In a two to three page research paper in APA style, detail the following in relation to the changing nature of global competitiveness: · Define and explain the concept of globalization.

In a two to three page research paper in APA style, detail the following in relation to the changing nature of global competitiveness:

· Define and explain the concept of globalization.

· Compare and contrast the growth of globalization over the past thirty years, in general, and then specifically for one industry of your choice. For instance, you may present the growth of imports and exports over the past thirty years, and then detail the impact globalization has had on United States toy manufacturers.

· Finally, evaluate how globalization has altered the competitive landscape. In particular, elaborate on how a globalized marketplace affects the profitability and productivity of an organization and an industry.

Note that some of the information related to this project may not be readily available in course materials, requiring you to research contemporary management trends in the public sector. At least two outside scholarly resources are required, including a minimum of one from the Ashford Online Library.

Strategic Management Process In a constantly and rapidly changing environment, developing and implementing a competent strategic plan is central to organization stability and viability. Describe a strategic management process that can be utilized by a multinational organization to gain a competitive advantage over others in their industry and explain the importance of each stage. Please respond to at least two fellow students’ postings, advancing and debating the key points of their posting.

Strategic Management Process

In a constantly and rapidly changing environment, developing and implementing a competent strategic plan is central to organization stability and viability. Describe a strategic management process that can be utilized by a multinational organization to gain a competitive advantage over others in their industry and explain the importance of each stage. Please respond to at least two fellow students’ postings, advancing and debating the key points of their posting.

Challenges of Multinationals

Compare and contrast the challenges for managing a broad geographic scope of operations with complex integration needs – typical of a multinational organization – with an organization operating within one country. Please respond to at least two fellow students’ postings, advancing and debating the key points of their posting.

From Skill Builder 2, analyze one of the three cases stated to determine its exempt status for executive, professional, or administrative categories. If you were the judge, state how you would rule in this case and explain your position.

From Skill Builder 2, analyze one of the three cases stated to determine its exempt status for executive, professional, or administrative categories.
If you were the judge, state how you would rule in this case and explain your position.

A key component of an effective workplace is the ability of the groups to successfully collaborate. Choose a work group within your organization. Using a model of organizational improvement, plan a development project for this group. Include responses to the following in your presentation:

A key component of an effective workplace is the ability of the groups to successfully collaborate. Choose a work group within your organization. Using a model of organizational improvement, plan a development project for this group. Include responses to the following in your presentation:

Describe the group, its purpose (work function), how this group fits into the overall organization, its reporting relationships, and its key stakeholders.
How will you gather data (interviews, questionnaires, or group discussions) from the group and any key stakeholders?
Describe the type of data that you will need to design your development plan.
How will you diagnose the level of functioning for the group?
Give a few examples of developmental activities that you would use for various levels of functioning that are based on your diagnosis.
How would you communicate the progress of the group to both group members and key stakeholders?
You must include a minimum of 4 scholarly references.

Review Case 28 “The rise and fall of Eastman Kodak: Will it survive beyond 2012?” located in the textbook. Assume that you have been hired by Kodak as a business consultant to recommend a new corporate-level strategy for the company to improve declining sales, increase profitability, and expand the company to the Cloud service industry. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you: Establish five (5) key objectives for Eastman Kodak that encompasses the operational, financial, human resource aspects of the business.

Review Case 28 “The rise and fall of Eastman Kodak: Will it survive beyond 2012?” located in the textbook. Assume that you have been hired by Kodak as a business consultant to recommend a new corporate-level strategy for the company to improve declining sales, increase profitability, and expand the company to the Cloud service industry.

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

Establish five (5) key objectives for Eastman Kodak that encompasses the operational, financial, human resource aspects of the business. Next, argue that each of the established objectives is essential to the success of the company within the Cloud service industry.

Analyze Kodak’s horizontal and vertical integration strategy and determine the corporate level strategy that is more appropriate for the company to establish a competitive advantage in the Cloud service industry. Provide a rationale for the determination.

Determine five (5) ways in which pursuing a multibusiness model based on diversification may increase profitability for the company. Provide at least two (2) examples of such use of a multibusiness model from industry to support the rationale.

One (1) implementation strategy for Eastman Kodak that considers organizational design, strategic control systems, structure, and the type of organizational culture fitting for the organization and its new industry. Justify the recommendation.

Speculate on the way in which both the corporate-level strategy and the implementation strategy you recommended in Question 2 and Question 4 would support ethical business behaviors. Analyze the significant manner in which ethics, corporate social responsibility, and environmental sustainability impact the implementation of the strategies that you have recommended.

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar type Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

1) You will take the INCA survey and write a one page reflection. 2) Select 3 critical incidents and analyze them. Your analysis should contain at least three scholarly references each that pertain directly to the incident. You will present these as a presentation – you can take the format of an executive briefing or a training session. The analysis should be complete and supported by literature, not an opinion piece.

1) You will take the INCA survey and write a one page reflection.

2) Select 3 critical incidents and analyze them. Your analysis should contain at least three scholarly references each that pertain directly to the incident. You will present these as a presentation – you can take the format of an executive briefing or a training session. The analysis should be complete and supported by literature, not an opinion piece.

You may use presentation software of your choice. Examples include (but are not limited to):

Powerpoint with audio recording
Google Docs- presentations
Haiku Deck

Your presentation software should not cost to use it. You are responsible for understanding how to use the software. You will need to submit your work in a format that can be easily opened.

INCA Survey Information

INCA is an acronym for intercultural competency assessment. The purpose of the INCA survey is to examine your intercultural awareness.

Intercultural competence – what does it mean?

Intercultural competence enables you to interact both effectively and in a way that is acceptable to others when you are working in a group whose members have different cultural backgrounds. The group may consist of two or more people including yourself. ‘Cultural’ may denote all manner of features, including the values and beliefs you have grown up with, your national, regional and local customs and, in particular, attitudes and practices that affect the way you work.

Three strands of cultural competences include:

• Openness

• Knowledge

• Adaptability

Openness includes respect for otherness and tolerance of ambiguity. > To be open means to be open to the other and to situations in which something is done differently. You can tolerate your partner as being different and doing things differently.

Knowledge includes knowledge discovery as well as empathy. > You not only want to know the ‘hard facts’ about a situation or about a certain culture, but you also want to know, or you know something about, the feelings of the other person. You also know how your interlocutor feels.

Adaptability includes behavioral flexibility and communicative awareness. > You are able to adapt your behavior AND your style of communication

The INCA survey addresses:

· Communicative awareness

· Respect for others

· Empathy

After completing the survey, use the following to determine your cultural awareness level:

Respect for Others: basic level

Addresses only one culture. Describes the behaviour of one person as negative (e.g. Mr Parker is focused on pursuing his own interests) Criticises one culture (e.g. ‘The Chinese can’t do business’) Sees one attitude towards work as the only correct attitude (e.g. Mr Parker’s attitude ‘business is business’ is correct) Uses negative attributes to describe a person (e.g. ‘Mr Wang is not a good businessman’) Mr Parker should have addressed the importance of the business deal more clearly He should have made threats to leave the country without the deal

Respect for Others: intermediate level

Mostly addresses one culture, sometimes addresses both Describes the behaviour of both persons as neutral Does not criticise the two cultures involved Sees one attitude towards work as better than the other, but also sees the other attitude Does not use negative attributes for one or both of the persons involved Mr Parker should have been better alert to the other person He didn’t give a satisfactory answer to the question about his family

Respect for Others: full level

Describes both cultures (e.g. both persons come from different cultural spheres with different but equal rules) Identifies rules from both cultures (e.g. typically direct way of speaking in English vs. typically indirect way of speaking in Chinese; pocketing the business card right away is seen by Mr Wang as impolite) Appreciates and respects the values and norms of both business partners (e.g. both should show more respect for the other person’s culture)

Next, analyze your results and determine what levels you have for communicative awareness and empathy.

To complete part 1 of your Presentation assignment, write a 1 page reflection about the results of your survey. Explain the survey and your results relates to each of the 3 cultural competency strands.