Using an organization of your choice: Develop a Complete Disaster Recovery Plan to be submitted to the executive board of your company.

Using an organization of your choice:

Develop a Complete Disaster Recovery Plan to be submitted to the executive board of your company.

Please note that this is a formal writing, all references (peer-reviewed) mostly must be cited appropriately within the text and clearly avoid plagiarism. The paper should have a minimum of 10 pages, 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font. A minimum of 5 peer review references must be provided. Reference style is APA. You can also have some web references alongside the stated requirement.

1. TCP is an acronym that stands for what? 2. UDP is an acronym that stands for what?

1. TCP is an acronym that stands for what?

2. UDP is an acronym that stands for what?

3. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) uses which transport protocol, TCP or UDP?

4. The PING diagnostic is part of which protocol?

5. By default, the pfSense firewall allows unrestricted outbound access from the LAN interface. True or False?

6. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Secure HTTP (HTTPS) are the same protocol from a standpoint of passing or blocking them with a firewall. True or False?

7. A hostname is defined as ___________________

Please run a Google search of the term, “United States Supreme Court Carpenter v. United States 2018.” Please write an essay of not less than 500 words, summarizing the court’s decision.

Please run a Google search of the term, “United States Supreme Court Carpenter v. United States 2018.”

Please write an essay of not less than 500 words, summarizing the court’s decision.

“Beyond Mendel’s Laws” “Long QT Syndrome” 10.Discuss how incomplete penetrance, variable expressivity, pleiotropy, and genetic heterogeneity can affect the severity of a disease in a family.

“Beyond Mendel’s Laws”

“Long QT Syndrome”

10.Discuss how incomplete penetrance, variable expressivity, pleiotropy, and genetic heterogeneity can affect the severity of a disease in a family.

11. A person can lower risk of preventable types of cardiovascular disease by exercising regularly and following a diet low in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates and high in fruits and vegetables. Why are these approaches ineffective against long QT syndrome?

12. Explain how the molecular bases of the various forms of long QT syndrome make genetic heterogeneity very likely

19. List the evidence that Peter’s synesthesia is not the result of his LSD use.

20. Discuss how genome-wide association studies and brain imaging have contributed to our understanding of synesthesia.

21. Suggest an experiment that can distinguish whether synesthesia is inherited or a learned behavior.

In a 3page Microsoft Word document, create a work sheet by answering the Questions for Research and Discussion provided for case study.

Cite any sources in APA format. The case study questions are below

Choose three composers from the Romantic Era. Pretend they all had an opportunity to meet, perhaps at a party. What do you think they might say to one another about music and culture? Construct the conversation as you imagine it.

Choose three composers from the Romantic Era. Pretend they all had an opportunity to meet, perhaps at a party. What do you think they might say to one another about music and culture? Construct the conversation as you imagine it.

Initial posts must be 250+ words, using correct grammar and spellcheck

APA Format, Peer reviewed journal articles only.

1. One of the strategies of the PR consultants in the first news story was getting Red Cross first-aid kits included in an episode of The Real World and Red Cross vehicles in an episode of The West Wing. The Red Cross received 60 percent of the $3.6 billion that Americans donated for hurricane relief. Millions of people saw these TV shows and the name of the American Red Cross. Was the money well spent? Should donor money be used on such efforts? What are the positives, and the negatives?

1. One of the strategies of the PR consultants in the first news story was getting Red Cross first-aid kits included in an episode of The Real World and Red Cross vehicles in an episode of The West Wing. The Red Cross received 60 percent of the $3.6 billion that Americans donated for hurricane relief. Millions of people saw these TV shows and the name of the American Red Cross. Was the money well spent? Should donor money be used on such efforts? What are the positives, and the negatives?

2. Häagen Daz has won numerous awards for its campaign, but, as of early 2010, there was still not a known cause for the disappearance of the honeybee. Are there other tactics Häagen Daz could take on to alleviate the crisis?

This is a required post with a minimum of 500 words

APA Format, Peer reviewed journal articles only.