Describe the purpose of the study;

Describe the purpose of the study; 2). Describe the variables (IVs and DVs); 3). Describe the methods 4). Describe the results; and 5). Describe the implications of the study

Explain cognitive mapping and one other memory strategy of your choosing from the course materials.

  1. Explain cognitive mapping and one other memory strategy of your choosing from the course materials.
  2. Explain at least two positive effects of using each memory strategy in daily life.

Using the GCU Library databases, include a minimum of four sources, one of which may be the textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

You Continue as the Therapist

You Continue as the Therapist

(1) Marina decides to talk to her boss about why she has had issues being tardy (interrupted sleep), but she only discloses learning of her father’s ethnicity, not her child abuse history or shifting sense of sexuality. Marina reports that her boss responded by making a derogatory comment about African Americans. How would you process this with Marina? What are your responsibilities as a feminist counselor?

(2) Given that therapy is an intimate context, Marina begins to indicate she is experiencing feelings of attraction to you. How do you process this from a feminist perspective? How do you balance power-sharing with keeping appropriate therapeutic boundaries?

(3) Marina eventually loses her job, and with it the insurance coverage that paid for her therapy with you. As a feminist, how do you negotiate a new arrangement with Marina, ensuring she continues to receive needed support

1. Do you agree/disagree with their medication choice? Why?

1. Do you agree/disagree with their medication choice? Why?

2. Is there anything else you recommend including?

3. Compare peer’s decision making to yours—what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

What are some things the allegory suggests about the process of enlightenment or education?

Chapter 1: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave 1. What are some things the allegory suggests about the process of enlightenment or education? 2. The allegory presupposes that there is a distinction between appearances and reality. Do you agree? Why or why not? 3. What sometimes happens to people when the illusion is shattered and reality is revealed? Can you give an example from your own or a friend’s experience? Chapter 2: Plato’s Euthyphro 4. What it is that makes Socrates “philosophical” while Euthyphro is not? 5. What sorts of questions does Socrates ask and what sorts of answers does Euthyphro give? 6. The dialogue ends inconclusively: Euthyphro has not been able to arrive at a satisfactory definition of the pious. Does this mean the whole discussion between Socrates and Euthyphro was a complete waste of time? Why or why not? Chapter 3: Plato’s Apology of Socrates 7. Socrates is famous for saying that “an unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.” What does he mean by this? What’s so valuable about examining one’s life? 8. When Socrates is suggesting that his “penalty” be free meals in the Prytaneum, he compares himself to the victor in an Olympic race. He says that while victory brings the Athenians only the appearance of success, Socrates brings the reality of success. What service does Socrates think he is doing for the Athenians that cannot be matched by the winner of an Olympic race? How does examining the citizens of Athens bring them true success? 9. Socrates thinks that the person who is aware of his ignorance is wiser than the person who thinks he knows something when he doesn’t. But if neither person knows anything, how can one be wiser than the other? What kind of wisdom could Socrates be referring to here?

Explain one variable you could measure in each of the four scales of measurement. These may all be demographic information if that fits your topic.

Option A·      Pick a topic you would like to research. Explain one variable you could measure in each of the four scales of measurement. These may all be demographic information if that fits your topic.

Option B·      Explain what significance tells you in a way a that anyone could understand. What are the levels of significance most commonly seen? What is the most common level of significance used in psychological research?