Tim Tebow, star quarterback for the Gators, is playing in the National Championship game during the 4th Quarter, game tied. His team is down three points and there is one minute left on the clock.

Scenario 1

Tim Tebow, star quarterback for the Gators, is playing in the National Championship game during the 4th Quarter, game tied. His team is down three points and there is one minute left on the clock.

Please be able to explain:

· Seven parts of the brain that Tim Tebow is using.

· The functions of the structures you listed, as he is using them.

· Neurotransmitters he is using and their function(s).

Scenario 3

A category 5 hurricane is howling around your home, and your father is driving home from work. He should have been home an hour ago.

Please be able to explain:

· Seven parts of the brain that he is using.

· The functions of the structures you listed.

· Neurotransmitters he is using and their function(s).

Follow the Rubric:

Requirements/Description of Task

Points Possible

Student Points

Select/Identify first scenario for analysis


Identify seven structures of the brain needed in chosen scenario

21 (3 pts per structure)

Identify seven functions of the brain needed in the scenario.

28 (4 pts per structure)

Select/Identify second scenario for analysis


Identify seven structures of the brain needed in chosen scenario.

21 (3 pts per structure)

Identify seven functions of the brain needed in chosen scenario.

28 (4 pts per structure)



Scenario 1

Tim Tebow, star quarterback for the Gators, is playing in the National Championship game during the 4th Quarter, game tied. His team is down three points and there is one minute left on the clock.

Please be able to explain:

· Seven parts of the brain that Tim Tebow is using.

· The functions of the structures you listed, as he is using them.

· Neurotransmitters he is using and their function(s).

Scenario 3

A category 5 hurricane is howling around your home, and your father is driving home from work. He should have been home an hour ago.

Please be able to explain:

· Seven parts of the brain that he is using.

· The functions of the structures you listed.

· Neurotransmitters he is using and their function(s).

Follow the Rubric:

Requirements/Description of Task

Points Possible

Student Points

Select/Identify first scenario for analysis


Identify seven structures of the brain needed in chosen scenario

21 (3 pts per structure)

Identify seven functions of the brain needed in the scenario.

28 (4 pts per structure)

Select/Identify second scenario for analysis


Identify seven structures of the brain needed in chosen scenario.

21 (3 pts per structure)

Identify seven functions of the brain needed in chosen scenario.

28 (4 pts per structure)



 If counseling is all talk and no action it is not effective counseling. The problem is that clients encounter many barriers in carrying out actions they identify in the counseling process.   

 If counseling is all talk and no action it is not effective counseling. The problem is that clients encounter many barriers in carrying out actions they identify in the counseling process.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper discussing action planning and overcoming barriers for client treatment. Please use headings and include the following in your paper:

1.Discuss the principles for effectively implementing an action plan.

2.Describe at least five barriers that might interfere with client implementation of the action plans that are created. Include a case example of each barrier.

3.Outline a counselor intervention that would help to overcome each barrier.

4.A list of your local community resources for different types of needs.

5.Outline an aftercare plan that utilized local community resources.  Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

Healthcare professionals provide support throughout the cycle of life, from birth to death. They have an obligation to provide humane and compassionate care to patients while adhering to their specific field’s code of ethics. Sometimes, healthcare professionals are privy to discussions between family members regarding end-of-life issues.

Healthcare professionals provide support throughout the cycle of life, from birth to death. They have an obligation to provide humane and compassionate care to patients while adhering to their specific field’s code of ethics. Sometimes, healthcare professionals are privy to discussions between family members regarding end-of-life issues. In some instances, a healthcare facility may be in charge of providing information about advance directives to patients. Healthcare professionals should calibrate their own moral beliefs to align with their ethical and legal obligations. By studying issues contained within real-life cases, healthcare professionals can come to terms with their beliefs and obligations relative to end-of-life issues.

For Final Project II, you will submit a draft of your essay for your Milestone Three assignment, which will be submitted to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. This milestone draft will be submitted in Module Six. The final product will be submitted in Module Eight.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Analyze bioethical issues faced by various healthcare professionals for their impact on decision making


In this project, you will analyze the Terri Schiavo case through the lens of the bioethical issue(s) related to the case. You will analyze the case to address what the bioethical issue is and what role end-of-life issues, such as self-determination and advanced directives, played in the case. Using your analysis, you will determine how this bioethical issue impacted the decisions made by the healthcare professionals involved in the case.

Your essay must address the following critical elements:

I. Introduction: Describe the provided case, including information on the stakeholders involved, the bioethical issue, and the time period of the incident that occurred.

II. Bioethical Analysis: Analyze the bioethical issue for the role end-of-life issues played in the case. Be sure to use appropriate terminology and support with secondary research.

III. Conclusion: Describe how the bioethical issue influenced the decisions of healthcare professionals involved in the case. Be sure to use specific examples.

Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template, Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each.

Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template, Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each.

Assigned Case Study: 

Chantal, a 32-year-old female, comes into your office with complaints of “feeling tired” and “hair falling out”. She has gained 30 pounds in the last year but notes markedly decreased appetite. On ROS, she reports not sleeping well and feels cold all the time. She is still able to enjoy her hobbies and does not believe that she is depressed.

The purpose of this direct care project is for learners to apply the nursing process to a community health problem determined by their observations and data collected of vulnerable populations in their community. This is Part 2 of 4 in the Direct Care Project.

The purpose of this direct care project is for learners to apply the nursing process to a community health problem determined by their observations and data collected of vulnerable populations in their community. This is Part 2 of 4 in the Direct Care Project.

Direct Care Project Overview

  1. There are four parts to the Direct Care Project.
  2. There will be graded Project Check-ins that correlate to each part.
  3. The topic selected in Part 1 will be the same one used in Parts 2 through 4.
  4. Review the table below for overview and due dates with each topic.
  5. Carefully review the instructions, templates, tutorials, and rubrics for each part.
  6. Contact your instructor with questions.

OverviewPointsDue DateProjectsAir QualitySubstance UsePart 1: Assessment: Completed in Week 2Part 2: Planning: Check-In10Wednesday of Week 4Required, graded check-in on progress of assessing your communityPart 2: Planning the Presentation150Sunday end of Week 4Create a PowerPoint presentation on the use of the Air Quality Flag Program.Create a presentation on the use of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)Part 3: Implementing the PresentationRequiredSchedule presentation Saturday of Week 5 through Saturday Week 6Present to a local organization that serves the identified vulnerable population and could implement the Air Quality Flag Program; Includes participant(s) completing a Pre- and Post-surveyPresent to a group of healthcare professionals that serves the identified vulnerable population and could implement SBIRT; Includes participants completing a Pre- and Post-surveyPart 3: Implementation: Check-In10Wednesday of Week 5Required, graded check-in on progress of implementing your presentationPart 4: Evaluation: Check-In10Wednesday of Week 6Required, graded check-in on progress of evaluation of your presentation and projectPart 4: Evaluating the Project140Sunday end of Week 6Evaluate learning and reflect on project. Evaluate learning and reflect on project.

Course Outcomes

This direct care project enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  • CO2 Assess the health of populations, aggregates, and communities (PO4)
  • CO3 Apply the nursing process to vulnerable populations with professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice (PO4 & 8)
  • CO5 Utilize a collaborative approach to address factors that influence population health (PO2)
  • CO6 Examine collaborative trends in community health nursing (PO2)

Part 2 enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

  • CO3 Apply the nursing process to vulnerable populations with professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice (PO4 & 8)

Due Date for Part 2

Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 4

Points Possible for Part 2

150 Points

Late Assignment Policy

If the assignment is not submitted by due date, a late deduction will be applied. See rubric below.

Directions for Part 2

  1. For this part of the direct care project, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the topic and problem identified in Part 1.  If you have chosen substance use, you will present to at least 3 practicing RN’s. You can present all at one time or individually. If you chose air quality, you will present to at least one organization leader.
  2. Each topic has separate directions. Download the Planning Your Presentation Directions for your corresponding topic. For example, if you have selected Air Quality as your topic, download the Air Quality Flag Program: Planning Your Presentation Instructions.
  3. View the Direct Care Project Part 2 Tutorial (Links to an external site.)
  4. Download the template below and create a PowerPoint presentation for your selected group.
  5. Create speaker notes for the PowerPoint presentation. These will assist you as you present and will be part of your assignment submission.
  6. The presentation should be no fewer than 8 and no more than 15 slides.This does not include the introduction and reference slides.
  7. Submit presentation in PDF for instructor approval. See Submitting PowerPoint Notes Pages in PDF format (Links to an external site.)
  8. Note: You may not present until your presentation has been approved by your instructor.
    • Review comments about your presentation from your instructor in Grades.
      • Even if you are approved, you may have to edit your presentation.
    • If your presentation is approved, it will be marked “Complete” under the Week 4: Direct Care Project Part 2: Presentation Approval under Grades.
    • If your presentation is not approved, it will be marked “Incomplete” under the Week 4: Direct Care Project Part 2: Presentation Approval under Grades.
      • Follow your instructor’s directions for next steps. You may be instructed to resubmit.
  9. After your presentation is approved, see Week 5: Direct Care Project Part 3: Implementing Your Presentation

Templates and Links

Click on the links below to download and view the resources for your project.

PowerPoint Presentation TemplatePreview the document

Air Quality Flag Program (Links to an external site.) (website)

SBIRT (Links to an external site.) (website)

Best Practices

  • Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.
  • Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
  • Use bullet points instead of long sentences or paragraphs
  • Include graphics, photographs, colors, and themes.
  • Use the rubric as a final check prior to submission to ensure all content is clearly addressed.

Scholarly Sources and Citations

  • Minimum of 3 references. See Presentation Instructions for references needed.
  • Cite all resources in APA format on the slide where content occurs. Cite in lower corner/footer as prompted on template.
  • Reference slide is in template. Hanging indent is not required.

**Academic Integrity**

Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.

By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.