Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read

    1. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.
    2. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.
    3. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page.

    You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references.

    General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list)

    ◻    1,000 words

    ◻    Original work; plagiarism free!!

    ◻    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

    ◻    Covers all 6 tasks

    ◻    Spellchecked

    ◻    College-level grammar

    ◻    Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)

    ◻    No abstract, no cover

    ◻    Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

    1. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.
    2. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.
    3. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page.

    You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references.

    General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list)

    ◻    1,000 words

    ◻    Original work; plagiarism free!!

    ◻    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

    ◻    Covers all 6 tasks

    ◻    Spellchecked

    ◻    College-level grammar

    ◻    Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)

    ◻    No abstract, no cover

    ◻    Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

    Aim for one page for this section of your paper.

  1. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.
  2. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page.

You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references.

General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list)

◻    1,000 words

◻    Original work; plagiarism free!!

◻    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

◻    Covers all 6 tasks

◻    Spellchecked

◻    College-level grammar

◻    Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)

◻    No abstract, no cover

◻    Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

How does gene regulation involving the trp repressor protein differ from what you observed with the lac repressor in the previous lesson?

  1. How does gene regulation involving the trp repressor protein differ from what you observed with the lac repressor in the previous lesson? (2 points)
  2. Based on your understanding of gene regulation in the cell and the function of the trp operon, describe how this process would be affected if there was a mutation in the operator region so that the operator could not carry out its function. (4 points)
  3. What would be the result in this process of a genetic mutation that altered the shape of the trp repressor protein? (4 points)

Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page. You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references. General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list) ◻ 1,000 words ◻ Original work; plagiarism free!! ◻ Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins ◻ Covers all 6 tasks ◻ Spellchecked ◻ College-level grammar ◻ Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end) ◻ No abstract, no cover ◻ Place your name and reference number on

  1. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in
    1. Discuss the concept of epigenesis in light of your family history and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.
    2. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.
    3. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page.

    You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references.

    General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list)

    ◻    1,000 words

    ◻    Original work; plagiarism free!!

    ◻    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

    ◻    Covers all 6 tasks

    ◻    Spellchecked

    ◻    College-level grammar

    ◻    Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)

    ◻    No abstract, no cover

    ◻    Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

    and the article you read. Aim for one page for this section of your paper.

  2. Complete the Living to 100 Questionnaires. Integrate your findings on the questionnaire into your discussion. Aim for another page.
  3. Discuss how you can improve your health and longevity in light of your findings in this questionnaire, your understanding of epigenetics, and your knowledge of your family history. This should be your final page.

You can go over or under a page for any of the sections of the paper as long as your total paper is 1,000 words not counting the references.

General Rules for an “A” Paper (check your paper against this list)

◻    1,000 words

◻    Original work; plagiarism free!!

◻    Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins

◻    Covers all 6 tasks

◻    Spellchecked

◻    College-level grammar

◻    Cite your article APA style (author & year within body of paper; full reference at end)

◻    No abstract, no cover

◻    Place your name and reference number on the first page. Use page numbers.

Demonstration of Proficiency

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making.
    • Describe the security, privacy, and confidentially laws related to protecting sensitive electronic health information that govern the interdisciplinary team.
    • Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.
  • Competency 2: Implement evidence-based strategies to effectively manage protected health information.
    • Identify evidence-based approaches to mitigate risks to patients and health care staff related to sensitive electronic health information.
    • Develop a professional, effective staff update that educates interprofessional team members about protecting the security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient data, particularly as it pertains to social media usage.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.
    • Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
    • Create a clear, concise, well-organized, and professional staff update that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


To successfully prepare to complete this assessment, complete the following:

  • Review the infographics on protecting PHI provided in the resources for this assessment, or find other infographics to review. These infographics serve as examples of how to succinctly summarize evidence-based information.
    • Analyze these infographics, and distill them into five or six principles of what makes them effective. As you design your interprofessional staff update, apply these principles. Note: In a staff update, you will not have all the images and graphics that an infographic might contain. Instead, focus your analysis on what makes the messaging effective.
  • Select from any of the following options, or a combination of options, the focus of your interprofessional staff update:
    • Social media best practices.
    • What not to do: Social media.
    • Social media risks to patient information.
    • Steps to take if a breach occurs.
  • Conduct independent research on the topic you have selected in addition to reviewing the suggested resources for this assessment. This information will serve as the source(s) of the information contained in your interprofessional staff update. Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources.


In this assessment, assume you are a nurse in an acute care, community, school, nursing home, or other health care setting. Before your shift begins, you scroll through Facebook and notice that a coworker has posted a photo of herself and a patient on Facebook. The post states, “I am so happy Jane is feeling better. She is just the best patient I’ve ever had, and I am excited that she is on the road to recovery.”

You have recently completed your annual continuing education requirements at work and realize this is a breach of your organization’s social media policy. Your organization requires employees to immediately report such breaches to the privacy officer to ensure the post is removed immediately and that the nurse responsible receives appropriate corrective action.

You follow appropriate organizational protocols and report the breach to the privacy officer. The privacy officer takes swift action to remove the post. Due to the severity of the breach, the organization terminates the nurse.

Based on this incident’s severity, your organization has established a task force with two main goals:

  • Educate staff on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care.
  • Prevent confidentiality, security, and privacy breaches.

The task force has been charged with creating a series of interprofessional staff updates on the following topics:

  • Social media best practices.
  • What not to do: Social media.
  • Social media risks to patient information.
  • Steps to take if a breach occurs.

You are asked to select one of the topics, or a combination of several topics, and create the content for a staff update containing a maximum of two content pages. When distributed to interprofessional team members, the update will consist of one double-sided page.

The task force has asked team members assigned to the topics to include the following content in their updates in addition to content on their selected topic(s):

  • What is protected health information (PHI)?
    • Be sure to include essential HIPAA information.
  • What are privacy, security, and confidentiality?
    • Define and provide examples of privacy, security, and confidentiality concerns related to the use of the technology in health care.
    • Explain the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration to safeguard sensitive electronic health information.
  • What evidence relating to social media usage and PHI do interprofessional team members need to be aware of? For example:
    • How many nurses have been terminated for inappropriate social media usage in the United States?
    • What types of sanctions have health care organizations imposed on interdisciplinary team members who have violated social media policies?
    • What have been the financial penalties assessed against health care organizations for inappropriate social media usage?
    • What evidence-based strategies have health care organizations employed to prevent or reduce confidentiality, privacy, and security breaches, particularly related to social media usage?
  • Your staff update is limited to two double-spaced content pages. Be selective about the content you choose to include in your update so that you are able to meet the page length requirement. Include need-to-know information. Leave out nice-to-know information.
  • Many times people do not read staff updates, do not read them carefully, or do not read them to the end. Ensure your staff update piques staff members’ interest, highlights key points, and is easy to read. Avoid overcrowding the update with too much content.
  • Also supply a separate reference page that includes 2–3 peer-reviewed and 1–2 non-peer-reviewed resources (for a total of 3–5 resources) to support the staff update content.
Additional Requirements
  • Written communication: Ensure the staff update is free from errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Submission length: Maximum of two double-spaced content pages.
  • Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • Citations and references: Provide a separate reference page that includes 2–3 current, peer-reviewed and 1–2 current, non-peer-reviewed in-text citations and references (total of 3–5 resources) that support the staff update’s content. Current mean no older than 5 years.
  • APA format: Be sure your citations and references adhere to APA format. Consult the APA Style and Format page for an APA refresher.

Maladaptive Responses to Immune Disorders

Maladaptive Responses to Immune Disorders

Maladaptive responses to disorders are compensatory mechanisms that ultimately have adverse health effects for patients. For instance, a patient’s allergic reaction to peanuts might lead to anaphylactic shock, or a patient struggling with depression might develop a substance-abuse problem. To properly diagnose and treat patients, advanced practice nurses must understand both the pathophysiology of disorders and potential maladaptive responses that some disorders cause.

Consider immune disorders, such as HIV, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and systemic lupus E. What are resulting maladaptive responses for patients with these disorders?

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 5 and Chapter 7 in the Huether and McCance text, as well as the Yi, et al, article in the Learning Resources. Reflect on the concept of maladaptive responses to disorders.
  • Select two of the following immune disorders: HIV, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and/or systemic lupus E (SLE).
  • Think about the pathophysiology of each disorder you selected. Consider the compensatory mechanisms that the disorders trigger. Then, compare the resulting maladaptive and physiological responses of the two disorders.
  • Consider the types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with these disorders and why.
  • Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Consider how your selected factor might impact the disorder. Then, reflect on how your selected factor might impact the effects of prescribed drugs, as well as any measures you might take to help reduce any negative side effects.

Questions to be addressed in my paper:

  1. brief description of the pathophysiology of the immune disorders you selected.
  2. Explain how the maladaptive and physiological responses of the two disorders differ.
  3. Then, describe the types of drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat symptoms associated with these immune disorders and why.
  4. Explain how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of each disorder as well as the effects of prescribed drugs.
  5. Explain any measures you might take to help reduce any negative side effects.
  6. Summary with Conclusion



1)      2-3 pages (addressing the 5 questions above excluding the title page and reference page).

2)      Kindly follow APA format for the citation and references! References should be between the period of 2011 and 2016. Please utilize the references at least three below as much as possible and the rest from yours.

3)     Make headings for each question.






  • Huether, S. E., & McCance, K. L. (2012). Understanding pathophysiology (Laureate custom ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
    • Chapter 5, “Innate Immunity: Inflammation and Wound Healing”

      This chapter examines how the body responds to injury and infection by exploring the first, second, and third lines of defense. It also covers wound healing and alterations of the wound-healing process.

    • Chapter 6, “Adaptive Immunity”

      This chapter examines the third line of defense, adaptive immunity. It also covers the roles of antigens and immunogens, the humoral immune response, cell-mediated immunity, and the production of B and T lymphocytes in the immune response.

    • Chapter 7, “Infection and Defects in Mechanisms of Defense”

      This chapter covers the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and treatment of disorders resulting from infection, deficiencies in immunity, and hypersensitivity. It also examines the pathophysiology of an important immune disorder: HIV/AIDS.

    • Chapter 8, “Stress and Disease”

      This chapter evaluates the impact of stress on various body systems and the immune system. It also examines coping mechanisms and disorders related to stress.

    • Chapter 39, “Structure, Function, and Disorders of the Integument”

      This chapter begins with an overview of the structure and function of skin. It then covers effects of aging on skin, as well as disorders of the skin, hair, and nails.

    • Chapter 40, “Alterations of Integument in Children”

      This chapter covers alterations of the integument that affect children. These include acne vulgaris, dermatitis, infections of the skin, insect bites and parasites, vascular disorders, and other skin disorders.

  • Poole Arcangelo, V., & Peterson, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach (3rd ed.). Ambler, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
    • Chapter 8, “Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy”

      This chapter covers factors that impact the selection of an antimicrobial treatment regimen. It also examines the clinical uses, adverse events, and drug interactions of various antimicrobial agents, such as penicillin

    • Chapter 12, “Fungal Infections of the Skin”

      This chapter explores the pathophysiology of several fungal infections of the skin, as well as related drug treatments. It also examines the importance of patient education when managing these infections.

    • Chapter 14, “Bacterial Infections of the Skin”

      This chapter begins by examining causes of bacterial infections. It then explores the importance of selecting an appropriate agent for treating bacterial infections.

    • Chapter 32, “Urinary Tract Infection”

      This chapter covers drugs used to treat urinary tract infections. It also identifies special considerations when treating geriatric patients, pediatric patients, and women.

    • Chapter 35, “Sexually Transmitted Infections”

      This chapter outlines the causes, pathophysiology, and drug treatment of six sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, syphilis, and human papilloma virus infection (HPV). It also examines the importance of selecting the proper agent and monitoring patient response to treatment.

    • Chapter 48, “Human Immunodeficiency Virus”

      This chapter presents the causes, pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria, and prevention methods for HIV. It also covers various methods of drug treatment and patient factors to consider when selecting, administering, and managing drug treatments.

  • Yi, H., Shidlo, A., & Sandfort, T. (2011). Assessing maladaptive responses to the stress of being at risk of HIV infection among HIV-negative gay men in New York City. Journal of Sex Research48(1), 62–73.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This study assesses behaviors and attitudes toward HIV based on knowledge about infection and advances in medical treatment. It also examines the impact of maladaptive responses to the stress of HIV risk.

  • Scourfield, A., Waters, L., & Nelson, M. (2011). Drug combinations for HIV: What’s new? Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy9(11), 1001–1011. Retrieved from http://www.expert-reviews.com/doi/abs/10.1586/eri.11.125

    This article examines current therapies and strategies for treating HIV patients. It also examines factors that impact the selection of therapy, including drug interactions, personalization of therapy, costs, management of comorbidities, and patient response.

  • Drugs.com. (2012). Retrieved from www.drugs.com

    This website presents a comprehensive review of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including information on common uses and potential side effects. It also provides updates relating to new drugs on the market, support from health professionals, and a drug-drug interactions checker.

Demonstration of Proficiency

Demonstration of Proficiency

  • Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
    • Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to be a success and the impacts on those resources if nothing is done, related to the improvements sought by the plan.
  • Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
    • Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific objective related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
    • Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
  • Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
    • Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that are most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
    • Communicate the interdisciplinary plan with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Berkow, S., Workman, J., Aronson, S., Stewart, J., Virkstis, K., & Kahn, M. (2012). Strengthening frontline nurse investment in organizational goals. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(3), 165–169.

Professional Context

This assessment will allow you to describe a plan proposal that includes an analysis of best practices of interprofessional collaboration, change theory, leadership strategies, and organizational resources with a financial budget that can be used to solve the problem identified through the interview you conducted in the prior assessment.


Having reviewed the information gleaned from your professional interview and identified the issue, you will determine and present an objective for an interdisciplinary intervention to address the issue.

Note: You will not be expected to implement the plan during this course. However, the plan should be evidence-based and realistic within the context of the issue and your interviewee’s organization.


For this assessment, use the context of the organization where you conducted your interview to develop a viable plan for an interdisciplinary team to address the issue you identified. Define a specific patient or organizational outcome or objective based on the information gathered in your interview.

The goal of this assessment is to clearly lay out the improvement objective for your planned interdisciplinary intervention of the issue you identified. Additionally, be sure to further build on the leadership, change, and collaboration research you completed in the previous assessment. Look for specific, real-world ways in which those strategies and best practices could be applied to encourage buy-in for the plan or facilitate the implementation of the plan for the best possible outcome.

Using the Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal Template [DOCX] will help you stay organized and concise. As you complete each section of the template, make sure you apply APA format to in-text citations for the evidence and best practices that inform your plan, as well as the reference list at the end.

Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Describe an objective and predictions for an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to achieve a specific goal related to improving patient or organizational outcomes.
  • Explain a change theory and a leadership strategy, supported by relevant evidence, that is most likely to help an interdisciplinary team succeed in collaborating and implementing, or creating buy-in for, the project plan.
  • Explain the collaboration needed by an interdisciplinary team to improve the likelihood of achieving the plan’s objective. Include best practices of interdisciplinary collaboration from the literature.
  • Explain organizational resources, including a financial budget, needed for the plan to succeed and the impacts on those resources if the improvements described in the plan are not made.
  • Communicate the interdisciplinary plan, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Additional Requirements

  • Length of submission: Use the provided template. Remember that part of this assessment is to make the plan easy to understand and use, so it is critical that you are clear and concise. Most submissions will be 2 to 4 pages in length. Be sure to include a reference page at the end of the plan.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
  • APA formatting: Make sure that in-text citations and reference list follow current APA style