Topic: Scientific Methods and Scientific Thinking

Topic: Scientific Methods and Scientific Thinking

Psychology is a SCIENCE – 250 words

How do psychologists figure out WHY people act the way they do?

1. Which one of these four research methods that were described in Chapter 1 (naturalistic observation, case study, correlational study, or experiment) would best allow psychologists to determine WHY people act the way that they do? In other words, which method best allows researchers to actually TEST possible explanations for behavior? (Note that being able to generate possible explanations – and actually testing them – are two different things). Explain the major advantages of the method that you choose.

2. Compare your chosen method to the other methods and explain WHY the method you chose is better than the others.

IMPORTANT: When providing evidence for your answers, you MUST cite the textbook where appropriate by listing the author and page number(s) as in the following “example”:

A correlation tells us the strength of the relationship between two variables (Santrock, p. 28).

Topic: Scientific Methods and Scientific Thinking

Psychology is a SCIENCE



How do psychologists figure out WHY people act the way they do?

1. Which one of these four research methods that were described in Chapter 1 (naturalistic observation,

case study, correlational study, or experiment) would best allow psychologists to determine WHY people

act the way that they do? In other words, which m

ethod best allows researchers to actually TEST

possible explanations for behavior? (Note that being able to generate possible explanations


actually testing them

are two different things). Explain the major advantages of the method that you


2. Compare your chosen method to the other methods and explain WHY the method you chose is better

than the others.

IMPORTANT: When providing evidence for your answers, you MUST cite the textbook where

appropriate by listing the author and page number

(s) as in the following “example”:

A correlation tells us the strength of the relationship between two variables (Santrock, p. 28).

Topic: Scientific Methods and Scientific Thinking

Psychology is a SCIENCE – 250 words

How do psychologists figure out WHY people act the way they do?

1. Which one of these four research methods that were described in Chapter 1 (naturalistic observation,

case study, correlational study, or experiment) would best allow psychologists to determine WHY people

act the way that they do? In other words, which method best allows researchers to actually TEST

possible explanations for behavior? (Note that being able to generate possible explanations – and

actually testing them – are two different things). Explain the major advantages of the method that you


2. Compare your chosen method to the other methods and explain WHY the method you chose is better

than the others.

IMPORTANT: When providing evidence for your answers, you MUST cite the textbook where

appropriate by listing the author and page number(s) as in the following “example”:

A correlation tells us the strength of the relationship between two variables (Santrock, p. 28).

Watch the first episode “In Sickness and In Wealth” in the docuseries Unnatural Causes and answer the following questions. 

Watch the first episode “In Sickness and In Wealth” in the docuseries Unnatural Causes and answer the following questions.

  1. What is the central point of the documentary?
  2. What is the social problem the film addresses?
  3. What did the Whitehall study reveal about the connection between health and wealth?
  4. What is the wealth-health gradient?
  5. How do the lives of Jim Taylor, Tondra Young, Corey Anderson and Mary Turner exemplify concepts like the wealth-health gradient and the importance of power and control?
  6. What does comparing data maps of disease rates in the different Louisville council districts reveal?
  7. What might explain observed differences?
  8. Professor Leonard Syme defines control of destiny as the “ability to influence the events that impinge on your life.”  Why is this ability an important factor for health?
  9. Sociologist David Williams said, “Economic policy is health policy.” How has U.S. influenced health inequities and health outcomes?
  10. What kinds of economic policies might reduce health inequities and improve the overall health of most Americans?

The term culture is typically used in everyday language to refer to all of the following EXCEPT:

The term culture is typically used in everyday language to refer to all of the following EXCEPT:

a. regular or expected behaviors of a particular group.

b. different types of music, art, and dance.

c. Food, clothing, history, and traditions.

d. Genetic determinants of behavior.

Why is that choice not used to describe culture?

Question 2 of 8

2. “We know that when we are stressed, our immune system is weakened, and we are more likely to get sick.” This quotation illustrates which level of the Biopsychosocial model?

a. Biological

b. Cultural

c. Social-Interpersonal

d. Cognitive-Affective

Explain why this is the best answer.

Question 3 of 8

10.0 Points

3. Describe the five levels of the biopsychosocial model and how behavior is explained at each of these levels.

Question 4 of 8

10.0 Points

Chapter 2

4. Yolanda has her research participants rate how much they like two new soft drinks. Their ratings are on a scale from 1 to 10. She finds that most people rated an orange drink higher than a strawberry drink. Yolanda is using ________ data to come to conclusions about the drinks.

a. quantitative

b. qualitative

c. nominal

d. normal

Why is this the best answer?

Question 5 of 8

10.0 Points

5. Describe Hayes’ (1996) ADRESSING model. What factors does Hayes bring to the discussion of multicultural research that other models may overlook?

Question 6 of 8

10.0 Points

6. “External validity” suggests that

a. we can generalize our findings to broader populations.

b. our changes in the experiment made a difference.

c. changes in the experiment may have been influenced by events out of our control.

d. external reviewers examined our results.

Explain why you selected this choice.

Question 7 of 8

10.0 Points

Chapter 3

7. Suppose you are asked to do a project that requires you to work late in the library on campus. Or suppose you want to jog though the park at dusk. How does the worldview of the average female differ from the worldview of the typical male on matters such as these?

Question 8 of 8

10.0 Points

8. Discuss how the gay, lesbian, or bisexual worldview differs from the straight (heterosexual) worldview.

What is a duty called when it applies to everyone at all times?

Question 11pts What is a duty called when it applies to everyone at all times?





Question 21pts Which of these is a problem that egoists have?

They don’t want anyone to know that they are egoists.

They don’t know whether their actions are right or wrong.

They don’t have any role models to base their behavior on.

They don’t have any way to judge the characters of other people.

Question 31pts If a diabolical villain threatened to blow up a city unless you kill one innocent person, what would a kantian say you have to do?

refuse to kill the innocent person

kill the villain

kill the innocent person

kill the innocent person if they would die in the city anyway

Question 41pts If you are on the Moon, what kind of rights do you not have?

legal rights

natural rights

moral rights

ethical rights

Question 51pts When moral theorists talk about “pain”, they are really talking about


absence of pleasure

emotional stress


Question 61pts All humans are persons.



Question 71pts Which moral theory would most likely be defended by feminists?

ethics of care

virtue ethics



Question 81pts What do we call an action that is okay to perform, or one that is moral but not required?





Question 91pts Sentimentalists think that an action is impermissible if it meets what condition?

it merits feelings of disapproval

it causes feelings of disapproval

it causes feelings of pain

it merits feelings of pain

Question 101pts What do we call an action that you should not perform, or one that it would be immoral to perform?





Question 111pts According to Friedman, corporate executives spending corporate funds to aid in some social responsibility, beyond what is required to maintain profits, is like doing what?

imposing taxes

stealing from suppliers

abusing employees

gambling with company money

Question 121pts Who is most often associated with the classical U.S. view that a corporation’s primary purpose is to maximize profits for stockholders?

Edward Freeman

Milton Friedman

John R. Boatright

David Hume

Question 131pts Friedman argues that democracy (conformity) is necessary in public life, but a shareholder vote should not be allowed to change the profit-making mission of a corporation.



Question 141pts According to Milton Friedman in “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits,” the managers of a company may spend corporate money on charitable enterprises only when:

they are sure that doing so will increase profits.

they truly believe the cause to be worthy.

they have expertise in the area.

they have had a profitable year.

Question 151pts Friedman’s view justifies anything that will lead to the maximization of profits including acting immorally or illegally.



Question 161pts Which of the following, according to Freeman, is a primary stakeholder?



consumer advocate groups


Question 171pts According to R. Edward Freeman in “Managing for Stakeholders,” the Responsibility Principle

says that business executives are only responsible to their shareholders.

shows how business dealings are completely separate from ethics.

is implicit in most comprehensive views of ethics.

is a specific list of the responsibilities of business-persons.

Question 181pts Freeman’s Argument from Character has what as its central claim?

stakeholder management builds character

stakeholder management asks executives to consider the character of their company

stakeholder management demands that only executives with strong moral character can lead corporations

stakeholder management takes into consideration the character of each stakeholder group

Question 191pts Corporate executives are not themselves stakeholders.



Question 201pts According to Freeman, the law gives de facto standing to non-stockholder groups.



Question 211pts When talking about whistle-blowing, Davis examines three paradoxes: “the paradox of burden,” “the paradox of missing harm,” and “the paradox of success.”



Question 221pts According to Michael Davis in “Some Paradoxes of Whistle-Blowing” which of these is not a paradox of whistle-blowing?

The paradox of shared responsibility.

The paradox of burden.

The paradox of missing harm.

The paradox of failure.

Question 231pts According to Michael Davis in “Some Paradoxes of Whistle-Blowing” which of these is not required for a morally justified case of whistle-blowing under the “standard” theory of whistle-blowing?

The organization that the whistle-blower belongs to will, through product or policy, do serious and considerable harm.

The whistle-blower has reported the threat of harm to her superiors and it is obvious that her superiors will do nothing effective.

The whistle-blower has exhausted all additional internal procedures.

The whistle-blower is certain that if she does not blow the whistle that serious harm will occur.

Question 241pts According to Davis, only someone who has been a member of an organization can blow the whistle.



Question 251pts According to Duska, what two things does a business do in the free enterprise system?

Produces good/service and makes a profit.

Makes a profit and buys stock.

Give to charity and produces goods and services.

Trade and Transportation.

Question 261pts According to Ronald Duska in “Whistle-Blowing and Employee Loyalty,”

people may have an obligation of loyalty to a company but not to a group.

people may have an obligation of loyalty to a group but not to a company.

people may have an obligation of loyalty to both a company and to a group.

people may have an obligation of loyalty to neither a company nor to a group.

Question 271pts According to Ronald Duska you can not be loyal to a group.



Question 281pts In “Whistle-Blowing and Employee Loyalty,” Duska states that an employee must be loyal to their company as if it were a person.



Question 291pts The responsibilities in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) theory are arranged from the least pressing obligation to the most pressing obligation.



Question 301pts The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) gives business 4 responsibilities. They are the Philanthropic, Ethical, Legal, and ________ responsibilities.




Bottom Line

What differences do you note between efficacy research and program evaluation?

What differences do you note between efficacy research and program evaluation?

The difference between efficacy research and program evaluation is the scientific aspect. Program evaluations “primary purpose is to provide data that can be used by decision makers to make valued judgements about the processes and outcomes of a program (Sherpis, Young, & Daniels, 2010). Therefore, letting the agency know what needs to be changed in the program to make the program effective to their clientele. Efficacy research based on empirical data which is an essential to the scientific method. Therefore, efficacy research is where clients are in controlled environments and interventions can be tested.

What are the key strengths of efficacy research?

The key strength of efficacy research is the scientific process. In the article, The Efficacy of Child Parent Relationship Therapy for Adopted Children with Attachment Disruptions, the researcher wanted to test the child parent relationship therapy (CPRT) which “is an empirically based, manualized counseling intervention for children presenting with a range of social, emotional, and behavioral issues” (Cranes-Holt, & Bratton, 2014). The purpose was to test this theory on adoptive families. Thus, a control group was designed to test CPRT. The researcher used the Child Behavior Checklist-Parent Version (CBCL) and the Measurement of Empathy in Adult-Child Interaction (MEACI). These are both empirical test, the CBCL measures the parents of the child’s behavior problems; whereas, the MEACI is an operational measure that defines empathy between the parents and the child while playing. These tests are conducted in control environments where no outside distractions are permitted and the hypothesis of the researcher can be tested.

What are the key strengths of program evaluation?

The key strength of the program evaluation is the clients are the people who are participating in the program evaluation and whether the interventions used are effective for them. Thus, this lets the research know what changes are needed for the agency to be successful. Therefore, surveys are used to collect data for the participants, the parents, are people that work with the clients or caregivers with the client. This give the ideas of opinions of the people directly or indirectly receiving services. In the article, Evaluating Batter Counseling Programs: A Difficult Task Showing Some Effects and Implications, a multisite evaluation was done and the participants were “administered a uniform set of background questionnaire, personality inventory (MCMI-III; Millon, 1994), and alcohol test (MAST; Selzer, 1971)” (Gondolf, 2004). Therefore, given the research opinions of the clientele over the four sites and let the researcher know what treatment is working and not working. Therefore, the conclusion of the program evaluation “the batterer programs, in our evaluation, appear to contribute to this outcome— there is a ‘‘program effect.’’ (Gondolf, 2004). “Referral to the gender-based, cognitive–behavioral programs, moreover, seems to be appropriate for the majority of men” (Gondolf, 2004).

What contribution does each of these types of research make to the counseling field?

The contribution that efficacy research makes to the counseling field is that there is scientific data that the interventions used with the client will work; if they are utilized correctly by the client. Efficacy research gives the counselor confidence in providing treatment inventions for the client because it will help in the client’s mental health. Program evaluations aid the counselor in what intervention are working and not working for the client population they serve. Program evaluations make sure the agency has the client’s best interest in mind and the agency is using the best intervention and treatment planning to service their client. Program evaluation helps the counselor increase their knowledge base of treatment, interventions, assessments, and diversity for the clients they serve. “Counselors recognize the need for continuing education to acquire and maintain a reasonable level of awareness of current scientific and professional information in their fields of activity. Counselors maintain their competence in the skills they use, are open to new procedures, and remain informed regarding best practices for working with diverse populations” (APA, 2014).

What is a point from any of the articles that you can apply in your current work setting or your ideal counseling fieldwork setting?

A main point that stood out to this learner was the subjectivity of the program evaluation. “Evaluation is, consequently, not an objective or purely scientific process that produces unbiased and conclusive results”. In this view, a program evaluation is a process with a subjective outcome”. This the research must be careful not to impose if owes values and views when evaluating a program from interpreting the data that is given. According to ACA Code of Ethics (2014), standard a.4.b. states “Counselors are aware of—and avoid imposing—their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Counselors respect the diversity of clients, trainees, and research participants and seek training in areas in which they are at risk of imposing their values onto clients, especially when the counselor’s values are inconsistent with the client’s goals or are discriminatory in nature”.


American Counseling Association (2014). Code of Ethics. Alexandria, VA: Author.

Cranes-Holt, K., & Bratton, S.C. (2014). The Efficacy of Child Parent Relationship Therapy for

Adopted Children with Attachment Disruptions. Journal of Counseling & Development,

92(3), 328-337. doi: 10.1002/j.1556.6676.2014.00160.x

Gondolf, E. W. (2004). Evaluating Batter Counseling Programs: A Difficult Task Showing

Some Effects and Implications. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 9(6), 605-631. doi:


Sherpis, Young, & Daniels (2010). Current View: US Counseling Research: Quantitative,

Qualitative, and Mixed Methods. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from:

Professional Identity Paper Instructions

Professional Identity Paper Instructions

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to encourage critical thinking and reflection on your developing beliefs and identity regarding professional counseling, marriage and family therapy, or human services. This is both a reflection and professional paper so you need to include professional references for your assertions.

Instructions: Depending on your degree program, choose professional counseling, marriage and family therapy, or human services as your identity. Your paper should be 8–10 pages, (excluding abstract, title page, and reference page), written in current APA format, and include a title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page. Your paper should be well thought out; demonstrate critical thinking, self-evaluation, and application; and should include at least 3 professional sources. Divide the body of your paper into the following sub-headings making sure to address all questions for each section:

Section I: Professional Counselor Role

· What is the role of the Professional Counselor (or Marriage and Family Therapist, or Human Services Worker) and how is it distinguished from other fields of counseling including social work, psychiatry, pastoral counseling, and psychology?

· How will the professional counseling you are going to be providing in the future differ from counseling you have provided in the past?

· What and/or who motivated you to choose counseling/marriage and family therapy/human services?

· What will you personally gain from counseling individuals, families, and/or groups?

· What does professionalism look like in the field of counseling? What professional behaviors, dress, and attitudes are associated with the profession of counseling? How will you exhibit professional behavior in your new career?

Section II: Religious/Spiritual Beliefs and Counseling

· What are some of the religious/spiritual beliefs you developed growing up?

· What are some of the beliefs you developed in terms of right and wrong behavior?

· Given your beliefs/values, what populations or presenting concerns in counseling might you have difficulty counseling? (Divorce, pre-marital sex, same-sex relationships, etc.)

· How might you bring your beliefs to counseling without imposing them?

Section III: Course Experience and Summary

· What have you learned in this course about being a professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, or human services worker that you are going to take with you?

· Based on all you have learned about yourself this term, how well do the requirements, traits, and values for being a counselor fit with who you are and what you value?

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