Define the nuclear family and elaborate on its evolution. Is this still the traditional family form in the United States?

Define the nuclear family and elaborate on its evolution. Is this still the traditional family form in the United States?

2. Define endogamy and exogamy as family forms and give an example of each

3. Family life during the preindustrial period differed quite a bit from family life during the Industrial Revolution. Discuss some of these differences.

4. The contemporary belief that work life and family life are separate spheres emerged with the Industrial Revolution. With this shift came the expectation that family life was women’s domain and work life was men’s domain. Lingering notions of separate spheres continue to shape men’s and women’s experiences today. Provide two examples of how this notion shapes (or could shape) men’s and women’s lives differently.

5. Discuss three specific reasons why housework is overlooked as a worthy or meaningful activity in the United States.

6. Define what Barbara Risman calls fair families and give two examples of the potential benefits of these types of families.

7. Discuss three of the main issues surrounding the increasing number of single mothers in the United States.

Chronic anxiety and stress contribute to ulcers. Which of the following effects of the sympathetic nervous system is most responsible for this effect?

Question 1.                       


Chronic anxiety and stress contribute to ulcers. Which of the following effects of the sympathetic nervous system is most responsible for this effect?


Inhibition of the actions of Brunner glands


Overstimulation of the oxyntic glands


Suppression of cholecystokinin


Inflammation of the parotid glands


Question 2.                       


Which of the following patients is most clearly displaying the signs and symptoms of IBD?


A 32-year-old mother who complains of intermittent abdominal pain that persists even after defecation.


A 51-year-old male who states that his stomach pain is in his lower abdomen, “comes and goes,” and “feels more like a cramp than a dull ache.”


A 44-year-old man who is under great financial stress and who states that his lower abdominal pain is much worse at night than during the day.


A 24-year-old man who has a stressful job but whose diarrhea and cramping do not worsen during periods of high stress.




Question 3.                       


A 24-year-old woman undergoing a premarital screening test is found to have elevated levels of AST, ALT, and IgG, but no antibody-specific markers for viral hepatitis. A liver biopsy reveals inflammation and cellular damage. Which of the following treatments is most likely to be effective for her?




Peginterferon and ribavirin




Corticosteroids and immunosuppressant drugs




Question 4.                       


Which of the following statements best captures an aspect of the process of fat digestion and absorption?


Ingested triglycerides are broken down into absorbable form by gastric lipase.


Simple forms of fats are absorbed in the upper jejunum.


Long-chain fatty acids are absorbed more readily than medium-chain triglycerides.


Stool is not excreted until all fat is absorbed.


Question 5.                       


A 40-year-old female has been categorized as being obese, with a BMI of 33.2. Which of the following health problems is the patient at a significantly increased risk for compared with individuals with a BMI below 25?


Cardiac arrhythmias




Multiple sclerosis




Gallbladder disease


Insulin resistance


Question 6.                       


David has an acute exacerbation of Crohn’s disease. Which of the following lab tests  would you expect to be decreased?


Sedimenatation rate


Liver enzyme levels


Vitamins A, B complex and C levels


Bilirubin level


Question 7.                       


A 51-year-old male professional is in the habit of consuming six to eight rum and cokes each evening after work. He assures the nurse practitioner, who is performing his regular physical exam, that his drinking is under control and does not have negative implications for his work or family life. How could the nurse best respond to the patient’s statement?


“You are more than likely inflicting damage on your liver, but this damage would cease as soon as you quit drinking.


“That may be the case, but you are still creating a high risk of hepatitis A or B or liver cancer.”


“In spite of that, the amount of alcohol you are drinking is likely to result first in cirrhosis and, if you continue, in hepatitis or fatty liver changes.”


“When your body has to regularly break down that much alcohol, your blood and the functional cells in your liver accumulate a lot of potentially damaging toxic byproducts.”




Question 8.                       


A nurse practitioner is providing care for a male patient with a long-standing hiatal hernia. Which of the following statements most accurately captures an aspect of the pathophysiology of hiatal hernias?


Paraesophageal hiatal hernias are common and are normally not treated if the patient is asymptomatic.


The root causes of hiatal hernias are normally treatable with medication.


If esophageal acid clearance is impaired, esophagitis can result.


An incompetent pyloric sphincter and high fat diet are commonly implicated in the development of hiatal hernias.




Question 9.                       


As a result of oral ingestion of the microorganisms, an individual has contracted H. pylori. Which of the following health problems is the individual now at increased risk for?


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)


Gastric adenocarcinoma


Gastric atrophy


Peptic ulcer




Diverticular disease


Question 10.                    


A 43-year-old male who is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 216 pounds has been informed by his nurse practitioner that his body mass index (BMI) is 31. Which of the following clinical conclusions based on these data would his nurse be most justified in rejecting?


Further investigation of his nutritional status is needed to supplement the BMI value.


The patient faces an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and hyperlipidemia.


He is classified as being obese, likely as the result of the interplay of genetic and lifestyle factors.


The patient is borderline obese but is not yet at the point of significantly increased risks to health.




Question 11.                    


A 20-year-old male who is addicted to crystal methamphetamine has been admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of protein-calorie malnutrition after many months of inadequate food intake. Which of the following treatment plans would the care team most likely favor?


Intravenous infusion of albumin coupled with vitamin supplementation


Total parenteral nutrition


Incremental feeding combined with vitamin and mineral supplementation


Rapid administration of normal saline and carbohydrates




Question 12.                    


As part of the intake protocol at an eating disorders clinic, an interview precedes a physical examination. Which of the following questions would a clinician be justified in excluding from an intake interview for a 16-year-old female referred by her pediatrician for the treatment of anorexia nervosa?


“Do you remember when your last menstrual period was?


“Have you noticed any new hair growth on your body in the last several months?”


“Have you had any episodes of shortness of breath in the recent past?”


“Can you tell me about some of the habits that you have related to food in your daily routine?”










give a brief definition of the following: a rhythm b. beat c. melody d. harmony

give a brief definition of the following: a rhythm b. beat c. melody d. harmony

2. Explain how Ragtime music combines the elements of both Europe and Africa.

3. What are the instruments found in a standard rhythm section?

4. How did the minstrel show change after the Civil War?

5. What was the name of the area in New York where the music publishing industry evolved in the late 1800s?

6. Who was one of the most important songwriter before the Civil War? What styles did he compose in?

7. How did the influence of minstrel shows carry over into American popular entertainment AFTER the shows were no longer popular?

8. What were both positive and negative contributions of the minstrel show in American life and popular song? (at last 2 each!)

9. How did James Reese Europe influence popular music? What dance did he help popularize?

10. What are the three main sources of popular music? What did each contribute to the popular sound?

11. What is meant by the blues form? Discuss the harmonic form and how the text (words) are organized.

12. Who was Bessie Smith? What style of music is associated with her and what are 3 contributions she made to popular music?

13. How did ragtime change the way African American composers viewed their own music?

14. What kinds of stage entertainment became popular after the Civil War?

15. Who was the most important composer of concert band music in the late 1800’s?

What three traits does his music share with Stephen Foster and George M. Cohan?

COM 540 Final Project I: Brand Identity Paper Guidelines and Rubric

COM 540 Final Project I: Brand Identity Paper Guidelines and Rubric

Overview Being active on social media can benefit you both personally and professionally. Social media not only allows you to connect with friends and family regarding personal matters, but to network professionally as well. The opportunities for forming positive personal and professional connections using social media are impressive, but unfortunately so are the opportunities for mistakes. Many people use the same platform for personal and professional purposes, which unintentionally blurs the line when the intent is developing a brand. Recognizing and planning for the inevitable confluence of personal and professional identities online is vital for developing and maintaining personal and professional brands. This class will help you develop strategies to navigate the highly networked environment of online social media and manage the dialectic between personal and professional brands. In this first part of the project, Final Project I, you will write a paper that explores the relationship between personal and professional branding. Whether we like it or not, our personal identity online will have an influence on our professional identity. Learning to manage this influence is vital for ensuring that the influence is always positive. You will research and analyze high-profile examples of where this influence was not so positive and make research-based recommendations to professionals for how to handle and avoid such situations. In the second part of the project, Final Project II, you will create a presentation on the online presence you have been building all term. This includes both the professional and the personal brands you maintain. You will introduce the goals you developed early in the course and discuss the platforms to which you posted original and curated content to achieve those goals. You will need to justify your decisions and discuss how this work will influence your branding in the future. The project is supported by two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two and Four. The final submission of Final Project I will occur in Module Six. This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:

 Integrate professional principles and personal branding goals for establishing and enhancing a personal brand image

 Differentiate between personal brands and professional online presences based on appropriate research for developing brand strategies

 Analyze the confluence of personal and professional identities in interactive and social online media by applying communication theory and best practices

Prompt This will be a research-based paper about the dialectic (tension) between personal and professional online presences. You will introduce this relational dialectic and explain why it exists. This will be followed by the analysis of high-profile examples of the relationship between personal (private) and professional becoming visible in online media. You will then make recommendations, directed toward today’s online media professionals, for dealing with this dialectic on a daily basis. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Online Presence – In this section of the paper, you will introduce the dialectic between personal and professional online presences. You will support your overview of this relationship with relevant research. You will also state your views/opinion on the dialectic, which will set up the remainder of your paper.

A. Introduce the dialectic between personal and professional online presences. B. Explain why this dialectic exists. Support your explanation with research from academic resources.

II. Personal and Professional Identity – In this section, you will analyze the confluence of personal and professional identities in interactive and social

online media. To do this, you will research communication theory and best practices regarding online identities and apply that research to actual situations.

A. Identify best practices in personal branding. Support your identification with research from academic resources. Consider how you wish to develop yourself as a communication professional in online social media.

B. Select high-profile examples where personal and professional identities and brands have come into conflict in online media. 1. For each example, discuss the concept of an “authentic self” online and its relationship to professional identities. Support your

discussion with research-based principles. 2. Discuss the ethical implications of what happened in each example. 3. Explain whether or not you believe professional standards were adhered to in each situation.

C. Based on best practices, recommend improvements for how the individual(s) involved in each situation could have handled the conflict between their personal and professional identities more effectively.

III. Conclusions – The purpose of this section is for you to develop recommendations to professionals for how they should address the dialectic between personal and professional brands in online media. Your recommendations will be based on the examples you researched and best practices you have identified.

A. Explain what considerations a professional should make when developing his or her own personal brand online. Support your explanation with examples from your research.

B. Explain what considerations a professional should make when developing his or her professional brand online. Support your explanation with examples from your research.

C. Develop a set of principles for online professionals on how to develop a personal brand online that effectively markets oneself while maintaining professional standards. Support your recommendations with examples from the high-profile cases you addressed above.

Milestones Milestone One: Online Presence In Module Two, you will explore the dialectic (conflict) between personal and professional online presences. How do we experience and deal with the tensions between what we want to share about our personal self and our need to present a professional image as well? To explore this tension, you will write a short paper (2–3 pages) using at least two academic resources explaining what this tension is and why it exists. This milestone will be graded using the Final Project I Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Personal and Professional Identity In Module Four, you will analyze the confluence (coming together) of the personal and professional identities in interactive and social online media. To complete this analysis, you will build upon the research you conducted in the Module Three journal assignment on “best practices” for online branding. You will select at least two high-profile examples where personal and professional identities and brands have come into conflict in online media. For each example, you will discuss the concept of an “authentic self” online and its relationship to professional identities, discuss the ethical implications of what happened, and explain whether or not you feel professional standards were adhered to. Finally, based on the best practices you researched, you will apply those standards to the high-profile examples you chose and offer suggestions on how to improve the brand message. The paper should be 3–5 pages. This milestone will be graded using the Final Project I Milestone Two Rubric. Final Project I Submission: Brand Identity Paper In Module Six, you will submit the final paper, which will include Milestones One and Two (after integrating feedback from the instructor) and a conclusion in which you will reflect on the best practices you believe professionals should follow when creating personal and professional brands online. Create a set of guidelines for personal and professional online branding online. The final paper should be 8–12 pages. This final project will be graded using the Final Project I Rubric (below).

Final Project I Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your brand identity paper should be 8–12 pages, double-spaced, have one-inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman font and the most current version of APA format. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Online Presence: Personal and Professional

Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into the tension that develops between multiple online presences

Introduces the dialectic between personal and professional online presences

Introduces the dialectic between personal and professional online presences, but introduction is cursory or contains inaccuracies

Does not introduce the dialectic between personal and professional online presences


Online Presence: Dialectic

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and supporting academic research demonstrates a complex grasp of the dialectic

Explains why this dialectic exists, supporting explanation with academic research

Explains why this dialectic exists, supporting explanation with research, but explanation is cursory or supporting research is not academic

Does not explain why this dialectic exists


Personal and Professional

Identity: Best Practices

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and supporting academic research demonstrates a complex grasp of best practices in branding

Identifies best practices in personal branding, supporting identification with academic research

Identifies best practices in personal branding supporting identification with research, but not all practices identified are accurate, or supporting research is not academic

Does not identify best practices in personal branding


Personal and Professional

Identity: Relationship

Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes cogent connections among research-based principles, online identities, and the relationship between “authentic” and professional identities

Discusses the concept of an “authentic self” online and its relationship to professional identities, supporting discussion with research-based principles for each example

Discusses the concept of an “authentic self” online and its relationship to professional identities for each example, but discussion is cursory, contains inaccuracies, or is not supported with research-based principles

Does not discuss the concept of an “authentic self” online and its relationship to professional identities


Personal and Professional

Identity: Ethical Implications

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and details show a complex grasp of the ethical implications

Discusses the ethical implications of what happened in each example

Discusses the ethical implications of what happened in each example, but discussion is cursory or contains inaccuracies

Does not discuss the ethical implications of what happened in each example


Personal and Professional

Identity: Professional


Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes cogent connections between the details of each situation and professional ethical standards

Explains whether or not professional standards were adhered to in each situation

Explains whether or not professional standards were adhered to in each situation, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies

Does not explain whether or not professional standards were adhered to in each situation


Personal and Professional

Identity: Individual(s)


Meets “Proficient” criteria improvements show a complex grasp of the interplay between personal and professional identities

Recommends improvements based on best practices for how the individual(s) involved in each situation could have handled the conflict between their personal and professional identities more effectively

Recommends improvements for how the individual(s) involved in each situation could have handled the conflict between their personal and professional identities more effectively, but recommendations are illogical or not based on best practices

Does not recommend improvements based on best practices for how the individual(s) involved in each situation could have handed the conflict between their personal and professional identities more effectively


Conclusions: Personal Brand

Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes cogent connections between research and personal brand development

Explains what considerations a professional should make when developing his or her personal brand online, supporting explanation with examples from research

Explains what considerations a professional should make when developing his or her personal brand online, but explanation is cursory or not supported with examples from research

Does not explain what considerations a professional should make when developing his or her personal brand


Conclusions: Professional Brand

Meets “Proficient” criteria and makes cogent connections between research and professional brand development

Explains what considerations a professional should make when developing his or her professional brand online, supporting explanation with examples from research

Explains what considerations a professional should make when developing his or her professional brand online, but explanation is cursory or not supported with examples from research

Does not explain what considerations a professional should make when developing his or her professional brand


Conclusions: Set of Principles

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and principles show a complex grasp of the foundational nature of professional standards in personal brand development

Develops a set of principles for online professionals on how to develop a personal brand online that effectively markets oneself while maintaining professional standards

Develops a set of principles for online professionals on how to develop a personal brand online, but principles do not address effectively marketing oneself or maintain professional standards

Does not develop a set of principles for online professionals on how to develop a personal brand online that effectively markets oneself while maintaining professional standards


Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas

In Topic 5, you submitted a treatment plan for your client Eliza. Since the initial treatment plan, several changes have taken place within Eliza’s case. Since the mandatory assessment two weeks ago, you have discovered that Eliza is again on your client listing for the day due to a mandatory evaluation, with the incident report indicating that campus public safety, due to a tip from a concerned resident, found the client passed out and alone in her dorm, smelling of alcohol.

In Topic 5, you submitted a treatment plan for your client Eliza. Since the initial treatment plan, several changes have taken place within Eliza’s case. Since the mandatory assessment two weeks ago, you have discovered that Eliza is again on your client listing for the day due to a mandatory evaluation, with the incident report indicating that campus public safety, due to a tip from a concerned resident, found the client passed out and alone in her dorm, smelling of alcohol.

Part 1: Review the initial Treatment Plan submitted in Topic 5.

  1. Reassess your treatment plan diagnoses, goals, and objectives based on the new information provided.
  2. Fill out and submit a new treatment plan evidencing the changes made in treatment utilizing the treatment plan template provided.

Part 2: In a 700-1,050-word essay, answer the questions presented in a separate word document, addressing the following:

  1. Examine the case and propose why the changes occurred.
  2. Reassess the effectiveness and validity of the treatment plan.
  3. Discuss how the treatment plan needs to be adjusted to address the changes in the situation.
  4. Justify the changes both ethically and legally.
  5. Determine what the changes (obstacles) mean to the treatment plan.

Submit the revised treatment plan and essay to your instructor.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Final Project Part I: Proposal Letter (Electronic Medical Records for :Wall County)

You will draft a letter of proposal outlining a recommended course of action, directed to executive management. Revise your previous milestones based on instructor feedback, compile these components, and add your fully developed introduction and conclusion to submit your final proposal in the form of a letter. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. After you capture all feedback, write your conclusion first and your introduction last. When you write your conclusion, capture the essence of the issue and your recommendation. Focus on actionable next steps so that the executive knows the path forward. After you finish your conclusion, look back over your entire Part I submission. Your introduction should provide an overview of the entire proposal letter, without going into great detail.

Your proposal must address the following critical elements:

I. Introduction/Executive Summary: Although this is the first section of your proposal, it should be written last. Be sure that your tone and recommendations are appropriate for the intended audience.

A. Clearly identify the scenario and issue you selected.

B. Briefly summarize your analysis.

C. Identify your conclusion and your recommendations.

II. Factual Overview and Identification

A. Clearly state the questions from the scenario that need to be resolved.

B. Identify applicable principles of management theory and population health improvement, and explain why they are applicable to the situation.

C. Identify applicable methods for financing, evaluating, and improving healthcare delivery, operations, and facilities that are reasonably or legitimately raised by the scenario.

D. Discuss healthcare delivery principles and technology relevant to the scenario.

III. Analysis

A. Describe the policy-making processes, if any, implicated by the scenario and issue, and explain why they are implicated. If you feel no processes are fairly implicated, please justify your reasoning.

B. Analyze existing health policy and population-health programs related to the issue in the scenario, and explain why they are related to the issue.

C. Explain how the scenario and issue implicate principles of budgeting, governance, and strategic planning. If you feel it does not implicate any such principles, justify your reasoning.

D. Apply principles of management theory and population health improvement to the scenario, explaining why the principles are applicable to the specific scenario.

IV. Recommended Solution

A. Recommend an appropriate solution to respond to the issue in the scenario.

B. Explain how your recommended solution can be deployed using the policy-making processes you identified above.

C. Discuss how your recommended solution will improve population health and how you will communicate this information to the general populace. Be sure to substantiate your claims.

D. Describe how your recommended solution utilizes healthcare delivery principles and technology.

E. Discuss how your recommended solution utilizes budgeting, governance, and strategic-planning principles to promote quality and organizational improvement.

F. Explain how the methods for financing, evaluating, and improving healthcare delivery, operations, and facilities support your proposed solution to manage behavior and healthcare delivery.

V. Next Steps and Conclusion 

A. Summarize your analysis and recommendations in a brief concluding paragraph.

B. Identify immediate next steps for the healthcare organization and executive management.

Guidelines for Submission: Your proposal should be 7–8 pages long, formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. With at least 8 citations and references that were cited in previous milestones should be formatted according to current APA guidelines.