Part I Understanding Station Models

Part I Understanding Station Models

A station model is a way to depict surface weather station data in a compact way so that it fits on a weather map. This data usually includes, temperature, dewpoint, wind speed and direction, sea level pressure, and cloud cover. They sometimes include some other data as well.

Go through the tutorial below that introduces station models, and how to decode them. Click “Next Page” to access all pages of the tutorial. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

There are two confusing points I want to go over before we practice our skills.

First, is how to decode pressure readings. The coded pressure on the station model will always be missing the leading 9 or 10. To figure out which, we can use the 500 rule. If the coded pressure is less than 500, then we tack on a 10 to the front. If the coded pressure is greater than 500 we tack on a 9. In both cases, we also move the decimal point over, one position to the left. Here are some examples:

Coded pressure=103; Station pressure=1010.3 mb

Coded pressure=972; Station pressure=997.2 mb

The other tricky point is wind direction. In meteorology, we always discuss the wind as the direction it is coming FROM. So, a wind coming from the southwest and going toward the northeast is considered a southwesterly (SW) wind. On the station model you can consider the wind graphic as the tail to the arrow, and the tail to the arrow is in the direction the wind is coming from, and it is going toward the center of the station model.

To decode the wind we can imagine that the station model is on a map. On the map, north is above, east is to the right, south is below, and west is to the left. So, if the wind graphic is to the bottom left of the center of the station model, then the wind is from the southwest.

To practice what you have learned, go through the Practice Exercises on the tutorial (note, java is needed to see the exercises): (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. OR (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Finally, let’s look at some station models on an actual weather map. Navigate to the NCAR Real-time Weather Page: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Click “Surface” to access surface data.

On the map, click on “WMC.”

You are now looking at a plot of weather data from surface stations in the western U.S.

Right click (or ctrl-click) and save the image. When submitting the assignment, upload the image along with your other files.


Part II Reading Weather Maps

Now we will learn to read some of the other important parts of weather maps.

The first important component of a weather map are isolines. Isolines are lines of constant value on a weather map. There are different kinds of isolines.

Isobars are lines of constant pressure.

Isotachs are lines of constant wind speed.

Isotherms are lines of constant temperature.

There, are also numerous others. Some of you may be familiar with topographic maps, where the lines indicate lines of constant elevation. Those are another example of isolines.

To see some examples of isolines, navigate to the NCAR Real-time Weather Page: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Click on “Upper-Air.” This will bring us to the data that is collected from rawindsondes (also known as weather balloons).

Across from “including contours,” click on “500 mb.”

You should get a map that includes isolines for the height of the 500 mb pressure surface (black lines) as well as isotherms of temperature at 500 mb (blue dotted lines). Relative humidity above 70% is indicated by green coloring.

Right click (or ctrl-click) and save the image. When submitting the assignment, upload the image along with your other files.


Watch the following video that reviews isolines, introduces fronts (which we will be focusing on later in this course), and discusses how isolines are related to wind.

How to Read Weather Maps (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. How to Read Weather Maps


Part III Station Models, Weather, and Pressure Maps Activity

Complete the following activity. You can submit your answers in a word file. To add your answers over the graphics inserting a text box will be useful. To add a line to the 500mb map (Q4) you can insert shapes. You will likely need to use your textbook as reference for the activity.




If you have questions about the assignment, please send me a message or start a discussion on Canvas.

Part I: Productivity Metrics

Part I: Productivity Metrics

As a first step in your consulting engagement, you review Ron’s experience in the ER. Using information from the case study, evaluate Ron’s experience and summarize your findings against national standards as follows: (4 pages)

· Identify 10 activities or processes carried out during Ron’s visit to United General. Enter the 10 activities or processes and their duration in the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

· Write an analysis of activities and processes that create inefficiency as follows:

· Identify five activities or processes that create inefficiency in the emergency department.

· Provide a rationale for your selection of the five activities or processes.

· Identify any discrepancies and outline reasons why discrepancies exist.

· Write an analysis of how inefficiencies reflect national averages as follows:

· Use benchmarks determined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to identify the national averages for the five selected activities or processes.

· Enter the national benchmarks in the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

· Include the sources for all data in the sources tab in the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

· Write an analysis of acceptable differentials for each activity as follows:

· Determine an acceptable differential to the national benchmark for each activity or process and enter the differentials into the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

· Explain the methodology you used to determine acceptable differentials for each of the metrics for these five activities. (2 pages)

Part II: Balanced Scorecard Methodology

The next step in your consulting engagement is creating a balanced scorecard but, first, you must convince the executive committee that the balanced scorecard method is effective. Several members of the executive committee are not familiar with the process. An important part of your role is to educate them. You decide to show them a sample balanced scorecard for an emergency department.

Create a 8-slide presentation that explains the balanced scorecard methodology, including its strengths and limitations, and the benefits of using the balanced scorecard methodology in United General Hospital’s emergency department.

Part III: Balanced Scorecard Creation

After you explain the balanced scorecard methodology, the board and chief executive officer (CEO) wants you to create a 6 page balanced scorecard for the emergency department at United General.

· Create a balanced scorecard for United General’s emergency department. Include both quantitative and qualitative metrics. (1 page)

· Explain why you selected these metrics for United General and how you identified the targets. (3 pages)

Part IV: Balanced Scorecard Presentation

Now that the balanced scorecard is created, compile the productivity measures identified in the United General Emergency Department and create a 17 slide presentation for the executive committee with productivity recommendations. Include the following:

· An explanation and defense of best practices used for collecting data for a productivity metrics dashboard

· An explanation and defense of best practices used for analyzing and acting on the data

· An explanation and critique of United General Hospital’s productivity metrics results (from Part I) and any limitations of the current data collection process and/or metrics being used

· Recommendations for a high-level process to collect, track, and measure data for the metrics that represent United General’s emergency department’s productivity

As a first step in your consulting engagement, you review Ron’s experience in the ER. Using information from the case study, evaluate Ron’s experience and summarize your findings against national standards as follows: (4 pages)

· Identify 10 activities or processes carried out during Ron’s visit to United General. Enter the 10 activities or processes and their duration in the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

· Write an analysis of activities and processes that create inefficiency as follows:

· Identify five activities or processes that create inefficiency in the emergency department.

· Provide a rationale for your selection of the five activities or processes.

· Identify any discrepancies and outline reasons why discrepancies exist.

· Write an analysis of how inefficiencies reflect national averages as follows:

· Use benchmarks determined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to identify the national averages for the five selected activities or processes.

· Enter the national benchmarks in the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

· Include the sources for all data in the sources tab in the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

· Write an analysis of acceptable differentials for each activity as follows:

· Determine an acceptable differential to the national benchmark for each activity or process and enter the differentials into the “Productivity Metrics Dashboard.”

· Explain the methodology you used to determine acceptable differentials for each of the metrics for these five activities. (2 pages)

Part II: Balanced Scorecard Methodology

The next step in your consulting engagement is creating a balanced scorecard but, first, you must convince the executive committee that the balanced scorecard method is effective. Several members of the executive committee are not familiar with the process. An important part of your role is to educate them. You decide to show them a sample balanced scorecard for an emergency department.

Create a 8-slide presentation that explains the balanced scorecard methodology, including its strengths and limitations, and the benefits of using the balanced scorecard methodology in United General Hospital’s emergency department.

Part III: Balanced Scorecard Creation

After you explain the balanced scorecard methodology, the board and chief executive officer (CEO) wants you to create a 6 page balanced scorecard for the emergency department at United General.

· Create a balanced scorecard for United General’s emergency department. Include both quantitative and qualitative metrics. (1 page)

· Explain why you selected these metrics for United General and how you identified the targets. (3 pages)

Part IV: Balanced Scorecard Presentation

Now that the balanced scorecard is created, compile the productivity measures identified in the United General Emergency Department and create a 17 slide presentation for the executive committee with productivity recommendations. Include the following:

· An explanation and defense of best practices used for collecting data for a productivity metrics dashboard

· An explanation and defense of best practices used for analyzing and acting on the data

· An explanation and critique of United General Hospital’s productivity metrics results (from Part I) and any limitations of the current data collection process and/or metrics being used

· Recommendations for a high-level process to collect, track, and measure data for the metrics that represent United General’s emergency department’s productivity

Assignment 2: Stakeholder Analysis 

Assignment 2: Stakeholder Analysis 

Write a five to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

(Note: Refer to Review Question 8 located at the end of Chapter 3 for criteria 1-3. Select two (2) editorials / essays / columns (by staff or freelance writers) on a current issue of public policy from two (2) different publications (large metropolitan or national newspaper such as Washington Post or the New York Times or national magazines such as Newsweek, Time, and The New Republic.)

Visit the online library at to read these titles.

1.  Apply the procedures for argumentation analysis (located in Chapter 8) to display contending positions and underlying assumptions for the content of Review Question 8.

2.  Determine which arguments are the most plausible. Provide a rationale for your views.

(Note: Refer to Demonstration Exercise 1 located at the end of Chapter 3 for criteria 4-6. Examine Box 3.0 – Conducting a Stakeholder Analysis. Choose one of the following policy issues in the U.S.: gun control, illegal drugs, medical insurance fraud, and environmental protection of waterways, job creation, affordable health care, or Medicare.)

3.  Apply the procedures for stakeholder analysis to generate a list of at least five to ten (5-10) stakeholders who affect or are affected by problems in the issue area chosen for analysis. (Note: Refer to the textbook for a step-by-step process on stakeholder analysis.)

4.  After creating a cumulative frequency distribution from the list, discuss new ideas generated by each stakeholder. (Note: The ideas may be objectives, alternatives, outcomes causes, etc.; ideas should not be duplicates.) Refer to the following video for a reminder on how to calculate cumulative relative frequency:

5.  Write an analysis of the results of the frequency distribution that answers the following questions: (a) Does the line graph flatten out? (b) If so, after how many stakeholders? (c) What conclusions can be drawn about the policy problems in the issue area?

6.  Appropriately incorporate at least four (4) quality sources. A quality source can be either grey literature, such as a news article, or scholarly, such as peer reviewed works. In the case of public administration, government websites are appropriate quality resources. Note: Wikipedia, SparkNotes, and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Visit the Strayer University Library at to conduct research.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

·  Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

·  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

·  Evaluate policy outcomes using a variety of methods and techniques.



  1. According to the presentations, “docetics,” from the Greek word meaning “to seem,” denied the full humanity of Christ arguing that he only “seemed” to be human.
  2. According to the presentations, the theory that the Johannine writings are the product of a “Johannine community” of disciples of the apostle John is attributed to
  3. According to the presentations, the millennial reign of Christ is mentioned in every chapter of the book of Revelation.
  4. According to Elwell, both Peter and Paul likely were martyred during the persecution of Christians by the Roman emperor Domitian.
  5. According to the presentations, 1 Peter 3:17-20 is alluded to in which ancient creed?
  6. According to the presentations, the message of the book of Revelation is “in the end, God wins!”
  7. According to the presentations, none of the Johannine Epistles employs the dualistic imagery of the Gospel of John, such as light/dark, truth/lies, etc.
  8. According to Elwell, an important idea in 1 Peter is the concept of the Christian as pilgrim in this world.
  9. According to the presentations, Gnostics tended to treat the body in one of two ways: asceticism or libertinism.
  10. According to Elwell, 1 Peter claims to have been written from “Babylon,” likely a code word for Rome.
  11. According to Elwell, which of John’s letters is addressed to a certain “Gaius?”
  12. According to Elwell, John likely died on the island of Patmos.
  13. According to Elwell, the most likely date for the book of Revelation is during the persecution of the Emperor Nero.
  14. According to the presentations, some scholars believe 1 Peter 3:17-20 to be an early baptismal formula which pictures Christ, during the three days in the grave, descending into hell to preach to the disobedient spirits in Noah’s day.
  15. According to Elwell, universalism is the view that ultimately everything and everyone will be saved, even Satan, his angels, and demons.
  16. According to Elwell, which of John’s writings resembles more a small treatise or tract?
  17. According to Elwell, in the book of Revelation, John’s favorite expression to describe Jesus is “the Lamb.”
  18. According to the presentations, the denial of the return of Christ and the final judgment led false teachers in 2 Peter to advocate for unrestrained freedom.
  19. According to the presentations, which of the following is not one of the interpretive approaches applied to the book of Revelation?
  20. According to Elwell, the images John used in the book of Revelation would have been just as unfamiliar to the people of his day as to us.


NBST 515 Exam 1

NBST 515 Exam 2

NBST 515 Exam 3

NBST 515 Exam 4

a way to explain adolescent involvement in delinquency is through;

According to Erich Goode, a way to explain adolescent involvement in delinquency is through:
Answer    social learning theory
failure to fit into conventional society
inadequate child-parent relationships
social bond theory
Over the past 15 years, the number of females arrested for violent crimes has increased ____ percent.
Answer    15

Infanticide is primarily committed by members of a child’s family using ____.
Answer    poison
hands or feet

6 points
In 2005, the U.SHistorically, which of the following was not handled by the juvenile court?
Answer    neglected children
hate crimes
status offenses

. Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty for offenders under the age of 18 at the time they committed their crime:
Answer    could continue as it is in line with the Stubborn Child Law of the Constitution
violates the Eighth Amendment
is acceptable to the general public and, therefore, constitutional
violates the principle of parens patriae

Once a juvenile is detained and a petition is filed, a hearing must be scheduled within:
Answer    24 hours
48-72 hours
85-120 hours
1 week

When a juvenile is suspected of committing a crime, police have the discretion to:
Answer    release the child and report the contact
interrogate or search the child
turn the child over to their parents under the promise of punishment
both A and B are correct

Most youth tend to pick friends who are like themselves. The term that describes this process is called_________.
Answer    homophily

According to criminologist Ko-lin Chin, Chinese gang activity is dominated by:
Answer    fighting over turf
accumulating money
doing drugs
organizing prostitution rings
The Rochester Youth Development Study found that gang members accounted for _____ percent of the serious delinquent acts in the community.
Answer    10
nearly 40
more than 85

Some risk factors associated with gang membership include:
Answer    poverty
failure in school
prior violence
increased drug use
all of the above are correct

Latchkey children are those who:
Answer    regularly pick the locks on their neighbor’s homes
have been abandoned at home by work-oriented parents
regularly care for themselves without adult supervision after school or on weekends
have highly authoritarian parents
In a study of the relationship between religiosity and delinquency, Travis Hirschi and Rodney Stark found that:
Answer    religious adolescents had lower rates of delinquency
religious adolescents had higher rates of delinquency
atheist adolescents had lower rates of delinquency than religious adolescents
there was no relationship between religiosity and delinquency
According to Russell Hill and Frank Stafford, one way mothers compensate for being in the paid labor force full-time is by:
Answer    spending more money on their children
cutting down on their own sleep and leisure time
taking time off from work to be with their children
spending more time with their children on weekends
According to Bruce Chadwick and Brent Top, the more _____ a person is, the less likely he or she will participate in delinquent or criminal behaviors.
Answer    ethical
financially secure
According to the most recent Indicators of School Crime and Safety report, children were ___ times more likely to be murdered away from school than at school.
Answer    5


Children are ____ times more likely to be murdered away from school than at school.
Answer 16


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in _____, that school officials may legally search students and their lockers without consent.
Answer    Thompson v. Carthage School District
New Jersey v. T.L.O.
Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette


Research has found that schools with zero-tolerance policies are _____ orderly and secure than schools, which use a case-by-case approach.
Answer    significantly more
significantly less
no more
no less


Peers offer each other a sense of which of the following?
Answer acceptance
all of the above are correct


Which one of the following is not a risk factor for very early childhood and delinquency?
Answer    maternal smoking
parent incarceration
exposure to lead


Impoverished neighborhoods often are characterized by which of the following?
Answer    high rates of self-employment
inadequate education systems
strong social support networks
both B and C are correct


The most effective prevention programs are aimed at children in:
Answer    the earliest stages of life
preschool and kindergarten
run-down neighborhoods
early Head Start program


The numerous early prevention programs conducted since the 1970’s have concluded that:

A _____ approach to the drug problem involves using a public health model to reduce the risks and consequences of using illicit drugs.

Determine the major impacts of risk that the team needs to understand for the project to be successful

  1. Suggest the issues that could have developed had the team not had a risk plan. Determine the major impacts of risk that the team needs to understand for the project to be successful.
  2. Justify the value of risk plan considering the time, effort, cost, and resources it took to develop such a plan. If you were the project manager, recommend the approach that you would take to ensure the project met the critical path identified.
  3. Assess how to determine the level of risk management appropriate for a project.
  4. Imagine the team working on the satellite development project was a virtual team in which team members were unable to meet in person. Explain the expected impact on the project, and suggest two (2) ways the team could maintain its current goal in both planning and execution.
  5. Use at least four (4) quality academic (peer-reviewed) resources in this assignment.
 Your assignment must:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Chapter 10 start on page 268 and you have to scroll to the end of chapter for the case study.