The Acme Corporation is a new startup that wishes to sell their new phone, called Acmephone, to the public. Acmephone plans to offer two options. 1) a secure version of the phone designed for business organizations called the Acmephone B+, and 2) a highly secure version of the phone designed for the government, called the Acmephone G+. 

The Acme Corporation is a new startup that wishes to sell their new phone, called Acmephone, to the public. Acmephone plans to offer two options. 1) a secure version of the phone designed for business organizations called the Acmephone B+, and 2) a highly secure version of the phone designed for the government, called the Acmephone G+.

Due to the fear of corporate espionage and government security requirements, there are many security concerns that must be addressed. As a network security professional, you have been employed to design a network infrastructure for their two campuses located in Atlanta and Cincinnati based upon the following specifications:

1. There needs to be a constant connection between the two locations that can carry at least 50 Mbps of data.

2. Each facility has three floors. The buildings are rectangular with each floor 350’x350’.

3 . There will be 200 network connections on each floor with an additional 100 network connections in the data centers located on the third floor of each building.

4. The primary data center will be located at the Atlanta location.

5. There will be a failover data center at the Cincinnati location.

6. Each location should be protected from intrusions that are not limited to state change attacks.

7. The Atlanta location will house the two secure development teams. As such, it will need the a greater level of security. The primary database servers and the corporate Web servers will be housed at that location as well.

8. Database servers will also be located at the Cincinnati site as well.

9. All servers must have redundancy.

10. The solution must have a plan to verify security measures.

Your task is to develop a report addressing the details of the secure network infrastructure design that meets the requirements above. Your submission must address the following items. Please provide as much details as possible.

1. Create a network drawing, specific to Acme Corporation, listing the network’s topology including any necessary hardware. Your drawing should be detailed enough and show how the topology is interconnected. Viewing this diagram should give the reader detailed understanding about the Acme network environment.

2. Address any recommended cabling for this installation.

3. Recommend wiring closets for both campuses and their configuration wherever you determine they are needed.

4. Recommend ways to ensure that the network is safe from being attacked.

5. Make recommendations for laying traps to stop attackers and prevent damage to the Acme network infrastructure.

6. Include recommendations for WAN connections that takes into considerations the geographical factor of the two locations

. 7. Include recommendations for wireless technology and the type of wireless communications to be used in both locations.

8. Include recommendations for any technology needed in the data center for high availability.

9. Justify your recommendations with external sources referenced using APA format.

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on jobs. What does the future of employment look like?

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on jobs. What does the future of employment look like?

Since the development and popularity of AI, there seems to be conversations about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and what impact it will have on jobs in the future. It’s a topic that many people are concerned which may be obvious in which several jobs are now being reviewed as AI taking the place of employees and job creation and sustainability is the name of the game.

Artificial Intelligence is a computer capable of doing anything a human can do from playing chess to making waffles which may be available in the near future and Artificial Narrow which is a weak Intelligence, is a computer capable of what a human can do, but only within narrow bounds e.g. repetitive tasks. This is already present today.

If your job is 100% repetitive, for example, doing a single task, then it may be worthwhile up-skilling or looking at how to laterally move to a job you can progress in. By automating repetitive tasks, a company can gain substantial financial benefits. You can expect to see A.I. automation replacing some of these jobs.

Review the following chart and answer the related questions below.

Managing Others Applying Expertise Unpredictable Physical Work Predictable Physical Work Data Collection Data Processing
Food Service
Health Care/Social Assistance
Educational Services

1.Based on the chart above, please research the professions listed in bold. Then, complete the chart with the percentages of their being automated or not. Discuss your findings in detail.

2. Consider the fact that the professions in the chart above will not be replaced, please discuss and/or explain why these professions will not be replaced.

3. How do expert systems relate to artificial intelligence? NOTE: Expert systems for this assignment are defined as: “A program that gives answers, solutions, or diagnoses, based on available information, by following procedures that attempt to duplicate the thought processes and apply the knowledge of an expert in some particular field” (

4. What are the recent developments in A.I.?

5. Build a sample flowchart of how the programming would work for an Expert System by using basic information such as: Greetings, Jokes, News Updates, Games, Weather, Business usage. In addition to a default for “I don’t know”.

6. How would you control your device (voice/text or both)?

 Option One: You are a consultant with 10 years experience in the health care insurance industry. A group of 20 doctors is considering forming a new medical group. The group has asked you to prepare a report on whether it should build a facility within 30 miles of the downtown center of a city with a population of 500,000 for $100 million dollars. Prepare a report for the management team of the doctor’s group on your proposed $100 million expenditure plan

 Option One: You are a consultant with 10 years experience in the health care insurance industry. A group of 20 doctors is considering forming a new medical group. The group has asked you to prepare a report on whether it should build a facility within 30 miles of the downtown center of a city with a population of 500,000 for $100 million dollars. Prepare a report for the management team of the doctor’s group on your proposed $100 million expenditure plan. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

• Option Two: You are a chief operating officer. The board of directors of your organization has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues involved with a 50 million dollar expansion. Due to local politics and uncertain national medical care policies, national officials may have to scale the expansion back to 25 million or risk not being elected. Prepare a presentation for the management team of the doctor’s group on your proposed 25 to 50 million dollar expenditure plan using Powerpoint. In your presentation, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

• Option Three: You are a chief operating officer at a for-profit insurance company. A board of directors has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues involved with a potential 40% reduction in U. S. medical insurance reimbursement. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding cuts while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the community and your patients. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting. By using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

• Option Four: You are a chief administrative officer for a large nonprofit health relief organization. A board of directors has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues and how to solve the health needs of an African country. Your organization has limited funding and will need to obtain subsidized medicine from major pharmaceutical companies. Your organization also has the opportunity to get nongeneric, non-USDA approved, alternative stem cell derived medication from foreign sources. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation. Consider the various economic, political, moral, and health impacts for the United States citizens who may have some of the health medication diverted to the African nation. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

• Option Five: You are a public official elected at the local city level who serves a population of 50,000 to250,000 people. A budget of 10 million dollars has been allocated to you by the city manager, and you can get up to 100% of this amount in matching federal funds if you meet the federal standards. You have been asked by the mayor to determine how to allocate the budget to best support the needs of the city. These could include, but not be limited to, supporting capital requirements, operational requirements, and subsidizing nonprofit organizations or using economic incentives to bring new private concerns into the city. Prepare a report for the mayor and city council on your proposed expenditure plan. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

Cultural Competence in the Classroom

Cultural Competence in the Classroom
Nikhil Goyal is a successful high school student who, like many students his age, hates school. But unlike most students his age, Nikhil wrote a speech about it and delivered it to a global audience via a TEDX Youth (2012) presentation. The central theme of the presentation is relevance and, specifically, how schools often lack relevance to the lives of their learners. The majority of Nikhil’s story focuses on Nick Perez, a boy who was marginalized in school and medicated to be able to adhere to the parameters of thought and behavior expected for participation in the school. As you view the presentation, you will learn how Nick became disillusioned by the lack of relevancy and interest in his studies and how his disenfranchisement eventually led him to drop out of school.
In this assignment, you will reflect on the story of Nick Perez and analyze it based on what might have happened differently if Nick’s education targeted the learning of 21st century skills through culturally relevant learning opportunities. Additionally, you will recommend a culturally relevant learning experience that might have been able to meet Nick’s needs in high school. Review the Instructor Guidance for this week for additional information and use the Ladson-Billing (1995) resource and Chapter 4 of Wardle (2013) to define a culturally relevant learning experience; apply this framework to the creation of solutions. Then, create your formal written assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations stated below.
Content Expectations

o    Video Analysis (3 points): Address the following five guiding statements:

a.       Describe a culturally relevant learning experience in which Nick could have participated within his early high school years that may have been able to successfully meet his academic and personal needs.

b.      Using Nick’s interest in computers as a form of his cultural identity, describe the cultural competencies that were most likely taught and/or applied within Nick’s school (i.e., not the computer camp, but the school system that Nick eventually left).

c.       Examine the 4C skills (a) creativity and innovation, (b) critical thinking and problem solving, and (c) communication and collaboration that are presented in Learning and Innovations Skills. Determine which of these skills you perceive are most likely relevant to Nick’s current position as a programmer in an advertising firm and which of these skills you perceive are not adequately addressed in typical classroom environments today.

d.      Evaluate the relationship between the cultural competencies identified above in item two and the learning and innovation skills described in item three, and then consider whether cultural competencies are represented in the 21st century skills. Describe in what ways.

e.       Explain how the acquisition of learning and innovation skills through culturally relevant learning opportunities can lead to greater student success in the classroom and in the real world.

o    Cultural Competencies References (1 point): Reference cultural competencies in your response to the Video Analysis guiding statements. Include examples using at least one of the following four characteristics:

a.    Awareness of one’s own cultural worldview (including biases)

b.   Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews

c.    Positive attitudes and open-mindedness toward cultural differences

d.   Ability to work successfully with others from different cultures

o    Culturally Relevant Learning References (1 point): Reference culturally relevant instruction in your response to the Video Analysis guiding statements. Reflect strategies that align with this approach and include at least one of the following nine areas:

a.       Maximizing academic success through relevant instructional experiences

b.      Addressing cultural competence through reinforcing students’ cultural integrity

c.       Involving students in the construction of knowledge

d.      Building on students’ interests and linguistic resources

e.       Tapping home and community resources

f.       Understanding students’ cultural knowledge

g.       Using interactive and constructivist teaching strategies

h.      Examining the curriculum from multiple perspectives

i.        Promoting critical consciousness through opportunities to challenge predominant elements of the students’ social norms

o    21st Century Skills Framework (1 point): Reference 21st century skills in your response to the Video Analysis Questions to reflect the framework developed by the Partnership for 21st Century Learning.

Written Communication Expectations

o    Page Requirement (.5 points): Submit three to five pages, not including the title and reference pages.

o    APA Formatting (.5 points): Format your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

o    Syntax and Mechanics (.5 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.

o    Source Requirement (.5 points): Reference at least one scholarly source in addition to the Partnership for 21st Century Learning’s Skills Framework, Ladson-Billing (1995) resource, and Chapter 4 in Wardle (2013) to provide compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment

Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to ensure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion. Next, submit the assignment for evaluation no later than Day 7.


Need Other Tutorials For EDU 692 ?

You may click on the links below to go to respective tutorial.

·         EDU 692 Week 1 DQ 1 ( Caine’s Arcade )

·         EDU 692 Week 1 Assignment ( My School and Its Culture )

·         EDU 692 Week 2 DQ 1 ( Landfill Harmonics and 21st-Century Skills )

·         EDU 692 Week 2 DQ 2 ( Outside Challenges )

·         EDU 692 Week 2 Assignment ( Cultural Competence in the Classroom )

·         EDU 692 Week 3 DQ 1 ( Creating an Evaluation Instrument for Cultural Relevance in the Classroom )

·         EDU 692 Week 3 DQ 2 ( Equal Versus Equitable )

·         EDU 692 Week 3 Assignment ( Analyzing Cultural Relevance in Instruction )

·         EDU 692 Week 4 DQ 1 ( Models of Creativity )

·         EDU 692 Week 4 DQ 2 ( Triangle of Support )

·         EDU 692 Week 5 Assignment ( A Case for Problem-Based Learning )

·         EDU 692 Week 6 DQ 1 ( Creativity, Innovation, and Culture )

·          EDU 692 Week 6 Assignment ( Creative Teaching-Designing Culturally Relevant Instruction 

Role as a Practitioner-Scholar: Draw from your previous study of the practitioner-scholar model to answer the following:      

  • Role as a Practitioner-Scholar: Draw from your previous study of the practitioner-scholar model to answer the following:
    • In your own words, explain McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model.
    • Reference Capella’s Learning Model Quick Reference and Examples to compare the differences between the levels of practitioner-scholar and scholar-practitioner.
    • What will it mean to you to be a practitioner-scholar? Explain how the practitioner-scholar model can help guide you in developing the knowledge and skills that you will need to reach your professional vision and goals.
    • Be sure to cite your sources.
  • Vision: In response to feedback you have received and the evolution of your ideas since you began, and in light of what you have learned about the practitioner-scholar model, revise and refine the vision statement that you developed in the previous two units so it is as personally meaningful as possible. This statement should articulate how your passions and interests connect to a specialization in psychology. Note: It may be useful to update your Articulating Your Purpose activity to help support these revisions.
  • Goals: Review the long-term educational, career, and life goals that you identified as relevant to achieving your vision. In response to feedback you have received and the evolution of your ideas since your earlier drafts, revise, expand, refine, and consolidate your goals as needed.
    • Identify significant milestones for each goal. Be sure that your goals and milestones are:
      • Specific.
      • Measurable.
      • Achievable.
      • Relevant.
      • Time-bound.
    • Discuss the reasons for each goal and milestone.

After completing a draft of the previously outlined sections of your paper, draft these sections in the assignment template:

  • Title page in APA format.
  • Abstract: A concise summary of every main point in the paper.
  • Introduction: A concise overview of the paper’s content.
  • Conclusion: A concise summary of important points of the paper, explaining the benefits of achieving your future career vision and becoming a practitioner scholar in the field of psychology and the importance and relevance of your vision and goals to your personal and professional aspirations.
  • References in APA format.

For more information, see the Your Vision as a Psychology Practitioner-Scholar Template in the resources.

Example assignment: You may use the assignment example, linked in the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements

Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Template: Use the Your Vision as a Psychology Practitioner-Scholar Template to format your assignment.
  • Length: 3–4 typed and double-spaced content pages in Times New Roman 12-point font. The title page, abstract, and reference list are not included in this length.
  • References: Include a minimum of three references from scholarly literature. All references need to be cited in-text, according to current APA standards. Remember that citations are to support your thoughts, not take the place of them!
  • Written communication: Must be clear, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax and with good organization.
  • Writing style: APA expectations for scholarly writing include the use of third-person narrative, unless it is awkward to do so. However, because you are talking about yourself in this paper, you may write in the first person.
  • APA formatting: Must be formatted according to APA style and formatting and include a title page, abstract, and reference list. Note that these three elements are not counted toward the length of your assignment.

Discussion: Answer each question accordingly. Discuss, elaborate and give example on each question. Please use on the module chapter 7 and 8 as reference or sources. The Author of the Modules is (Cohen, R. J., Swerdlik, M. E, & Sturman, E. D. (2018). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill).

Discussion: Answer each question accordingly. Discuss, elaborate and give example on each question. Please use on the module chapter 7 and 8 as reference or sources. The Author of the Modules is (Cohen, R. J., Swerdlik, M. E, & Sturman, E. D. (2018). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill).


1.Of the major factors that affect a test’s utility (psychometric soundness, cost, benefit), which is most important and why? 175 words

2.What are the differences between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests? What are some of the pros and cons of each, and when would each test be more appropriate?175 words

3.Review this week’s course materials and learning activities and reflect on your learning so far this week. Respond to one or more of the following prompts in one to two paragraphs: 175 words

1. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.

2. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.

3. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.


1.Of the major factors that affect a test’s utility (psychometric soundness, cost, benefit), which is most important and why? 175 words

2.What are the differences between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests? What are some of the pros and cons of each, and when would each test be more appropriate?175 words

3.Review this week’s course materials and learning activities and reflect on your learning so far this week. Respond to one or more of the following prompts in one to two paragraphs: 175 words

1. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.

2. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life.

3. Describe what may be unclear to you, and what you would like to learn.