1. Fair use A. allows you to make additional copies of an article for other people to use. B. gives a person the right to copy select portions of a book for personal study or research use. C. permits someone to copy an entire book or periodical. D. applies to photographs, which cannot be legally copied.

1. Fair use
A. allows you to make additional copies of an article for other people to use.
B. gives a person the right to copy select portions of a book for personal study or research use.
C. permits someone to copy an entire book or periodical.
D. applies to photographs, which cannot be legally copied.
2. The correct term for the list of sources in APA format is
A. References.
B. Works Cited.
C. Citations Page.
D. Bibliography Page.
3. The number one reason why using notecards helps you when researching is that they keep your
A. Web pages organized by URLs.
B. quotations in parenthetical order.
C. research organized.
D. citations in alphabetical order.
4. A research journal can help you keep notes
A. from multiple sources arranged according to the date they were accessed.
B. on notecards arranged according to author.
C. from a single source together with the required citation information.
D. for your bibliography arranged according to pages.
5. Although online bibliographic generators are generally accurate, it’s always best practice to verify the
accuracy of the citations by
A. comparing various citation styles and using whichever one makes the most sense.
B. copying the citation styles used in other authors’ bibliographies.
C. using Purdue University and Long Island University’s online writing labs.
D. borrowing real-life examples of research in your given field of study.
6. APA style is generally used in which fields of study?A. Literature, history, and anthropology
B. Science disciplines, such as chemistry, biochemistry, and engineering
C. Humanities-related areas such as literature, composition, fine arts, and communications
D. Social science disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, economics, and nutrition
7. What is the correct definition of a paraphrase?
A. Borrowed information restated in your own words and sentence structure
B. General knowledge that doesn’t need to be cited
C. The author’s words or ideas verbatim in quotation marks with a citation
D. Summarized version of a longer idea in a source
8. Self-plagiarism occurs when you
A. turn in one assignment for more than one course.
B. neglect to cite sources in your research paper.
C. take a harmless shortcut when you have too many assignments to hand in.
D. cut and paste direct words from a Wikipedia article.
9. Which of the following elements should be placed first in a bibliographic citation?
A. Place of publication
B. Title
C. Author
D. Date of publication
10. A bibliography is necessary because it provides a method for
A. your readers to find your sources for themselves.
B. keeping track of what sources you don’t want to use in your research project.
C. organizing your research journal.
D. using a bibliographic generator.
11. It’s important to keep organized notes when performing research because doing so will help you
A. prove to your instructor you did your research.
B. remember which sources you don’t want to use in your project.
C. differentiate between which sources are fair use and which ones aren’t.
D. avoid plagiarism.
12. MLA is an abbreviation for which organization?
A. Methodology of Language Research and Abbreviation Alliance
B. Modern Linguistics Association
C. Modern Language Association
D. Methodology of Linguistic Studies Alliance
13. The correct term for the list of sources in MLA format isA. Works Cited.
B. References.
C. Citations Page.
D. Bibliography Page.
14. To which of the following does the protection of a trademark apply?
A. Symbols representing a product
B. Graphics on the Web
C. Literary work
D. Scientific process
15. What is the definition of copyright law?
A. Legal protection of ideas, concepts, and research that was conceived of but not fixed to paper or any other tangible medium
B. Legal protection of inventions and processes that excludes others from trying to market, produce, and sell them
C. Legal protection that covers published and unpublished literary, scientific, and artistic works provided that such works are
fixed in a tangible or material form
D. Legal protection for symbols, words, company brands, and products
16. What is the style rule for introducing a direct quote in MLA?
A. Use a signal phrase with the publication name and date accessed in parentheses.
B. Use a signal phrase that includes the author’s name, along with the page number on which the information appeared in
C. Don’t use any identifying information in the paper or project.
D. Use a signal phrase with only the author’s name in parentheses.
17. What is the definition of intellectual property?
A. All scientific and artistic works and ideas that officially register for one-year protection with the government
B. Any original thought, regardless if it’s been expressed or developed into a tangible creation
C. A collection of ideas presented to academic scholars pertaining to a specific subject
D. An idea, invention, or process that derives from the work of the mind or intellect
18. MLA and APA are
A. creations by the University of Chicago for graduate students.
B. primary citation methods used in college-level research.
C. bibliographic generators.
D. citations methods that are used only in humanities disciplines.
19. To which of the following does copyright protection not apply?
A. Sounds
B. Images
C. Video
D. InventionsEnd of exam
20. A logo would need
A. a patent.
B. proof of fair use.
C. a trademark.
D. a copyright.

1. What does a NOS do? What are the major software parts of a NOS? What is the most important characteristic of a NOS? What are two NOS product names?

1. What does a NOS do? What are the major software parts of a NOS? What is the most important characteristic of a NOS? What are two NOS product names?

2. Describe CSMA, CD and CA. How does this work, in essence? Compare this to wireless LANS? How are they similar, and how are they different in terms of MAC?

3. Identify and describe the components of a data center.

4. What are two other names for NIC cards?

5. Describe in detail the difference between a hub and a switch in a LAN. Draw a diagram of each, and then mark it to show some of the points that you have made in your discussion of the differences. Discuss the difference between shared Ethernet and switched Ethernet in light of your answer.

6. Given a specific description of an Ethernet type, be prepared to answer questions regarding its speed, type of transmission and physical structure, e.g., 100BaseT, etc.

7. Define the three modes of switch operations.

8. What is the best practice Ethernet at the present time? Describe, and explain why this is best practice. What is the best practice wireless at the present time? Describe and explain why this is best practice. Would you install a wired or wireless Ethernet right now? Describe, if you were a manager, what your network of choice would be and why.

9. Discuss in detail how you would improve a LAN network’s performance, and what you would look for.

10. What is the difference in a logical and physical topology?

11. What are three reasons why Wi Fi has grown in popularity?

12. What is the “hidden node” problem, and what do you need to do about it in the best LAN design for wireless?

13. How might you as a network manager improve WLAN performance?

14. What devices are needed to build a wireless network?

15. Describe war-chalking, war-driving, and war-walking.

16. Compare a switched Ethernet to a wireless Ethernet. What are four essential differences between these two approaches to building a LAN? Give three reasons why a switched Ethernet is preferable to wireless. Three reasons why wireless might be preferred to switched?

17. Select three different types of IEEE 802.11 and describe when it might be best to use each one.

18. Discuss wireless network security. What are some of the critical problems, what are some of the defenses against these problems? List five potential weaknesses in security and five potential solutions to these perceived weaknesses.

19. Describe how you might secure your home wireless network.

20. What is the purpose of the e-commerce edge?

1. What does the network layer do? Where does it sit in relationship to the other four layers of our simplified network model?

1. What does the network layer do? Where does it sit in relationship to the other four layers of our simplified network model?

2. What are the parts of TCP/IP and what do they do? Who is the primary user of TCP/IP?

3. Compare and contrast the three types of addresses used in a network.

4. What are the different classes of Internet addresses and how are they different?

5. What is a subnet and why do networks need them? What is a subnet mask?

6. How does dynamic addressing work? What benefits and problems does dynamic addressing provide?

7. What is address resolution? How does TCP/IP perform address resolution for network layer addresses? How does TCP/IP perform address resolution for data link layer addresses?

8. What is routing? How does decentralized routing differ from centralized routing? How does static routing differ from dynamic routing? When would you use static routing? When would you use dynamic routing? How does static routing differ from dynamic routing? When would you use static routing? When would you use dynamic routing?

9. What are the differences between connectionless and connection-oriented routing? Discuss this in detail. When might UDP be used? TCP? What is a virtual circuit? What is Quality of Service routing and why is it useful?

10. Compare and contrast unicast, broadcast, and multicast messages. Explain how multicasting works.

11. Explain how the client computer in the LAN figure in the book (Figure 5.15) would obtain the data link layer address of its subnet gateway.

12. Explain how TCP/IP works in a high level way, using a detailed diagram including the different roles of TCP vs. IP, and the times at which each function is utilized in the process.

13. List and describe five reasons why TCP/IP has become the predominant protocol for Internet level transport applications. What do you think is the future market share potential for proprietary standards? What are some limitations of TCP/IP in terms of future Internet growth capabilities?

14. What is a routing table? What is the simplest form of a routing table?

15. What is a virtual circuit?

16. Suppose a client computer wants to access a web page on a web server. Assume that it knows all of the IP addresses and data link layer addresses in the network, except those for the web server itself. Describe how the client would obtain the IP address for the web server.

17. What is ARP and how and why does it work? What is MAC address resolution and how does it work?

18. Suppose a client computer wants to access a web page on a web server. Assume that it knows all of the IP addresses and data link layer addresses in the network, except those for the web server itself. If the web server was on the same subnet as the client, how would the client obtain the data link layer address for the web server?

19. Under what conditions does decentralized dynamic routing provide better performance than decentralized static routing?

20. What is DHCP and why would network managers want to use it?

21. What four pieces of information does a computer using TCP/IP need in order to send messages using TCP/IP. Explain why each of these is required.

22. Suppose your manager asks you to discuss how the company’s backbone network functions in just about four paragraphs to take to senior management. How would you answer the question? Discuss two or three major points. Your manager doesn’t understand technical terms so be sure to explain any jargon you use.

23. What is the difference between centralized routing and decentralized routing? What is the difference between static routing and dynamic routing? What is a distance vector algorithm and what is a link state algorithm? What is interior routing and what is exterior routing? Define and describe RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP protocols using these terms.

24. Be able to convert back and forth between binary and decimal notation for IPv4 addresses.

25. Describe how Domain Name Server works and is hierarchically organized. What happens if a URL is not in a local DNS server?

List and describe the three ways that a network manager can connect to a router and configure and maintain it.

1. What does the data link layer do? What are its primary responsibilities? Where does the data link layer sit in terms of the simplified five layer network model?

1. What does the data link layer do? What are its primary responsibilities? Where does the data link layer sit in terms of the simplified five layer network model?

2. What is media access control and why is it important? What are two examples of controlled access methods and contention based media access methods? When might one access method be preferred over another in a network, and why? Under what conditions do contention-based media access control techniques outperform controlled-access techniques (i.e., have lower response time)? Explain.

3. Compare and contrast roll call polling, hub polling (or token passing), and contention. Which is better, hub polling or contention? Explain.

4. Errors normally appear in ______________________________, which is when more than one data bit is changed by the error-causing condition. Is there any difference in the error rates of lower speed lines and of higher speed lines? What kinds of lines are more prone to errors?

5. Briefly define noise. Describe five types of noise and the underlying causes of this noise. Which type of noise is likely to pose the greatest problem to network managers? What does error look like in a data network?

6. How do amplifiers differ from repeaters?

7. What are three ways of reducing errors and the types of noise they affect?

8. Describe three approaches to detecting errors, including how they work, the probability of detecting an error, and any other benefits or limitations.

9. Briefly describe how even parity and odd parity work. Give an example of even parity with a 7-bit ASCII code, for the following: 0110110, using a 0 start bit and a 1 stop bit.

10. How does cyclical redundancy checking work?

11. How does forward error correction work? How is it different from other error correction methods? Under what circumstances is forward error correction desirable? What is one type of forward error correction by name? Given a diagram like that in the text of forward error correction, be able to explain how the system works.

12. Compare and contrast stop-and-wait ARQ and continuous ARQ.

13. Describe from a high level perspective the packet layout for SDLC, Ethernet, and PPP.

14. What is transparency?

15. What is transmission efficiency? How do information bits differ from overhead bits? What are three issues which might effect packet throughput rates? Which is better for file transfer, large packet sizes or small packet sizes?

16. What is asynchronous transmission v. synchronous transmission? Describe one protocol of each type.

17. Think about a recent world impact event and how useful the technologies of communications might have been related to helping people impacted by that event (Hurricane Katrina, Pakistan earthquakes, or some other large world event). How might telecom have a positive role in large scale human events? Use insight gained from the technological underpinnings provided in the course. Be creative.

1) If you need to determine impacts on revenue resulting from an increase or decrease in prices and/or sales, the best option to use is a A. Database B. Spreadsheet

1) If you need to determine impacts on revenue resulting from an increase or decrease in prices and/or sales, the best option to use is a

A. Database

B. Spreadsheet

2)True or false? The primary financial impact of a robust CRM system results from retaining current customers versus obtaining new customers.

A. True

B. False

3)True or false? A data warehouse will typically contain the history of all previous interactions with specific users (including product use and transactions), but rarely includes other types of data.


B. False

4) An e-mail message to all the members of your department asks each person to reply to the sender with data on his or her recent sales figures. This is data that is normally not shared with others in the department. You accidentally hit the Reply All button instead of replying to just the sender. Which of the following best describes the data issue at play in this situation?

5) Alejandra is using a flash drive that a friend gave to her to copy some financial records from the company database so she can complete a department presentation at home. She does not realize that the flash drive is infected with a virus that enables a malicious hacker to take control of her computer. This is a potential to the confidentiality of the data in the files.

A. Threat

B. Vulnerability

6)True or false? Tables are composed of fields, and fields are composed of records.

A. True

B. False

7)What are procedures that help keep a database current?

8)You have voluntarily resigned from your company where you were the database administrator. But you find that you still have access to the databases six months after leaving the company. Which threat best describes this database breach?

9)A large travel agency has a customer service group that monitors its Facebook page on a 24/7 basis and responds immediately to posts about operational problems. Which of the following best describes the component of CRM in play here?

10)You want to change your cell phone plan and call the company to discuss options. This is a typical example of CRM that focuses on

A. loyalty programs for current customers

B.Customers service and support

C.profitabilty for the company

D. Acquisition of new customers

11)Which of the following would be an example of a loss of record integrity within a database?

12)When you sign on to your favorite social media website, a number of sponsored ads appear on your home page. Which category of social media advertising does this represent?

13) True or false? Not all of the top database breaches in 2013 involved U.S. companies.

14) True or false? Risk assessment should cover personnel, as well as technical support such as firewalls, secure operating systems and networks, and antivirus protection.

15) Which of the following database model choices would be best for storing video clips organized by various vacations you have taken?

16) True or false? You do not like the fact that your computer “times out” after 10 minutes of non-use and goes into a hibernation state (blank screen). You set the timeout period to 1 hour and allow it to activate without reentering a password. This would be considered a good practice for safeguarding your personally identifiable information.

Discuss fully what is a cautionary tale from an organizational perspective and provide a personal example of a cautionary tale which has happened to you.

Discuss fully what is a cautionary tale from an organizational perspective and provide a personal example of a cautionary tale which has happened to you.

For all discussions questions a primary response of 300 word must be posted to the discussion forum, the post must be submitted by Wednesday at midnight. Each student is to post a reply to another students’ posting (minimum 200 words) and must be posted Sunday by Midnight. All late submissions will receive a zero grade.