iHuman case study help for Patricia Doyle

iHuman case study help for Patricia Doyle

Subsystem: Politics & Government

Subsystem: Politics & Government

Assignment Instructions

· Review the following resources:

· Course textbook and/or other assigned readings

· Review social determinants of health

· Meet with Mayor Hill to get some information about city politics

· Enter Sentinel City® (SC) and begin the bus tour.

· As you tour your selected community, note signs that indicate political activity and community involvement in government at the local level or the lack thereof. Compare your selected SC community to SC in general.

· What did you observe that has a negative influence on the health of this community, which can be addressed by additions or changes in local government policies?

· Using an evidence-based approach, develop two policy recommendations to present to the mayor.

· For questions, contact your instructor.

Learning Objectives

· Identify signs of political involvement in a community

· Identify conditions in a community that can have a negative influence on health

· Describe the health impact of negative characteristics of a community that can be improved by political advocacy

· Create policy recommendations that address a social determinant of health

· Use current literature and data to provide rationale for policy recommendations

Subsystem: Politics & Government

Local politics and government policies impact conditions that influence the health status of people. For this assignment, identify two conditions you observed that can have a negative influence on health, which can be addressed by the local government. Develop two policy recommendations to present to Mayor Hill that address conditions you identified that can negatively affect the overall health of a community.

Indications of political involvement Observed: Not observed:
Policy Recommendations:
Identify two observations in the city that can have a negative influence on the health of a community #1 #2
Related social determinant(s) health
Population most likely impacted
Policy recommendation
Evidence based rationale with statistical data. Citations and a reference page are required

Negative condition substandard and lack of affordable housing in neighborhoods with larger percentage of low-income families and minority populations.

Social determinant of health(identify)

Housing Policy Recommendation: Improve access to affordable housing by providing sliding scale housing units for minority populations and low-income persons and families.

Population most likely impacted: Hispanics, African- Americans, as well as the homeless population in Sentinel City®.

Evidence-based rationale: According to the U.S. Census Bureau 2015 Household survey, 20% of African-Americans and 41% of Hispanics live in households below 200 percent of the federal poverty level, compared with 8% of whites.

Assignment: Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies


Assignment: Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies.

Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists and others have then benefited from consulting existing research to inform their thinking.

In this Assignment, you will review existing research focused on the application of clinical systems. After reviewing, you will summarize your findings.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
  • Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”
  • Identify and select 5 peer-reviewed articles from your research.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify the 5 peer-reviewed articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.
  • Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.

Chapter 19: Nursing Management of Pregnancy at Risk: Pregnancy-Related Complications

Chapter 19: Nursing Management of Pregnancy at Risk: Pregnancy-Related Complications

Case 1

Teresa is a 36-year-old primigravida who is expecting twins. She is 26 weeks pregnant. She stays after your “What to Expect with Twins” class to talk to you. Although Teresa is a nurse, she has many questions and concerns. Her twins are a result of years of trying to get pregnant and in vitro fertilization. She is nervous about whether she will have a vaginal delivery or a cesarean section. She is worried about having the babies prematurely. She wants you to tell her everything that could go wrong so she can be prepared

1. Why is Teresa’s pregnancy considered a high-risk pregnancy

Incorrect answer.

Teresa’s pregnancy is considered high risk pregnancy because most of IVF pregnancies require induced labor or caesarean section.

Also, most babies conceived through IVF are born prematurely or with a low birth weight. Incorrect.. there is a higher incidence of preterm birth due to multiple gestation, IVF itself does not increase the risk factor IVF increases the risk of Down syndrome as well. Incorrect as IVF allows for early genetic testing.

2.    Discuss potential pregnancy-related complications for Teresa.

What else?

Some of the potential pregnancy –related complications for Teresa are late miscarriage,  She is 26 weeks pregnant.. this is no longer a complication.

ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome, She is 26 weeks pregnant.. this is no longer a complication.

This is for IVF not the pregnancy

high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, premature delivery, low birth weight,

birth defects,  Fetal not maternal

and stress.

3.    Discuss the potential risks to the babies.

You only discuss problems of prematurity.. what else?

The babies are at a higher risk of being born with breathing problems because mostly twins who are conceived through in vitro fertilization are born prematurely and therefore it means that their respiratory system and organs like lungs are not fully developed. They are also at risk of jaundice or sepsis.

Case 2

 Sarah is 19-year-old G1P0 at 36 weeks’ gestation. Sarah has been followed weekly in the clinic for mild–moderate preeclampsia. At her clinic appointment today, Sarah’s blood pressure reading was 188/104. She is admitted to the antepartum unit for management of her worsening preeclampsia. You perform her admission assessment and note that her reflexes are brisk, her heart rate is 94, she complains of having an intense headache, and is seeing spots before her eyes. You perform an abdominal assessment and note that she has significant epigastric tenderness. (Learning Objective 5)

1.    Develop a plan of care for the woman experiencing preeclampsia, eclampsia, and HELLP syndrome.

this is a definition not a care plan

The best way to treat Sarah for preeclampsia is to deliver the baby because at 36 weeks’ gestation, the baby is full grown and it will be safer to deliver the baby and avoid further complications. In some cases, this condition may continue after delivery. So if this happens with Sarah, then she will be given intravenous medication to prevent seizures and control blood pressure. Eclampsia can also be managed by delivering the baby. However, before the process of delivering the baby, immediate medical attention is required to treat the blood pressure levels, and stop the seizures. She will be given magnesium sulfate to stop the seizures and also prevent seizures in the future. Also, she will be given antihypertensive medications to stabilize the blood pressure (Plante & Ryan, 2020). HELLP syndrome will also be managed by delivering the baby.


N4465 Care of Vulnerable Populations


Modules 1-3 (Weeks 1 – 3) Assignment Template

Use of the Three-Part Course Template

● The use of the three-part template to submit weekly Major Course Paper Assignments goes as follows:

● Week 2: Statistical Analysis of Community Health Problem. Complete the Second Section of the course template and submit. (Keep this section attached to Weeks 1 and 3 assignments.)

● Module 2 (Week 2) Part Two: Statistical Analysis of Community Health Problem

Please complete the following information on this template. If you do not use this template there will be a 10-point grade penalty per assignment, and you will be required to resubmit within 48 hrs. You may increase the size of the block by continuing to type. Use as much space as necessary to provide your answers

Name of Community or Zip Code: 11235

Instructions: Enter your response in each category marked below. Provide objective, statistical support for your subjective findings.

● Include all the data listed in the Objective Data Criteria listed below.

● Add supplemental data as needed for your community.

● All statistical data must be reported in NARRATIVE form only. Tables and graphs will not be accepted.

● Compare objective data for your community with local (city), state, and national data.

You may increase the size of the block by continuing to type. Use as much space as necessary to provide your answers

General Objective Data Criteria for the Community-at-Large

1. Demographics: Total population; age distribution; gender distribution; family characteristics (single parent, multi-family, etc.). Remember compare objective data for your community with local (city), state, and national data. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

2. Racial/Ethnic Characteristics: Remember compare objective data for your community with local (city), state, and national data. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

3. Economy: poverty rate, unemployment rates, median income. Remember compare objective data for your community with local (city), state, and national data. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

4. Education: High school completion rates; higher education statistics. Remember compare objective data for your community with local (city), state, and national data. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

5. Identify two Morbidity and Mortality/Risk Problems: (Based on your observations from Week 1 subjective assignment, windshield survey and key informants provide Morbidity, Mortality (M&M) and risk data for your community… Example 1: if you observed obesity in your community then present obesity rates and health conditions associated with obesity [i.e. CVD, HD, Depression, etc.). Example 2: smoking/drinking rates and health conditions associated with smoking [i.e. Lung Cancer, COPD, etc]. These variables may include the following: gender (who does this problem affect the most, men or women); age distribution; ethnicity or racial group(s) mostly-affected; morbidity and mortality rates; any data related to life-expectancy in light of the health issues; is there a geographic area where the health problems mainly exist; is there a relationship between the health issue(s) and environmental health hazards; are these life-threatening health issues? Remember compare objective data for your community with local (city), state, and national data. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

6. Other data as needed (air, water quality, crimes rates). Remember compare objective data for your community with local (city), state, and national data. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

Analysis of Data

1. Based on your subjective and objective review of your findings, what conclusions have you arrived at? Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

· What impressions from your subjective observations were unfounded/invalid?

· Given the objective data , what impressions were validated/substantiated?

· What cause-and-effect relationships did you discover/identify?

2. Problem Analysis for Community/Zip Code:

Problem: List two (2) problems within your community (for example, Infant Malnutrition, CVD, Lung Cancer, Obesity, Alcoholism, Violence) NOTE: These problems need to be something the Community Health Nurse can impact (for example, a CHN cannot build a sidewalk, repair a street, implement a new bus route, etc.). Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

1. ____________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________

Select one of these problems and complete the Problem Analysis chart

Problem Correlates* Relationship of Correlate to Problem Data Supportive of Relationship +
Ex. Inadequate diet

Ex. Diets lacking in required nutrients contribute to malnutrition

Ex. All infants and children seen at the local Public Health Clinic are referred to the nutritionist because of poor diets (X.Y. personal communication, date). Of infants measured, 60% were in the lower percent for their weight/height (X report, date).

*These are factors that contribute to problem and outcomes.

+ Refer to appropriate sections of the database and relevant research of the findings in current literature. Data in the third column could be local, state, or national statistics.

3. Community Health Nursing Diagnoses:

Based on your subjective and objective assessment findings above for both Weeks 1 and 2, write TWO priority community health nursing diagnoses.

You must use this format for correctly writing a CH nursing diagnosis (do NOT use NANDA): *RISK OF AMONG RELATED TO

Health *Risk/problem of (specific injury, illness, or potential of, complication of, etc) Among (specific population) Related to (supporting evidence from your assessment findings).

· Your CHN Diagnoses MUST be something that a community/public health nurse can do something about. See example below.

· Note: Poverty is NOT a CHN diagnosis.

· Remember do NOT use NANDA Nursing Diagnoses.

For example: Risk of asthma complications among children in SE Dallas County related to observations of overcrowded living conditions, lack of public transportation (may result in inability to access health care), high number of animals observed living in homes, poverty indications (may result in lack of access to medications).

Community Health Nursing Diagnosis #1

Community Health Nursing Diagnosis #2


Module 3 (Week 3) Part Three: Community Health Nursing Intervention

Directions: Please complete the following information on this template. If you do not use this template there will be a 10- point grade penalty per assignment, and you will be required to resubmit within 48 hrs. You may increase the size of the block by continuing to type. Use as much space as necessary to provide your answers

Introduction: Purpose of the paper, synopsis of community, two CHN diagnoses with supporting evidence, for example, observations, reports from Key Informants and Statistical data. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

Based on the 2 CHN Diagnoses you developed in Assignment 2 or modified, select ONE problem and develop a CH Nursing intervention. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

1. CHN Diagnosis/Problem you selected:

2. Why did you select this problem? Provide your rational for selecting this problem in 1-2 comprehensive paragraphs (Consider the problem priority criterion on page 417 Box 18-5). Provide supporting community and scientific/authoritative evidence, for example, Healthy People 2020, CDC, AHA, other. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.

3. Identify two (2) Goals. For example, goals indicate where you want to go.

Then, identify two to three (2-3) objectives per goal. For example, objectives should indicate how you plan to get there, or how you plan to accomplish the goal(s).

Goal 1:

1. Objective:

2. Objective:

3. Objective:

Goal 2:

1. Objective:

2. Objective:

3. Objective:

4. Intervention Objectives Timeline

Under Interventions you should have an intervention for EACH objective you list (if you have 4 objectives then you should list 4 interventions; if you have 6 objectives (3 for each goal), then 6 interventions). You can insert rows into that table to accommodate if needed. If one intervention addressed more than one objective, you must make it clear in your paper. See the example in the table.

Present Date Objective( Number and Statement) Anticipated Completion Date
Enter Date Ex. Eighty-percent (80%) of infants seen by health department, neighborhood health center, and private physicians will have developmental levels assessed. Enter Date

Refer to textbook for additional examples.

5. Plan of Intervention and Evaluation

Date Intervention Activities Responsible Agency/Person Evaluation Measures Target Date of Completion
Enter start date. Ex. Community Health Nurse identifies and trains lay advisors in community as case finders Ex. Community Health Nurse


Ex. • Lay advisors will be able to verbally describe case-finding methods to CHN

• Number of new WIC cases will be tracked by CHN on monthly basis for 1 year to determine if goal of 80% has been met

Ex. Lay advisor training completed by

enter date of estimated completion.

Summary/Conclusion: Summarize your assessment findings, your proposed community health nursing intervention, and the community public health outcomes that you anticipate as a result of the intervention. This can be one or two brief paragraphs. Remember to cite sources as appropriate.


Assignment: Experiential Versus Narrative Family Therapies

Assignment: Experiential Versus Narrative Family Therapies

Although experiential therapy and narrative  therapy are both used in family therapy, these therapeutic approaches have many differences in theory and application. As you assess families and develop treatment plans, you must consider these differences and their potential impact on clients. For this Assignment, you compare Experiential and Narrative Family Therapy.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Compare experiential family therapy to narrative family therapy

· Justify recommendations for family therapy

To prepare:

· Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on experiential and family therapies.

The Assignment

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

· Summarize the key points of both experiential family therapy and narrative family therapy.

· Compare experiential family therapy to narrative family therapy, noting the strengths and weakness of each.

· Provide a description of a family that you think experiential family therapy would be appropriate, explain why, and justify your response using the Learning Resources.

Note: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.

Part 2: Family Genogram

Develop a genogram for the client family you selected. The genogram should extend back at least three generations (parents, grandparents, and great grandparents).