Group work offers many benefits that cannot be achieved through individual therapy alone. The most obvious benefit is group member validation. The knowledge that you are not alone and are not the only person who has experienced that particular issue can foster a strong sense of hope.

Group work offers many benefits that cannot be achieved through individual therapy alone. The most obvious benefit is group member validation. The knowledge that you are not alone and are not the only person who has experienced that particular issue can foster a strong sense of hope.

However, groups also present challenges from different personalities and behaviors that disrupt group dynamics and function. As a social worker, you will need to take different roles to manage the challenges in order to create a safer space for clients to engage in their work.

In this Discussion, you describe a group you may be interested in facilitating and potential challenges you may experience. With colleagues, you discuss how to apply specific intervention skills to address the challenges.


  • Describe a type of group you would like to facilitate as a social worker.   (p. 104-108)Treatment  or Task
  • Explain what professional role you may take when facilitating this group.  (p.114)
  • Describe a group member role that might be most challenging to you as a group leader and explain why. (p.124-126)

1. What according to Mary Ann Warren are the 5 conditions for personhood? Why is it relevant to the abortion debate?

1. What according to Mary Ann Warren are the 5 conditions for personhood? Why is it relevant to the abortion debate?

2.What is the traditional argument against abortion? Is it valid?
3. Explain why a fetus, according to Mary annWarren, does not have a right to life.

Sex ethics

4. What does  Bertrand Russell focus on in “Our Sexual Ethics” (don’t just say “how we sex”)? What are his criticisms of it (and reasons for)? What does he claim that we have to do to make it better? Do you agree with him? Why or Why not?

Kant Ethics

5. Explain what Kant means when he says that the human being is an “end in itself.” What does this imply about how human beings are to be treated?

6.Do you find utilitarianism’s moral standards too demanding? Why or why not?

7.What role does education play in the good life, according to Aristotle? What sorts of education and training does he think are required if we are to become virtuous? Do you agree?

8.Driver suggests that virtue ethics is intuitively appealing because we often deliberate about moral problems by reflecting on what admirable people would do. Do you agree that such reflection is useful when resolving moral dilemmas?

9. What makes the ethics of care of different from other moral theories? Do you see it as an appropriate approach to moral problems? Why or why not?

10.Do you think everyone has a natural right to all things? Why or why not? What does Thomas Hobbes say about this?

11. John Rawls states, “Injustice, then, is simply inequalities that are not to the benefit of all.” Do you agree with this claim? Why or why not? How does this conception of injustice manifest itself in Rawls’s theory?

12.What is “Speciesism”? Why is it wrong according to Singer? What are reasons for thinking this is a kind of unjust discrimination?

13.What is the fundamental difference between animals and humans according to Machan? How does it relate to his argument about animal rights?

14.You may either repay a debt you owe and your family will starve to death, or you may break your promise and feed your family. Which choice would you make? How would O’Neill evaluate your decision?

15.What is the greatest happiness principle? On what does it make the rightness of our actions depend? Do you think it provides a reliable guide to our moral obligations? Why or why not?

Which is more important: the formulation of a strategy or the implementation of a strategy? What are the challenges associated with your choice? Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used.

Which is more important: the formulation of a strategy or the implementation of a strategy? What are the challenges associated with your choice? Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used.

What according to Mary Ann Warren are the 5 conditions for personhood? Why is it relevant to the abortion debate?

What according to Mary Ann Warren are the 5 conditions for personhood? Why is it relevant to the abortion debate?

2.What is the traditional argument against abortion? Is it valid?
3. Explain why a fetus, according to Mary annWarren, does not have a right to life.

Sex ethics

4. What does Bertrand Russell focus on in “Our Sexual Ethics” (don’t just say “how we sex”)? What are his criticisms of it (and reasons for)? What does he claim that we have to do to make it better? Do you agree with him? Why or Why not?

Kant Ethics

5. Explain what Kant means when he says that the human being is an “end in itself.” What does this imply about how human beings are to be treated?

6.Do you find utilitarianism’s moral standards too demanding? Why or why not?

7.What role does education play in the good life, according to Aristotle? What sorts of education and training does he think are required if we are to become virtuous? Do you agree?

8.Driver suggests that virtue ethics is intuitively appealing because we often deliberate about moral problems by reflecting on what admirable people would do. Do you agree that such reflection is useful when resolving moral dilemmas?

9. What makes the ethics of care of different from other moral theories? Do you see it as an appropriate approach to moral problems? Why or why not?

10.Do you think everyone has a natural right to all things? Why or why not? What does Thomas Hobbes say about this?

11. John Rawls states, “Injustice, then, is simply inequalities that are not to the benefit of all.” Do you agree with this claim? Why or why not? How does this conception of injustice manifest itself in Rawls’s theory?

12.What is “Speciesism”? Why is it wrong according to Singer? What are reasons for thinking this is a kind of unjust discrimination?

13.What is the fundamental difference between animals and humans according to Machan? How does it relate to his argument about animal rights?

14.You may either repay a debt you owe and your family will starve to death, or you may break your promise and feed your family. Which choice would you make? How would O’Neill evaluate your decision?

15.What is the greatest happiness principle? On what does it make the rightness of our actions depend? Do you think it provides a reliable guide to our moral obligations? Why or why not?

Part 1: Do all presentation aids reinforce or enhance the speaker’s message or credibility? Why or Why not? Provide an example.

Part 1: Do all presentation aids reinforce or enhance the speaker’s message or credibility? Why or Why not? Provide an example.

Part 2: After reading about presentation aids in Chapter 9, make a list of the top 10 tips for creating and using presentation aids in a speech.

Note: In order to receive full credit, please write 1 main point in at least 150 words by Wednesday of the assigned week. Afterward, please post 2 replies to classmates which should be at least 100 words each by Friday of the close of this lesson. Remember to follow the rules of netiquette. Be polite, professional, and thoughtful. All posts need to be in your own words.

Go to Illustration Capsule 9.1 Many of Apple’s Suppliers Flunk the Ethics Test in your textbook. Do Apple’s actions indicate that their position on business ethics is aligned with the principle of ethical universalism?

Go to Illustration Capsule 9.1 Many of Apple’s Suppliers Flunk the Ethics Test in your textbook. Do Apple’s actions indicate that their position on business ethics is aligned with the principle of ethical universalism?

Here is a link that talks about Apple’s ethics.

2. Go to Illustration Capsule 9.2, Investment Fraud at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities and Stanford Financial Group in your textbook. What drivers for unethical behavior are evident in reviewing the actions of Bernard Madoff and the managers of the Stanford Financial Group?

3. Go to Illustration Capsule 9.3, How General Electric’s Top Management Built a Culture That Fuses High Performance with High Integrity in your textbook. In what way do the ethics policies at General Electric recognize and address the possible challenges of maintaining a high standard of ethical behavior?

4. Go to Illustration Capsule 9.4 John Deere’s Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility in your textbook. What socially beneficial activities does John Deere elect to support, and how does this shape its CSR (corporate social responsibility)strategy?

The required minimum number of words for initial postings to each discussion question listed above is 250 words, but the key is to effectively and fully answer each question.