Start a discussion thread and discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described below from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

Start a discussion thread and discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described below from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.
You must do this following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive.

In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation’s financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 120 million cards to be cancelled; automated teller machines (ATMs) fail nearly simultaneously across the nation; major companies report payroll checks are not being received by workers; and several large pension and mutual fund companies have computer malfunctions so severe that they are unable to operate for more than a week. Identify the countermeasures that need to be implemented to prevent these cyber attacks from occurring in the future.

Attacks on our national infrastructure are already happening. And the expectation is that they will continue to increase at an accelerated rate. For this week’s discussion, we’ll cover threats to our nation’s pipelines. To get started, read this article: After reading the article, start a discussion thread and discuss how the types of threats discussed in the article could impact our economy, and how implementing Diversity and Commonality

Attacks on our national infrastructure are already happening. And the expectation is that they will continue to increase at an accelerated rate. For this week’s discussion, we’ll cover threats to our nation’s pipelines. To get started, read this article:

After reading the article, start a discussion thread and discuss how the types of threats discussed in the article could impact our economy, and how implementing Diversity and Commonality (as discussed in chapters 4 and 5) could help mitigate these threats.

You must do this following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, discuss how the types of threats discussed in the article referenced above could impact our economy, and how implementing Diversity and Commonality (as discussed in chapters 4 and 5) could help mitigate these threats.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)

Question 1 All of the following are technologies used to analyze and manage big data EXCEPT: Question options: cloud computing. noSQL. in-memory computing. Hadoop.

Question 1

All of the following are technologies used to analyze and manage big data EXCEPT:

Question options:

cloud computing.


in-memory computing.


Question 2

A one-to-many relationship between two entities is symbolized in a diagram by a line that ends with:

Question options:

two short marks.

three short marks.

a crow’s foot.

a crow’s foot topped by a short mark.

Question 3

The data dictionary serves as an important data management tool by:

Question options:

assigning attributes to the data.

creating an inventory of the data elements contained in the database.

presenting data as end users or business specialists would perceive them.

maintaining data in updated form.

Question 4

In place of application server software to allow a Web server to communicate with a back-end database, you can use:

Question options:





Question 5

A household appliances manufacturer has hired you to help analyze their social media datasets to determine which of their refrigerators are seen as the most reliable. Which of the following tools would you use to analyze this data?

Question options:

Text mining tools

Sentiment analysis software

Web usage mining technologies

Data mining software for identifying associations

Question 6

In a relational database, the three basic operations used to develop useful sets of data are:

Question options:

select, project, and where.

where, from, and join.

select, project, and join.

where, find, and select.

Question 7

Microsoft SQL Server is a(n):

Question options:

DBMS for both desktops and mobile devices.

Internet DBMS.

desktop relational DBMS.

DBMS for midrange computers.

Question 8

Data mining is a tool for allowing users to:

Question options:

quickly compare transaction data gathered over many years.

find hidden relationships in data.

obtain online answers to ad-hoc questions in a rapid amount of time.

summarize massive amounts of data into much smaller, traditional reports.

Question 9

DBMSs typically include report-generating tools in order to:

Question options:

retrieve and display data.

display data in an easier-to-read format.

display data in graphs.

perform predictive analysis.

Question 10

__________ are computers consisting of a circuit board with processors, memory, and network connections that are stored in racks.

Question options:


Rack servers

Blade servers

Hybrid servers

Question 11

The relationship between entities and attributes is best illustrated by the entity __________ with the attribute __________.

Question options:





Question 12

A formal contract between customers and their service providers that outlines the specific responsibilities of the service provider and to the customer is called a(n):

Question options:





Question 13

Which type of infrastructure service provides voice and video connectivity to employees, customers, and suppliers?

Question options:





Question 14

Interpretations of Moore’s law assert that:

Question options:

computing power doubles every 18 months.

transistors decrease in size 50% every two years.

data storage costs decrease by 50% every 18 months.

PCs decrease in market share by 9% every 5 years.

Question 15

Place the following eras of IT infrastructure evolution in order, from earliest to most recent: 1. Cloud Computing Era; 2. Client/Server; 3. Enterprise Era; 4. Personal Computer; and 5. Mainframe and Minicomputer.

Question options:

5, 2, 3, 4, 1

5, 4, 2, 3, 1

4, 5, 2, 3, 1

4, 5, 3, 2, 1

Question 16

When the same attribute in related data files has different values, this is called data:

Question options:





Question 17

Which of the following factors does NOT help explain why computing resources today are ever more available than in previous decades?

Question options:

Network economics

Widespread rejection of technology standards

Moore’s law

Declining communications costs and the Internet

Question 18

__________ tools are used to analyze large unstructured data sets, such as e-mail, memos, survey responses, etc., to discover patterns and relationships.

Question options:


Text mining



Question 19

The ability to be in many different states at once, dramatically increasing processing power, is a hallmark of:

Question options:


edge computing.

grid computing.

quantum computing.

Question 20

Big data does NOT refer to:

Question options:

datasets with fewer than a billion records.

datasets with unstructured data.

machine-generated data (i.e. from sensors).

data created by social media (i.e. tweets, Facebook Likes).

Discuss how m-commerce can expand the reach of e-business?

Discuss how m-commerce can expand the reach of e-business?

If you were a Chief Information Office of a firm, how would you explain the workings, benefits and limitiations of cloud computing?

Discuss / describe seven differences between the World Wide Web versus the Internet.

Discuss / describe seven differences between the World Wide Web versus the Internet.

Conduct a study on selling diamonds and gems online. Review sites such as , , , , and . (a) What features do these sites use to educate buyers about gemstones? (b) How do these sites attract buyers? (c) How do these sites increase customers trust in online purchasing? (d) What customer service features do these sites provide?

Week 1 – Develop your network boundary based on the requirements provided, see Appendix A of the syllabus. Follow the assignment in Appendix A. You will need to draw the network boundary and provide a detailed network description of the network boundary.

· Week 1 – Develop your network boundary based on the requirements provided, see Appendix A of the syllabus. Follow the assignment in Appendix A. You will need to draw the network boundary and provide a detailed network description of the network boundary.

· Week 2 – Describe the security and privacy requirements for the network boundary. This is a physician’s office, so please describe the HIPAA security and privacy requirements you need to follow for your network boundary. Use the HIPAA, HiTech, and Omnibus Laws to help you create HIPAA security and privacy requirements.

· Week 3 – We need to ensure the physician’s office is secure and the HIPAA data is protected. Read NIST SP 800-53 rev 4. How can this document help you ensure your physician’s office is secure? Out of the 18 control families, pick two control families and address the controls in complete sentences for your network boundary.

· Week 4 – We need to ensure the network boundary is hardened. Please review the DOD STIG for Oracle 12. Select 20 controls and address how the Oracle server has been hardened in the physician’s office.

· Week 5 – We are preparing for an audit of the system for HIPAA compliance. What are all of the documents we will need to have prepared for the upcoming audit? Please explain why each document is important. What scans should you run on the system, please describe the scan and on why systems the scan ought to be facilitated.

· Week 6 – The auditors have finished their assessment. In Appendix B, we have the findings from the audit. Please address in detail how each finding should be mitigated. Match up each control to the SP800-53 control family and control number.

· Week 7 – The physician’s office now wants to add tele-medicine to the functionality of their network. Explain in great detail, 500 words or more how this will impact the physician’s office and what we need to do from an information assurance perspective. Make sure you include change management in this discussion.

· Week 8 – Turn-in of FINAL PROJECT. Bring together your past 7 weeks of work. Add narrative transitions where appropriate and ensure you have addressed the instructor’s feedback provided each week. Conclude your project with a 500 word narrative explaining why information security is important in the Healthcare field. Cite Scripture to demonstrate your understanding of how faith integrates with the information technology and healthcare fields. Check to ensure that APA format has been used and you have at least 14 peer-reviewed references.


Information Assurance Project

In order to understand the practical impact of Information Assurance, we will work on a project over the next 8 weeks. One of the major requirements in information assurance is documentation and being able to articulate your understanding of a security requirement or control. Please design a network for a hypothetical physician’s office and provide a network description with the following:

1 Server with Scheduling software (pick one)

1 Server for billing (pick one)

1 Server with a data base for patient data – Oracle 12

1 Server for email – Microsoft Exchange Email

The office has 10 patient rooms with a desktop in each room running Windows 10 for the OS

The office is based on wireless networking with TCP/IP.

There are two doctors in this office.

This office has an Internet connection to the mother company.

The network boundary for this assignment is just this physician’s office.

In your network description please provide the following:

Describe the purpose of this network.

Describe the network and equipment, the servers and the software in place.

Describe the security you have in place.


The auditors have completed their assessment. The following are the findings determined during the audit. Please address in detail how each finding should be mitigated.

Identified Vulnerability

Identify the Matching Control in the SP 800-53 – Control Family and Control Number

What would be the appropriate mitigations?

1. People can gain physical access to the physician’s office without anyone checking ID.

2. The server room does not have a lock on the door.

3. There are default admin accounts with elevated privileges

4. The receptionist of the office provided the password to the server via an inbound phone call.

5. There are unused open ports on all of the servers.

6. The scheduling software shows verbose code.

7. There is no encryption on the network. PHI/PII data is sent over the wireless network in clear text.

8. The PHI/PII data on the database server resides on unencrypted drives.

9. In an interview with the Nurse, she stated there is no training for HIPAA Security or Privacy provided.

10. On the desktops, there are Microsoft vulnerabilities in the Windows 10 OS which have not been patched.

11. The auditor watched an employee make changes to the Oracle server without following change management.