Agenda Comparison Grid

Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Use the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations and their agendas related to the public health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.
  • Describe the administrative agenda focus related to the issue you selected.
  • Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.
  • Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.

(A draft of Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid should be posted to the Module 1 Discussion Board by Day 3 of Week 1.)

Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:

  • Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?
  • How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?
  • Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?

Part 3: Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief

Based on the feedback that you received from your colleagues in the Discussion, revise Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid and Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis.

Then, using the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. You can use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to create your Fact Sheet or Talking Point Brief. Be sure to address the following:

  • Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.
  • Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.

Explain the reasoning for your considered outcome. 

Remember, this is fictional. Create a believable situation, but know that you can have whatever outcome you choose! You may not work in conjunction with any other student to complete this paper.

Explain the reasoning for your considered outcome. 

Remember, this is fictional. Create a believable situation, but know that you can have whatever outcome you choose! You may not work in conjunction with any other student to complete this paper.

Submission Instructions: (

Any papers/assignments should at a minimum contain 3-5 pages of content (double spaced), include a properly formatted cover page, and a reference listing page with at least three (3) NEW references properly listed at the end of your work. Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area and can improve your research skills.

With all assignments, include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain what is your original thought or ideas and what portion of your work is taken from credible sources to support your work. It is really important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field.

Submit the weekly written assignment as an MS WORD attachment in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. A recommended font is Times New Roman (12). DO NOT include discussion board answers with your formally written assignment submission.

1)The Test- cost, time to take the test, theory behind the test, number of items, age appropriateness, and any other information relevant to teaching me about the test ( Approximately one page double spaced)

1)The Test- cost, time to take the test, theory behind the test, number of items, age appropriateness, and any other information relevant to teaching me about the test ( Approximately one page double spaced)

2)Reviewer #1- norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness, validity, reliability, final comments  ( At a Minimum, one page double spaced)

3)Reviewer #2- norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness, validity, reliability, final comments ( At a Minimum, one page double spaced)

4) Your thoughts on norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness validity, reliability, final comments about using the test. Why or why not. (At a Minimum, one page double spaced).  I want your thoughts based on specific information and not just opinions such as “I don’t like the GRE’s” or “I don’t think it’s fair to subject students to standardize testing.”  I want to know what you think about the norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness validity, reliability based   specifically on what you learned from both reviewers and any other source.

1.  Give examples of how different cultural work values and worldviews can be sources of conflict and misunderstanding in the workplace.

1.  Give examples of how different cultural work values and worldviews can be sources of conflict and misunderstanding in the workplace.

2.  Discuss some of the specific gender-related career issues and career counseling implications.

3.  How have your gender and your cultural background influenced your career?

4.  Describe some of the ways families are changing and the potential impact on career development.

5.  Discuss the special needs of individuals with disabilities.


6.  Describe some examples of discrimination gay/lesbian/bisexual persons might experience at work.

1. Do a search online 1-2 antibiotics that affect Gram-positive bacteria and list them. On what part of the cell do the antibiotics usually work? List one or two antibiotics that affect Gram-negative bacteria? On what part of the cell do the antibiotics usually work? (Be sure to cite your sources in your answer.) (5 points)

1. Do a search online 1-2 antibiotics that affect Gram-positive bacteria and list them. On what part of the cell do the antibiotics usually work? List one or two antibiotics that affect Gram-negative bacteria? On what part of the cell do the antibiotics usually work? (Be sure to cite your sources in your answer.) (5 points)

2. Why do you think it is important to identify a bacterial disease in a patient before prescribing any antibiotic treatments? (Be specific.) (5 points)

3.   What are some of the limitations of simple staining? (5 points)

4.   Give an example of a situation in a lab or medical setting in which simple staining would be utilized. (5 points)

5.   So far in this lab, you have used one type of simple stain(Crystal violet) and one type of negative stain (Nigrosin), yet there are many other simple and negative dyes available. Pick one simple dye and one negative dye, and discuss how those dyes differ from the ones you used in this lab. Give a scenario in which their use would be appropriate. (5 points)

6. Using either a textbook or a reputable online resource, research some of the typical characteristics of bacteria, and discuss why it might be important for a researcher or a hospital technician to be able to differentiate between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. (5 points)

Experiment 2: Concentration Gradients and Membrane Permeability

Experiment 2: Concentration Gradients and Membrane Permeability

In this experiment, you will dialyze a solution of glucose and starch to observe:

  • The directional movement of glucose and starch.
  • The effect of a selectively permeable membrane on the diffusion of these molecules.

An indicator is a substance that changes color when in the presence of a specific substance. In this experiment, IKI will be used as an indicator to test for the presence of starch.



(5) 100 mL Beakers
10 mL 1% Glucose Solution, C6H12O6
4 Glucose Test Strips
(1) 100 mL Graduated Cylinder
4 mL 1% Iodine-Potassium Iodide, IKI
5 mL Liquid Starch, C6H10O5
3 Pipettes
4 Rubber Bands (Small; contain latex, handle with gloves on if allergic)



Permanent Marker

*15.0 cm Dialysis Tubing

*You Must Provide
*Be sure to measure and cut only the length you need for this experiment. Reserve the remainder for later experiments.





Do not allow the open end of the dialysis tubing to fall into the beaker. If it does, remove the tube and rinse thoroughly with water before refilling it with the starch/glucose solution and replacing it in the beaker.



If you make a mistake, the dialysis tubing can be rinsed and used again.

Dialysis tubing must be soaked in water before you will be able to open it up to create the dialysis “bag.” Follow these directions for this experiment:

1.      Soak the tubing in a beaker of water for ten minutes.

2.     Place the dialysis tubing between your thumb and forefinger, and rub the two digits together in a shearing manner. This motion should open up the “tube” so that you can fill it with the different solutions.



1.     Measure and pour 50 mL of water into a 100 mL beaker using the 100 mL graduated cylinder. Cut a piece of dialysis tubing 15.0 cm long. Submerge the dialysis tubing in the water for at least ten minutes.

2.     Measure and pour 82 mL of water into a second 100 mL beaker using the 100 mL graduated cylinder. This is the beaker you will put the filled dialysis bag into in Step 9.

3.     Make the glucose/sucrose mixture. Use a graduated pipette to add 5 mL of glucose solution to a third 100 mL beaker and label it “dialysis bag solution.” Use a different graduated pipette to add 5 mL of starch solution to the same beaker. Mix by pipetting the solution up and down six times.

4.     Using the same pipette that you used to mix the dialysis bag solution, remove 2 mL of the dialysis bag solution and place it in a clean beaker. This sample will serve as your positive control for glucose and starch.

a.     Dip one of the glucose test strips into the 2 mL of glucose/starch solution in the third beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose test strip in Table 3. This is your positive control for glucose.

b.     Use a pipette to transfer approximately 0.5 mL of IKI into the 2 mL of glucose/starch solution into the third beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose/starch solution in the beaker in Table 3. This is your positive control for starch.

5.     Using a clean pipette, remove 2 mL of water from the 82 mL of water you placed in a beaker in Step 2, and place it in a clean beaker. This sample will serve as your negative controls for glucose and starch.

a.     Dip one of the glucose test strips into the 2 mL of water in the beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the glucose test strip in Table 3. This is your negative control for glucose.

b.     Use a pipette to transfer approximately 0.5 mL of IKI into the 2 mL in the beaker. After one minute has passed, record the final color of the water in the beaker      in Table 3. This is your negative control for starch.

Note:The color results of these controls determine the indicator reagent key. You must use these results to interpret the rest of your results.

6.     After at least ten minutes have passed, remove the dialysis tube and close one end by folding over 3.0 cm of one end (bottom). Fold it again and secure with a rubber band (use two rubber bands if necessary).

7.     Test to make sure the closed end of the dialysis tube will not allow solution to leak out. Dry off the outside of the dialysis tube bag with a cloth or paper towel. Then, add a small amount of water to the bag and examine the rubber band seal for leakage. Be sure to remove the water from the inside of the bag before continuing.

  1. Using the same pipette that was used to mix the solution in Step 3, transfer 8 mL of the dialysis bag solution to the prepared dialysis bag.
Figure 4: Step 9 reference.
Figure 4:Step 9 reference.

9.     Place the filled dialysis bag in the 100 mL beaker filled with 80 mL of water, leaving the open end draped over the edge of the beaker as shown in Figure 4.

10.Allow the solution to sit for 60 minutes. Clean and dry all materials except the beaker holding the dialysis bag.

11.After the solution has diffused for 60 minutes, remove the dialysis bag from the beaker and empty the contents of the bag into a clean, dry beaker. Label the beaker “final dialysis bag solution.”

12.Test the final dialysis bag solution for the presence of glucose by dipping one glucose test strip into the dialysis bag. Wait one minute before reading the results of the test strip. Record your results for the presence of glucose in Table 4.

13.Test for the presence of starch by adding 2 mL IKI. After one minute has passed, record the final color in Table 4.

14.Use a pipette to transfer 8 mL of the water in the beaker to a clean beaker. Test the beaker water for the presence of glucose by dipping one glucose test strip into the beaker. Wait one minute before reading the results of the test strip, and record the results in Table 4.

15.Test for the presence of starch by adding 2 mL of IKI to the beaker water. Record the final color of the beaker solution in Table 4.




Table 3: Indicator Reagent Data
Indicator Starch Positive
Control (Color)
Starch Negative
Control (Color)
Glucose Positive
Control (Color)
Glucose Negative
Control (Color)
Glucose Test Strip n/a n/a
IKI Solution n/a n/a


Table 4: Diffusion of Starch and Glucose Over Time
Indicator Dialysis Bag After 60 Minutes Beaker Water After 60 Minutes
IKI Solution
Glucose Test Strip


Post-Lab Questions

1.     Why is it necessary to have positive and negative controls in this experiment?






2.     Draw a diagram of the experimental set-up. Use arrows to depict the movement of each substance in the dialysis bag and the beaker.





3.     Which substance(s) crossed the dialysis membrane? Support your response with data-based evidence.





4.     Which molecules remained inside of the dialysis bag?



5.     Did all of the molecules diffuse out of the bag into the beaker? Why or why not?






Experiment 1: Diffusion through a Liquid

In this experiment, you will observe the effect that different molecular weights have on the ability of dye to travel through a viscous medium.


1 60 mL Corn Syrup Bottle, C12H22O11
Red and Blue Dye Solutions (Blue molecular weight = 793 g/mole; red molecular weight = 496 g/mole)
(1) 9 cm Petri Dish (top and bottom halves)


*Clear Tape

*You Must Provide



1.     Use clear tape to secure one-half of the petri dish (either the bottom or the top half) over a ruler. Make sure that you can read the measurement markings on the ruler through the petri dish. The dish should be positioned with the open end of the dish facing upwards.

  1. Carefully fill the half of the petri dish with corn syrup until the entire surface is covered.
  2. Develop a hypothesis regarding which color dye you believe will diffuse faster across the corn syrup and why. Record this in the post-lab questions.
  3. Place a single drop of blue dye in the middle of the corn syrup. Note the position where the dye fell by reading the location of its outside edge on the ruler.
  4. Record the location of the outside edge of the dye (the distance it has traveled) every ten seconds for a total of two minutes. Record your data in Table 1 and use your results to perform the calculations in Table 2.
  5. Repeat the procedure using the red dye, the unused half of the petri dish, and fresh corn syrup.


Table 1: Rate of Diffusion in Corn Syrup
Time (sec) Blue Dye Red Dye Time (sec) Blue Dye Red Dye
10 70
20 80
30 90
40 100
50 110
60 120


Table 2: Speed of Diffusion of Different Molecular Weight Dyes
Structure Molecular Weight Total Distance
Traveled (mm)
Speed of Diffusion
Blue Dye
Red Dye

*Multiply the total distance diffused by 30 to get the hourly diffusion rate


Post-Lab Questions

  1. Record your hypothesis from Step 3 here. Be sure to validate your predictions with scientific reasoning.




  1. Which dye diffused the fastest?




  1. Does the rate of diffusion correspond with the molecular weight of the dye?






  1. Does the rate of diffusion change over time? Why or why not?





  1. Examine the graph below. Does it match the data you recorded in Table 2? Explain why, or why not. Submit your own plot if necessary.