Identify this fungus.

1. Identify this fungus.

2. This fungus belong to the class _____________________

3. This class of fungus has __________ hyphae and an asexual reproductive structure called a ___________________.

4. Macroscopically, this fungus’ colony is described as:

5. This class of fungi is the causative agent of ________________which is associated with infection of the __________________________.

Case 2:

This fungus was isolated from the lung of a 35-year-old female lymphoma patient. Growth was detected after 3 days of incubation at 25ºC on SDA, with no growth on Inhibitory mold agar.


1. Identify this fungus.

2. What test(s) would you performed to identify your named fungus?

3. Microscopic characteristics of this fungus include: _______________________________________________________________________

4. Some species of this genus are the etiologic agents of __________________________

Case 3:

This fungus was isolated from the sputum of a 35-year-old male. A brown colony was detected at 72 hours of incubation at 25ºC on SDA, with no growth on Mycosel agar.


1. Identify this fungus.

2. Microscopic characteristics of this fungus include:

3. Clinically, this fungus is considered to be a/an:

Case 4:

This organism was isolated from an inflamed cornea of a 14-year-old male contact lens wearer.

Growth was detected on SDA on day 3 of incubation at 25ºC with no growth on Mycosel agar.


1. Identify this fungus.

2. Clinically, this fungus is considered to be a/an:

3. A medical student submitted to the laboratory a Mycosel slant inoculated at bedside with corneal scrapings he had collected from a 20-year-old female inpatient. He indicated that the physician was trying to rule out mycotic keratitis. What is the next best step?

Case 5:

Shown is a Periodic-Acid-Schiff (PAS) stain of a lung biopsy from a 58-year-old male who complained of a chronic, productive cough. He smoked two to three packs of cigarettes a day for the last 35-40 years. Upon x-ray, a homogeneous mass was noted in his left lung. The wet preparations are of the organism growth after 12 days of 35ºC incubation.

1. Identify this fungus.

2. The microscopic morphology of this organism’s growth at 25° C characteristically exhibits __________________________________________________________

Case 6:

A 24-year old male forestry student from Washington State developed an infection on

his left third finger, which drained serous fluid. Shortly thereafter he developed painful

hyperpigmented nodules up the dorsal left arm. On examination he had 2 nonfluctant nodules that were palpable along this line. Two pustules were present over the left biceps muscle and no axillary lymphadenopathy was present. A diagnosis of staphylococcal cellulitis was made and the patient was treated without resolution of the lesions. The patient returned home to Rochester, Minnesota and went directly to St. Mary’s Hospital Emergency Department. A history of handling sphagnum moss was given by the patient. A nodule was aspirated and the exudate sent for culture. The patient was placed on itraconazole therapy and sent home.

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1. Identify this fungus.

2. Describe the characteristics, macroscopic and microscopic morphology of the fungus growth at 25° C.

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“CRISPR, Human Gene Editing, and Esvelt’s Regret”

“CRISPR, Human Gene Editing, and Esvelt’s Regret”

For your primary post, please respond to one of the following three topics with a post o

f at least 125 words that addresses each point given in the instructions. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1

: Jennifer Doudna on CRISPR. View the NBC News story about CRISPR (1)*, including an interview with its co-discoverer, Jennifer Doudna. Then, address the following issues:

  • (a) What applications of CRISPR look particularly promising for improving human well-being?
  • (b)  What sort of ethical issues have arisen or are likely to arise with the deployment of CRISPR?

Topic 2 [Reading]: Societal Aspects of Human Gene Editing. Read the article by Neuhaus (2)* and/or the article by Ossola (3)*, then address the following:

  • (a) Where do you think our procedures, regulations, and laws ought to come down regarding human genome editing, with CRISPR (or any other tool)? Take a clear position on this.
  • (b) Explain your rationale.

Topic 3 [Reading]: Esvelt’s Regret. In the article by Zimmer (4)*, Kevin Esvelt says that he made a huge mistake by championing the application of a technology that he now says is far too dangerous to actually deploy. Based on the article, address the following:

  • (a) What is the technology that he championed? What does it consist of and why does he think it’s too risky to use outside the lab?
  • (b) In your opinion, what sorts of laws and regulations, if any, should society put into place to regulate the technology that Esvelt regrets championing?

“Tarnita’s Termites, Pacific Lampreys, and Large Brains”

“Tarnita’s Termites, Pacific Lampreys, and Large Brains”

This week our discussion is focused on animal evolution. For your primary post, respond to one of the following three topics. Also, please reply to at least one fellow student on any topic.

Topic 1

: Population Distribution of Termites in a Savanna. Watch the video (1) describing Corina Tarnita’s research on the spacing of termite mounds in savanna ecosystems, and then address the following:

  • (a) What were Tarnita’s findings about the spacing of termite mounds?
  • (b) What does Tarnita think is the main factor that governs the spatial distribution of the termite mounds?
  • (c) How do the termite mounds benefit other organisms on the savanna?

Topic 2

:  Pacific Lampreys. Watch the video about Pacific Lampreys (2)*, then address the following:

  • (a) Where do Pacific lampreys fall in the taxonomy of vertebrates?
  • (b) What challenges do Pacific lamprey populations face?
  • (c) Why are Native American tribes of the Northwest concerned about them? (Please note: take care not to confuse the Pacific lamprey (described in the video) with the Sea Lamprey, which is a completely different species that is considered an invasive species in the Great Lakes).

Topic 3 [article]: Supporting the Energy Needs of a Large Brain. As discussed in the article by Zimmer (3)*, brain tissue is energetically expensive. For a species to evolve a large brain, it may need to make certain adjustments to ensure that enough energy is available to support brain function. Zimmer discusses various hypotheses about such adjustments in the human line of descent. Explain one of these adjustments.

 Using the controls to run the experiment, collect data to fill in the tables for radish and lettuce. 

Using the controls to run the experiment, collect data to fill in the tables for radish and lettuce.

o Select a plant

o Select the color for each chamber

o Turn the light switch “On” to run the experiment

o Use your mouse to grab the ruler and measure the height of the tallest part of the plant to the nearest centimeter. The height of each plant counts as one observation.

o Record the data in the appropriate data table.

o Calculate the average height of the plant for each color.

Table for Spinach (already filled out)









Measured Height of plant 


Observation 1







Observation 2







Observation 3














1. Table for Radish 









Measured Height of plant 


Observation 1


Observation 2


Observation 3



2. Table for Lettuce









Measured Height of plant 


Observation 1


Observation 2


Observation 3




3. Based on these observations, which color of light causes the greatest amount of plant growth?

4. Based on these observations, which color of light causes the least amount of plant growth?

5. In a short paragraph, explain how these observations are consistent with the information presented in the short video?

6. Given that white light contains all colors of the spectrum, what growth results would you expect under white light?

What is the key to the recognition of codominance?

Question 5

What is the key to the recognition of codominance?

A- The alleles affect more than one trait.
B- The phenotype of the heterozygote falls between the phenotypes of the homozygotes.
C- The heterozygote expresses the phenotype of both homozygotes.
D- The trait exhibits a continuous distribution.
E- The dominant allele is not always expressed.

Question 22

Answer the next questions using the pedigree below. Assume that deafness (dd) is caused by a single gene and is recessive to Hearing.

What would be the genotype of individual number 1?

A- None of the alleles can be determined
B- D_
C- dd
D- Dd

Question 25

Answer the question using the pedigree above. Assume that deafness (dd) is caused by a single gene and is recessive to Hearing. Given that individual #4 and an another individual with genotype Dd are married and want to have children. What is the probability that they have a deaf girl?

A- 0%
B- Cannot be determined from the data
C- 50%
D- 25%
E- 12.5%

Question 26

My wife and I had three girls in a row, Amber, Melissa, and Camila and we recently had a little baby boy (so 3:1 ratio girls to boys). What is the chance that our next child (assume we have not determined the gender) will be male?

A- 25%
B- 33%
C- 67%
D- 50%
E- 75%

Question 30

Given the template DNA strand TACACCTCCCTACTACTCCCGGGATC, and that the string of bases CTACTACT represents an intron region. What is the mRNA processed transcript?


Question 33

Based on the phylogenetic tree below, which of the following is most correct?

A- HIV is not related to SIV because Humans did not evolve from chimps
B- HIV evolved multiple times from SIV
C- Since humans are more evolved than chimps, HIV is more evolved than SIV
D- HIV M evolved from HIV O

Question 38

The image below shows evidence from a RFLP analysis from your DNA forensics lab. The defendant testified that the blood on his clothes was his own. What statement below best fits this testimony.

A- He has a valid point because some of the lines seem to match up.
B- It could have been anyone’s blood.
C- He is telling the truth because he is under oath
D- The pattern clearly shows that the blood matches the victims blood
E- There is no way to tell if the blood really is his because it had already dried

Question 41

What is the approximate probability of someone else having the same STR Profile as the one in this figure:

Use the table below to calculate the probability.
Locus Allele Frequency
D3S1358 12 0.015
D3S1358 13 0.015
D3S1358 14 0.1341
D3S1358 15 0.2896
D3S1358 16 0.2287
D3S1358 17 0.1616
D3S1358 18 0.1616
D3S1358 19 0.0152

VWA 12 0.015
VWA 14 0.1311
VWA 15 0.1189
VWA 16 0.186
VWA 17 0.2774
VWA 18 0.189
VWA 19 0.0884
VWA 20 0.015

FGA 18 0.015
FGA 19 0.061
FGA 20 0.125
FGA 21 0.1799
FGA 22 0.2287
FGA 23 0.1311
FGA 24 0.1463
FGA 25 0.0945
FGA 26 0.0183
FGA 27 0.015

A- 39 out of 10,000
B- 12 out of 1000
C- 12 out of a billion
D- 39 out of 1,000,000 people

Question 3

What is the difference between discovery science and hypothesis-driven science?

A- Discovery science involves predictions about outcomes, whereas hypothesis-driven science involves tentative answers to specific questions.
B- Discovery science is based on deductive reasoning, whereas hypothesis-driven science is based on inductive reasoning.
C- Discovery science “discovers” new knowledge, whereas hypothesis-driven science does not.
D- There is no difference between them.
E- Discovery science is mostly about describing nature, whereas hypothesis-driven science tries to explain nature.

Question 4

Aside from Natural selection, Darwin was the first biologist to propose:

A- Mutations in the genes can lead to new variation
B- genetic inheritance, stonger genes in parents lead to stronger genes in the offspring
C- Tree like structure to describe evolution
D- Darwin did not propose anything new aside from natural selection.
E- The evolution of species over time

Question 6

Which of these would Darwin not agree with:

A- The idea that individuals striving to survive leads to better adapted species
B- Evolution via natural selection requires long amounts of time
C- Common ancestry for all of life
D- Significant weight should be given to geology and fossils as evidence of evolution

Question 8

Natural selection always results in ______.

A- an increase in the size of a population
B- increased genetic variation
C- offspring better adapted to a future environment
D- a decrease in the size of a population
E- offspring better adapted to their parents’ environment than were their parents

Question 11

Which of the following is a characteristic of a non-trivial organization system?

A- Only experts in the field would be able to understand it
B- You get more out of it than what you put in it.
C- Tradition trumps new evidence
D- Organized alphabetically
Question 15

For the following questions, determine the ones that can be addressed by Science.

A- How old is the Earth?
B- What morphological characteristics were likely present in the common ancestor of humans and chimps?
C- Why was the Earth created?
D- How does coffee affect ulcers?
E- Are humans most closely related to chimpanzees?

Question 24

Identify each scenario as either a pre-zygotic or post-zygotic barrier to reproduction:

A- Populations never come into contact with each other
B- Offspring fail to reproduce
C- Male and female gametes fail to unite in fertilization.
D- Mating behaviors are not recognized by different organisms
E- Embryos are inviable and do not survive more than a few days
F- Genitalia structures are far too different to allow successful copulation

Question 25

Match the following species concept with one of its disadvantages.

A- Biological species concept
B- Phylogenetic species concept
C- Morphological species concept

Question 26

Which of the following are evidences that evolution has occurred (Mark all that apply): Choose at least one answer.
A- All of the different varieties of dogs that were artificially selected
B- Relatively young earth – less than 10 thousand years.
C- The fossil record
D- Adaptations acquired during life passed on to offspring
E- ack of homology among organisms
F- Marsupial radiation
G- All organisms share the same four DNA nucleotides (A T G C)
H- modern interpretation of the bible
I- Existence of vestigial organs
J- Humans evolving from modern day chimpanzee

Question 28

Mark all that apply: Which of the following is the equivalent to branching points on phylogenetic trees?

A- Speciation events
B- Nodes
C- Branches
D- Common ancestors
E- Internodes

Question 25

Which of the following best describes an enzyme?

A- They lower the amount of energy present in the substrate.
B- They lower the energy of activation of a reaction by binding the substrate.
C- They raise the energy of activation of a reaction by binding the substrate.
D- They heat up the reactants so that reactions occur at a greater speed.

Question 35

A pair of sex chromosomes found in a human male is most like

A- identical twins.
B- a pair of blue jeans.
C- a bride and groom.
D- a knife, fork, and spoon.

Question 46

What are the three main ingredients in photosynthesis?

A- Nitrogen
B- Carbon dioxide
C- Simple sugars
D- Oxygen
E- Light
G- Water

How does gene regulation involving the trp repressor protein differ from what you observed with the lac repressor in the previous lesson?

  1. How does gene regulation involving the trp repressor protein differ from what you observed with the lac repressor in the previous lesson? (2 points)
  2. Based on your understanding of gene regulation in the cell and the function of the trp operon, describe how this process would be affected if there was a mutation in the operator region so that the operator could not carry out its function. (4 points)
  3. What would be the result in this process of a genetic mutation that altered the shape of the trp repressor protein? (4 points)