why you agree or disagree with your classmate’s view. Your replies must be in response to classmates who answered a different question than you and significantly add to the discussion. 

why you agree or disagree with your classmate’s view. Your replies must be in response to classmates who answered a different question than you and significantly add to the discussion.

Week 7

Week 7

Parents have mixed feelings about the discussion of masturbation, homosexuality, and abortion in school-based sex education courses. Do you think these topics should be addressed? Why or Why not? Write an essay of 200-400 words addressing these questions and support your conclusions. Remember to post responses (75-100 words each) to at least two of your classmates.

Week 8

What do you make of the criticisms of sex therapy by Thomas Szasz and others, who have argued that sexual “dysfunction” is an arbitrary social creation? Is all sexual dysfunction in the eye of the beholder, or are there certain sexual attitudes and behaviors that are clear disorders? Write an essay of 200-400 words addressing these questions and support your conclusions. Remember to post responses (75-100 words each) to at least two of your classmates.

A. What is the size of the sample?

A. What is the size of the sample?

B. Identify the population.

1.20 Referencing Exercise 1.16, how might you operationalize the average distance walked in one week as a(n):

A..Ordinal measure?

B. scale measure?

1.26 A study of the effects of skin tone (light, medium, and dark) on the severity of facial wrinkles in middle age might be of interest to cosmetic surgeons.

A. What is the independent variable in this study?

B. What is the dependent variable in this study?

C. How many levels does the independent variable have?

1.32 The Kentucky Derby is perhaps the premier event in U.S. horse racing, and it provides many opportunities for identifying types of variables. For each of the following examples, identify the type of variable—nominal, ordinal, or scale.

A As racing fans, we would be very interested in the variable of finishing position. For example, a stunning upset took place in 2005 when Giacomo, a horse with 50-1 odds, won, followed by Closing Argument and then Afleet Alex.

B. We also might be interested in the variable of finishing time. Giacomo won in 2 minutes, 2.75seconds.

C If we were the betting type, we might examine the variable of payoffs. Giacomo was such a long shot that a $2.00 bet on him to win paid an incredibly high $102.60.

D We might be interested in the history of the Derby and the demographic variables of jockeys, such as gender or race. For example, in the first 28 runnings of the Kentucky Derby, 15 of the winning jockeys were African American.

E In the luxury boxes, high fashion reigns; we might be curious about the variable of hat wearing, observing how many women wear hats and how many do not.

2.13. Convert the following to percentages: 7 out of 39; 122 out of 300.

2.15. Throughout this book, final answers are reported to two decimal places. Report the following numbers this way: 0.0391, 198.2219, and 17.886.

2.42 For each of the following types of data described below, what visual displays of data would be most appropriate to use? Explain your answer clearly.

A. Eye color observed for 87 people

B. Minutes used on a cell phone by 240 teenagers

C. Time to complete the Boston Marathon for the nearly 22,000 runners who participate

D. Number of siblings for 64 college students

o   As Eboni’s social worker, would you include spirituality and religion in your initial assessment? Why or why not?

o   As Eboni’s social worker, would you include spirituality and religion in your initial assessment? Why or why not?


o   What strategies can you use to ensure that your personal values will not influence your practice with Eboni?


o   How would you address the crisis that Eboni is experiencing?


Discussion #1.Discuss how Thomas Upham built upon the work of John Locke and Thomas Reid. How did British empiricism and Scottish realism influence the development of the American Mental philosophers?

Discussion #1.Discuss how Thomas Upham built upon the work of John Locke and Thomas Reid. How did British empiricism and Scottish realism influence the development of the American Mental philosophers?

Discussion #2.Psychology is a relatively young science, with the first psychology laboratory being opened in 1879, but its roots extend back thousands of years to the ancient Greek philosophers. Psychology’s roots are closely related to both biology and philosophy. Because of its hybrid heritage, psychology is often considered a social science, a natural science, and part of the humanities. What are the benefits of this complex heritage? What are the drawbacks? Why is it important to study the history of psychology? How does the history of psychology inform modern day psychology?

 Identify presenting concerns from the client’s perspective as described in the video and accompanying narrative. Include relevant cultural and systemic considerations that frame the client’s presentation.

Identify presenting concerns from the client’s perspective as described in the video and accompanying narrative. Include relevant cultural and systemic considerations that frame the client’s presentation.

· Describe what information is still needed to make a differential diagnosis and evaluate how at least one assessment tool, which is listed in the List of Assessment Tools resource, will aid in obtaining that information. The Differential Diagnosis Decision Tree may be helpful to guide this process.

· Present DSM-5 and ICD-10 codes, including relevant V and Z codes.

· Provide a descriptive rationale for the DSM diagnosis that best fits the information provided including relevant ICD codes. This should be written in a narrative form using complete sentences. Support your rationale with scholarly sources. Optional readings found in the course syllabus may be particularly relevant.

· Determine if a medication consultation is appropriate and provide a rationale with support from scholarly sources.