For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the

For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the

For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have chosen. You can use an article online or offline from any reputable source. You will write up a review of the article and integrate course concepts into your review. Please make sure you both summarize the article and discuss how it relates to the course.Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document in APA format. Your work will automatically be submitted to Turnitin for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words for your essay is required

Instructions A Case Analysis of Uber Uber is a ride-sharing service started in 2009. If you are not familiar with Uber, you can learn more about the services it provides at Construct an nine

Instructions A Case Analysis of Uber Uber is a ride-sharing service started in 2009. If you are not familiar with Uber, you can learn more about the services it provides at Construct an nine


A Case Analysis of Uber

Uber is a ride-sharing service started in 2009. If you are not familiar with Uber, you can learn more about the services it provides at

Construct an nine-page analysis of Uber using the following criteria.

  • Analyze the market before Uber’s entry. Describe the inefficiency Uber exploited.
  • Explain Uber’s surge pricing in the context of shifts in supply and demand.
  • Evaluate Uber’s surge pricing in the context of price discrimination.
  • Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to Uber’s business model.
  • Apply the concepts of game theory to Uber’s market.
  • Assess Uber’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.
  • Explain the incentive pay model Uber uses and how it affects the principal-agent problem.
  • Discuss any asymmetric information issues with Uber’s business model.

Your essay must be at least nine pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least five peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.

If you wish to include a supply and demand graph in your paper, view the video How to Graph in Word for some guidance. Also, not that any graphs you include in your paper should be placed in the Appendix of your paper.

How to Graph in Word video transcript

Part I: Look up the terms “Classical Economics” & “Keynesian Economics.” Briefly define them. Now that you understand fiscal and monetary policy and the impacts, which approach to economic chall

Part I: Look up the terms “Classical Economics” & “Keynesian Economics.” Briefly define them. Now that you understand fiscal and monetary policy and the impacts, which approach to economic chall

Part I:  Look up the terms “Classical Economics” & “Keynesian Economics.” Briefly define them.  Now that you understand fiscal and monetary policy and the impacts, which approach to economic challenges is best and why?  Your post must be at least 6 sentences.  Properly cite any referenced material using APA citations.

Part II:  For the country that you are assigned to for your project ( Country Assignments for Project ), discuss at least one current monetary policy strategies that are being used (use something from the past 6 years).  Hint:  Refer to Chapter 16 to see examples of monetary policy tools.  What types of problems is the central bank trying to address?  Are their strategies successful? This must be at least 8 sentences in length.  Properly cite any referenced material using APA citations. My country is Sweden.

Part III:  Reply to one of your classmate’s posts.  Ensure to discuss the differences in monetary policy approaches between the country for your research project and your classmate’s research project. This must be at least 8 sentences in length for each reply.

Why Supporting Local is More Important Than You Think As South Africa battles the twin effects of illness and lockdown the time is ripe to consider carefully how and where South Africans spend their m

Why Supporting Local is More Important Than You Think As South Africa battles the twin effects of illness and lockdown the time is ripe to consider carefully how and where South Africans spend their m

Why Supporting Local is More Important Than You Think As South Africa battles the twin effects of illness and lockdown the time is ripe to consider carefully how and where South Africans spend their money. There are those who have lots, and those who have little, yet if people understood the power of a single Rand to change the future of the country, everyone might spend it very differently. In 2015, a paper on the negative impact of shopping malls on local economies used research from India, USA and South Africa to explain how the arrival of a glamorous mall sucks the money out of the local community and pulls it away, into the coffers of big business. The counterargument in favour of malls is that small, rural and township dwellers deserve first world shopping, which provide local jobs and convenience, entertainment and better pricing than traditional high street shops. Most township residents would certainly vote for glorious first world shopping and low prices, at least in the first year. By year three however they might notice, for example in the small town of Grabouw or Knysna perhaps, how the main street is deserted. Small businesses that had thrived there for generations are now reduced to mere shells of their former self and replaced by those selling counterfeit, imported T-shirts or cheap bling. The money circulating locally has dwindled, small businesses have closed, many jobs have disappeared, and local wealth departed along with them. By year four or five, the shopping malls also suffer as local buying power is depressed along with the lower employment rate, resulting in an overall downturn in spending. For those who need more convincing, it is important to look at the maths of it. In basic terms it works like this – in the days before the arrival of malls and major chain stores, Mary would spend R10 at the baker; who (assuming a 10% profit retention); would spend R9 at the butcher; who would spend R8 at the tailor; who would spend R7 at the school; who would spend R6 at the stationery store; who would spend R5 at the farmer’s market and so on. A simple illustration of how one R10 note can create wealth ten times over. Recovery and regrowth of South Africa’s economy is our responsibility; now that you know the power of your money, where are you going to spend your next Rand?


2.1 The article refers to ‘the twin effects of illness and lockdown’. Use the Keynesian school to explain how Covid-19 and lockdown would impact the economy. (5 Marks)

2.2 The article states that, ‘A simple illustration of how one R10 note can create wealth ten times over’. What term is used by the Keynesian school to describe this effect of spending and incomes creations? (2 Marks)

2.3 Use the AD/AS model framework to illustrate and explain the effects of Covid-19 and the lockdown on the South African economy. (13 Marks)

ENgineering Economics

ENgineering Economics

Page 1 of 3 University of Manitoba Centre for Engineering Professional Practice and Engineering Education Price Faculty of Engineering Engineering Economics – ENG3000 Assignment # 7 Due Friday November 27 th, 20 20 (11:59PM) General g uidelines (Please read carefully) : 1. Both hand -written and typed submissions are acceptable. But remember that typing is not required. 2. Your submissio n must be readable, clear, easy -to-follow, neat , and submitted in pdf format . 3. Sideways, blurry, and out -of-order answers will not be marked. 4. Write your name on each page of your submission. 5. Insert page numbers on each page and scan the pages in order. 6. Keep the hard copies till the end of the semester. 7. Each student must submit only one file including all of the answers to the problems . 8. You do not need to include the problems but if you feel like it, go ahead. 9. Highlight your final ans wers and show all the steps. 10. Includ e at least 2 d ecimal places for your ans wers . 11. One problem per page is the ideal submission format. 12. Any questions regarding the marking must be directed to the TAs. 13. Please submit your work before the due date as late submissions cause extra work for all of us. Page 2 of 3 1. A specific investment requires a first cost of $125,000 on some equipment which is going to serve for 7 years. The equipment is not going to have any salvage value at the end of its expected life. If the interest rate is 7%, d etermine the depreciation schedu le using the straight line depreciation and SOYD methods . (5 Marks) 2. A machine has a first cost of $1,450,000 and a salvage value of $7 2k. The depreciation life is believed to be 9 years. Use the straight -line depreciation method and calculate the following: (5 Marks) a. The depreciation amount in any year. b. The book value at the beginning of Year 8. 3. Use the SOYD method to develop a depreciation schedule for an asset with a first cost of $1,470,000, salvage value of $29,500 and useful life of 6 years in total. (5 Marks) 4. a) What is the market interest rate i f the real interest rate of an investment is 11% and the inflation rate is 7%. Circle the right answer and show your calculation. (2 Marks) a) 3.74 % b) 11.85% c) 8.8 % d) 18.8% b) You will earn an interest of $21 70 every year if you deposit $1 5,500 in a well -paid bank account. What is the real annual rate of return i f the general inflation rate is 8.5 % per year, (3 Marks) 5. Jean Michel Jarre who is a junior engineer , expects an annual salary of $71, 000 at the beginning of his care er. Based on what Jean -Michel’s friends have told him, the company who has promised to hire him, has given annual salary increases of 4% on average in the last several years. How much, in i year -1 dollars, will Jean -Michel’s be earning each year , if inflation is believed to be 3% per year for the next five years. What is the real rate at which Jean -Michel’s salary is going to rise ? (5 Marks) 6. In order to purchase copyrighted design of manufacturing machine, a firm has to spend 7.5 million dollars. Upon th e purchase, a n annual return of $900k is expected, if a low number of sales happen . With a modest number of sales, the firm can expect a return of $1.9 million each year and with a high number of sales, a return of $3.7 million has been projected. The overall length of this financial investment is believed to be 5 years for all scenarios. The firm also knows that t he probability of a high sale number is going to be 0. 3 and 0. 4 for the probability of the mod est sales. Using an interest rate of 1 0%, c alculate the ‘expected present worth’ of th is investment. Comment if t he company should make the investment or not? (5 Marks) Page 3 of 3 7. A start -up business has started manufacturing and distribution of some the weighted blankets. The blanket are going to be manufactured overseas and shipped to Canada. The company has studied the issues regarding transportation and delays and has learned that shipping may be postponed 35 % of the time due to possible weather instabilities. T here may also be a quality issue 2 0% of the time Independent of the shipping issues. The provided table shows the annual profit as a result of these shipping and quality issues . Decide based on the expected value (EV) , if the start -up company should keep thinking about importing the blankets from aboard or manufacture them locally . (5 Marks) Transportation Quality Annual Profit ($) No transport issues Good $185 ,000 No transport issues Unacceptable – 33 ,000 Transportation issues Good 78,000 Transportation issues Unacceptable -88 ,000 8. Construction duration for a fancy house in Winnipeg area is very much depending on the weather condition . If the weather is very hot, t he project is going to take 2 41 days to complete . The completion of the house is going to take 315 days in mild weather and if the weather is very cold , it is going to take 360 days to complete the house . Based on the past weather information obtaine d from Environment Canada, we know that the probability of very hot weather is 18 % and 61% for the weather to be mild. Find the expected completion time for the project based on th e table probability distribution . (5 Marks) 9. Follow the given link, g o to MPI ’s website , and calculate the effective annual interest rates of the estimated payments table for all the available re -payment options. Enter your results in the provided table (10 Marks) Winter Tire Program: -tire -program.aspx The estimated payments have been calculated at 5 .95% based on the provided information on the webpage. Does this match the values you calculated? Yes or no, why? Dollars Financed ($) 1 Year (i a %) 2 Year (i a %) 3 Year (i a %) 4 Year (i a %) 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000

Comfort Now LA (CNL) was a small business that manufactured bleacher seat pads that sports fans or picnickers could use to make wooden outdoor seating (or even convenient rocks) a bit warmer and more

Comfort Now LA (CNL) was a small business that manufactured bleacher seat pads that sports fans or picnickers could use to make wooden outdoor seating (or even convenient rocks) a bit warmer and more

Comfort Now LA (CNL) was a small business that manufactured bleacher seat pads that sports fans or picnickers could use to make wooden outdoor seating (or even convenient rocks) a bit warmer and more comfortable. The primary markets for CNL’s product were college bookstores (to be sold to students and alumni) and specialty advertising firms (for use as corporate give-a-ways). The firm was organized in the second half of 2001 and began selling products in 2002.

CNL had a policy of providing an annual “cost of living” increase for its assembly workers to maintain a constant annual cost of $25,000 per worker (1984 dollars). The production process requires one worker for every sixteen tons manufactured. As of January 2005, up to ten of the assembly workers were provided by a local Sheltered Workshop facility (a facility that provided and supervised disabled workers for product assembly and piece-work). This facility also rented the necessary manufacturing space to CNL. Nationwide Horizon Enterprises, a local manufacturing conglomerate with some excess capacity, provided the remaining workers and production space when more than ten disabled workers were required. Nationwide Horizon was also paid $25,000 (inflation-adjusted) apiece for its workers plus an additional fee for the rental of equipment and space. In addition to manufacturing labor, CNL employed a clerical worker and a general manager but no sales staff. Through December 2005, sales were generated primarily by manufacturer’s representatives who received a standard 5% of sales as their commission.

In January 2005, Nationwide Horizon Enterprises purchased CNL. Nationwide Horizon’s management team immediately began supplementing sales efforts by adding the CNL products to their own manufacturer’s representative lines. Otherwise, they operated CNL without significant changes. The Nationwide Horizon Enterprises managers soon found that while sales were growing, profits were shrinking. The management responded for the second half of 2005 by increasing the commission to their manufacturer’s representatives from 5% to 6%. The salesforce responded quickly and sales boomed.

By July 2006, Nationwide Horizon’s board of directors expressed some concern to management. Even though sales were up, the deal was not proving to be profitable. At the end of July 2006, the board of directors was informed that Nationwide Horizon’s management team had decided to reduce CNL’s production staff by letting go of those employees provided by the Sheltered Work Facility. It is now in autumn 2007. Nationwide Horizon has been sued by a noted civil rights attorney claiming that closing down the Sheltered Work Facility manufacturing operation was a wrongful termination of the workers in the Sheltered Work Facility.

Her court filings say that there was no valid business reason for selecting the disabled workers for layoff rather than the nondisabled workers; in part, the court filings claim that the layoff was wrongful because there was no economic justification for dismissing these workers who had been at least as productive, and profitable, as their non-disabled counterparts for so many years.

The attorney claimed that this was obvious discrimination against the disabled and because of the discrimination, her ten clients will be unemployed for an average of 20 years each. The attorney is asking the court for a verdict of $20,000,000 as an appropriate award to her ten clients if she prevails in her action. She estimated this figure by computing 20 years x 10 clients x $25,000 = $5,000,000, doubling it to account for her fees, then doubling that to account for future inflation.


You have been hired by Nationwide Horizon’s board of directors to help their attorney (and them) evaluate the claims in the lawsuit and determine whether the management team made the right decision. You have been asked to consider the following specific questions in preparing a report: (Use the guidelines for preparing a report on the course website.) You remember from your Business School days the following concepts that you think might be useful here:


Was there a reasonable economic basis for the termination of the ten disabled workers (rather than the Nationwide Horizon employees also working for CNL)? If you do not think there is enough information, what other data would you like to be provided? (Consider the opportunity cost of using the ten workers provided by the Sheltered Workshop in contrast to the opportunity cost of using existing Nationwide Horizon staff and facilities.)