Write a scholarly review of comparing any two or more OS; attach a copy of the article to your postings. Remember, this assignment is to be scholarly; it is not enough for you to simply post your article and add cursory reviews. Cited references are required.

Write a scholarly review of comparing any two or more OS; attach a copy of the article to your postings. Remember, this assignment is to be scholarly; it is not enough for you to simply post your article and add cursory reviews. Cited references are required.


1. Write an assignment at least 400 TO 450 words with the cations.

2. Indicate at two or three source or reference in your original post.

Review the list of IoT product characteristics for various markets. Select a market from this list: Manufacturing, Media, Environmental Monitoring, Infrastructure Management, Energy Management, Medical and Healthcare Systems, Boiling and Home Automation, Transportation, or Large-scale Deployments. Provide a five- to seven-page paper that includes the following elements:

Review the list of IoT product characteristics for various markets. Select a market from this list: Manufacturing, Media, Environmental Monitoring, Infrastructure Management, Energy Management, Medical and Healthcare Systems, Boiling and Home Automation, Transportation, or Large-scale Deployments. Provide a five- to seven-page paper that includes the following elements:

· Introduction

· Proposal of an Internet of Things product:

· What is the IoT proposed product?

· Provide the statement of need for the IoT product.

· What else is offered similar to the proposed IoT product in the market?

· How is your proposed IoT idea better or different? Identify the qualities that make the IoT product better or different than other products.

· Description of your chosen market that could benefit from an IoT product:

· Does the IoT product

· solve a problem for the market,

· enhance exiting processes,

· improve existing products, or

· provide a new product offering?

· Identify how the IoT product supports electronic commerce, business-to-business electronic commerce, or business-to-consumer electronic commerce in the market?

· Identification of both pros and cons for the proposed IoT product (see the “Pros and Cons of IoT” diagram above).

· What are the pros of the proposed IoT product?

· What are the cons of the proposed IoT product?

· Conclusion

· Reference List

The university updated its website program design request with a few more features to fit its needs. Update the website program to reflect the following changes: Use an array to prompt the user to enter a credit card account number Use the sequential search algorithm to locate the credit card number entered by the user If the credit card number is not in the array, display a message indicating the number is invalid

The university updated its website program design request with a few more features to fit its needs.

Update the website program to reflect the following changes:

Use an array to prompt the user to enter a credit card account number
Use the sequential search algorithm to locate the credit card number entered by the user
If the credit card number is not in the array, display a message indicating the number is invalid
If the credit card number is in the array, display a message indicating the credit card number is valid
Create a 1/2- to 1-page document containing pseudocode based on the revised program needs. Add the pseudocode statements to the existing pseudocode program.

Create a 1- to 2-page flowchart based on the algorithm for the revised program needs. Add the flowchart structure in the existing flowchart for the program.

Some of examples shown in this chapter are from a traditional ERP system, SAP. Consider some smaller ERP systems. Look on the Internet at Business One by SAP, and an additional smaller system, such as Pronto software or Exact software. Compare two of the systems, and list the similarities between the module-type offerings. Are there any cleardifferences between them?

Some of examples shown in this chapter are from a traditional ERP system, SAP. Consider some smaller ERP systems. Look on the Internet at Business One by SAP, and an additional smaller system, such as Pronto software or Exact software. Compare two of the systems, and list the similarities between the module-type offerings. Are there any cleardifferences between them?
4. Visit CIO magazine’s Web site, www.cio.com, and conduct a search on ERP. Based on the search results, choose an example of an ERP implementation, and write a memo to your instructor describing the implementation. Discuss ways in which you think the company adopting the ERP system could have improved its implementation.
5. From your university’s electronic library, obtain a copy of the article,“Management Based Critical Success Factors in the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems,” by Joseph Bradley (International Journal of Accounting InformationSystems, Volume 9, no. 3, pages 175-200, September 2008).
Write a three-page paper on the findings of this study concerning factors critical to the success of an ERPimplementation. Choose five factors you think are most important, and focus your writing on those five.

1. Imagine that your uncle owns and operates a construction company. The company owns a number of very expensive pieces of machinery, such as backhoes, for building houses and apartment buildings. Up until now, your aunt has “taken care of the books” by keeping financial records by hand. However, business is picking up, and she has gotten far behind in filing taxes, paying bills, and so on. Write a persuasive essay to your uncle about why heneeds an ERP system and how it would help with not only the burden of billing, payroll, and filing taxes, but also with keeping track of the company’s expensive machinery. Use the Internet for research.

1. Imagine that your uncle owns and operates a construction company. The company owns a number of very expensive pieces of machinery, such as backhoes, for building houses and apartment buildings. Up until now, your aunt has “taken care of the books” by keeping financial records by hand. However, business is picking up, and she has gotten far behind in filing taxes, paying bills, and so on.
Write a persuasive essay to your uncle about why heneeds an ERP system and how it would help with not only the burden of billing, payroll, and filing taxes, but also with keeping track of the company’s expensive machinery. Use the Internet for research.

2. Much has been written in the news media about ERP systems, both in print and online. Using library resources or the Internet, report on one company’s positive experience with implementing an ERP system, and on another company’s disappointing experience.

Review the section on Linear Development in Learning Approaches. Discuss how learning changes over time impact organizational culture. What is the impact of this cultural change on the success of IT projects?

Review the section on Linear Development in Learning Approaches. Discuss how learning changes over time impact organizational culture. What is the impact of this cultural change on the success of IT projects? (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)