known as:

a. primacy.

b. leniency.

c. central tendency.

d. similar to me.

e. strictness.

7) When setting up a feedback meeting with an employee it is important to keep all of the

following in mind EXCEPT:

a. focus on one set of job responsibilities rather than the whole spectrum of the employee’s


b. discuss both the positive and negative aspects of the employee’s performance.

c. focus on specific behaviors and outcomes rather than making personal comments.

d. ask employees for their input and concerns regarding their performance and goals.

e. consider holding a separate meeting for the evaluation and one to discuss development.

8) Which of the following statements is most accurate in regard to using disciplinary steps?

a. Every performance or behavior issue should be taken through all steps before terminating

an employee.

b. Once a verbal warning occurs, a manager should complete a written warning to ensure they

have gotten through to the employee.

c. Focusing on what the employee needs to improve should only be part of an evaluation.

d. The employee is clear on where they stand and what they need to do to avoid further


e. Suspending an employee should be a step that is never skipped in the process.

9) Documenting employee performance is important for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

a. so that the manager can keep accurate record of an employee’s accomplishments and

necessary improvements.

b. only documentation related to performance evaluations is relevant.

c. in order to have information to support why certain employment related decisions were


d. eliminate misperceptions or confusion about several employees’ performance outcomes.

e. to help avoid certain biases of an individual employee.

Unit 3 Examination 177 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

10) When using the point method of job evaluation, all of the following are ways to ensure the

objectivity of the method EXCEPT:

a. selecting appropriate benchmark jobs.

b. correctly identifying the compensable factors.

c. correctly using the point manual.

d. assigning appropriate weights to each compensable factor.

e. ranking benchmark jobs based on skill level required.

11) An organization following a differentiation strategy would most likely offer a compensation mix

which was made up of:

a. performance bonus.

b. comprehensive benefits.

c. annual salary.

d. b and c are correct.

e. All of the above.

12) When determining how to set their level of wages, an organization should consider:

a. lagging the market will lead to increased pay satisfaction.

b. paying at market will decrease the number of applicants.

c. paying at market will help control labor expenses.

d. leading the market will create turnover.

e. leading the market will not attract more or better applicants.

13) Technology has impacted compensation practices in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

a. how salary survey data is collected.

b. how to determine compensable time for employees who telecommute.

c. how expatriate pay rates are determined.

d. how compensation information is tracked.

e. how wage information is shared with employees.

14) To aid in determining what is compensable work time:

a. managers need to verify the accuracy of time records submitted.

b. consistently enforce a compensable time policy and discipline as appropriate.

c. clear polices should be in place explaining what is considered compensable time.

d. a and b are correct.

e. All of the above.

Unit 3 Examination 178 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

15) When jobs in an organization are valued against each other rather than against some external

standard of what is typically a “male” or “female” job, this is known as:

a. minimum wage.

b. internal equity.

c. living wage.

d. external equity.

e. comparable worth.

16) Since ABC Corp. instituted a quarterly bonus to each department that meets the goal of zero

product waste, their rework costs have declined substantially. This is an example of:

a. goal setting theory.

b. piecework theory.

c. reinforcement theory.

d. agency theory.

e. expectancy theory.

17) All of the following are examples of team or group incentive plans EXCEPT:

a. merit pay increase.

b. improshare plan.

c. ESOP.

d. scanlon plan.

e. profit sharing.

18) All of the following may be reasons not to pursue a profit sharing incentive plan EXCEPT:

a. the lag time between the work and actual reward may actually de-motivate employees.

b. employees may not see an incentive right away.

c. employees may be doing excellent work but the organizational objectives may still not be


d. competition affect a company’s profitability.

e. profit sharing is paid only when the organization is doing well which helps save labor costs.

19) When an organization contributes shares of its stock to a trust set up for its employees, this is

known as a(an):

a. leveraged employee stock ownership plan.

b. stock option plan.

c. broad based stock option plan.

d. employee stock ownership plan.

e. profit sharing plan.

Unit 3 Examination 179 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

20) When designing an incentive program in a global organization, all of the following should be

considered EXCEPT:

a. a country whose people are individualistic will prefer a gainsharing plan.

b. the different operational goals in each country should guide how an incentive program is


c. the standard of living in a country will impact an incentives valence.

d. the culture of a host country can impact what type of behavior warrants a reward.

e. both what is rewarded and how acceptable the reward is, impact whether global employees

will see the value of an incentive program.

21) In order to be eligible for unemployment insurance, an individual must do all of the following


a. meet their state’s eligibility requirements.

b. follow guidelines such as reporting income and job offers in order to remain eligible for


c. register with their state’s employment service for reemployment assistance or training

program information.

d. file a claim with the appropriate state unemployment insurance agency.

e. decline job offers for 26 weeks in order to remain eligible.

22) If an employer decides to self fund their insurance plan::

a. they contract with a carrier such as HealthAmerica or Blue Cross.

b. they have to follow some state requirements related to benefits.

c. they generally incur higher costs overall.

d. catastrophic illnesses are not a concern because there is always sufficient funds in the

plan to pay for those expenses.

e. they can avoid paying premiums and taxes on those premiums.

23) Emma is planning for her retirement and wants to have additional insurance which will pay for

any additional help she may need some day with regard to her own personal care, such as

eating and bathing. Emma should consider enrolling in _________________ insurance.

a. short term disability

b. long term care

c. long term disability

d. life

e. point of service

Unit 3 Examination 180 BAM 510 Human Resource Management

24) In global organizations all of the following are typically true EXCEPT:

a. offering a health insurance benefit is common across countries.

b. executive ransom and kidnap insurance is common for multinational employees.

c. overseas countries typically do not offer generous time off programs.

d. social insurance programs in other countries, not just the U.S.have made changes that will

make programs stronger in the future.

e. supplemental health plans are being offered more with the increase of health care costs.

25) All of the following are accurate statements regarding HIPAA EXCEPT:

a. it permits an employee’s children under the ages of 18 to continue their health insurance.

b. the law permits coverage under a prior health plan to count for meeting a preexisting

condition requirement under a new plan as long as coverage is transferred within 63 days.

c. it includes provisions that only allow those who need to have access to an individual’s

medical information to access it.

d. an employer cannot share any health related information about employees with anyone else

without the employee’s permission.

e. it permits employees to have copies of the medical records upon request.

After reading the report: 1. List each violation of food safety that could contribute to food borne illness (7 points).

After reading the report:

1. List each violation of food safety that could contribute to food borne illness (7 points).

2. Choose four of these violations and describe the methods you would recommend to correct the violation (8 points).

John Noseguard, a local health department inspector, gives the following account of his visit to a local diner:

Workers at the Morningside Diner try hard to give good advice and provide tasty, satisfying food. As I walked through the kitchen, I noticed that each food handler washed his/her hands before handling the food. Paper towels were available but the soap dispenser was empty. Before preparing raw foods, they also thoroughly wash the cutting boards, dishes and other equipment. As they use their cutting boards, they wipe them with a rag and use them again to cut more food.

When preparing fresh fruits and vegetables, they wash them but are careful to leave a little dirt on them for fear of washing away important nutrients on the skins. The cooks generally prepare meats to an internal temperature of 170 ° F. However, to preserve the flavor of one of their specialties, the pork roast is cooked to an internal temperature of 140° F. Some cooked foods are cooled to about 45° F within two hours while others are not.

To save the customer money, the management of the diner uses canned foods, even some of the cans in stock were noted to be dented. They explained that often these can be purchased at lower prices.

When leftovers are reheated, they are raised to a temperature of 150° F and then are served. Food handlers take care to remove any moldy portions of the food. The diner is especially known for its turkey and dressing which is served every Thursday. When questioned, the chef says it is because the stuffing is cooked in the turkey which gives the dressing a great juicy taste. The temperature of the refrigerators was approximately 45 ° F.

This research-based assignment focuses on the latest available information about creating, organizing, and managing a total rewards program. Envision a service-based (insurance, telemarketing, or other) profit organization that employs 20,000 employees in 17 different countries. There are 2,000 management-level individuals who speak a variety of languages. The company employs diverse individuals who are governed by multiple regulatory environments. Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

This research-based assignment focuses on the latest available information about creating, organizing, and managing a total rewards program. Envision a service-based (insurance, telemarketing, or other) profit organization that employs 20,000 employees in 17 different countries. There are 2,000 management-level individuals who speak a variety of languages. The company employs diverse individuals who are governed by multiple regulatory environments.

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

1.Create a brief overview of the company requirements for a total rewards system.
2.Formulate a total rewards strategy to encompass the fundamentals of compensation and the regulatory environments.
3.Explain the advantages of the total rewards strategy you are proposing and how it might satisfy the employees� needs.
4.Determine the key communication components of the total rewards system.
5.Indicate your strategy for devising a competitive pay structure.
6.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

1. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student�s name, the professor�s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.