1) Discuss how you might use business analytics in your personal life, such as managing your grocery purchasing, automobile maintenance, budgeting, sports, and so on. Be creative in identifying opportunities!

1) Discuss how you might use business analytics in your personal life, such as managing your

grocery purchasing, automobile maintenance, budgeting, sports, and so on. Be creative in

identifying opportunities!

3) Suggest some metrics that a hotel might want to collect about their guests. How might these

metrics be used with business analytics to support decisions at the hotel?

6) Identify each of the variables in the Excel file Credit Approval Decisions as categorical,

ordinal, interval, or ratio and explain why.

9) A bank developed a model for predicting the average checking and savings account balance as

balance=−17,732+367×age+1,300×years education+0.116×household wealth.

a) Explain how to interpret the numbers in this model. b) Suppose that a customer is 32 years old, is a college graduate (so that years education =

16), and has a household wealth of $150,000. What is the predicted bank balance?

12) Return on investment (ROI) is computed in the following manner: ROI is equal to turnover

multiplied by earnings as a percent of sales. Turnover is sales divided by total investment. Total

investment is current assets (inventories, accounts receivable, and cash) plus fixed assets. Earnings

equal sales minus the cost of sales. The cost of sales consists of variable production costs, selling

expenses, freight and delivery, and administrative costs.

a) Construct an influence diagram that relates these variables. b) Define symbols and develop a mathematical model.

13) Total marketing effort is a term used to describe the critical decision factors that affect

demand: price, advertising, distribution, and product quality. Let the variable x represent total

marketing effort. A typical model that is used to predict demand as a function of total marketing

effort is


Suppose that a is a positive number. Different model forms result from varying the constant b.

Sketch the graphs of this model for b = 0, b = 1, 0 b 1, b 0, and b 1. What does each

model tell you about the relationship between demand and marketing effort? What assumptions

are implied? Are they reasonable? How would you go about selecting the appropriate model?

15) A manufacturer of mp3 players is preparing to set the price on a new model. Demand is

thought to depend on the price and is represented by the model


The accounting department estimates that the total costs can be represented by


Develop a model for the total profit in terms of the price, P.

16) The demand for airline travel is quite sensitive to price. Typically, there is an inverse

relationship between demand and price; when price decreases, demand increases and vice versa.

One major airline has found that when the price (P) for a round trip between Chicago and Los

Angeles is $600, the demand (D) is 500 passengers per day. When the price is reduced to $400,

demand is 1,200 passengers per day.

a) Plot these points on a coordinate system and develop a linear model that relates demand to price.

b) Develop a prescriptive model that will determine what price to charge to maximize the total revenue.

c) By trial and error, can you find the optimal solution that maximizes total revenue?

Question 1 4 out of 4 points Correct The genesis of Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) goes back to the roots of numerous areas, including:

· Question 1

4 out of 4 points


The genesis of Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) goes back to the roots of numerous areas, including:

· Question 2

4 out of 4 points


A healthcare services organization may develop or adopt various types of cultures, including:

· Question 3

4 out of 4 points


The data input phase includes:

· Question 4

4 out of 4 points


Computational functions support:

· Question 5

4 out of 4 points


Systems are:


· Question 6

4 out of 4 points


The executive who oversees the daily heathcare services delivery operations is the:


· Question 7

4 out of 4 points


Effective communication is essential for forming all kinds of work relationships, especially for:


· Question 8

4 out of 4 points


One of the most important steps that an effective CEO/CIO should take is:



· Question 9

4 out of 4 points


Effective listening requires:


· Question 10

4 out of 4 points


Within the context of healthcare services organizations, there are many published examples of Internet use, including:


· Question 11

4 out of 4 points


The digital divide stands to affect:


· Question 12

4 out of 4 points


The 2006 Pew Internet and American Life Project survey found that the following users seek health information online in the United States:


· Question 13

4 out of 4 points


Several researchers have argued that computer-mediated communities support cancer patients by:


· Question 14

4 out of 4 points


The goal for ERP is:


· Question 15

4 out of 4 points


Customer relationship management (CRM) is a major HMIS enterprise software system that:



· Question 16

4 out of 4 points


A key high-profile enterprise software system that has emerged in the HMIS landscape is:


· Question 17

4 out of 4 points


Existing ERP packages include:


· Question 18

4 out of 4 points


One definition of regional health information organizations (RHINO):


· Question 19

4 out of 4 points


For practice management systems delivered from private healthcare organizations and hospitals, electronic billing and patient scheduling are being developed for numerous benefits, including:


· Question 20

0 out of 4 points

One definition of community health information networks (CHIN) is:


Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:

· Question 21

4 out of 4 points


Mayo offers a fully integrated intranet that allows providers access to:


· Question 22

4 out of 4 points


Electronic data gathering, tracking, and coordinating systems provide caregivers with timely, reliable, and secured access to what type of patient’s files?


· Question 23

4 out of 4 points


Electronic health records can:


· Question 24

4 out of 4 points


Computer-based decision support systems (CDSS) are:


· Question 25

4 out of 4 points


Three categories of healthcare data are required, almost universally, by healthcare services
organizations for supporting their planning and decision-making activities, and one of these is:

· Question 26

4 out of 4 points


Core functions of WSIHIS are based on different Web services, including:



· Question 27

4 out of 4 points


In the United States, Europe, and elsewhere, growing demands for health care due to an aging population and the slowing down in mortality rate among older adults over the last few decades have led to:


· Question 28

4 out of 4 points


Language interoperability challenges include:


· Question 29

4 out of 4 points


To support XML document processing, a variety of specifications and standards have
emerged, such as:


· Question 30

4 out of 4 points


As a modular, self-describing type of software service, Web services are self-contained applications that can be:



· Question 1

4 out of 4 points


Strategic decisions are those that affect the healthcare organization in the long term. These strategic decisions:



· Question 2

4 out of 4 points


The planning, organizing, directing, and controlling (PODC) model is presented as an operationalized and rationally designed tool to assist in meeting:


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:



· Question 3

4 out of 4 points


Which of the following best describes an EHR system.



· Question 4

4 out of 4 points


The movement toward the use of EHR has developed much further in countries other than the United States, where only what percent of practices use EHR?


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


· Question 5

4 out of 4 points


Early computer applications were typically designed without adequate analysis and planning. As HMIS evolved, what type of approach became increasingly necessary? 


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


· Question 6

4 out of 4 points


An evolutionary approach of prototyping contains the following major concept:


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


· Question 7

4 out of 4 points


The multiview comprehensive methodology contains five major steps. Which of the following is not one of the steps?


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


· Question 8

4 out of 4 points


The context data flow diagrams (DFD):


Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:



· Question 9

4 out of 4 points


Which of the following may be considered the number-one priority when designing, implement, and evaluating HMIS?


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


· Question 10

4 out of 4 points


Which of the following is not a risk for accurate and repeatable entry and updates processes?


Selected Answer:


· Question 11

4 out of 4 points


How is business intelligence, a major component of data stewardship, defined?


Selected Answer:


· Question 12

4 out of 4 points


Which of the following factors provide a primary challenge for accurate billing? 


· Question 13

4 out of 4 points


HMIS implementation often carries with it great expectations. It is not unusual, for instance, to find that many end-users who have little or no direct involvement with system development become disappointed with the final results of HMIS implementation because the:

· Question 14

4 out of 4 points


What is the recommended best practice to reward good technical HMIS personnel?


· Question 15

4 out of 4 points


Data dictionaries contain all but one of the following attributes.


· Question 16

4 out of 4 points


Systems implementation (SI) in healthcare services organizations entails a process whose success is dependent on the fulfillment of a number of key activities. Which of the following is not one of those key activities?


· Question 17

4 out of 4 points


Organizational characteristics that can influence HMIS implementation success include which one of the following?


· Question 18

4 out of 4 points


In terms of the Privacy Rule, what does accountability mean?



· Question 19

4 out of 4 points


What are CSS: Cascading Style Sheets used for?


· Question 20

4 out of 4 points


What is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) used for?



· Question 21

4 out of 4 points


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted on August 21, 1996, by the U.S. Congress to accelerate the development of data standards to improve:




· Question 22

4 out of 4 points


Goods or services with positive externalities provide benefit to members of society who are not directly involved in the:


Selected Answer:


· Question 23

4 out of 4 points


Using the e-health strategic framework developed by the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), telemedicine and e-health adoption:


· Question 24

4 out of 4 points


The WHO categorizes the application of e-health into broad areas, one of which is provider services, which means:


· Question 25

4 out of 4 points


The world has recognized extensive advantages of globalization, the most common benefits revolve around which discourse?


· Question 26

4 out of 4 points


What are primary benefits of the wireless local area network (WLAN)-based mobile computing system and wearable monitoring devices?


· Question 27

4 out of 4 points


What is the best mitigation approach for the barrier identified for effective HMIS use and diffusion referred to as: clinicians and system users not involved in the process of design and selection?


· Question 28

4 out of 4 points


A complex adaptive system may be conceived as one that typically comprises:


· Question 29

0 out of 4 points

Which of the following would not be considered a key barrier to challenge HMIS implementation?


· Question 30

4 out of 4 points


What are primary barriers for innovation diffusion in the healthcare sector semantic Web technology?



Recent predictions for population growth in the 21st century are quite different from predictions made several decades ago. Find reports of older population model (say from 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s), and find reports of recent population models? How do they differ? How have the assumptions in the model changed?

Recent predictions for population growth in the 21st century are quite different from predictions made several decades ago. Find reports of older population model (say from 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s), and find reports of recent population models? How do they differ? How have the assumptions in the model changed?

Q1 – 25 points From the textbook’s [1] use of concepts and terminology in Chapters 3 to 5, pick the top 10 to 20 of the terms and concepts useful for managing IT risks, providing IT assurance, and utilizing sound Human Computer Interaction (HCI) principles in IT operations. Tell why you have made each choice. (Example terms and concepts include risk, controls, assurance, users, operations, access, etc.)

Q1 – 25 points From the textbook’s [1] use of concepts and terminology in Chapters 3 to 5, pick the top 10 to 20 of the terms and concepts useful for managing IT risks, providing IT assurance, and utilizing sound Human Computer Interaction (HCI) principles in IT operations. Tell why you have made each choice. (Example terms and concepts include risk, controls, assurance, users, operations, access, etc.)

Q2- 25 points You have been promoted to Call Center Director [2] and your organization follows CobiT [1]. Part of your promotion was to recognize your abilities in working in the HCI part of IT that is, working with users, including human factors, ergonomics and user-centered computing. In awarding the promotion, the CIO specifically mentioned that you took better care of the call center reps so they could take better care of the callers. Since user experience is the key to your call center’s success, you want to incorporate that user-centric flavor into the Call Center IT. You see this can be incorporated into the auditing of IT controls that is ongoing within your organization.

Once again you turn to a web search and discover that heuristic evaluation [3, 4] is an approach to user-centered evaluation that will work nicely within the Call Center to evaluate operational effectiveness [1, page 29]. You conclude that through a small (n=6) panel of expert users (expert call center reps), the usability effectiveness of the Call Center’s password policies and procedures can be regularly assessed, and thereby contribute coverage of HCI to IT Assurance. Write a 1 to 2 page plan to complete regular heuristic evaluations of the IT within the Call Center that will contribute to evaluating IT’s operating effectiveness.

Q3 25 points Complete Caselet 5 Software Programs Inc. for the Caselets [5, pages 16-17]. Write at most 4 pages on the 4 questions at the end.

Q4 15 points Have you ever had a major incident with your own IT (virus, attack, loss of data, etc.)? If so, describe it. State whether you implemented any of the advice listed in the textbook [1] and whether it helped you. If you have not had a major IT incident, review and comment on the helpfulness of the advice in the textbook [1] for detecting and/or dealing with an IT incident. Write at most 2 pages.

Hypothetically speaking, you are assigned to a committee of three to decide on a dress code for Campbellsville University Staff and Faculty. Only two of the three votes are required to pass this policy. In this situation you are one of the two agreeing to a dress code. What steps might you take to gain the cooperation of the third party after the policy has been initiated.

Hypothetically speaking, you are assigned to a committee of three to decide on a dress code for Campbellsville University Staff and Faculty. Only two of the three votes are required to pass this policy. In this situation you are one of the two agreeing to a dress code. What steps might you take to gain the cooperation of the third party after the policy has been initiated.

For all discussions questions a primary response of 300 word must be posted to the discussion forum, the post must be submitted by Wednesday at midnight. Each student is to post a reply to another students’ posting (minimum 200 words) and must be posted Sunday by Midnight. All late submissions will receive a zero grade.

1) Discuss how to access team productivity: 2) What conditions need to be in place for teams to excel and why?

1) Discuss how to access team productivity:

2) What conditions need to be in place for teams to excel and why?

3) Suggestion ways to design teamwork so that threats to performance is minimized

4) As a manager, how would you reward teamwork?

Specific Instructions:

Read and respond to your classmates’ posts. See class posting/discussion requirements.

Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and any additional sources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Respond to at least 3 your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

• Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

• Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

• Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.

• Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

• Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Campbellsville University Library
• Make suggestions based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

• Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.